Driver to drive?

"John Fields" <> schreef in bericht
On Tue, 2 Nov 2004 12:12:51 +0100, "Frank Bemelman"> wrote:

That's exactly how it is. It's not a matter of Kerry being the
solution to everything, which he is not, and nobody is, but what
counts is to get that disgusting piece of shit named Bush out of
office and preferably behind bars. Or cut into pieces and fed
to the dogs.

Is that you, Lee Harvey Bemelman?
No, you don't understand. It's strong figurative language.

Theo van Gogh, a brilliant Dutch cineast and writer, sort of
our version of Michael Moore, was a great master of figurative
language. I say 'was' because he was killed this morning.
I guess by someone who didn't understand him either.

Thanks, Frank.
(remove 'x' and 'invalid' when replying by email)
"Jim Yanik" <> wrote in message
news:Xns9594C9BA33A6Ajyanikkuanet@ (Ken Smith) wrote in

In article <>,
Tom Seim <> wrote:
There have been claims on SED that Kerry has never admitted to
committing atrocities in Vietnam.

I don't think I ever said that. I said he never said that he
committed war crimes. There is a huge difference, because the word
atrocities covers a lot of things that are not war crimes, doubly so
when it is being used in common language and not in a legal sense.
Since he said "thousands of other soldiers", we know that he means
something that happened a lot. Since we don't know the full context
of this question from this video, we must refer to other information
to see what specific actions he means. It is obvious that he is
refering to actions he regrets and that they are common actions. It
is also clear that he does not mean war crimes.

No,Kerry claimed that all Us soldiers were war criminals.He clearly
that his atrocities were the same as what other war criminals committed.
You are just trying to WEASEL it to mean other than what Kerry meant.

Perhaps like Kerry's "nuancing".
You mean like "Clinton-Speak", that depends on what you mean "is" is.

Atrocities = war crimes.
That was the entire point of Kerry's Winter Soldier testimony.

Suggesting anything else is dishonest.

Is that clear enough for you?

Well here is the transcript from
Kerry's appearance on "Meet the Press". You decide for yourself:

(Videotape, April 18, 1971):

MR. KERRY: There are all kinds of atrocities, and I would have to say
that, yes, yes, I committed the same kind of atrocities as thousands
of other soldiers have committed.

(End videotape)

Jim Yanik
John Larkin wrote:

I know more than a few people who are frustrated to the point of so much
anxiety, depression, and distraction over the election and four more
years of Bush that they need therapy. I have never in my life seen this
level of discontent over a Presidential election. There is a very
serious and large scale problem here.

You really should get out more.

We went out for coffee and pastries this morning (in San Francisco). A
guy walked in and the lady behind the counter said "How are you
today?" and he said he was beginning to get over his depression.
Others chimed in; I kept quiet.

This is funny:
.... and sad. Politics may be everywhere, but it isn't everything.

Mike Page.
"Reg Edwards" <> wrote in message
Dear Paul,

Like your contemporaries and products of the educational system, you
over-complicate matters. Looking in advance for problems where none
exist. Which signifies a degree of lack in self-confidence.

Who needs Kirchoff and the other theorem writers? Myself I've hardly ever
heard of Kirchoff except in these newsgroups. If you want to convince me
a technical argument, quoting Kirchoff or Terman is wasted effort. I doubt
if it convinces others.

When was the last time Kirchoff or Terman ever solve one of your (or
else's) genuine PRACTICAL problems?

Things worked out OK for me. But then, I take a different viewpoint -
self-educated. Beyond reading and writing up to the age of 14 I am not a
product of the 40-years debased UK technical educational system.

I'm sure you appreciate I have not the slightest ill-will against your
only-to-be-expected views. But you may wish to take into account that I
just consumed a bottle of cheap plonk - a claret.

Ah, if only politicians could maintain such an amicable degree of accord
instead of just calling each other names for the presidential
to automatically repeat.
Reg, G4FGQ

Geez mate, a Pom, a claret and a keyboard! Slap my dingo with a didgeridoo
but I'm buggered if I can think of a more lethal combination!

Having said that, the OP could well do what Reg is saying and get a copy of
the RSGB and/or (preferably and) ARRL handbooks and going at it. The man who
never made a mistake never made everything. Sorry, anything.

On Fri, 05 Nov 2004 19:56:09 -0700, Jim Thompson
<> wrote:

Please adhere to the new subject or be personally PLONKED, since "OT"
intersects many other subjects. Thanks!
Please don't top post.
John Fields
I would also add a resostor from the port pin to ground, to assure that the
transistor turns OFF, when the port pin is tristated, like during reset.

Pulling relay current from your regulated 5V is in general, a bad idea.
Can you change the relay, and use an unregulated supply instead?
You'll find much better results.

Also, you didn't mention power supply bypassing on the 5V supply, there
needs to be some.

KC6ETE Dave's Engineering Page,
Microcontroller Consultant, specializing in Atmel AVR
On Sun, 07 Nov 2004 17:17:45 GMT, in you wrote:

The problem is to compute the resistance between terminals A-B,
separated by a "knight's move", in an infinite two dimensional grid of
equal value resistors- closed form solution in this case:

View in a fixed-width font such as

. | | | |
. -+---[R]---+---[R]---+---[R]---+-
. | | | |
snip repetative bits
. | | | |
. -+---[R]---+---[R]---+---[R]---+-
. | | | |
. [R] [R] [R] [R]
. | | | |
where do the bottom 4 R's go?


Serious error.
All shortcuts have disappeared.
Screen. Mind. Both are blank.
Jamie Morken <> wrote in message news:<Dkpjd.106468
Thanks! It was my first time working with BGA, I used a toaster oven
(works better than great!)


Really, did you use the same technique as these guys?
On Tue, 02 Nov 2004 00:38:13 +0000, Jim Yanik wrote: (Ken Smith) wrote in

In article <cm58il$1e64$>,
John S. Dyson <> wrote:
Yes, I heard it also... He said (paraphrased), that some attrocities
(war crimes) happened in Vietnam, and he said that he participated in
some also.

There were a couple of cases where Kerry had either admitted or strongly
implied his complicity in war crimes. It is proven that Kerry is either
an admitted war criminal or a liar about very important issues.

I suggest that anyone who thinks there is a shred of truth to Dyson's
claim go read the transcript. You will find that Dyson is the proven

Kerry said HE did war crimes himself to a TV interviewer.
He admitted that he followed orders. Is that now a bad thing?

Remember, Bush is a dangerous liar.

Fred Bloggs wrote...
Forget about the physics. This is a qualifying exam problem to earn
consideration for employment at Google as an applications programmer.
Simplify using symmetries.

- Win
After playing with a large clock by La Crosse Technology and seeing how it
is built, I ran across some clocks by SkyScan at the flea market (also
available from Fry's Electronics). What a difference! The PCBs in these
clocks are very nice epoxy-glass boards, with gold-plated "vias", which make
wonderful test points. I bought one large wall clock, two medium size table
clocks and one small travel alarm, for a total expenditure of around $17. I
believe these are "return to vendor" items, but all four operated
flawlessly, and displayed greater sensitivity than the La Crosse units.
Maybe the manufacturer repaired them. In any event, examining the little
travel alarm, I was able to figure out which is the receiver output node by
finding the 100K pull-up resistor (the only resistor on the receiver board)
and monitoring the signal with a scope probe - - there must have been some
WWVB signal coming through in the afternoon after I pressed the "Receive"
button, because I could see intermittent down-going pulses from the 1.5 volt
Vcc level occurring over a period of time. I will build a simple FET
diff-amp with an LED in the output drain to monitor the state of this line
as I move the clock around. I'll report on results.

On Mon, 08 Nov 2004 14:48:04 +0100, Stefan Heinzmann wrote:

Well, it seems what you're doing at present makes them more active. The
way the war on terror works at the moment looks to me like someone
shooting at a hornet's nest with a shotgun.
To me, it looks more like the schoolyard bully throwing the weak kids
at the hornet's nest, armed with water balloons.

I'm not disappointed, just alienated. You Bush backers have shown me that your
a different species, one that doesn't hold to reason at all. Your living in
some common essentialist dream (nightmare for anyone that actually thinks
political problems can be solved) that has only consequential contact with
reality at all..

I get a kick out of the talking heads who say Bush won because of moral values.
I guess that make lying the #1 moral value in this country?

When the truth is dead you become the most decadent kind of society ever. It's
not the liberals who have given up on truth, it's you Bushies, and you ought to
be ashamed now, not in four years when you catch the full view of the monster
you elected.


You can run steppers at 1000s of steps per sec in 'current mode'. I think this
is where the LR time constant in the stepper coils is just brute force swamped
out by a strong driver. MicroMo site sells current mode controllers and rates
their motors in this mode
Hi Steve,

steve wrote:
Jamie Morken <> wrote in message news:<Dkpjd.106468

Thanks! It was my first time working with BGA, I used a toaster oven
(works better than great!)


Really, did you use the same technique as these guys?
I used a stencil for all but one board I had, and it was a lot more
trouble not having a stencil. It can be done either way though..

Fred Bloggs <> wrote in message news:<>...
The problem is to compute the resistance between terminals A-B,
separated by a "knight's move", in an infinite two dimensional grid of
equal value resistors- closed form solution in this case:
Actually, the answer is quite simple and does not require any
programming knowledge.
However, I dont think an internet and database programmer can solve
this, as it requires at least some Ohm's law familarity.
This can be a good question for EDA programmer interview.
Fred Bloggs wrote:
The problem is to compute the resistance between terminals A-B,
separated by a "knight's move", in an infinite two dimensional grid of
equal value resistors- closed form solution in this case:
Not surprisingly, there seems to be quite a lot about this on the web.

According to
the answer is (8-pi) / (2*pi) * R

They have answers for all the maths related questions on the Google Labs
Aptitude Test.

To the question "What's broken with Unix? How would you fix it?" their
answer is "Their reproductive capabilities...."
You can buy these at pet stores. I had some may years ago for my snake cage.


Welcome to

