Driver to drive?

On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 19:24:13 GMT, Fred Bloggs <> wrote:
You can read the transcript of the OBL video here:

Following is the English transcript of Usama bin Ladin's speech in a
videotape aired by Aljazeera on Friday 29 October. In the interests of
authenticity the transcript, which appeared as subtitles at the foot of
the screen, has been left unedited.

To begin: Peace be upon he who follow the Guidance.

People of United States, this talk of mine is for you and concerns the
ideal way to prevent another Manhattan and deals with the war and its
causes and results.

[snip most of it]
[except for last paragraph below]
But because it seemed to him that occupying himself by talking to the
little girl about the goat and its butting was more important than
occupying himself with the planes and their butting of the skyscrapers
we were given three times the period required to execute the operations.
All praise is due to Allah.

So I am again confused. Was this the whole transcript? I have only seen
small portions on our US TV, but what I have seen seems to match the two
quotes on the top-level story at ...

"Although we are ushering the fourth year after 9/11, Bush is still
exercising confusion and misleading you and not telling you the true
reason. Therefore, the motivations are still there for what happened to
be repeated"


"Your security is not in the hands of Kerry or Bush or al Qaeda. Your
security is in your own hands. Any nation that does not attack us will
not be attacked"

The first of those statements seems to be in the Aljazeera transcript
that FB provided, above. I don't see anything like the second, though,
and no mention of Kerry at all.

So I found the complete transcript on CNN
It is essentially the same as the one on Aljazeera except that there is
one more paragraph at the end. This matches the 2nd quotation that I
could not find in the Aljazeera transcript.

Did Aljazeera deliberately shorten the transcript by one paragraph to
remove the reference to Kerry? I guess they feel that OBL lost focus and
were trying to help with an edit.

Having read it (in either version) I don't think it is going to affect
any votes or even any opinions. Not sure why he bothered.
CBarn24050 wrote:
Hi, unfortunatly 10MHz bandwidth is a bit too low to be usefull. If you work
only at low frequencies and you can get 1 for a low price then it may be worth
it but otherwise I wouldn't bother.
Make sure you get the manuals. As I recall, the stack of manuals for
that thing is a foot high. Will cost more than the plugin if you have
to buy 'em on ebay...
I kicked myself for not buying a 7D20 when I had the chance...until I
found a TDS540. There's one of those for sale at the link in the sig.

Return address is VALID.
500MHz Tek DSOscilloscope TDS540 $2200
Wanted, 12.1" LCD for Gateway Solo 5300. Samsung LT121SU-121
Bunch of stuff For Sale and Wanted at the link below.
Jamie wrote:

look in DigiKey.
they have a 350 WV @ 1200 Uf with a
40 x 60 mm size radio leads. that be the type that has both leads coming
out of one end..
Digi's number.
cost aprox $15.00 each.
Is that designed for flashgun use ( rapid discharge ) though ?

I see it's from the TUP series which I think is standard type.

'Photo caps' are different to general purpose. I've never come across a
typical broad line distributor stocking them.


dhp wrote:
I'm trying to source some Hitachi photographic electrolytic capacitors.
Part number: CE62P, 1200MFD 330WV.
Physical dimensions are 35mm diameter and 63mm long. I require 12 units.
Andrew Holme wrote:

I tried connecting an almost flat 9V battery across the coil while the disk
was spinning in the hope of recording a large magnetic disturbance but I
still couldn't see anything on the 'scope. I made and broke the circuit
while the disk was spinning and there was a lot of contact bounce.

Perhaps I need a polarity reversal?

Errr... YES !!!

Magnetic recording doesn't record DC ! Heads work by detecting *rate of change
of flux*. I.e. A.C. only - or in the case of data - fast transitions.

Audio cassette heads work when they are in *contact* with tape btw and would be
too inductive for data applications.

You're not going to get far with this idea.

Rene Tschaggelar wrote:
Alan Horowitz wrote:

Is there a place in modern technique for regeneration (Q-multiplication)?

apparently this technique was used way before my birth.
The many posts made me curious. It there any link that
goes into the detail ?

For a modern approach, I just re-read the chapter on bandpass filters in
Williams & Taylors "Electronic Filter Design Handbook, 3rd ed." on
pp5.55-5.59 it has a section on Q-multiplication, conveniently done with
opamps (saves being confused by thermionic FETs :)

When I have time I will dig thru my older stuff and see what other refs
I can find

Are you American lot aware that your tax system operates differently for

I worked there for 18 months as a (legal) immigrant and I paid *substantially*
higher taxes than US citizens did on the same income.

Now I see no problem with that whatsoever.

You lot let me live in your country. I pay more taxes. Seems perfectly fair
enough to me. I'm an immigrant. It's your country. As I said, perfectly fair.

Just wondered if you knew about it.

I wish the government would do the same in the uk.

Then we might have less of those bastard foreigners here stealing our social


On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 18:33:03 GMT, Fred Bloggs <> wrote:

And as a matter of fact he
makes Bush look like a retarded fanatic by comparison.
"Look like," is a rather polite choice of words. Are you wimping out on
us, Fred?
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 19:21:37 +0000, James Meyer wrote:

On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 19:07:28 GMT, Rich Grise <> wroth:

I'm wondering if the resulting 4 E-B drops in series with the motor will
have to be taken into consideration.


Even with that, the new circuit configuration will stand head and
shoulders above what they started with. This time it will work!

Well, it for sure won't be making silicon popcorn!

In article <>,
John Larkin <> wrote:
I've read that newer growth media are being developed, more like the
big vat fermenters used to grow a lot of other drugs and vaccines.
Yes and with luck they will have something before we have a bird flu
problem. Bird flus kill the egg too quickly.

This is a place where some funding could help save the lives of many
people in the future.

-- forging knowledge
Rich Grise wrote...
And don't forget about !
Thanks for the link.

- Win

(email: use hill_at_rowland-dotties-org for now)
WTF is with this hatred of the man who wrote our bible?

Win co-wrote one of the greatest books of our time.

It certainly contains more truth. fact and logic, than that greatest fable
bullshit, fairytale story of our time generally known as "the bible"

Anyone who tries to tell me he is stupid must obviousy be retarded.

Perhaps his political views don't agree with someone else's. Politics cannot be
proved. It's a personal opinion. That's *all* it is. Nothing more.

But as electronics and science can be proved, and WIn is usually correct,
perhaps the ones who tell him he is wrong on politics should, maybe, just,
maybe consider that Win's brain is perhaps superior to theirs.

Having said that. I've not seen him publish any political shit. Maybe it just
got swallowed in the filters I set up to get rid of all this crap.

Just an idea.

You're not gonna convince me he's thick. Which is easily achieved with someone
like Dubbya.

Jim Thompson wrote:

On 30 Oct 2004 22:24:14 GMT,
(ChrisGibboGibson) wrote:

Are you American lot aware that your tax system operates differently for

I worked there for 18 months as a (legal) immigrant and I paid
higher taxes than US citizens did on the same income.


Maybe you didn't read the manual ?:) Income taxes don't
differentiate on immigrant status, though there are slight benefits
for _our_ soldiers while serving overseas.
Not true. Full immigrants receive the same status as USA citizens. I was
technically, "visiting and earning". I think that was the phrase.

Or maybe it was the UK taxing you as well?
Oh believe me, I made sure I paid these fuckers nothing while I was over there.

What I find really odd, is that I didn't object to paying your taxes, They were
more than US residents were paying, but at the end of the day it's *your*
country. If I don't like your taxes as a visitor, I can always leave.

But here's the *really* odd part. The increased taxes I was paying whilst I
worked there, were much less than I would have been paying here in the uk for
the same income.

On 30 Oct 2004 22:24:14 GMT, the renowned
(ChrisGibboGibson) wrote:

Are you American lot aware that your tax system operates differently for

I worked there for 18 months as a (legal) immigrant and I paid *substantially*
higher taxes than US citizens did on the same income.

Now I see no problem with that whatsoever.

You lot let me live in your country. I pay more taxes. Seems perfectly fair
enough to me. I'm an immigrant. It's your country. As I said, perfectly fair.

Just wondered if you knew about it.

I wish the government would do the same in the uk.
A wealthy foreigner can live in the UK almost indefinitely, have his
wealth grow, and pay no income taxes whatsoever. Just have to arrange
things so that income is generated offshore, you live off of clearly
separated "capital" rather than "income" (which stays offshore) and by
maintaining the "intent" (no matter how vague) to go "home" someday.
Lots of consultants, private bankers etc. are standing ready to help
with this.

Ever wonder why Saudi princes and such like don't mind hanging around
in a place with such high taxes?
Then we might have less of those bastard foreigners here stealing our social
They have their own social and other kinds of security, I think.



Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany
"it's the network..." "The Journey is the reward" Info for manufacturers:
Embedded software/hardware/analog Info for designers:
jberryman posted:



Now when the call is completed and whoever LINE 2 calls hangs up, the CO will
initiate a polarity reversal on LINE 2 that will cause the circuit to collapse
and reset.

Why do you think the CO will initiate a polarity reversal?

Your diagram doesn't make much sense.

On 30 Oct 2004 23:06:52 GMT,
(ChrisGibboGibson) wrote:

But here's the *really* odd part. The increased taxes I was paying whilst I
worked there, were much less than I would have been paying here in the uk for
the same income.

Why do you consider that "odd"? Our taxes are lower than about
everybody's but citizens of the oil emirates.

But just think of all the _benefits_ you get from your higher UK taxes

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
Jim Thompson wrote:

On 30 Oct 2004 23:06:52 GMT,
(ChrisGibboGibson) wrote:


But here's the *really* odd part. The increased taxes I was paying whilst I
worked there, were much less than I would have been paying here in the uk
the same income.


Why do you consider that "odd"? Our taxes are lower than about
everybody's but citizens of the oil emirates.

But just think of all the _benefits_ you get from your higher UK taxes
Yeah, probably really amusing until one has to pay them.

As you are clearly aware we get piss all for them

On 30 Oct 2004 06:12:19 -0700, Winfield Hill
<> wrote:

Bush supporters
rattle off a quick lying damning accusation against Kerry, turn it
into a sound bite and repeat it ad nauseam.

Bush is a dangerous idiot.
Bush is a dangerous idiot.
Bush is a dangerous idiot.
Bush is a dangerous idiot.
Bush is a dangerous idiot.
Bush is a dangerous idiot.
Bush is a dangerous idiot.
Bush is a dangerous idiot.
Bush is a dangerous idiot.
Bush is a dangerous idiot.
Bush is a dangerous idiot.
Bush is a dangerous idiot.
Bush is a dangerous idiot.
Bush is a dangerous idiot.
Bush is a dangerous idiot.
Bush is a dangerous idiot.
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 16:02:32 +0000 (UTC), (John S.
Dyson) wrote:

Remember --
Bush is a dangerous idiot.
Bush is a dangerous idiot.
Bush is a dangerous idiot.
Bush is a dangerous idiot.
Bush is a dangerous idiot.
Bush is a dangerous idiot.

Bush is a dangerous idiot.
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 16:13:37 +0000 (UTC), (John S.
Dyson) wrote:

When looking at Bush vs. Kerry,
Remember --

Bush is a dangerous idiot.
Bush is a dangerous idiot.
Bush is a dangerous idiot.
Bush is a dangerous idiot.
Bush is a dangerous idiot.
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 16:48:11 +0000 (UTC), (John S.
Dyson) wrote:

The jist of the statement is the same:
Bush is a dangerous idiot.
Bush is a dangerous idiot.
Bush is a dangerous idiot.
Bush is a dangerous idiot.

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