Driver to drive? (nyffeler) wrote:


Are you looking for a time to amplitude converter?
If so, have a look at,maJdzdv1f2yjwktw/e003n2.pdf
is this a URL with session ID? Or only accessible for registered
users? It doesn't work here.

Any other way to get the article?


Oliver Betz, Muenchen (
Hi, unfortunatly 10MHz bandwidth is a bit too low to be usefull. If you work
only at low frequencies and you can get 1 for a low price then it may be worth
it but otherwise I wouldn't bother.
"Steve" <> wrote:

My group and I built the following dc motor control circut:

I replaced the SK100 transistor with NTE262 and the SL100 with TIP110
That seems an odd choice. The circuit (duly modified as suggested by
nospam and Terry Given to correct the drawing error) will need further
changes if you use those types.

The SK100 and SL100 are a complementary pair of general purpose medium
power transistors, with max current around 500 mA and power rating of
800 mW. Plainly inadequate for your 2A motor (and presumably hard to
find), so you're obviously right to change them.

The NTE262/TIP110 are up to the job but that pair is not
complementary. And both are Darlingtons, so cannot be expected to be
straightforward replacements. Also, if you want to use Darlingtons (to
eliminate the 2N2222s?), then why not use the *pair*? IOW, either the
TIP110/115 or the NTE261/262?

Terry Pinnell
Hobbyist, West Sussex, UK
John Larkin wrote:
On Tue, 26 Oct 2004 19:32:00 GMT, Robert Monsen> wrote:

By the way, if your scroll down to the bottom of the link that mr Yanik
has posted, which attempts to corroborate the iraqi terrorist story, you
find an add for an Ann Coulter book "How to talk to a Liberal (if you
must)". Coulter, of course, deserves a pie in the face:

What a disgusting statement.
A pie in the face isn't a bullet. It's not even a slap. It's a pie,
John. Whipped cream. It probably tasted good. She apparently laughed
about it.

Unfortunately, they missed. (This is one of the attacks Dyson was using
to point out how republicans are under attack from smelly democrats.)

What's the point in having a democracy if all you care about is
winning, and will use violence to win? That's a dangerous position for
lefties to take, given that the Right is a bunch of tough hombres,
rather well armed. Seems like the left are today's facists, physically
attacking people they disagree with.
That's a stretch. A couple of kids throw a pie at ann coulter, and you
equate it to a left-wing fascist movement? Pretty pathetic reasoning.

Ann is a kick. People have been shooting up Republican campaign
offices; she cites, as proof that the shooters are Democrats, the fact
that they never hit anything.
Ann is a 'kick' alright. As a comedienne she is funny in a sleasy,
lying, shock-jock sort of way. As a political reporter and analyst,
which is what she claims to be, she is simply a dishonest shill for the

Robert Monsen

"Your Highness, I have no need of this hypothesis."
- Pierre Laplace (1749-1827), to Napoleon,
on why his works on celestial mechanics make no mention of God.
Fred Bloggs wrote...
Osama Bin Laden is only confirming what the prescient George Soros
stated yesterday to the National Press Club, he will escalate any amount
of violence which then induces more violence from us and thus the
proverbial vicious circle. Americans would be wise to read the
philosophy at before
casting their vote, and then do the reasonable thing which is to vote
for John Kerry.
A vote to throw George Bush out of office is what's important here.

Chapter 4 of George Soros's book is online, "The Iraqi Quagmire."

There's also his website, and photo, "George Soros, the billionaire
investor and philanthropist, has concluded his 12-city speaking tour
to talk about how the war in Iraq is making America less safe -- and
why President Bush should not be re-elected."

There's his message, "Why We Must Not Re-elect President Bush"

"President Bush ran on the platform of a “humble” foreign policy
in 2000. If we re-elect him now, we endorse the Bush doctrine of
preemptive action and the invasion of Iraq, and we will have to
live with the consequences. As I shall try to show, we are facing
a vicious circle of escalating violence with no end in sight. But
if we repudiate the Bush policies at the polls, we shall have a
better chance to regain the respect and support of the world and
to break the vicious circle."

"President Bush inadvertently played right into the hands of bin Laden"

"President Bush admits no doubt and does not base his decisions on
a careful weighing of reality."

"There is a widespread belief that President Bush is making us safe.
The opposite is true."

"How could President Bush convince people that he is good for our
security, better than John Kerry? By building on the fears generated
by the collapse of the twin towers and fostering a sense of danger.
At a time of peril, people rally around the flag and President Bush
has exploited this. His campaign is based on the assumption that
people do not really care about the truth and they will believe
practically anything if it is repeated often enough, particularly
by a President at a time of war. There must be something wrong with
us if we fall for it. For instance, about 40% of the people still
believe that Saddam Hussein was connected with 9/11 – although it is
now definitely established by the 9/11 Commission, set up by the
President and chaired by a Republican, that there was no connection.
I want to shout from the roof tops: “Wake up America. Don’t you
realize that we are being misled?”"

- Win

(email: use hill_at_rowland-dotties-org for now)
On 30 Oct 2004 01:27:58 -0700,
(Abd-er-Rahman III) wrote:

Hey, George, where the fuck is Bin Laden??

I thought you were gonna get him?

Smoke him out?

BS liar

Bush is still AWOL for America

I don't see _him_ living in a cave somewhere, fearful for his life
like your buddy Osama.

Don't you worry your little head about about it, _we'll_ get him.

John Fields
Alan Horowitz wrote:

Is there a place in modern technique for regeneration (Q-multiplication)?

apparently this technique was used way before my birth.
The many posts made me curious. It there any link that
goes into the detail ?

Ing.Buero R.Tschaggelar -
& commercial newsgroups -
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 07:55:39 -0500, John Fields
<> wrote:

Don't you worry your little head about about it, _we'll_ get him.
Sorry, John, have you just been drafted or something?


"What is now proved was once only imagin'd." - William Blake, 1793.
John Fields wrote...
(Abd-er-Rahman III) wrote:

Hey, George, where the fuck is Bin Laden??
I thought you were gonna get him?

Don't you worry your little head about about it, _we'll_ get him.
That's a relief, finally someone will. Go get 'em John!

- Win

(email: use hill_at_rowland-dotties-org for now)
Joerg <> writes:

You know, NIST *does* have a police force.

I didn't know that. That has to be a fun job cruising around with
directional antennas like in the old cold war movies. They must have a
huge travel budget ;-)
I suspect they are more worried about the geese, the deer, and parking

A host is a host from coast to
& no one will talk to a host that's close........[v].(301) 56-LINUX
Unless the host (that isn't close).........................pob 1433
is busy, hung or dead....................................20915-1433
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 00:13:18 -0400, Electric guy <> wroth:

But I've noticed that at the low frequencies of ECG signals (the QRS
complex resembles a single cycle of 10 to 15 hz sinusoid) that the
output of the amplifier actually LEADS the input by about 8 ms.

I was wondering what sort of mathematics can explain this.
Mathematics can't explain it. Drugs might. Quit sniffing the
anesthetics and see if the phenomenon goes away.

Joerg wrote:
Hi Michael,

The RWWV receives only 10 MHz (WWV) NBS, not 60 KHz WWVH,....
Of course, I meant "60 KHz WWVB", not "WWVH". :-(

I wonder why NIST used different time coding schemes between WWV/WWVH
and WWVB. At least they could have used the same WWVB scheme on the
100Hz subcarrier that is sent along with WWV/WWVH. Then you could use
atomic time even in areas where it is not possible to receive WWVB or
where noise is just too persistent.


Regards, Joerg

Not sure what you mean by "could have used the same WWVB scheme {on WWV
& WWVH}... Then you could use atomic time ... where it is not possible
to receive WWVB". Receiving WWV or WWVH with a WWVB clock?
On 29 Oct 2004 19:17:22 -0700, (Madelin McKinnon)

Who can possibly trust this lip-synching President?

Judging by the size and shape of the bulges, it's obvious that he was
packing a 4-stage vacuum-tube TRF receiver with loop antanna and
separate "A" and "B" batteries. These Repubs are *so* technologically

But even worse, the San Francisco Chronicle has disclosed that the
Republicans have a fiendish new plot to disenfranchise black voters at
the polls; see last panel...

Steve Sands wrote:

Was it really a "camera battery" that caused the fire or did our
pretty boy trial lawyer get hair spray on something hot like his
curling iron?
Ah , don't worry.! the camera and battery most likely not made here in
the states! so mite be hard to sew some one other than the merchant that
sold him the camera.
i am sure he will try to sew some one over this!, kind of reminds you
of one of many reasons why the flu shots are not made in the states :)
damn ambulance chasers. Just what we need in goverment.
In article <>,
Winfield Hill <> writes:
Fred Bloggs wrote...

Osama Bin Laden is only confirming what the prescient George Soros
stated yesterday to the National Press Club, he will escalate any amount
of violence which then induces more violence from us and thus the
proverbial vicious circle. Americans would be wise to read the
philosophy at before
casting their vote, and then do the reasonable thing which is to vote
for John Kerry.

A vote to throw George Bush out of office is what's important here.

Yes, your vote based upon hatred does help to prove your moral
deficiency and corruption. Voting to 'throw' someone out of office,
when there is no justification is quite different than the careful
judgement that shows that Kerry is an okay Senator and should stay
that way. The 'throwing' out of office attitude really does show a
violent mentality. Our system does NOT 'throw' someone out of office,
but the idiot leftist violent protesters would do so.

You are judged by the people that you associate with and advocate, while
Soros isn't a very good person for you to be too involved with (for you
American soul.) In reality, it is best to avoid keeping a proven liar like
Kerry from being President. I don't hate him, however. Whenever I
hear a paranoid idiot talk about Halliburton, then it is so easy and obvious
to compare Soros' large scale (economic) betting against America. The
Amazing thing is that the Halliburton haters goal of destroying it would
tend to help the very corrupt French (who also have such large scale
companies.) The left's paranoia kind of makes it obvious that there just
might be some kind of poison in the water, but it would be that which creates
the mentally deficient lefty... The shrunken leftist brain would obviously
be caused by the chemicals that they fear so much :). Perhaps it is the
leftist own experience with mental retardation that causes their fear.

When looking at Bush vs. Kerry, it is just a matter of keeping the totally
corrupt/lackluster/low-expectations Kerry from the Presidency, and let the
inferior Senator with lackluster record stay in the Senate.

In article <>,
John Larkin <> wrote:
On 29 Oct 2004 19:17:22 -0700, (Madelin McKinnon)

Who can possibly trust this lip-synching President?

Judging by the size and shape of the bulges, it's obvious that he was
packing a 4-stage vacuum-tube TRF receiver with loop antanna and
separate "A" and "B" batteries. These Repubs are *so* technologically
They've advanced a long way. Bush #1 didn't even have that technological
aid. Everytiem the cats wisker got bumped he'd forget what he was saying.

-- forging knowledge
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 00:13:18 -0400, Electric guy <>

I'm working on a bio-potential amplifier (EMG/ECG) which is pretty
simple - just a couple of leads connected to the inverting and
non-inverting inputs of an op-amp (forget the exact part but it's
specialized differential amplifier with gain set by external resistor)
followed by a second (ordinary) op-amp for an extra X100 gain. Total
gain is adjustable from about 1,000 to 10,000.

We've had some problems with the differential amplifier blowing out
due to the use of cautery equipment (electro-surgery) or
defibrillators. A pair of 1N914 diodes wired across the inputs didn't

Whether for human applications or not, Your circuit construction and
isolation methods should comply with those of BF type patient-applied

The only time this is not the case, is when you are dealing with
inanimate or dead matter.

When the differential amplifier blows, some sort of leakage current
back-feeds from the amp, through the leads, and into the heart
(causing fibrillation). This is not a human/clinical application.

So we try putting capacitors (0.1 uf) in series with each of the two
input leads. The theory is that if the amp blows it won't be able to
back-feed any current through the leads.

But I've noticed that at the low frequencies of ECG signals (the QRS
complex resembles a single cycle of 10 to 15 hz sinusoid) that the
output of the amplifier actually LEADS the input by about 8 ms.
Examine one-shot events and re-evaluate. High pass filters (ie
insuficiently capacitively-coupled low frequency amplifiers) will give
this impression for repetative signals.

You need a recording or very high persistence display for this.

In article <>,
John Fields <> wrote:

[.... OBL ....]
Don't you worry your little head about about it, _we'll_ get him.
What you mean we pailface?

Bush has said he isn't worried about Osama. Pakistan doesn't really care
so long as he doesn't make trouble for them. The Brits aren't likely to
bail the US out on this one. The French and the Germans don't see it as
their problem. I really can't think of anyone but you who's offering to
go get him. I'll hold your coat for you if you like but until Kerry gets
into office, you will be on your own.

-- forging knowledge
In article <cm0gkb$1sv$>,
John S. Dyson <> wrote:
It is effectively a lie to make a big deal out of 0.1% of the explosives
that were likely existant in Iraq.
So is it also effectively a lie to make a big deal about the 0.1% of
americans killed on 9-11, or the less than 0.1% of the worlds population
killed by a murder? Just because you can find a bigger number to divide
by doesn't make 380 million tons a small number.

-- forging knowledge
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 14:27:24 +0100, Paul Burridge
<> wrote:

On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 07:55:39 -0500, John Fields> wrote:

Don't you worry your little head about about it, _we'll_ get him.

Sorry, John, have you just been drafted or something?
No, I'm a volunteer.

John Fields

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