Driver to drive?

On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 12:43:44 -0700, Jamie
<> wrote:

Hey, John, i'll vote for you!
you make one hell of a speach!
Can't anyone spell properly today? It's "speech"!

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 17:15:18 +0000 (UTC),
(Ken Smith) wrote:

In article <>,
Jamie <> wrote:
of one of many reasons why the flu shots are not made in the states :)

Oh my gawd! Swiftwater Pennsylvania has been lost! It isn't part of the
US anymore so who took it? Was it those sneeky French? Who was supposed
to be gaurding it? There will be hell to pay when this gets out.

BTW: Both suppliers were american companies. The plant in England is
owned by Chiron, a California company.

The real reason for the shortage is that any left overs can't be sold so
to maximize profits, they try to make just exactly the amount they expect
to sell. When one maker has trouble, there will be a shortage. Unless
the government funds surplus production, this is the way it will be
A big part of the problem is that the viruses are grown in fertile
chicken eggs; the process hasn't changed much since the 1930's. It's
hard to get chickens to lay sterile eggs, and hard to scale this
process up quickly, as is uniquely needed for seasonal flu vaccines.
And it's always guesswork as to whether we're even trying to grow the
correct strain just ahead of the expected flu season. This is hardly
the first time big mistakes have ocurred in the flu vaccine program.

I've read that newer growth media are being developed, more like the
big vat fermenters used to grow a lot of other drugs and vaccines.

On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 17:11:28 GMT, PaulCsouls
<> wrote:

We've heard what the candidates have had to say and now it's time to
put a stop to it. There is a third choice. GOVERNMENT GRIDLOCK.
Remember, split your vote. If you vote one party for President, vote
the opposite party for the Senate and Congress. If we do it right,
they can spend the next four years just trying to select one Supreme
Court Justice.

Paul C.

This seems already to be the longterm strategy of the American
electorate. In the Senate, anything less than a 60/40 split is already

John Fields wrote:
On 30 Oct 2004 01:27:58 -0700,
(Abd-er-Rahman III) wrote:

Hey, George, where the fuck is Bin Laden??

I thought you were gonna get him?

Smoke him out?

BS liar

Bush is still AWOL for America


I don't see _him_ living in a cave somewhere, fearful for his life
like your buddy Osama.

Don't you worry your little head about about it, _we'll_ get him.
I don't see that he looks fearful at all. And as a matter of fact he
makes Bush look like a retarded fanatic by comparison. It is a sorry
commentary on the state of affairs in the US when a major terrorist
leader is more truthful with the American people than the President
himself. Bush has been misleading America (into war), Bush has been
suppressing the truth, Bush is in fact corrupt and greedy, Bush has been
robbing America of trillions to pay off his corporate cronies. Now if
there's something Osama said that wasn't true, let us know what it is.
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 18:33:03 GMT, Fred Bloggs <>

I don't see that he looks fearful at all. And as a matter of fact he
makes Bush look like a retarded fanatic by comparison. It is a sorry
commentary on the state of affairs in the US when a major terrorist
leader is more truthful with the American people than the President
himself. Bush has been misleading America (into war), Bush has been
suppressing the truth, Bush is in fact corrupt and greedy, Bush has been
robbing America of trillions to pay off his corporate cronies. Now if
there's something Osama said that wasn't true, let us know what it is.
Since what he says is so heavily and selectively censored, I doubt
anyone will.


"What is now proved was once only imagin'd." - William Blake, 1793.
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 08:02:20 -0700, Tom Seim wrote:
Rich Grise <> wrote in message
On Fri, 29 Oct 2004 19:27:28 -0700, Tom Seim wrote:
Gee, you ought to get together with Michael Moore and make a

OK. Got $2,500,000.00 you could loan me?


No, but Moore should have plenty of the cash left that he vacuumed out of
the pockets of Liberals like you.
I see you also fail to grasp the concept of "free market."

What _are_ you dupes planning to do when your unholy master gets indicted
and convicted?

Jim Thompson wrote:
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 12:43:44 -0700, Jamie> wrote:


Hey, John, i'll vote for you!
you make one hell of a speach!

Can't anyone spell properly today? It's "speech"!

...Jim Thompson
Nope- the word is "speach" in the Bushite land of La-La and the
ignoramus crowd- the demographics of Bush support are not very
flattering, you might get a clue.
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 19:07:28 GMT, Rich Grise <> wroth:

I'm wondering if the resulting 4 E-B drops in series with the motor will
have to be taken into consideration.

Even with that, the new circuit configuration will stand head and
shoulders above what they started with. This time it will work!

On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 16:06:17 +0000, Ken Smith wrote:

In article <>, John Larkin> wrote:
On 29 Oct 2004 19:17:22 -0700, (Madelin McKinnon)

Who can possibly trust this lip-synching President?

Judging by the size and shape of the bulges, it's obvious that he was
packing a 4-stage vacuum-tube TRF receiver with loop antanna and separate
"A" and "B" batteries. These Repubs are *so* technologically backwards.

They've advanced a long way. Bush #1 didn't even have that technological
aid. Everytiem the cats wisker got bumped he'd forget what he was saying.
I thought that was Reagan. Or maybe that was just stagecoach lag.

legg wrote:


Your circuit construction and
isolation methods should comply with those of BF type patient-applied

The only time this is not the case, is when you are dealing with
inanimate or dead matter.

OP did say that.....

When the differential amplifier blows, some sort of leakage current
back-feeds from the amp, through the leads, and into the heart
(causing fibrillation).
Which quite often can lead to death.

So once this happens he *is* "dealing with inanimate or dead matter"

Is that a good enough get out for him?


John S. Dyson wrote:

You are judged by the people that you associate with and advocate, while
Soros isn't a very good person for you to be too involved with (for you
American soul.)
Really? Soros *chose* to become an American, unlike you, riffraff born
here with no option to go somewhere else. Soros donates 1/2 B$ annually
to advance *democracy* and a free society, and your contribution is ?
You need to get a clue that you're a delusional and ignorant nobody- an
absolutely worthless "place taker".
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 19:17:40 +0200, Frank Bemelman wrote:

"John S. Dyson" <> schreef in bericht

that way. The 'throwing' out of office attitude really does show a
violent mentality. Our system does NOT 'throw' someone out of office,

What the heck. For all I care someone shoots him out of his office.
Tar and feather him, and run him out of town on a rail.

Correction: Tar and feather the whole cabal, and run them out of
town on a wagon!

Hangin's too good for 'em!

On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 20:18:58 +0200, Frank Bemelman wrote:

"John S. Dyson" <> schreef in bericht

that way. The 'throwing' out of office attitude really does show a
violent mentality. Our system does NOT 'throw' someone out of office,

What the heck. For all I care someone shoots him out of his office.

Changed the subject line.
I don't think Mr. Dyson is evil, but merely a dupe. He's being
manipulated, as are all the faithful, by a double-whammy of irrational
fear, and knee-jerk jingoistic faith in their savior, George the

And I've chenged the subject line too - the hating has to stop

On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 10:14:55 -0700, Jim Thompson wrote:

On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 12:43:44 -0700, Jamie> wrote:


Hey, John, i'll vote for you!
you make one hell of a speach!

Can't anyone spell properly today? It's "speech"!
It's just the standard problem that the faithful always have -
absolute faith precludes the assimilation of any factual data.

John S. Dyson wrote:
In article <>,
Jonathan Kirwan <> writes:

On 30 Oct 2004 06:12:19 -0700, Winfield Hill <

I'm troubled by the progress of these conversations. Bush supporters
rattle off a quick lying damning accusation against Kerry, turn it
into a sound bite and repeat it ad nauseam. Someone, News Hounds and
then Robert in this case, researches and carefully presents the truth,
which is generally the total opposite of the Bush camp's sound bite.
Although this truth completely refutes the Bush follower's lies, it's
barely noticed, and the sound bite lives on, growing louder and louder.

The understanding comes from behaviorism, which traces its roots to the early
20th century.

Remember -- Kerry's supporters are more pathetic than Kerry and his lies.

For spin -- remember, that Holbrooke admitted (and another of Kerry's people
admitted) that the truth isn't known by them. On the other hand, Kerry
keeps on asserting the non-facts as the truth.

Nah- you are missing the point. The IAEA had provided the same data to
the US prior to invasion. *Accurate or not*- the US believed that to be
the true amount and totally neglected safeguarding it. In a case like
this, where people's lives are at stake, it is ALWAYS best to
overestimate the extent of danger and possible danger. You would not
know anything about this because you are another draft dodger and
parasite. Your kind wants to live here in the US and reap the rewards
like a safe and secure environment and the opportunity to make yourself
wealthy, but when it comes time to give anything at all- you're gone.
Get a clue- you are a despicable non American, a trashy parasite and leach!
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 12:08:08 -0500, John Fields wrote:

On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 14:27:24 +0100, Paul Burridge> wrote:

On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 07:55:39 -0500, John Fields> wrote:

Don't you worry your little head about about it, _we'll_ get him.

Sorry, John, have you just been drafted or something?

No, I'm a volunteer.
Go for it! It's becoming increasingly difficult to find volunteers
for George's Army of Righteousness.

And a little ground time might give you a little perspective.

Not that I hope any ill befall you, of course, like, maybe, get
shot at by someone trying to ensure their _own_ homeland security
against actual, visible, military invaders.

On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 17:11:28 +0000, PaulCsouls wrote:

We've heard what the candidates have had to say and now it's time to
put a stop to it. There is a third choice. GOVERNMENT GRIDLOCK. Remember,
split your vote. If you vote one party for President, vote the opposite
party for the Senate and Congress. If we do it right, they can spend the
next four years just trying to select one Supreme Court Justice.
I hope that there is at least _one_ other thinking person in the country
that recognizes that Congressional Gridlock is the only time we're safe
from more governemnt "help".

Except when they're not in session, of course.

On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 06:12:19 -0700, Winfield Hill wrote:

Robert Monsen wrote...

John S. Dyson wrote:

It is interesting that Holbrooke doesn't seem to agree with Kerry's
claims. Holbrooke (sp), Kerry's foreign policy advisor, seems not to
be sure about the status of the so-called 300+tons of high explosives
in Iraq, but Kerry is making cocky and absolute claims. In this case,
Holbrooke seems more realistic than Kerry's obvious lies.

Here is what he really said:
To his credit Gibson did read back the quote and offered his own
explanation for what Holbrooke meant, i.e., that the ultimate
resonsibility for knowing about this lay with the President.

I'm troubled by the progress of these conversations. Bush supporters
rattle off a quick lying damning accusation against Kerry, turn it into a
sound bite and repeat it ad nauseam. Someone, News Hounds and then
Robert in this case, researches and carefully presents the truth, which
is generally the total opposite of the Bush camp's sound bite. Although
this truth completely refutes the Bush follower's lies, it's barely
noticed, and the sound bite lives on, growing louder and louder.
It's the "Big Lie," which they were teaching kids about in elementary
schools in the mid-1950's, when Joe McCarthy had a communist behind every
tree. Back then, they _wanted_ kids to recognize propaganda when they saw

There was a "Weekly Reader" article once, on "The Little Red Schoolhouse",
where the 'R' was a stylized hammer-and-sickle. The Article told how those
poor Russian kids only hear what the authorities want them to hear, and
it's all lies, and those kids are propagandized every day, and so on.
I raised my hand and asked, (in 4th grade, BTW) "How are we supposed to
know that this stuff here is true, and that they're lying. Aren't they
just telling us what they want us to hear?" The teacher got really nervous
and changed the subject. I had no idea at the time how pervasive the
McCarthy purges had gotten.

And I've since come to find out that, yes, of course the authorities only
tell us what they want us to hear and dissent is unpatriotic and mentally
defective and whatever other bullshit they can come up with to justify
their faith in the face of overwhelming evidence that they're wrong.

And it's scary, because the antismokerists did it, and got away with it.

Hi Graham,

I'm surprised that they allowed the use of a 1 metre cable though. They
usually like at least 2 if not 3 metres minimum.

They usually go by what is standard issue with your product. If you
offer 2 or 3 meter cables you must test with these as well. If the
cables are freely available from third parties like Ethernet patch
cables then that is a gray zone and they might make you test with really
long ones.

Regards, Joerg
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 19:24:13 GMT, the renowned Fred Bloggs
<> wrote:

Paul Burridge wrote:
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 02:55:02 GMT, Fred Bloggs <

Osama Bin Laden is only confirming what the prescient George Soros
stated yesterday to the National Press Club, he will escalate any amount
of violence which then induces more violence from us and thus the
proverbial vicious circle. Americans would be wise to read the
philosophy at before
casting their vote, and then do the reasonable thing which is to vote
for John Kerry.

Ah! So you've finally declared you favor Kerry! I was beginning to
wonder if you were one of these 'floating voters.'
Seriously, only part of the message from OBL has been released for
transmission by our wonderful obfuscatory media. I would urge anyone
who GaS to read the *entire* message, in English translation, from a
suitable Arabic web site. They may then get the full picture for once,
as opposed to the heavily cut rubbish that's invariably fobbed off on
us by the likes of the BBC, ABC, CNN, etc.

You can read the transcript of the OBL video here:
Note that this is a* transcript of the approximately 5 minutes that al
Jazeera aired. It is *not* the entire 18 minutes- that's apparently
been censored.

In the actual al Jazeera broadcast, they provided an overview of his
other points (they had the full tape), which may or may not be
accurate as covered by drudge:

* They do not say whether it's the English language
translation/transcript that ObL provided along with the tape or an
independent translation.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany
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