Fred Bloggs
Tom Seim wrote:
be scared- you're a timid little fairy draft dodger so many things do
scare you.
I've seen what you wimps call "product"- no insight required, and yes,Fred Bloggs <nospam@nospam.com> wrote in message news:<417AFB5A.2060003@nospam.com>...
Tom Seim wrote:
Since you asked me in such a polite way, I'll tell you. While you were
doing drugs I was involved in top secret national defense projects at
the Hanford Nuclear Reservation after graduating from Oregon State U.
in 1969. I am not a vet and never pretended to be one.
Right- another boondoggle job in a joke of a facility that has created a
500,000 year toxic wasteland-very unimpressive resume.
Well you better hope were are more competent than you would have us to
believe and dealing with high-level radioactive waste. Otherwise a
whole shit-load of some very nasty stuff is heading downstream your
Recent developments (last week):
All nuclear fuel has been moved out of the K Basin storage pool.
Successful test of the Vitrification plant using real high-level
radioactive waste.
You idiots screw everything up you get your hands on- no hope at all
except for disaster.
Such exceptional insight: now I have a better idea how a schizophrenic
thinks, and it's kinda scary. Hope you aren't operating a nuke plant,
be scared- you're a timid little fairy draft dodger so many things do
scare you.