Chip with simple program for Toy

torsdag 22. januar 2015 13.26.19 UTC skrev fřlgende:
On Tuesday, January 20, 2015 at 11:44:21 PM UTC, John Kennerson wrote:
SO TRUE.....

There are no Pros to working here; in search of new employment elsewhere

Metrics driven new managers who know nothing about the life-science products

being sold in labs

Completely unrealistic sales quotas/goals that have no connection to what is

going on in the real world

Too many broken processes/procedures/kaizens to mention; its amazing someone

turns on the lights each day

Communication with ALL management is one way; just shut-up and sell is the

message which trickles down

Management doesn't want to hear about your challenges, what customers say,

product problems, service issues

If you work here, count on base salary and 3% commission; management will promise
bonuses but you won't get them

Company pride, morale and employee motivation are at an all time LOW in my

5+ years of employment

Bean counters at several management levels are concerned with their pocketbooks

and not your pocketbook

IMO: My manager (and managers above) would steal salary/commission/bonus from

me to enhance their bottom line

Don't count on any work-life balance at Leica; you are replaceable is the message;
and with the help of Leica HR, you will conform or WE WILL FIND A WAY TO GET

RID OF YOU (including discrimination)

All Leica managers (right up into the new president's office) are Workplace


Re-read ALL of the above BEFORE you consider working at this HELL HOLE

Advice to Management
Not even going to waste my breathe, because management is NOT listening

Nice job Peter Reimer, what's your next effing trick?

For all the reasons noted above, and many more, this is a FUCKED employer to work for short or long term! Think LONG and HARD before deciding to work for Leica or any other Danaher Corporation company. These are greedy corporate BASTARDS who want to line their pockets at the top and pass along bread crumbs to the very sales people making things happen on the streets for this company. Sales people are the only true asset this company has, but company management doesn't see it that way; you ARE replaceable! In addition, managers (if you can call them that because they don't know the first thing about leadership nor leading a team) specialize in micro-managing which creates a high stress and adversarial workplace while barking orders one way down the food chain. It is very discouraging to work here because management (Douglas Reed, Peter Reimer, Peter van den Broek, Thomas P. Joyce and H. Lawrence Culp) all the way up to the President's office spend excessive amounts of time thinking about how to TAKE AWAY salary, commission and bonuses from sales people. Management will dangle these incentives in front of sales people at the beginning of the year, but just try achieving them come year's end. They continually increase your sales quota making it more impossible in subsequent years to earn little more than salary and 1-3% commission. Management ACTIVELY contrives ways to STEAL salary, commissions and bonus from sales people and they even have set up paths to NOT pay earned sales commissions. Leica (and Danaher by default) is a truly HOSTILE place to work as they engage in discrimination (see below link). Management BULLIES at several levels DON'T want to hear about customer problems, service issues, no product training, nill to none marketing to help sales people get traction in the marketplace, sales challenges, factory quality issues, products that just don't work as advertised, premium prices for just about everything while constantly under-delivering in relation to customer expectations --- this SHIT could go on and on! Throw in internal processes and procedures THAT DON'T WORK and it is very amazing that the toilets get flushed everyday! If you crave a highly STRESSFUL workplace with no work life balance where you are micro-managed to death and constantly berated while also be hounded about completely unrealistic sales goals, then Leica is for you!

As noted previously: Re-read ALL of the above BEFORE you consider working at this HELL HOLE!!!

Discrimination is ALIVE and WELL in the Danaher workplace:

John Taulien's first wife divorced him because of Domestic Violence.


If you work for this WORKPLACE ASSHOLE, then you too have likely been on the receiving end of this AGGRESSIVE JERK!

Danaher Corporation wants managers who beat on their employees --- now you know why they hired this FUCKING THUG!
On Tue, 3 Mar 2015 16:04:23 -0800 (PST),

Some crap.

Wow, here's USENET, just ripe for picking by malcreants to force
their self-serving views on an audience with no goal in sight but
cementing their own subservience to a machine which wants them to
think they think.

John Fields
On Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at 11:05:47 AM UTC-6, Jim Thompson wrote:

Not one MSM network covered Netanyahu's speech to Congress.

Watched it on FNC from the hospital bed. Very reasoned and to the point. Will most notice. Probably not.
...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson | mens |
| Analog Innovations | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| San Tan Valley, AZ 85142 Skype: skypeanalog | |
| Voice:(480)460-2350 Fax: Available upon request | Brass Rat |
| E-mail Icon at | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
On Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at 9:05:47 AM UTC-8, Jim Thompson wrote:

Not one MSM network covered Netanyahu's speech to Congress.

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson | mens |
| Analog Innovations | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| San Tan Valley, AZ 85142 Skype: skypeanalog | |
| Voice:(480)460-2350 Fax: Available upon request | Brass Rat |
| E-mail Icon at | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.

Fox News carried it. That's not MS enough? :D

It was nice to see what a real leader looks and sounds like, for a change.

On Fri, 6 Mar 2015 08:31:15 -0800 (PST), wrote:

On Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at 9:05:47 AM UTC-8, Jim Thompson wrote:

Not one MSM network covered Netanyahu's speech to Congress.

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson | mens |
| Analog Innovations | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| San Tan Valley, AZ 85142 Skype: skypeanalog | |
| Voice:(480)460-2350 Fax: Available upon request | Brass Rat |
| E-mail Icon at | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.

Fox News carried it. That's not MS enough? :D

It was nice to see what a real leader looks and sounds like, for a change.


Actually Fox News' ratings are about equal to the sum of all the other
networks combined.

But the left wing idiots are all congregated at the MSM's (or is that
the BDSM's ?>:-}

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson | mens |
| Analog Innovations | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| San Tan Valley, AZ 85142 Skype: skypeanalog | |
| Voice:(480)460-2350 Fax: Available upon request | Brass Rat |
| E-mail Icon at | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
"I'm 62 now and have a great job, with
a great company, and a boss I couldn't get along with better. "

That is fucking priceless. You must repsect the boss alot because from what we've seen here, you might be a little bit hard to get along with. I used to be that way. But then when you gett to the $25 aqn hour crowd it's like - go ahead and fuck with me. The stupidest thing you oculd do is not facilitate me, because now you aren't wasting my time because you purchased it. Waste all you want.

"I like this work, as long as I'm working for the right people. Why
would I want to retire? "

For some people work is downright unpleasant. Of course that's why they pay anyway. One job, and the people were not bad, it's just the whole package, I didn't want to be there anymore. thye threw money at me, but eventually I left and went to work for a few bicks less, but alot closer, easier drive and a pretty layback environment. Then when I needed, they picked me up and dropped me for for a while. There was a time I got pissed off and thought about quitting and then I thought again, you don't just get jobs like this all the time no matter how good you are. So I figured I would keep this dirty old Man, womanizer, about 65 % narcissistic motherfucker happy.

Every time I got aggravated by them (not the work) I would look at the old clock on the wall. Old thing like in the schools in the 1960s. Sweep secong hand. I look at the sweep second hand and observe, and calculate how many degrees of rotation that thing makes in the time it takes me to make a dollar. Then for that dollar, I am back in problem solving mode. All I did was regroup for a couple of minutes.

In the last few years I have arrived at a conclusion. It does not pay to let it get to you. Fuck it, no matter what it is. Keep a cool head and start thinking "How to correct this problem". Guck twho is to blame. It soimply doesn't matter.

Like in that thread about the two amps frying at the same time. I know they fried it out because of how it happened. Some guys would get all over their case like "Don't you know what the fuck you are doing here ? ". But you know what ? That money that they pay me to fix it does not come out of my pocket.

Fact is, I haven't been fired from a job since I was about 20 something. Maybe 23 I think.
Actually what needs to be done is to look at the EMPloyment rate rather than the UNEMployment rate. But the US statistics are like all of their stastics, designed to mislead. Her's how they break it dow :

U1:[44] Percentage of labor force unemployed 15 weeks or longer.

U2: Percentage of labor force who lost jobs or completed temporary work.

U3: Official unemployment rate per the ILO definition occurs when people are without jobs and they have actively looked for work within the past four weeks.[1]

U4: U3 + "discouraged workers", or those who have stopped looking for work because current economic conditions make them believe that no work is available for them.

U5: U4 + other "marginally attached workers", or "loosely attached workers", or those who "would like" and are able to work, but have not looked for work recently.

U6: U5 + Part-time workers who want to work full-time, but cannot due to economic reasons (underemployment)."

That was wiki :

In some parts of the world, their gas mileage is not measured in miles per gallon, or kilometres per litre, but in litres per kilometer. In America, it seems they see more is better, and more m,iles per gallon is better, but the other wy the lower number is better. Like for hifis, lower THDistortion is better. The lower number.

So if we look at this fromn the other side,. instead of counting how many are UNemployed, Look at the other end of it. Have a look at this :

Over on the right side it has two stats, US population 320 million and change. then under that is the number of taxpayers. Right now stands a just short of 118 million.

On the surface, it seems we have about a 60 % unemploymrent rate but there are exceptions. That is what muddioes things up and that is what enables them to lie with statistics.

The fact is just like an overeater making themself morbidly obese cannot completely stop the object of their addiciton like a crackhead becaus you NEED to eat. Complicates the fuck out of it.

Si it is with this type of statistic. there are people who will not work. Children for one, and the old. then there are the disabled, and the shameful number of those we have in the US is a black eye for the ocuntry which put a Manon the moon. We cannot even feed out people properly, or is it poisons, well we can put a Man on the moon but not protect our people from poisons. I got you both ways on this, Is it incompetence ? OR WORSE ?

They lie. I am not religious or anything of the sort but when they said that ies will appear to be true and all this sit and mixed with the truth, I see that. I think whoever wrote all that shit was pretty sharp.

Same people wrote the rules.

The fact is if you are doing good in life, you are technically supporting two other people above and beyond your family. In fact I think the actual number is more like 2.73. But now, remember as you get on your jetski off your 28" boat woith twin bigblocks, that those you support are not out there deep sea water fiching and jetting on over to the next total eclipse of the sun. They got a house, food, maybe a car. Maybe can afford soe beer or whatever once in a while. Not a lavish lifestyle to say the least, plus thae fact that it's not really all on you.

But among these people are stay at home Wives who will raise the kids right.. Grandpa and Granma. People who really should not have full time jobs. for kids, I really believe there should be one (intelligent which is another story) available to the kids like almost all the time. Almost.

There is probably a perfect level of unemployment, like maybe 60 % or so. But the employed nember must be given proper weight. If you think about old fashioned family values, lthe Man works and the Woman cooks, well pretty much does most of everything else. And of course they had that 2.4 kids. White picket fence and all that. So simply naturally you got one guy supporting 4.4 people.

However that demographic has changed. (is that the right word ?) there are alot fewer nuclear families than there used to be. Kids are living at their friends' houses and the "Parents" don't care. Each has been through three or four marriages.

And it will get worse. there will never be full employment. Due to automation, CNC, all kinds of advancements, one Man does the work of ten. Or more aptly put; one Man does the productiion of ten. He is not working ten times harder.

he is working ten times faster. Let the tool do the job. I totally agree, but we got this problem now. If one Man does the worlk of ten, what happens to the other nine ?

This is a serious fucking issue on this planet folks. And nobody wants to be a Luddite.

I saw a couple of intriquing eps of the new Outer Liits, the 1990s version. One had a society that had no Men, how they reproduced well, I forget that part. But no technology. They found one Man in suspended animation or whatever and brough him back. ;Now THAT ios pretty good situation. but he proposed this and that and rtold them the broads down the road were fucking them over and they should do something about it, and in the end they put him back in suspended animation. In the other that dealt with Ludditism, that all started with an ep called "A Stitch In Time". She invents a tiome machine and goes back and kills serial killers before the fact. I find the moral and ethical issues of that compelling, really.

But eventually she gets out of that hobby and goes to the future and finds an ultra-Luddite type society. She got there in her time machine and just haviong the thing is the death penalty. They wanted zero technology. But she told them she had gone even farthger into the future and found out their society dies later, but technology could have saved them. OK just to make the srtory complete, an ex-student who caused a bunch of shit at the universtiy where she taught showed up in court while she was on trial for her life.

From what I saw, he blew the place up. I mean half the country. Better than the Russians could do. So I guess it was a moot point. He escaped in the time machine back to the 1800s or something. Imagine being back then with the knowledge we have today.' Actually it would be a pain in the ass because we would have to tell them how to make a transistor, I don't know how to mae a transistor. I mean I got a pretty good idea how they're made but if you up and said "Make me a transistor" I am pretty sure I would not be able to do it.

Anyway, what is the idea of technology in manufacturing but to increase productivity ? People are not seeing the forest for the trees. We are headed in one direction, and that direction is using natural resources to meet our needs, and to do it without working. Or working less.

So, there comes a time... Germany already considers 4 days a full week of work. Even so it is hard to get "full time" work and alot of people there have what's been dubbed "McJobs".

We have gone from the point where one Man on a full time job can support a Wife and a couple kids to where at least both Parents must work usualy if the want all their toys. Kids used to move out when they got a job. Now, even in Germany where people are smart and quite productive, they have McJobs. What do you think these lazy illiterate fucks in the US are going to have ?

And it is not all their fault. When they were young, whoever had the carrots and sticks did not handle the situation right. Know why ? Because they could not derive IMMEDIATE GRATIFICATION ! So they were lazy.

Rule number one, if you want a revolution, stop feeding the people. There are 47 million on food stamps. Now why would the government just give out free shit ? you think they are benevolent ? Oh please. Hyou think they want to look good ? OK there is part of it. But the fact is that when people get hungry, you will have every fine upstanding Chrisitan altarboy out there ripping out hearts and gut and winpipes to survive. they know this and they know that they are going to be discovered as the true cause of the lack of wealth. They stole it.

Homeland security is not for you or me. Whatt ever made you think it was ? Nothing else ever was.
"PS: I met, worked with the guy, that made/sold those infamous "Blue Boxes"
that enabled you to call around the world for free. He is a convicted
felon and spent 1 year in jail. I asked him, "How do you call for free?"
He said, "*IF* I tell you , I will be committing a felony. and *IF* you
listen, YOU will be committing a felony." That's when I learned that
because he had been so severely punished AND there were so many laws
affecting citizenry, that the streets were SO much safer at night. "

The old phreakers eh ?

While I have no doubt they tld him it is a felony just to tell you about the tone sequences, it probably isn't actually a felony. Of course he might have been under a court order making it a felony for HIM. In fact I think it likely. I'm pretty sure if you listened, that would not be a felony. Using the information on the other hand is something they REALLY don't like. But think about it, it is not a felony to tell someone how to build a bomb or other weapon.

Sometimes I wonder what they do with some of these hackers when they catch them. It would behoove them to recruit them, like safe manufacturers recruited safecrackers to improve their product.

If I am not mistaken, those blue boxes worked by temporarily disconnecting the line and reconnecting in X milliseconds. This fooled the telco system into thinking you had hung up, but puts the call through anyway. And then there was a gizmo you could use at pay phones whjich emitted the tones in would when coins are inserted.

Makes me tink of that old song, Sylvia's Mother. "And the operator siad forty cents more for the next three minutes please".

But really, the sociopath in me says who cares ? Just what makes a call long distance ? Bullshit, the wires are already there and you are getting twenty bucks a month from like a million people.

Anyway, jusyt to touch on the OP here...

I say that line quaity varies so much it would be hard as hell to tell. One way would be to measure the propogation delay. Back then things didn't all go through a satelloite, a building in Nevada and a small company in Belgium or Israel. If you were on the phone with your next door neighbor and had long wires you could tell there is very minimal propogation delay. Today it is a whole different story. Now you have digital conversuion and packets and all kinds of shit.

Some people claim that propogation delay is objectionable when it hits like one second. I do not concur, mainly because at least on a cell phoe you are not aware of it. You find out when you get face to face woith someone with whom you are talking with on the phone. It becomes really aparent. Alot of people these days have been like at the grocery store and lost each other.. Now we call on the cell, in the old days we were just lost. Yup, the good old days. Back when you had to make sure to not run out of gas because then you had to walk, find a gas can and a gas station, and walk back. Prime the carb. Hope you got a good enough fuel pump so as not to kill the battery..

Years ago someone hacked into some governemnt computer system. It made the news. They caught them due to propogation delay somehow, turns out it was some kids in Germany I think. But they sent packets of data, I guess like you ping something now, and somehow worked it out to a certain area, and I am sure they had a little bit more tracking down to do at that point. but eventually they zeroed in. I don't remember what happened to the kids, in fact maybe nothing. Here you are back in the 1970s or 1980s and there are no laws yet about this. Plus they are in a different country. What the hell do you do ?

Actually, I think hat you do is hire the little fucks and get them to work for you. Of course their job is to prevent anyone from doing what they just did.
Good ole red box. RadioShack 33 number auto dialer. Change the crystal to 6.55 mhz and 0 was a nickel.
On Friday, March 13, 2015 at 1:15:28 AM UTC-5, Ron M. wrote:
> Good ole red box. RadioShack 33 number auto dialer. Change the crystal to 6.55 mhz and 0 was a nickel.

The DTMF scheme actually has more than the 12 buttons you see. specialized keypads had A, B C, and D at the right side. Apparently they used the same one frequency as the usualy keys, but the other frequency was different.

And now that this thread has been hijacked to Cuba and beyond... there are alot moe * codes than they tell everyone about. We know about the major ones :

*70 blocks call waiting for that call.
*67 blocks caller IC for that call.
*82 enables caller ID if you have it blocked by default. (to order a pizza)

but there are others, some work without paying and others don't, or oculd result in extra charges. IfI remember this right, *74 and *74 werre used for call forwarding. There were some others but I do not remember the details.

Also, back in the 1960s and 70s, you could dial 551, 7 and get a tne and hang up and your phone would ring. It was a test thing in the system. Some of the other people who played with this told me they had to dial 551 and then the last four digits of the phone number. And getting out of that mode was a bitch. You had to put the phoine on hook for a certain time in milliseconds otherwise it just rings again.

I am seriously trepidatious about fucking with it now. With certain keystrokes I could probably crash the state government's computers. Or maybe find Stuxnet and break in to someone's power plants, gas wells and shit like that.
On 3/13/2015 3:58 AM, wrote:
> And now that this thread has been hijacked to Cuba and beyond...

By the thread owner.

Talking about Usenet itself is *always* pertinent, in all NGs.

On Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at 10:24:58 PM UTC-7, Paul Hovnanian P.E. wrote:
Jim Thompson wrote:

Suggestions on how to beef that up? Set weighs 26# with 12-20" of
"lever" :-(

The upper lag bolts will be under tension. The lower end of the bracket will
be pushing into the wall. This is the point that washers can prevent the
stucco from crushing.

Another trick, is to put a layer of plaster of paris onto the washers, then
a layer of plastic wrap over that, and press it to the stucco. It'll fill
in the gaps, but the plastic wrap will keep it from adhering, so it
will come off later.
"I think letting the market work would be better. Government messing
with economics is the history of unintended consequences. "

It has. that is how we got here. The fact is there is a glut on the labor market for two reasons. One is overpopulation which is exacerbated by government policy which is dictated by the oligarchy, the big money. rthat is how it is and the only thing we can do to stop those assholes is to not buy their shit. Starve them out. I don't mind them making money, but they are so too far with their prctices that it is killing the market. They will actually bring on their own fate when the arket is gone but we could easily control their actions by buying habits and a few other measures. but "we" won't.

Another factor, even past the obvious overpopulation that the ZPG people saw coming and accurately predicted decades ago, is increased productivity of most of those overpopulators. One person can do the work of ten now, so what happens to the other nine ? Germany ameliorated the situation by declaring a four day week ful time, but now a hell of alot of them are noit even getting that. We are talking a people who never whined about the Chinese, they sold quality and precision. At one time they made all the fuel injectors for perhaps half the cars in the world. Bosch sitll makes a hell of alot and does very well. However they do it on less man-hours.

There is no reversing the trend. No Luddite is ever going to prevail anywhere except in certain custom work hich is never going to be mass production whicvh means a severely limited profit potential. If an investment guy put his customers' money into anything like that he would be boiled in bacon grease.

The only way is to have very limited hours and an extremely high rate of pay for those hours. We already do that for the skilled. I have had jobs that some here even would have iked to have. And then there were some duds. But you, and a couple friends of mine, are still doing well. You might be working foro yourself or not, but when you got marketable skills the minimum wage means jack shit.

the only exception is the trade unions. Now TRADE unions are not the same ting as unions. Trade unions provide training and a form of licensing which guarantees both quality and quantity of service. They do the educating. Quite a few handle their members' healthcare and retirement, but not all. the company migth justy not have to mess with that shit at all, just pay the pay, take pout the taxes and be done with it.

In such a case the union works. When they shield incompetence that is very bad, but you don't see the electrician's, plumber's or othe such trades doing that. In fact they try to instill a sense of fraternity in the members not to besmirch the value of their certifcates.

Well thart is all fine and good, but the problem is these people's pay rate is sometimes mathematically based on the minimum wage times a constant multiplier.

The fact is that moost of them are already making enough. oyu a kickass engineer ? A good bricklayer can make as much and do it faster. Mylawyer ogt disbarred, and the only way he could support his lifestyle was to become a plumber. Seriously.

there are some advantages to engineering, like not generally having to deal with the public. Sometime I do and you are seriously priveledged not to have to do that. I want to say dumber than a box of rocks but that would ba an understatement. And assholes ? I used to like it when I just worked in my basement and someone else had to deal with all that shit. Usually I don't but on those occasions I do, it is rare that I don't find some stupidity. Very rare. (how can someone NOT know not to put in a 25 amp fuse where a 6 was when it is blown hard and all black inside, WTF, I bet this doesn't happpen in the good countries.

But y'all work in like a certain paradigm. your customer needs this, here is the specs, here is this and here is that, can you do it and how much ? They at least know something. buddy of mine sold a car a long time ago and the guy calls and says it doesn't run. Asks "Well does it have gas in it ??". The guy goes "Gas ?". Back in the 1980s when it was practically impossible get a ohone call at a TV shop "Can they see you when you watch TV ?". where is Darwin when you need him ? Seriously, do these people remember to eat and breathe and shit ? Apparently they certainly remeber how to fuck becaus there are a hell of alot of them.

You know I know the republicans in this country are total dicks and should be boiled in bacon greaase along woth the people they work for, but I do agree on one thing.

Death panels. I mean seriuously, you better have some worth to the world or you are on your own. We ain't giving you insulin and free opperations for sixty fucking years no more. Fuck all that.

The ACA is unlawful. Nobody owes anyone anything. Well OK if I borrowed something off of you then I do, but I didn't. I didno't borrow a fucking thing off of these maistakes, broken condoms and too much whiskeys for their Mom..

When it gets that way, the situation will correct itself. he the governemnt runs out of ink, the people will starve and shit. Less people. Then less market. then less work. Soo there will STIlL be a glut on the labor market.

No way out.
"Their best trick is applying resources, messing things up, and then
demanding more resources to fix the problem. "

Actually, if you get paid to solve a specific problem you want try to solve the problem but logically under no circumstances would it behove you to succeed. This inherenty results in a situation where failure is rewarded.

Wat's more I think maybe they do it on purpose. Think about it. There is crime. This justifies an expense. It is acctually in their best interest to frame the innocent and let the guilty loose. Could that be why they conduct investigations the way they do ? In the first five minutes they guess who did it and then build a case agianst one person ognoring evidence that would exonerate them and implicate another.. Amd of course not give up that other evidence in discovery. Appeals have been won because of that but that takes mooney, thus making for less injustice for thooose with money. those who cannot affor to fight either justify the expense of a prison cell or better yet provide slave labor for private industries which are already profiting charging to incarcerate people. I neve used to believe people claiing they were framed, but now I am not so sure.

It is not like on TV. When they find a dead body, unless sonmeone talks, there is not much of any investigation. They either got someone to pin it on or not. If not the file gets tucked away somewhere. The only reason to even call the police is for insurance purposes or if your car is srtolen. They do get some of those back, largely by accident.

But they laid taxes to build and maintain the roads. Well they ain't maintained. now they need monmey to maintain the roads. Well what happened to the money you already took to maintain the roads ? Huh ?

They stole it. No, they did not go to work with a big bag and walk out with it, it is done a little different. Pay your friends not to solve theproblems you are paid to solve.

And then when they do tear up the roads, it is almost like they want traffic jams and why would they ? Ever hear of gasoine taxes ?

At tis point I owuldn't put anything past them. ANYTHING.

Don't attribute to idiocy what can be attributed to greed. Seriously. They benefit from failure.
On Sunday, March 15, 2015 at 10:17:10 AM UTC-7, RobertMacy wrote:
On Sat, 14 Mar 2015 10:07:50 -0700, Jim Thompson> wrote:

Suppose I have a series RLC, one end grounded, the other end driven by
a chip, how might I make that into an oscillator?

So use ... a set of two
variable, switchable current sources? One source, one sink to GND driving
the RLC node?

If there's a current reference available, this means the RLC external
can be driven, ICL8038-style, as if it were just a timing capacitor.
Next step: make it a '555 astable?

If the external component were L, or C, the oscillation would be easy.
On Mon, 16 Mar 2015 12:40:05 -0700 (PDT), whit3rd <>

On Sunday, March 15, 2015 at 10:17:10 AM UTC-7, RobertMacy wrote:
On Sat, 14 Mar 2015 10:07:50 -0700, Jim Thompson> wrote:

Suppose I have a series RLC, one end grounded, the other end driven by
a chip, how might I make that into an oscillator?

So use ... a set of two
variable, switchable current sources? One source, one sink to GND driving
the RLC node?

If there's a current reference available, this means the RLC external
can be driven, ICL8038-style, as if it were just a timing capacitor.
Next step: make it a '555 astable?

Hmmmm? Interesting idea. I'll give that a whirl. Thanks!

If the external component were L, or C, the oscillation would be easy.

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson | mens |
| Analog Innovations | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| San Tan Valley, AZ 85142 Skype: skypeanalog | |
| Voice:(480)460-2350 Fax: Available upon request | Brass Rat |
| E-mail Icon at | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
On 3/16/2015 7:49 PM, wrote:
On Mon, 16 Mar 2015 10:51:29 -0700, Jim Thompson> wrote:

I'm guessing studs in the walls of a house are likely to be

By definition of "softwood" is coniferous, so yes it is softwood
(assuming the house was built in the last hundred years). It might be
Southern Yellow Pine, which is rather hard, though. ...much harder
than balsa, which is a hardwood. ;-)


I had a customer once (female) ask that I don't get my step ladder to
close to her kitchen cabinets because they were made of softwood. She
did not want my ladder doing any damage to the cabinets if it was
against the wood.

Very TRUE story.

On Mon, 16 Mar 2015 10:51:29 -0700, Jim Thompson wrote:

I'm guessing studs in the walls of a house are likely to be

Almost certainly. But hardwood versus softwood is largely meaningless
unless you're discussing botany. The distinction is one of taxonomy
(hardwood = angiosperm, softwood = gymnosperm), rather than the actual
hardness of the wood (e.g. balsa is a hardwood).
On a sunny day (Tue, 17 Mar 2015 20:45:06 -0700) it happened Jeff Liebermann
<> wrote in <>:

On Tue, 17 Mar 2015 21:05:08 -0500, Ramon F Herrera> wrote:

[Question for the gurus: Am I correct?, can the maximum settings, WAV
file capture *everything* in a cassette tape?]

From a forensic POV I would only want the original tape.
The rest sounds like 100 % bull to me.


You can do things with that tape, as Mr Liebermann pointed out earlier,
like looking for bias (changes) by for example playing at slower tape speed in some setup,
in a specialized setup.
All the media crap and CNN talk is complete nonsense.
They just need to fill air time, something incredibly easy if you assume some grey cells in the audience [1],
but rather difficult if you want to entertain apes [2].

[1] Open university.
[2] CNNs target audience.

Quote me.
A reporter for KIRO claims to have contacted the two restaurant owners cited in the original blog post, and says that neither of them was closing because of the higher minimum wage. The reporter also said that one owner admitted to closing one restaurant, but was opening three others.

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