Chip with simple program for Toy

On Tuesday, January 13, 2015 at 12:17:39 PM UTC-8, Jim Thompson wrote:
Anyone have ideas regarding how to implement a voltage-variable phase
shifter useable at 210MHz?

Buffer the RF input, and delay it (only takes a few inches of transmission line)
to generate a 90 degree phase-shift.
Then, wiggle two transistor bases with both those signals.
Current-modulate the differential emitter current with your voltage input.
Sum the collector currents, of course.
"" <> wrote in

On Sunday, January 11, 2015 at 4:23:23 PM UTC-8, Jim Thompson wrote:
Remember the "empty chair" gag by Clint Eastwood...

...Jim Thompson
This is yet another off-topic political posting in an electronics
forum by our resident troll. It is really funny to see the hypocrisy
of the knee-jerk Obama-haters, as they profess their new-found
solidarity with the French after trying to ban "French" from the
English language and change "pommes frites" to "Freedom Fries".

Wouldn't you consider it as "photoshop?" Look closer, people are walking
with the chair standing up. :)

--- news:// - complaints: ---
On Wednesday, January 14, 2015 at 3:25:36 PM UTC-8, Massoud wrote:
Wouldn't you consider it as "photoshop?" Look closer, people
are walking with the chair standing up. :)

What? Are you suggesting a lack of integrity on the part of the Obama-haters? Tell me it ain't so.
For small phase shifts, you could bias a
jfet or something, with a d-g
feedback cap, and vary Vgs (ie,
transconductance) to change the phase
shift. Dirt cheap. An inductor somewhere
might be interesting.

People used to make FM modulators like that, with toobs. Pre-emphasis
made phase shift into frequency shift. >Reactance tube modulator,
something like that.

Followed by some gross amount of frequency multiplication to get the modulation index up where it needs to be for wideband FM. IIRC it was the noise and instability from multiplication that made people abandon that approach back in the day.


Phil Hobbs
So, you're saying you got a job, probably in the US. This is typical. And maybe it's time to bring it out. My Granfather told me "Make them pay you". this was the best advice I had for a long time. tthey will not volunteer anything, they would get you for slave labor out of the state prison if they could. It's just that the state prison system does not have that many skilled people available. If they couyld make a hundred grand a year they could even have a crack habit and mainttain for a long time. Pussy, anything, unless you are total asshole it can be hard to really waste all of a hundred grand a year.

You over here ranting and shit, that accomplishes nothing. but the fact is that if it is the way you say, the company might not be arounf too long. This is where it affects you. Looking for another job is a fucking drag. Really.

No job is seccure anymore, so what you have to do is what I did not do, increase your skill set. At least in electronics. I got skills, I can build a house except for the cement and the roof. Those two things I do not do. But the carpentry, plumbing, electrical, HVAC all that, no problem. Actually I no longer drywall and paint, let people who can see do that. but in remodeling I can move your bathroom for example. Ever try that ? Ever thinkj what it entails ? But even that I don't call a pain in the ass, nothing like some of the shit I have to do at work. Electronics, some of it is harder than any of that shit despite not being physical.

A job is a job. ?no job is worese than almost any job. I can see how some jobs can be worse than not working, but tha is an achievement. Now if you got like six figures in the bank you can just quit.

Or maybe buy the place. Then you are the boss. What ould you do ? Remember you are responsible for making the paychecks good every week.

You can bitch and then you can say you can run the business better all day long but the proof is in the putting. Can you ? You need to deal with expenses, setting the rates high enoug to actually make money but low enough to be competitive. you have to decide on some suppliers for the things you need for your guys to be able to do the job. you have to do a hell of alot of things an employee never even thinks about.

I hve been on the other side of the desk, and really, I do not need it. It can be a power trip but if it is, you will fial eventually. Now that I have all that real world experience I am not all that hot to be in business for myself. I could be today, ther eis an offer onb the table. But I do not want that. Not any more.

Tell you what, if management is that aloof and disconnected, just take the initiative yourself. Do something and if they say something then just tell them it was needed. On your time I do what is needed., Is there a fucking problem ?

Oh there is ?

Well how about you get here and ytou YOUR FUCKING JOB an dmanage this place ? Are you incompetent or lazy ?

Been there done that and didn't get fired.

Fact is if you were not making them money you would not be there.

Another thing,m put it in writong. You got ideas to solve important problems, send registered letters if necessary to whoever, and the owner of the company. That is like an end run and very not good, only to be used when they are so fucking ddense that they don't even understand when to wipe their ass. Seriously though, some of them are that fucking stupid. MAnaging people who do a job of which they are incapable, becaus they got a afucking degree in basketweaving or some shit. college degrees are worthless today. The grads cannot do the work. thesae managers and bosses and shit are depencent upon the workers, but they keep that VERY secret. Andit depends what you do.. If I quit my phone rings. It has happened plenty. One time the boss CAME TO MY HOUSE ! (from 30 miles away)

I wil say this whe it comes to this interboss/worker thing. you must make them pay you and to do that you must be willling to lose. Say the words "I quit". Memorize them. If you are valuable then they are powerful. Not sop much for burger flippers.

Evaluaate yourself befroe making any forceful moves. When you say "or else I quit" and you con't get what you want, you are uinemployed and not goinmg to be collecting unemployment. Think about that too.

So you hd a nice little rant. What is gong to change ?
On Tuesday, January 20, 2015 at 11:44:21 PM UTC, John Kennerson wrote:
SO TRUE.....

There are no Pros to working here; in search of new employment elsewhere

Metrics driven new managers who know nothing about the life-science products

being sold in labs

Completely unrealistic sales quotas/goals that have no connection to what is

going on in the real world

Too many broken processes/procedures/kaizens to mention; its amazing someone

turns on the lights each day

Communication with ALL management is one way; just shut-up and sell is the

message which trickles down

Management doesn't want to hear about your challenges, what customers say,

product problems, service issues

If you work here, count on base salary and 3% commission; management will promise
bonuses but you won't get them

Company pride, morale and employee motivation are at an all time LOW in my

5+ years of employment

Bean counters at several management levels are concerned with their pocketbooks

and not your pocketbook

IMO: My manager (and managers above) would steal salary/commission/bonus from

me to enhance their bottom line

Don't count on any work-life balance at Leica; you are replaceable is the message;
and with the help of Leica HR, you will conform or WE WILL FIND A WAY TO GET

RID OF YOU (including discrimination)

All Leica managers (right up into the new president's office) are Workplace


Re-read ALL of the above BEFORE you consider working at this HELL HOLE

Advice to Management
Not even going to waste my breathe, because management is NOT listening

Nice job Peter Reimer, what's your next effing trick?

For all the reasons noted above, and many more, this is a FUCKED employer to work for short or long term! Think LONG and HARD before deciding to work for Leica or any other Danaher Corporation company. These are greedy corporate BASTARDS who want to line their pockets at the top and pass along bread crumbs to the very sales people making things happen on the streets for this company. Sales people are the only true asset this company has, but company management doesn't see it that way; you ARE replaceable! In addition, managers (if you can call them that because they don't know the first thing about leadership nor leading a team) specialize in micro-managing which creates a high stress and adversarial workplace while barking orders one way down the food chain. It is very discouraging to work here because management (Douglas Reed, Peter Reimer, Peter van den Broek, Thomas P. Joyce and H. Lawrence Culp) all the way up to the President's office spend excessive amounts of time thinking about how to TAKE AWAY salary, commission and bonuses from sales people. Management will dangle these incentives in front of sales people at the beginning of the year, but just try achieving them come year's end. They continually increase your sales quota making it more impossible in subsequent years to earn little more than salary and 1-3% commission. Management ACTIVELY contrives ways to STEAL salary, commissions and bonus from sales people and they even have set up paths to NOT pay earned sales commissions. Leica (and Danaher by default) is a truly HOSTILE place to work as they engage in discrimination (see below link). Management BULLIES at several levels DON'T want to hear about customer problems, service issues, no product training, nill to none marketing to help sales people get traction in the marketplace, sales challenges, factory quality issues, products that just don't work as advertised, premium prices for just about everything while constantly under-delivering in relation to customer expectations --- this SHIT could go on and on! Throw in internal processes and procedures THAT DON'T WORK and it is very amazing that the toilets get flushed everyday! If you crave a highly STRESSFUL workplace with no work life balance where you are micro-managed to death and constantly berated while also be hounded about completely unrealistic sales goals, then Leica is for you!

As noted previously: Re-read ALL of the above BEFORE you consider working at this HELL HOLE!!!

Discrimination is ALIVE and WELL in the Danaher workplace:
I have some wonderful comments you'll probably never see because you probably block all gmails.

First of all, pictures or it is all babble. Low flow means it uses less water. This vent or whatever, even though I do plumbing, I have no idea about it. I have seen several designs, many of the tanks fold more than they use per flush but it uses the weight of the water to push it through faster for a better flush.

The other comment/question - you are an engineer and can't figure out how to plug up a piece of pipe ?

And now, whether you know it or not I am going to join you in your rant about the nanny state. You know, maybe you're in Arizona or some shit but I live near a lake. We do not need water saving shower heads here, or faucets. Low flow toilets make for a clogged sewer line and are not as good for septic tanks.

When I turn on the kitchen sonk to say, do dishes, I am going to fill one side with a certain amount of water, all this shit does is make me wait longer. And wait longer for the hot water to get there.

And the shower ? I used to have long hair and with those fuken water savers it took a long time to get it wet, and even longer to rinse it. Lather, rinse, repeat ? Fuck repeating it just takes too damn long. Fuck hair anyway, as soon as it gets warmer I am getting rid of most of it.

Fuck the nanny state. I do not wear seat belts usually. Only in areas where there are alot of cops because they like to make money off of it. Every car I own will not have airbags. If I wreck the car the last fucking thing I need i s this big rubber baloon in my goddamn face. Know how I think you should do to be safe in a car ? WATCH WHERE THE FUCK YOU ARE GOING AND DON'T HIT THINGS ! OK, it helps if other things do not hit you of course, but think, without belts and bags at least the stupid fuck who hit you has a better chance to get hurt. There is no better teacher than the consequenses of one's actions. That steering wheel busting your ribs'll learnya that proper following distance is NOT one inch for every hundred miles per hour.

How about a water saving garden hose ? That's next. You cna water your lawn but it takes three times as long. It still needs the same amount. How about a water saving washing machine ? Uses the same amount of water but takes four times as long to fill. You don't have to wash clothes all that often. Hope not because you won't have time.

How about a water saving waterbed filler attachment ? Sure, that'll make it have less volume.

All this shit solvves NOTHING. they charge you for the water, you pay for the water. If water is scarce, then the rates are higher. If money is not enough coersion, nothing is, to not waste water.

Another thing. People who put the pipes in the ground and hook to the electricity to get the nightcrawlers fro fishing ? Let's see them do that with a GFI.

Now they are fucking with our ability to eat.

Fuck rocking the boat, rocking the boat is a drag. SINK the boat. (Putney Swope)

Viva le revolution !

I do not suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
On Saturday, January 31, 2015 at 12:05:34 AM UTC-5, Robert Baer wrote:
Jim Thompson wrote:
X-ray backscatter
You do not cotton to X-ray backscatter?
Very nice to find beams behind walls.
Make one and find out..

tapping carefully and listening works well for me
On Friday, February 20, 2015 at 8:48:56 PM UTC-8, DecadentLinuxUserNumeroUno wrote:
On Fri, 20 Feb 2015 22:38:54 -0600, Joe Chisolm wrote:

On Fri, 20 Feb 2015 10:45:36 -0700, Jim Thompson wrote:

Look at the IOGEAR GW3DHDKIT. I have not tried it yet but giving it
serious consideration.

That allows you to pipe one single HDMI source only stream over a
proprietary wireless link to one receiver. Additional receivers are
nearly $200 each too. Not very flexible.

My idea uses standard industry networking technology (wifi) and each
node is as cheap as $135.

Actually, many Blu-ray players now come with wired or WiFi network connections;
aren't they a lot less than $135?

On Tue, 24 Feb 2015, whit3rd wrote:

On Friday, February 20, 2015 at 8:48:56 PM UTC-8, DecadentLinuxUserNumeroUno wrote:
On Fri, 20 Feb 2015 22:38:54 -0600, Joe Chisolm wrote:

On Fri, 20 Feb 2015 10:45:36 -0700, Jim Thompson wrote:

Look at the IOGEAR GW3DHDKIT. I have not tried it yet but giving it
serious consideration.

That allows you to pipe one single HDMI source only stream over a
proprietary wireless link to one receiver. Additional receivers are
nearly $200 each too. Not very flexible.

My idea uses standard industry networking technology (wifi) and each
node is as cheap as $135.

Actually, many Blu-ray players now come with wired or WiFi network connections;
aren't they a lot less than $135?
Though watch out. My found on the sidewalk blu0ray player has ethernet
and USB, but the manual claims it can be only used with the company's USB
wifi adapter. I suspect that's not completely true, but probably is
limited to whatever uses the same driver as the company's unit. So if it
doesn't have built in wifi, one may have to pay the price for their wifi

I was asked many years ago if I had a hero. I would not say that Mr. Spock was about as close as it came. With calm cool thining aidst a bunch of assholes during a crisis, he saved what, the world a dozen times, the galaxy like twice and the universe at least once. What's not to like ?

but remember, that character was created by Gene Rodenberry. Of course Ninoy played it oh so well. I have seen the other Spocks on those newer versions and none of them are like the original. you can tell they are imitations.

I owuld tell them that to their face, but then that we don't have any choice. And when Nimoy got old he was ready to retire, no more of this except for that car commercial.

On Sun, 01 Mar 2015 08:04:13 -0700, Jim Thompson
<> wrote:

On Sat, 28 Feb 2015 20:50:37 -0500, "Tom Del Rosso"> wrote:

Jim Thompson wrote:

I never watched Star Trek. Nimoy actually did some real acting and

Never? That's insane.

I'm more attuned to the Willy Ley style of science "fiction".

...Jim Thompson
Something like 30 years ago I saw a science fiction type of movie and
in the opening there was a shot of a space ship, or at least something
floating in space. Anyway, on the side of this something were the
words "Willey Ley". I don't remember the name of the movie but I wish
I did so I could look at it again.
On Sun, 01 Mar 2015 15:22:23 -0800, wrote:

On Sun, 01 Mar 2015 08:04:13 -0700, Jim Thompson> wrote:

On Sat, 28 Feb 2015 20:50:37 -0500, "Tom Del Rosso"> wrote:

Jim Thompson wrote:

I never watched Star Trek. Nimoy actually did some real acting and

Never? That's insane.

I'm more attuned to the Willy Ley style of science "fiction".

...Jim Thompson
Something like 30 years ago I saw a science fiction type of movie and
in the opening there was a shot of a space ship, or at least something
floating in space. Anyway, on the side of this something were the
words "Willey Ley". I don't remember the name of the movie but I wish
I did so I could look at it again.

Willy Ley was a behind-the-scenes advisor to many sci-fi movies of the
late '50's, early '60's... my late teen years ;-)

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson | mens |
| Analog Innovations | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| San Tan Valley, AZ 85142 Skype: skypeanalog | |
| Voice:(480)460-2350 Fax: Available upon request | Brass Rat |
| E-mail Icon at | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
Jim Thompson wrote:

Are you now or have you ever been a climate skeptic?...

** Jim's point is pretty clearly inescapable.

Expressing reasonable doubt about AGW has become the target of a massive, politically motivated witch hunt.

Very comparable with the notorious days of McCharthyism.

Left unchallenged, "AGW denial" could be headed for criminal status.

Voltaire would be totally appalled.

But who cares what he think??

.... Phil
On Sunday, March 1, 2015 at 9:30:18 PM UTC-8, rickman wrote:
On 3/1/2015 6:31 PM, Jim Thompson wrote:
Are you now or have you ever been a climate skeptic?...

I read the article and I found virtually no information. There are a
few items of fact, such as, "The ranking Democrat on the House Natural
Resources Committee, Raúl Grijalva of Arizona, has written to seven
universities about seven researchers"... and "Wei-Hock Soon, a scientist
at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics whose work has been
critical of the climate-change "consensus," didn't adequately disclose
support for his research from energy interests"

A little background info: a scientist at a university will often get grants
to support his work, and it is usual for the university to administer the
money (salaries, purchases) and charge for overhead (secretaries, lab space....).
So, if the grantor and the grantee want to keep it secret, the hole in that
plan is that the university sees all the money trail, and has no reason
to keep it secret (indeed, state-supported universities have legal openness

Congress has power to subpoena, and the possibility of paid-for testimony
is a good enough reason to look at the background of witnesses.
whit3rd wrote:

Congress has power to subpoena, and the possibility of paid-for testimony
is a good enough reason to look at the background of witnesses.

** Equating scientific research with a court of law is utterly absurd.

Science relies only on the testability of hypotheses and the repeatability of observations and experiments.

Bad science is soon outed when hypotheses are non testable, observations cannot be successfully repeated and the outcomes of experiments are not as predicted.

.... Phil
Phil Hobbs wrote:
Congress has power to subpoena, and the possibility of paid-for
testimony is a good enough reason to look at the background of

** Equating scientific research with a court of law is utterly

Science relies only on the testability of hypotheses and the
repeatability of observations and experiments.

Bad science is soon outed when hypotheses are non testable,
observations cannot be successfully repeated and the outcomes of
experiments are not as predicted.


** Nonsense.

Until the above criteria are met - it ain't science at all.

Snip rest of you brainless drivel.

..... Phil
On 3/2/2015 7:54 PM, Phil Allison wrote:
whit3rd wrote:

Congress has power to subpoena, and the possibility of paid-for
testimony is a good enough reason to look at the background of

** Equating scientific research with a court of law is utterly

Science relies only on the testability of hypotheses and the
repeatability of observations and experiments.

Bad science is soon outed when hypotheses are non testable,
observations cannot be successfully repeated and the outcomes of
experiments are not as predicted.

Eventually. As somebody once said, “We used to believe in the particle
theory [of light], but now we believe in the wave theory, because all
who believed in the particle theory have died.”

Lysenko had a pretty good run for a charlatan, and Piltdown Man wasn't
exposed as a hoax for 40 years. A lot of damage can be done in the mean


Phil Hobbs

Dr Philip C D Hobbs
Principal Consultant
ElectroOptical Innovations LLC
Optics, Electro-optics, Photonics, Analog Electronics

160 North State Road #203
Briarcliff Manor NY 10510

hobbs at electrooptical dot net
>"Not one MSM network covered Netanyahu's speech to Congress. "

Of course not. They don't want people to know who is running things. As long as they put some of that foriegn aid in congressmen's pockets in the form of lobby money, that's the way it'll stay.

Welcome to

