Sam Wormley
On 3/14/10 10:31 AM, Magnetic wrote:
You are obviously bluffing, otherwise you would be in Geneva!Here is not complete list of your potential killers: 2003 J.-P.
Blaizot, J. Iliopoulos, J. Madsen, G.G. Ross, P. Sonderegger, H.-J.
Specht. 2008 John Ellis, Gian Giudice, Michelangelo Mangano, Igor
Tkachev, and Urs Wiedemann. And of course, Rolf Heuer, director of
CERN, who neglects the opinion of physicists, saying about dangers of
The crudest error, made by them, is equating of the consequences of
collider collisions with cosmo-atmospheric collisions. To see the
difference between these consequences look my model with two 10-kg
bottles with neutrons. You will see that the bottle, corresponding to
cosmic rays, will be safe. But the bottle, corresponding to LHC
collisions, will transform the town into Hiroshima.
Here are some CERN addresses. Write them and demand to stop the
Collider. Otherwise they kill us all with probability about several
dozens of percents.
rolf.heuer(at)cern.ch, cern.reception(at)cern.ch,
visits.service(at)cern.ch, press.office(at)cern.ch,
john.ellis(at)cern.ch, jean-pierre.koutchouk(at)cern.ch
rudiger.voss(at)cern.ch, patricia.mage(at)cern.ch,
felicitas.pauss(at)cern.ch, external.relations(at)cern.ch, council-
president(at)cern.ch, fc-chairman(at)cern.ch, spc-chairman(at)cern.ch,
scientific-secretary(at)cern.ch, council-secretariat(at)cern.ch
Here are some phones of your potential killers:
CERN CH-1211 Genčve 23 Switzerland. +41 22 76 761 11
Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire F-01631 CERN Cedex
France Telephone Switchboard: +41 22 76 761 11 Central Fax: +41 22 76
765 55
Visitors Reception. Telephone number:+41 22 76 766 49
Visits Service. Telephone number: +41 22 767 8484, Fax: +41 22 767
Press Office. Telephone number: 41 22 767 3432 / 2141 Fax: +41 22 785
Stop global suicide!