Chip with simple program for Toy

John Fields wrote:

The "other story" seems to be that you can read the words but cannot
extract meaning from them.

Thanks God I can't....!

Best Regards,

Daniel Mandic
"Daniel Manic Total Cunt "

John Fields wrote:

The "other story" seems to be that you can read the words but cannot
extract meaning from them.

Thanks God I can't....!

** Thank god you can still squeeze out shit.

Or you would bust wide open.

......... Phil
On 04 Jul 2007 13:48:29 GMT, "Daniel Mandic" <>

John Fields wrote:

The "other story" seems to be that you can read the words but cannot
extract meaning from them.

Thanks God I can't....!
Ignorance is bliss?

Aly wrote:
"purtybird0" <> wrote in message
Hello people know any one with cancer, be a hero and give them

There may indeed be some truth in that lot, but I'm certainly not reading
through it.

We're all dying of cancer, ..the cancer of growing old.

Dad has terminal lung cancer. He doesn't smoke. And apparantly according
to our all knowing beaurocrats he's not ill enough to receive a blue
disabled parking badge nor disability allowance. Despite not being able to
walk a few feet without almost collapsing into a heap.

He's not ill enough apparently!! This country (the UK) is full of
hypocrites and sanctamonious turds.

So much for nationalized health care!

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
Phil Allison wrote:

Or you would bust wide open.

........ Phil

O.k. I'll do it with permanent eating. I start now!

errrrmm, what do you weanna know wide open, heh???

You retarted moron. You are a shame!!!! Get off!

Best Regards,

Daniel Mandic
John Fields wrote:
On 04 Jul 2007 13:48:29 GMT, "Daniel Mandic" <

John Fields wrote:

The "other story" seems to be that you can read the words but cannot
extract meaning from them.

Thanks God I can't....!

Ignorance is bliss?

Ignorance? I used to work for him, but he preferred to be called
"Ernie". :)

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote in message
Aly wrote:

So much for nationalized health care!
Paying someone Ł30k p.a. to find out where Ł10k's of towels have gone is
mostly the problem...

Recently a surgeon was suspended on full-pay for having an extra portion of
peas in the canteen.

Really!! Not joking. It's beaurocracy gone scary made.

I could understand it if it was a dsPIC jumping to a random location at the
end of a computed-goto, but it isn't.
On Wed, 4 Jul 2007 00:32:08 +1000, "Phil Allison"
<> wrote:

"John Fields"

The "other story" seems to be that you can read the words but cannot
extract meaning from them.

** Bout as difficult as extracting blood from a stone ......

... for any of the barbarian hordes of genetically ASD fucked, utterly
manic, piles of sub human, alienoid shit that completely infest & totally
FUCK up the only genuine, open public forum that exists on earth.
True, but not to worry.

We've got them in our sights and after a post or two they reveal
their Achilles' heels. After that it's only a matter of time and
persistence until their behavior can be controlled or, if they prove
to be especially recalcitrant, until they can be dispatched or, at
the very least, allowed to discredit themselves by giving them
enough rope.

Nuff to shake your faith in humanity ...
Not humanity, just the physical look-alike shit that pretends to it.

In article <>, says...
"Daniel Manic"

John Fields wrote:

The "other story" seems to be that you can read the words but cannot
extract meaning from them.

Thanks God I can't....!

** Thank god you can still squeeze out shit.

Or you would bust wide open.
So that explains what happened to you -- full of shit, busted wide open,
and now spewing it everywhere.

Go back to screwing sheep, Phyllis.

Or is it goats this week?
In article <>, Michael A. Terrell wrote:
Aly wrote:

"purtybird0" <> wrote in message
Hello people know any one with cancer, be a hero and give them

There may indeed be some truth in that lot, but I'm certainly not reading
through it.

We're all dying of cancer, ..the cancer of growing old.

Dad has terminal lung cancer. He doesn't smoke. And apparantly according
to our all knowing beaurocrats he's not ill enough to receive a blue
disabled parking badge nor disability allowance. Despite not being able to
walk a few feet without almost collapsing into a heap.

He's not ill enough apparently!! This country (the UK) is full of
hypocrites and sanctamonious turds.

So much for nationalized health care!
I hear enough complaints about Britain's systems from those who think
Canada does a fairly decent job!

- Don Klipstein ( wrote:

There are two ambient temperatures to consider. First, that at start-
up... that would seldom be anything near 40C. Then, there is ambient
during operation. And that would depend on the nature of the enclosure
(if any). My direct experience is that all of our CFL-type lamps may
be handled without discomfort at any time during operation, base and

That would be meaningfully cooler than any similar brightness
(irrespective of wattage) incandescent.

Peter Wieck
Wyncote, PA

I have changed everything to CFL. Globe-, Bulb- and Tube-Lamps.
The smallest is 5W and the biggest 18W (Workbench), 15W for Living Room

I'll see the change in electricity-bill soon :)

Colour or Tone is O.K., IMO. I like the light, it's more precise for
work. Although, somewhere a Wolfram Bulb makes more atmosphere.
I guess the ol' Bulb will meet the same passion as Candles do, soon :)

Even better with DC ;-)

Best regards,

Daniel Mandic
Arny Krueger wrote:

Note that none of the applications I mentioned were justified based
on just the power used.

phhh, a small car drives you as well, but there are still immassive
types of cars around. E.g. Hummer, or even Porsche, with
~80litres/100Km on full-power.
That's far over the actual class-B, with ~5L/100KM. 3-4L/100KM is up to

Best regards,

Daniel Mandic wrote:

Issues with LEDs today:

Color rendering

They must (have to, IMO) come, as all the other unnecessary things
developed before. 300HP Family Cars with some tons of living-weight,
climatic-machines (some green and water would do better, Yes!
Intown!!), and other ressource swindling devices (economy pluser).

Going high and low, that's all! Now it's some minutes before 12 (high
noon with nature), IMHO.

Best regards,

Daniel Mandic
Dave Plowman (News) wrote:

In article <46933bf7$0$6925$>,
Mr.T <MrT@home> wrote:

"Eeyore" <> wrote in message
4500K is still somewhat blue for most peoples' taste.

You must really hate daylight then!

Most domestic lighting is used after dark and the colour temperature
last thing in the day is nothing like 4500k.

Hi Dave!


Although, I think it's impossible to recreate the Sun's all temps, from
Blue over Green and the soft Red, to purple (Earth-Sun
temp-combinations), etc. etc.

It would be a small Sun or so, then it might be possible. Just/But it's
smaller, though.

Best regards,

Daniel Mandic
"F Murtz" <> wrote in message
any ideas on how to transmit from small speaker on gps device to a head
inside a motorbike helmet can not hear gps instructions over 60 kmph
thoughts so far include small mike over spkr to amp with bigger spkr
could possibly connect directly to spkr wiring
have seen thingo that you place over spkr on phone that transmits fm (to
pick up on radio)doubt anyone makes similar thingo transmitting bluetooth
Its been my experience that most units have a headphone out jack.
What brand do you have?
Tom Biasi wrote:

"F Murtz" <> wrote in message

any ideas on how to transmit from small speaker on gps device to a
head inside a motorbike helmet can not hear gps instructions over 60 kmph
thoughts so far include small mike over spkr to amp with bigger spkr
could possibly connect directly to spkr wiring
have seen thingo that you place over spkr on phone that transmits fm
(to pick up on radio)doubt anyone makes similar thingo transmitting

Its been my experience that most units have a headphone out jack.
What brand do you have?
It is only school zone camera position gps
Albert Manfredi wrote:

By the way, this also applies to xenon headlights in some cars. They
are superbly obnoxious at night, to other drivers. Even if they
aren't brighter than halogens, the bluish color is very distracting.
Fortnunately, there seem to be fewer of the really annoying ones
around these days. Maybe the auto makers got too many complaints.

Many Cars had the annyoing blue (you see many colors IMO, in a wierd
fluctuation) xenon. It's not much lesser annyoing than far-light from
the opposite way and especially when behind you, in the Night.

That was ~1990-2000 (AUDI, BMW and consorts), it got far better so far
I see!

That kind of modern Lights are barely to see at a sunny midday, though.
Obviously the Daylight-effect :)

Best regards,

Daniel Mandic
On Thu, 12 Jul 2007 13:45:38 +0100, Dave Plowman (News) wrote:

In article <12oli.26098$>,
Arfa Daily <> wrote:
"Kalashnikov of soldering stations" - I like that ! It's very true as
well. I have had two Weller Magnastat irons in constant daily use for
years, and also have a '900 series vacuum desoldering station which uses
the same iron. Agreed also on the tip choice that you advocate.

I must be odd in not much liking Weller. I've had Antex for over 40 years
and prefer the balance and weight.
I've always used mostly Wellers, because that's what the company bought. :)
At home on my own bench, I use the "princess" from RS or one of a couple
of clunky irons from the hardware store or something.

Yes, using a matching DeWalt battery (light but volatile lithium-ion)
might be the way to go. Would be nice if DeWalt provided amp hour
ratings for their batteries, but maybe their users aren't considered
technically inclined enough to understand that.



I don't understand why you would state that the lithium batteries are
volatile unless you are thinking that they may harm you. Lithium
batteries do need to be treated differently that other batteries but I
haven't heard of any DeWalt batteries having problems. Lately it seems
that the batteries causing problems are counterfeit. The technology
and the built in safety devices have really improved in the last few
years. There are chips available for OEMs to put into their batteries
that the device using them checks for. This way only approved
batteries will work in the device. Other chips are made that prevent
over charge and discharge.
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