Chip with simple program for Toy

On Sun, 15 Jul 2007 08:41:52 -0400, default wrote:

"Any government sponsored program to reduce greenhouse gases will
result in higher taxes, higher costs, and higher greenhouse gases."

We should be researching ways to convert politicians to fuel.
Most of them are quite greasy and would burn dirty. Maybe anaerobic
digestion, to yield methane?

The long-term energy source that makes the most sense is nuclear fusion.
Until that becomes commercially feasable, space-based solar. Until that
infrastructure can be built (after first building the commercial
heavy-lift industry), nuclear fission. The Adams system (Google "Adams
Atomic Engines") looks pretty good, although there has been no independent
economic and engineering analysis that I know of. But none of this will
work until we can figure out how to break the unholy alliance of
tree-huggers and oil barons who stand in the way.
In article <P_Cmi.22108$>, "Jon Slaughter" <> wrote:
"fazi" <> wrote in message
Hi dears

How bout you go fuck yourself? Is that funny enough?
How bout you stop re-posting the spams? I have this idiot killfiled, but you
got him past my filters -- thanks a lot.

Doug Miller (alphageek at milmac dot com)

It's time to throw all their damned tea in the harbor again.
On Mon, 16 Jul 2007 05:22:28 -0500, "Stephen J. Rush"
<> wrote:

Atomic Engines"

I don't think so. First place is that there's a lot of hype on the
page and marketeering - nothing that sounds remotely scientific in the
way of facts and figures.

The hype seems to suggest that these would be suited for relatively
small scale production of electricity - that in turn suggests that
there's something that makes them unsuitable for large scale

Many small nuclear plants may make a lot of sense from a distributed
power model and alleviate the need for more and expensive power
distribution - but it also spreads out the waste material, and
potential for terrorism - and familiarity breeds contempt - you would
need a lot of trained people that would stay focused on there jobs.

The one I really love is their statement of "History of safe operation
for nuclear fission reactors." In the first place, there haven't been
any/many of that exact type built and the similar systems have very
limited testing before they were abandoned. So that statement is
patently false.

The last part of the statement (safe) " . . . for nuclear fission
reactors." Well I'd hope so, since the potential for damage is a lot
greater; but it makes it sound like even they don't think it is very

"Large number of skilled, nuclear-trained people available." Really?
Oh, those out of work Soviet nuke builders.

"Need for reliable power sources in developing nations." Iraq?

"Market demand for high powered ships." Well that is a true statement
- cruise ships in particular, are notorious gas guzzlers - shipping
that can move at a slower pace is actually already very efficient.

"Development of a means to build from the existing infrastructure of
turbo machinery designers and suppliers." Off the shelf parts for
nuclear plants? That would seem to be one of those applications where
quality control would severely limit the numbers of approved suppliers
and parts certifications - bogus copy-cat parts are already creeping
into the fleets of airlines, it may happen here as well.

The clincher - the Pebble Bed reactor which is similar to the Adams,
uses the same fuel structure with one exception - they provide a means
for the broken pellets to be removed from the system. The Adams has
no such mechanism so broken pellets may accumulate and provide exposed
graphite that could burn when exposed to air and nuclear fuel with hot
spots in it.

The broken pellet thing may be the size limit on this reactor.

That still leaves small applications for ships.

This really looks like a lot of hype to lure investors into a scam and
not a serious attempt at power generation.

"We are ready to begin licensing and building our engines. We have
been doing our homework since 1991 and believe that we have developed
a system that fills a vital energy need . . ."

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"Doug Miller" <> wrote in message
In article <P_Cmi.22108$>, "Jon
Slaughter" <> wrote:

"fazi" <> wrote in message
Hi dears

How bout you go fuck yourself? Is that funny enough?

How bout you stop re-posting the spams? I have this idiot killfiled, but
got him past my filters -- thanks a lot.
No need to thank me!!
On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 08:53:02 -0400, Arny Krueger wrote:

"JANA" <> wrote in message

I guess mercury, neon, and xenon gas is good for us to
put in to the ground and breath.

Mercury is naturally ocurring in the ground. Neon and Xenon are inert gasses
that can only harm living things by displacing gasses in the atmoshphere
that they need. You can breathe all the Neon and Xenon that you want to,
provided you also get enough oxygen.
Not strictly true of neon and xenon. Xenon can cause what's called
inert-gas narcosis even at sea level. Nitrogen produces the same effect
at elevated pressures; that's why deep divers use helium. I'm not what
sure the pressure threshold of narcosis is for neon.

There is an ancient axiom of toxicology: "The dose makes the poison." Too
much of anything is deadly, with the definition of "too much" varying by
many orders of magnitude, depending on whether you're talking about
dihydrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, or botulin.
Sally wrote:

Amusing about your assessment!

You are right. He was, too...

What now??

Why? Can't you accept double-thinker? You will heal them!?.... with
top-posting and your glassy arguments?

Best regards,

Daniel Mandic
Michael A. Terrell wrote:

Eeyore wrote:

Top-posting is for lazy arrogant ppl.

Like donkeys who are too damn lazy to type 'people'?

hmmmm, let's see what we have here...

ahhh, I might know the untracable roots of Eyeore.

Well, here you are:
You dare to write something about ppl? Or even People!?

Best Regards,

Daniel Mandic
Daniel Mandic wrote:
Michael A. Terrell wrote:

Eeyore wrote:

Top-posting is for lazy arrogant ppl.

Like donkeys who are too damn lazy to type 'people'?

hmmmm, let's see what we have here...

ahhh, I might know the untracable roots of Eyeore.

Well, here you are:
You dare to write something about ppl? Or even People!?

Best Regards,

Daniel Mandic

Only about those who deserve it! ;-)

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
Eeyore wrote:
"" wrote:

I want to combine the functionality of two PlayStation controllers.

Thank God I've never even been even slightly interested in such a futile
endeavour. Tell me, just how important is a Sony Play Station in seeking your
life's fulfilment ?

Have you ever considered taking a walk (or bicycle ride) in the countryside or
even attempting to 'expand' your mind by reading 'literature' for example ?


Ignore the 'demented donkey'.

I doubt that what you want to do is going to be easy, or even
possible. You should look for websites where they hardware hack the
PlayStation. If it can be done, its out there somewhere. On the other
hand, I think the controllers have internal logic, which will prevent
connecting both directly to one port.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
<> wrote in message
I want to combine the functionality of two PlayStation controllers. I
want the digital pot controllers (mini joysticks) from one controller
and the button configuration for the other. I don't want the
controllers physically combined just functionally. I tried cutting the
cords on the both controllers and splicing them together into one
plug. When I tried to use the controller they were completely dead.

I am a pretty sure that the solder joints on the splices were good and
the wires on the two controllers seemed to follow the same color
scheme though one of the controllers had one more wire which I hooked
to the correct pin-out. I used a lead free silver solder with no flux
but the contacts seemed good.

My best guesses as to why it does not work are:

1) The PlayStation does not put out enough power for both controllers.

2) The controller put out digital instead of analogue signals and they
are interfering with each-other.

Does anybody know why this attempt failed or have a suggestion as to
how I can get the joysticks on one controller to work with the buttons
on a separate controller. I only have basic equipment and a small
budget but there is a good electronics store and a radioshack in
driving distance.

The function of the units controls are not defined by how they are labeled.
The logic is communicating with controls that mean something to a certain
game program.

"robb" <> wrote in message
any suggestions on source for small carbon brushes (small quantity)

i did do a google search.... lots of mfg sites or for large quantity
wholsale purchase mostly for larger motor applications

looking for 0.220" x 0.220" by 3/4" long shuntless (just spring) size
for low rpm A/C motor

thanks for any help,
The usage is similar to doorbell. You press the button end the module
sends few bits of code (for disambiguation purposes).
The receiver catches the signal, recognizes the source and (for
instance) sends a signal to a (let's say) lamp. The lamp receives the
signal and switches on (an example of a doorbell for hearing impaired

So basically, I don't need a 'data transfer' link. Just (for this
example) three transceivers that can work on small voltages.

Gary Tait wrote:
EdV <> wrote in news:1185210526.019815.167460

I am just wondering where to post my question about creating small FM
transceiver and receiver (separate) which would send / receive a couple
bits of data.

How many are a "couple" How cast are they going to change?

for just a two or three that won't change often, I'd gate an audio
oscillator per bit, and use a tone detector at the other end.

For more than that, I'd serially send the bits over AFSK.
Michael A. Terrell wrote:

You dare to write something about ppl? Or even People!?

Best Regards,

Daniel Mandic

Only about those who deserve it! ;-)

Hi Michael!

strange, but quite true... in your case! (knowing-well electrician,
you!) ;-)

Best regards,

Daniel Mandic
On Jul 31, 3:58 pm, S Jam <> wrote:
Finally Available! Watch Satellite TV On Your Computer Without Paying
Monthly Fees... FOR FREE?
No extra hw or network connection needed? I dont believe it.
On Aug 8, 2:29 pm, wrote: Huge tits!
would eye lie to you?
Sorry, not my thing. Neither are large beer guts,
hips, large chests.

I don't mean to insult anyone reading this reply,
as it's up to each any every one of us to decide
what we like, or what we make ourselves into
what we like.

I'd myself appear fairly gross to some folk, however
I made myself into how I want to look like.

The article surprises me as to why some (or a lot)
of males/females like large tits... I just really don't
get it.
"the_dawggie" <> wrote in message
On Aug 8, 2:29 pm, wrote: Huge tits!
would eye lie to you?

Sorry, not my thing. Neither are large beer guts,
hips, large chests.

I don't mean to insult anyone reading this reply,
as it's up to each any every one of us to decide
what we like, or what we make ourselves into
what we like.

I'd myself appear fairly gross to some folk, however
I made myself into how I want to look like.

The article surprises me as to why some (or a lot)
of males/females like large tits... I just really don't
get it.

i like all female ones
"the_dawggie" <> wrote in message
On Aug 8, 2:29 pm, wrote: Huge tits!
would eye lie to you?

Sorry, not my thing. Neither are large beer guts,
hips, large chests.

I don't mean to insult anyone reading this reply,
as it's up to each any every one of us to decide
what we like, or what we make ourselves into
what we like.

I'd myself appear fairly gross to some folk, however
I made myself into how I want to look like.

The article surprises me as to why some (or a lot)
of males/females like large tits... I just really don't
get it.
it was a pretty deep article, I couldn't read the whole thing..
On 8 Aug, 05:29, wrote: Huge tits!
would eye lie to you?
aaaaaaaaw "this page cannot be found"

i feel cheated.
On Aug 8, 2:59 pm, "%" <> wrote:
"the_dawggie" <> wrote in message

On Aug 8, 2:29 pm, wrote: tits!
would eye lie to you?

Sorry, not my thing. Neither are large beer guts,
hips, large chests.

I don't mean to insult anyone reading this reply,
as it's up to each any every one of us to decide
what we like, or what we make ourselves into
what we like.

I'd myself appear fairly gross to some folk, however
I made myself into how I want to look like.

The article surprises me as to why some (or a lot)
of males/females like large tits... I just really don't
get it.

i like all female ones

Some female ones can look good, but only if very small
The article surprises me as to why some (or a lot)
of males/females like large tits... I just really don't
get it.
It's genetic:
"One theory is based around the fact that, unlike nearly all other primates,
human females do not display clear, physical signs of ovulation. This could
have plausibly resulted in human males evolving to respond to more subtle
signs of ovulation. During ovulation, the increased estrogen present in the
female body results in a slight swelling of the breasts, which then males
could have evolved to find attractive. In response, there would be
evolutionary pressures that would favor females with more swollen breasts who
would, in a manner of speaking, appear to males to be the most likely to be

Propagation of the species, carried to the extreme in many cultures...


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