Richard Henry
"John Larkin" <jjlarkin@highlandSNIPtechTHISnologyPLEASE.com> wrote in
message news:1gqqe0lcf492rmk44kdbppeg1h1eq04r0c@4ax.com...
message news:1gqqe0lcf492rmk44kdbppeg1h1eq04r0c@4ax.com...
Are you saying MM should be a Republican?You can prove it yourself: just stand in front of a movie theater and
watch the tickets being sold. MM has a $2M apartment in NYC and a
megabuck country home in Maryland or somewhere, and that's just from
the book sales. Look it up.
MM, like Rush, is a greedy and dishonest and rich entertainer. Geez,
do you think he does this out of principle? Delusion indeed.