to avoid this problem, I keep two copies of the cells, one with globals
and one with the power and ground pins added to them. I let the digital
tools use the ones with globals (because that is what they expect) and
I substitute in the ones with power pins when it comes back to me. It
is a bit of a hassle, but I find it works out well because I can always
tell where my cells are connected.
Yes, I have had issues in the past with globals and LVS....
kev wrote:
to avoid this problem, I keep two copies of the cells, one with globals
and one with the power and ground pins added to them. I let the digital
tools use the ones with globals (because that is what they expect) and
I substitute in the ones with power pins when it comes back to me. It
is a bit of a hassle, but I find it works out well because I can always
tell where my cells are connected.
Yes, I have had issues in the past with globals and LVS....
kev wrote:
I got a bit sidetracked here with cdlin - when in fact I am more
concerned on how to simulate a standard cell lib.
I can simualte if I convert the nodes VSS and VDD to VSS! and VDD! in
the netlist. but then that means that I ahev 2 global nodes i.e.e all
my stanard cell instances will be shorted through these nodes. Now I
want to be able to replace these nodes by inherited connections but I
can seem to get the cdf paramters correct for netlisting....
DReynolds wrote:
Kev, it sounds like you are not getting the correct primitives, which
usually means you are not telling cdlin where your PDK devides are when
you run cdlin.
kev wrote:
I now final have a proper cdl netlist. However, when I try to cdlin
the netlsit all i get is a "mos" cell created.
I ahve also converted the netlist to spectre and am having problems
as I want to add inherited supplies to the stanard cell lib rather that
global VDD and VSS. I get it to netlist but it doen't work. [simple
I changed to standard cell description fo an inverter from/to the
.subckt INVX1 Y A
M0 Y A VSS VSS NCH l=0.18u w=0.6u
M1 VDD A Y VDD PCH l=0.18u w=0.9u
.ends INVX1
simulator lang=spectre
subckt INVX1 Y A inh_vdd inh_vss
M0 ( Y A inh_vss inh_vss ) nch l=0.18u w=0.6u
M1 ( inh_vdd A Y inh_vdd ) pch l=0.18u w=0.9u
ends INVX1
However, it doesn't work so it seems that the inherited suppiles are
not being passed properly by the cdf. [componentName = INVX1 termOrder
"Y" "A" are the only 2 cdf params I set].
However if one draws a schmatci of such and inverter with inherited
supplies the componentName = subcircuit and not INVX1.
Any ideas?
DReynolds wrote:
Kevin, I have worked with the Artisan standard cells before, where
exactly are you having the issues?
In my case,as in the one you mention, they give you symbols, so the
messiest part is done. CDLin the spice to get usable (though certainly
not neat) schematics and you should have everything you need to get
going on simulation with spectre. Remember that the standard cells use
global power supplies (typically VDD! and VSS!) that you will have to
add sources for in order to get the sims to work.
There are several minor issues you may have to deal with if you want to
use them in the complete flow with AMS especially. Let me know if you
need more help...
kev wrote:
Yes. you are right it is for mixed signal environment. More
specifically it is
for an adc interface and the designer would like to use the standard
and he needs to simulate with artist.
Aside, I believe it is better to create a full custom standard cell lib
and not a supplied version as I have seen issues when porting from one
tech to another.
But others would like to use the core standard libs it saves some
And as far as I know artisan/arm don't provide the complete database
that we require,
if they do then it hasn't been installed properly and I am stuck with
getting to know
the ends and outs of cadence. ;-) !!
Bernd Fischer wrote:
Artisan provides some free Std. Cell libraries for various
si. foundries. Now because they are free, or what ever commercial
model the use in background with the foundry, they just provide the
libraries for the digital use model.
Now if you work in a mixed signal environment you either have to pay
Artisan to give you the data to use inside Cadence DFII or you have
to spend some effort to create the data your self.
I assume the second is what Kevin intent to want to do.