audio recording on IC -help wanted

Eeyore <> wrote in

Lostgallifreyan wrote:

"" <> wrote

the (national) postage is given as Euro 10.00 (this excludes
insurance). This is a bit on the high side, but within reason.

National. I asked about international. He never answered. If
answering that is too hard to do, but expecting me to go outside eBay
for all 3000 is preferable then I don't want to do business with the
man. As it is, none of his accepted payment methods give ANY
protection for eBayers. Curious, no?

Within the EU AIUI, postage is supposed to be the same as national
postage to any country within the Union.

OTOH if the guy won't answer questions, I'd have nothing to do with

He finally responded. Took three tries over five days but it worked. He
wants 20 euros to send to the UK. Steep. Very. But not insane. He wants
Western Union though. While they're not as dodgy as eBay say they are, it's
still true that the seller ONLY accepts payment methods that offer NO
protection to the buyer! At least with insured banknotes sent by Airsure, I
get to claim them off the post office if they go awol, and so far far he
won't accept a method than gives me ANY cover, let alone cover against
problems caused by the seller directly.

It's not a great way to do international business. If he wants to restrict
that much, he ought to have appropriately restricted his market area to the
country he's in.
Even a schematic of the area of the optical pickup from the JVC service
manual for the XL-FZ158BK would be helpful. That would at least identify
the pinout of the hologram laser IC.


--- sam | Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ:
Repair | Main Table of Contents:
+Lasers | Sam's Laser FAQ:
| Mirror Sites:

Important: Anything sent to the email address in the message header above is
ignored unless my full name AND either lasers or electronics is included in the
subject line. Or, you can contact me via the Feedback Form in the FAQs.

Sam Goldwasser <> writes:

(Part of this was posted Yesterday to only.)

I'm looking for a datasheet with as much detail as possible on the
optical pickup in the JVC XL-FZ158BK. It's either from Philips or
Sony. The type of pickup is called a "hologram laser" by some
manufacturers as it uses a Holographic Optical Element (HOE) to produce
the 3 beams of the "three beam pickup" and to distribute the return
beams to the focusing and tracking photodiodes. It has 10 pins in a
flat package with the hologram part in the clear cover. What I'm
mainly interested in are the details of the optical arrangement to identify
the photodiode locations. While conventional optical pickups using
discrete optics generally have a separate PD array with easily identified
individual photodiodes, these hologram lasers may have the photodiodes
distributed in almost any pattern. And on this one, it's far from obvous
even where they are, let alone the specific function of each.

It has a normal edge-emitting laser diode with its beam reflected by a
really tiny prism. But I can't visually identify either the monitor
photodiode, or the phodiiodes of the focusing/tracking/RF signal PD array.

Here is a poor photo:

13,14,15,16 are pads for the laser diode.

B is the angled mirror face.

A is the flat top of the prism. It is not known what, if anything,
is below this.

Pointers to any Philips or Sony combined laser/photodiode array optical
pickup datasheets would be desirable if this specific one doesn't ring
a bell.

Any info appreciated.


--- sam | Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ:
yes, Sam, I understand your needs behind, but sorry I cannot help, so far!
What nice and tricky "high end" application could be created with this
complex optical part - outside a DVD player, of course. Are you sure, Sir,
that this part is yet not blacklisted from the DOD? Actually as a kind of
Laserschurkendevices? Read his lips...!!!

Andreas Roithner

"Sam Goldwasser" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
Even a schematic of the area of the optical pickup from the JVC service
manual for the XL-FZ158BK would be helpful. That would at least identify
the pinout of the hologram laser IC.


--- sam | Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ:
Repair | Main Table of Contents:
+Lasers | Sam's Laser FAQ:
| Mirror Sites:

Important: Anything sent to the email address in the message header above
ignored unless my full name AND either lasers or electronics is included
in the
subject line. Or, you can contact me via the Feedback Form in the FAQs.

Sam Goldwasser <> writes:

(Part of this was posted Yesterday to only.)

I'm looking for a datasheet with as much detail as possible on the
optical pickup in the JVC XL-FZ158BK. It's either from Philips or
Sony. The type of pickup is called a "hologram laser" by some
manufacturers as it uses a Holographic Optical Element (HOE) to produce
the 3 beams of the "three beam pickup" and to distribute the return
beams to the focusing and tracking photodiodes. It has 10 pins in a
flat package with the hologram part in the clear cover. What I'm
mainly interested in are the details of the optical arrangement to
the photodiode locations. While conventional optical pickups using
discrete optics generally have a separate PD array with easily
individual photodiodes, these hologram lasers may have the photodiodes
distributed in almost any pattern. And on this one, it's far from
even where they are, let alone the specific function of each.

It has a normal edge-emitting laser diode with its beam reflected by a
really tiny prism. But I can't visually identify either the monitor
photodiode, or the phodiiodes of the focusing/tracking/RF signal PD

Here is a poor photo:

13,14,15,16 are pads for the laser diode.

B is the angled mirror face.

A is the flat top of the prism. It is not known what, if anything,
is below this.

Pointers to any Philips or Sony combined laser/photodiode array optical
pickup datasheets would be desirable if this specific one doesn't ring
a bell.

Any info appreciated.


--- sam | Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ:

yes, Sam, I understand your needs behind, but sorry I cannot help, so far!
What nice and tricky "high end" application could be created with this
complex optical part - outside a DVD player, of course. Are you sure, Sir,
that this part is yet not blacklisted from the DOD? Actually as a kind of
Laserschurkendevices? Read his lips...!!!
HeHeHeHeHeNe..... :) Ah, so that's why all Google references to it
are redirected to porn sites. ;-)

The only possibility so far is that I might be able to find a service
manual for the CD player and that might have a schematic with the pickup part
number and a pinout.

People have used CD/DVD pickups in interferometers and similar applications.

High end? Mayb mount 10,000 of them in a phased array.......

--- sam | Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ:
Repair | Main Table of Contents:
+Lasers | Sam's Laser FAQ:
| Mirror Sites:

Important: Anything sent to the email address in the message header above is
ignored unless my full name AND either lasers or electronics is included in the
subject line. Or, you can contact me via the Feedback Form in the FAQs.

Andreas Roithner

"Sam Goldwasser" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
Even a schematic of the area of the optical pickup from the JVC service
manual for the XL-FZ158BK would be helpful. That would at least identify
the pinout of the hologram laser IC.


--- sam | Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ:

Sam Goldwasser <> writes:

(Part of this was posted Yesterday to only.)

I'm looking for a datasheet with as much detail as possible on the
optical pickup in the JVC XL-FZ158BK. It's either from Philips or
Sony. The type of pickup is called a "hologram laser" by some
manufacturers as it uses a Holographic Optical Element (HOE) to produce
the 3 beams of the "three beam pickup" and to distribute the return
beams to the focusing and tracking photodiodes. It has 10 pins in a
flat package with the hologram part in the clear cover. What I'm
mainly interested in are the details of the optical arrangement to
the photodiode locations. While conventional optical pickups using
discrete optics generally have a separate PD array with easily
individual photodiodes, these hologram lasers may have the photodiodes
distributed in almost any pattern. And on this one, it's far from
even where they are, let alone the specific function of each.

It has a normal edge-emitting laser diode with its beam reflected by a
really tiny prism. But I can't visually identify either the monitor
photodiode, or the phodiiodes of the focusing/tracking/RF signal PD

Here is a poor photo:

13,14,15,16 are pads for the laser diode.

B is the angled mirror face.

A is the flat top of the prism. It is not known what, if anything,
is below this.

Pointers to any Philips or Sony combined laser/photodiode array optical
pickup datasheets would be desirable if this specific one doesn't ring
a bell.

Any info appreciated.


--- sam | Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ:
"John A" <> wrote in news:4666bbdc$1$8756$ed2619ec@ptn-

Well, I intentionally didn't suggest adding a variable as a) it would
re-open the Pandora's Box of how to calibrate the thing, and, b) the
combined tolerances of the fixed components would make a nonsense of such
calibration anyway.
Initially, I didn't assume the OP wanted a large variable capacitor at all,
but was mistakenly trying to match fixed sizes with variable sizes without
considering why such things are not common practise. Calibration aside, the
variable I suggested adding IS a viable idea, assuming your switched-cap
box is valid. After all, if you CAN get any value, then you set it as you
need. If it's tuning frequency, you measure the frequency.

But as I said WAy early in the thread, first reply, if you really want a
sweep of possible timing values, just use a fixed cap and a variable pot,
as standard. The OP was talking about synthesizers, after all, he mentioned
them explicitly.
robb wrote:

i am working on an old mid 80's circuit board that has some
original 2200 uF/ 63V electrolytic caps (size of a C-cell) plus
some others and was just wondering when one should just replace
such a creature ?

says made in W-Germany "Elkorauh" if it makes a diference ?

should i remove and test them (maybe stress them ?) or just leave
them alone (i.e. fix broken things)
is there a life expectancy for electrolytics ?

thanks for help,

Yes there is a life expectancy with electrolytics how ever, if you have
tested these caps after some reforming time and found them to be ok,
it may not be necessary to replace them..

One a second note:
If you're restoring, It might be a good idea to do so.

"I'm never wrong, once i thought i was, but was mistaken"
Real Programmers Do things like this. (Don Klipstein) wrote in

I expect about 6.7 watts in the case of a 1710 lumen 100W
if the ellipsoidal mirror is a whole ellipsoid and 100% reflective and
the dichroic filter passes all 400-700 nm light.

As for the rest, approximately or "educated guesses":

UV passing through the glass: .12%
UV absorbed by the glass: .02%

Heat conducted/convected from the filament: ~13%

IR passing through the glass: ~60%
IR absorbed by the glass: ~20.16% ("rounded oddly" to make figures add
to 100%)
I was trying to keep the lumens out of this entirely, but I'll buy it. :)
It makes me wonder what the fuss is about actually. While it's better to
get more efficiency, it seems that incandescents aren't so bad we need to
consider banning them, we just need to think more about what source we use
for a given task. As for the case to ban all but halogen types, how much
might be gained? With IR reflection to make them keep the tungsten hotter
for a given input, we get more light, but even so, is there that much
difference? Enough to say that they stay and standard incandescents go?

If LED's ever get a spectral match for a small efficient low-volt halogen,
at least the choice will be easy.
"Don" <> wrote in message
I have a ribbon cable and want to solder a single wire to all the

This is a flatter ribbon cable than the sort of cable found in PCs for
for IDE drives. ISTR it may have come from a printer where it was
subject to a lot of movement.

I don't have any ancy equipment. Is it possible to solder onto the metal
in the conductors? Or is that metal made of aluminum or something like
it which is difficult to solder?
If you are talking about the white flexiprint type ribbons, you can scrape
the white insulation back from the conductors using something like a blunt
curved scalpel blade, and then solder to the exposed metal. I've done it
many times. However, you need a small iron, you need to be quick, and it is
a good idea to 'stagger' your connections back and forth by a couple of mm
on each alternate conductor, as this helps to eliminate the possibility of
getting solder runs, and hence shorts, between the individual conductors.

On 26 Dec 2008 22:29:51 GMT, Jasen Betts <> wrote:

On 2008-12-26, Archimedes' Lever <OneBigLever@InfiniteSeries.Org> wrote:
On Fri, 26 Dec 2008 09:35:14 -0500, Spehro Pefhany
speffSNIP@interlogDOTyou.knowwhat> wrote:

Gray is the Device 1, Secondary connector, pin 28 will be NC

Not true. It is NOT a "cable select" cable.

Why should anyone believe this claim of yours?

Look, fucktard... You STILL select 'master' or 'slave' when you install
a drive in a UDMA interface.

That means that it is NOT 'cable select'.

Using a 'cable select' cable would REQUIRE that the drive be set to
'cable select' as well, and we are NOT doing that, therefore, we are NOT
using 'cable select' cables. BASIC common sense.

Can you really be that fucking stupid?
LZX-elec wrote:
Dear Sir, Would you please kindly tell this greenhand-
"What is a good vendor's behaviour. "

1) Break the mind-set of seeing EVERY blank space
as a place to put one of your stupid advertisements.

Here are words that can be used in place of "spam":

Message posted using
More information at

That makes it even more obvious.
(Your original post was from Google Groups).

The fact is that
2) You don't even know where you are posting
3) You obviously don't care.
(Neither of those Web sites
mades it apparent that they are portals to USENET...*-a-service-for-*-*-*+Usenet+*-Wikipedia+hide.the.fact+*-*-policed+concerns-*-*-*-*-about-the-Google-interface+*-*-follow-Usenet-customs-and-*-rules+*-*-*-not-*-mustered-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*+*-*-*-*-*-*-*-software+less-*-savvy-*+*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-is-now-legendary+zzz+*-summary+qq+Web

....but, if you followed Rule #1,
you would realize that it doesn't matter WHERE you were posting.)
It is obvious to anyone with half a brain
that these are DISCUSSION groups--not *spam and leave* groups.

**How NOT to advertise on Usenet** by Joel K. Furr*.*+*-*-*-*-*-*-the-word-forsale-or-marketplace-in-their-names+preserve.**.advertisement+pays+*.most.pervasive.form.*.*.*.*-*+How-*-to-Advertise-on-Usenet+biz+hated+rude+lose-*-account
Look for forms of the word "discussion".
Look for the words "forsale" and "marketplace"
which also figure prominently in this.

Advertising is a cost of business--just like rent and utilities;
when you cheat, *what your company's business ethics are*
becomes obvious to all.

In conclusion, learn the rules of business
Hi ! Member,

We do able to support you the Obseleted Components with stock. Let us know
if you need help !

Thanks !

Patrick Cheung
Address : 1805, Wu Sang House, 655 Nathan Road, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel : +852-25055838
Fax : +852-25058121
E-mail :
Web-site :

"Merv" <> źśźgŠóślĽóˇsť
Does anyone know a source of Allegro's UCN 5804b translator/driver
chips (preferably in Australia but anywhere that will ship overseas is
ok)? I know production of these items has been discontinued but I
also understand significant stocks are held by some suppliers. I only
need three chips!

"Charmed Snark"

If I have a junk box of smallish (1/2 inch dia say)
torroid cores, of some unknown T-#, how many
turns of wire should I guestimate for a >= 22 uH
choke (for use with a MAX762 switching supply)?

** The choke for use with a DC-DC converter had to pass DC current - so any
old ferrite ring with a few turns on it will NOT do.

Cos it will saturate the core.

I simply need to exceed 22 uH for this
junk-box application.
** No - you need a choke that can pass up to 1 amp without core saturation.

Read the section on "Selecting the Inductor L " in the data sheet.

I am guessing, that it
is going to be somewhere in the ballpark of
30 to 50 turns.

Comments, besides suggesting that I order a choke?

** Piss off.

....... Phil
On Mon, 05 May 2008 16:45:33 -0700, Joerg
<> wrote:

John Larkin wrote:
On Mon, 05 May 2008 13:40:11 -0700, Joerg> wrote:

Hey guys,

Seems like thyratrons have become quite rare these days and SCRs or GTOs
are just too freaking slow. Is there a readily available alternative
that doesn't cost an arm and a leg, meaning under $100? A kilovolt would
be nice and >50A.

How slow is "too freaking"? The Russians still make some nice hydrogen
thyratrons; Los Alamos used to buy them on the sly, maybe still do.

I need to switch within 100nsec or so. Do you remember the Russian
company? Svetlana or Sovtek? Boutique prices? A thyratron would be cool
but it'll have to be something that can still be bought a few years from
And a thyratron won't be cheap. 1000 volt fets and transistors are
cheap. At 100 ns, I'd thik that a horizontal output transistor might

You can get 1KV from one or two mosfets, tens of amps in a few ns. A
string of maybe 3 avalanche transistors, like the Zetex SOT-23's, will
output 30 amps or so at 1KV, for short pulses.

In my case a FET would work, that's what I am trying right now. But it
ain't ideal because it should turn off when a certain resonance has run
its course, not when a gate driver tells it to. In a pinch I can try
some nifty feedback for that, and maybe I have to.

The Zetex avalanche things would certainly turn off, a lot like an scr
or a tyratron.

I did one gadget that puts 1200 volt pulses into 50 ohms, 2400 volts
into a small capacitive load, with 3 ns pulse width, at up to 500 KHz.
It uses a drift step-recovery diode (another Russian invention) driven
by a couple of 400 volt mosfets.

It was fun, but we didn't sell many.

Sure looks high-tech but we'd need a good order of magnitude higher PRF.
Do you think it can be spiffed up some more?
PRF of 5 MHz? That excludes most devices, including thyratrons.

We are supplier in china,sell Jordan shoes,air max shoes,shox
trainers, dunk shoes,air force
one,etc..our company supply are as follows:
1).AIR Jordans shoes
Jordan 1 jordan 1.5 jordan 2 jordan 3 jordan 3.5 jordan 4 jordan 5
jordan 5.5 jordan 6 jordan 6.5 jordan 7 jordan 8 jordan 9 jordan 9.5
jordan 10 jordan 11 jordan 12 jordan 13 jordan 13.5 jordan 14 jordan
15 jordan 16 jordan 17 jordan 18 jordan 18.5 jordan 19 jordan 20
jordan 21 jordan 21.5 jordan 22 jordan King jordan Dub Zero Jordan 23
Jordan 7.5
2).Air Force One Air Force one (low) Air Force one (High) Air Force
one (Mid) Air Force one (clear) Air Force One 25 year
3).SHOX Shox R3 Shox R4 Shox R5 Shox TL1 Shox TL2 Shox TL3 Shox NZ
Shox OZ Shox Turbo Show GO Shox CL Shox Coqnescenti Shox Energia Shox
Explodine Shox Monster Shox Rhythmic Shox Warrior
4).Bape Shoes Bape Bape (transparent)
5).Air max AirMax 90 AirMax 95 AirMax 97 AirMax 2003 AirMax 2004
AirMax 2005 Air Max 2006 AirMax 180 AirMax LTD AirMax TN AirMax solas
AirMax 87 AirMax Rift
Putian City Chengxiang District CiCi Trade Co., Ltd
"Lostgallifreyan" <> wrote in message
Lostgallifreyan <> wrote in

Agreed, a seller or buyer of technical equipment is either a box
shifter, or someone who pays attention to what they are doing in a way
tht fits the material they are trading. No prizes for anyone
recognising that this guy is a box shifter of the worst order. Anyone
who is dumb enough to trade with him will get the disrespect they
deserve. Not from me either, they'll get it from him. I accept that a
person can make a mistake, but a guy like that will rip you off and
disrespect you every time as if you where a whore who kept appealing
to the same pimp only to be exploited yet again.

To add, I suspect he's touting for stolen gear. I won't accuse him of it,
because I don't have proof and I'm not out to commit libel, this is pure

Good technical gear costs a lot. The only way to get a good margin on it
either to take care to maintain, restore, calibrate, or to have a souirce
from people who are prepared to sell it cheap to anyone who will take it
off their hands without asking questions.

Anyway, even if the guy is aspiring to be nothing more than a fence, he's
wasting his time as well as everyone else's. Anyone stealing test gear
might be more likely to know what they have that some guy on the make
posting spam in Usenet. They'd do better selling on eBay. I'm not
advocating this though, it's just a kind of lesser of two evils. I think
I'd rather be in a room with 10 honest whores than 1 pimp. >:)
As I may have already alluded to - I've seen "some" of the types of
equipment he listed - on E-bay (not very cheap). Tucker - who I mentioned
early on - sells "reconditioned" equipment for the most part and I've yet to
see anything "cheap" from them. I've seen them do some E-bay sales.

All I can say is "good luck" trying to find that type of equipment for a
"steal" - unless you happen upon a company going out of business and can hit
up an auction of their goods. I have seen some pieces at "Hamfests" - but
I'm betting the stuff was needing alignment - if it worked at all and even
at that - it was still going for a few hundred bucks a pop. There are
companies selling that sort of stuff in need of repair - and not cheap. If
he wants "top notch" gear - "working and calibrated" - his best bet is to
buy from someone who does offer it. With that list, he's talking some bucks.

My advice - DO a GOOGLE and E-BAY search. The "Google" search will turn up
hits on companies listing such items in their inventory for sale.
Does anyone know a very small footprint 3pst switch? I need a single
activation to switch in three separate functions in a portable, battery
operated device. Ideally, it would even be SMD but a small panel mount
version would be OK, too. A rocker or a slide would work best to keep the
profile down, also.

I've tried searching Google, Digikey, Newark. etc. but have found nothing
very small. About the smallest I found from Digikey was a 1" long slide
switch. I would like to try to get the overall length to about 1/2" or
less, if possible.

If anyone knows about such an animal, I'd appreciate your response.


Mind Control and Directed Energy Weapons

Do you know Mind Control Weapons and Brain Washing (such as CIA Mind
Control Project : MKULTRA) ? Do you know voice can be transmitted to
human's head from long distance(V2K)? (In 2002, the Air Force Research
Laboratory patented precisely such a technology: using microwaves to
send words into someone's head.)Do you know Directed Energy
Weapons(such as: Electromagnetic weapons) and Non-lethal Weapons? Do
you know that people's thoughts can be read now? Do you know Nano
technology weapons (such as British MI5 Nano technology spy weapons
which can control little spy mice from long distance)?

Such kinds of weapons have already been used covertly to torture and
harass innocent, legal, unarmed and defenseless civilians for many
years all over the world.

There are more than 1500 people who are suffering terribly from mind
control and electromagnetic weapons torturing and harassment. Some
victims were only 21-22 years old when the first time they were
seriously tortured and harassed.

Have you ever imagined that there even was not one happy and peace day
in the life, but only suffering for 5,10 or 20 years? Yes! Some
victims died, but at the last minutes in their lives, the only thing
belongs to them was still suffering.

Please come to help us by signing your support to stop these kinds of
weapons torturing and harassing lawful citizens. Our goals:

(1) We wish a resolution from United Nations to stop Mind Control and
Directed Energy weapons torturing and harassing. (2) We wish all
government cooperate together to sentence those torturers according to

More Information, please come to
On Jul 4, 4:48 pm, Salmon Egg <> wrote:
On 7/4/07 12:32 PM, in article, "Marcellus.Pereira"> wrote:
Hey, ALL.

I'm facing a problem to get some 14.7456MHz crystal here, in Brazil.
Please, could someone sell me one or two pieces?

Thank's a lot,

Marcellus Pereira

I thought Brazil was the major source of natural quartz. Get a piece, cut it
with a string saw. Then grind and polish to frequency.

-- Support the troops. Impeach Bush. Oh, I forgot about Cheney.
Your name *really* tells something about your sense of humour...

On May 7, 3:48 pm, wrote:
We have a supply, p/n HCAA-60W-A made by Power One with two blown
diodes.  Diode markings are G1750 9748C.  Assumign 9748 is a date
code, anyone have any specs or ideas on these diodes?

Spoke too soon, just crossed it to an NTE5812.

Thanks for your quick response, but could you speak a bit more slowly. My
electronics vocabulary is in its infancy.


"Lostgallifreyan" <> wrote in message
news:Xns99BD1860E79ECzoodlewurdle@ wrote in

Hello Electronically Superior Beings,

I am electron challenged and I need a simple circuit to control a
wiper motor that I'm using as a high torque servo.
The motor has hi and low speed circuits and a "park " position.
What I want to happen is this:
S1 (NO) is closed and sends signal to some kind of device(D) that
powers up the wiper motor. When motor cycles, S2 (NC) in series
downstream of D, opens and stops wiper motor at desired location for
30 secs. When S2 closes again, the wiper motor continues rotation back
to "Park" and shuts off. D re-sets for new signal.

I can't use S1 as switch for motor, because it necessarily moves away
from activation force. I located a timer for the 30 second pause.

What is D called and how do I get one?

Thanks for your help,

For the active switch in 'D' you could use a power MOSFET to let a
signal voltage switch its resistance from several hundred megohms to a few
milliohms. They are often used as motor switches for that reason. A good
example is the IRF630, good for 9 amps, more for very short surges, and
found cheaply on eBay, often in quantity.

That leaves your switching able to work with small signals, which
your options and lowers costs and raises reliability.

Welcome to

