audio recording on IC -help wanted

<> wrote in message
> Is 2SD1555 can be use to replace from D5703?

Asian transistors invariably leave out the "2S" from the part number printed
on the device.

There are plenty of sites that have data sheet archives.

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On Sunday, 24 April 2016 20:37:12 UTC+1, wrote:
Op dinsdag 3 september 1996 09:00:00 UTC+2 schreef E Pekka A Saari:
I'm trying to repair Panasonic NV-G40 VCR Power Supply
(VEP01338A / VEK3702 / VGH1476-1). So far I have found
three blown components:

D17: diode SV0381,
QR1: transistor? A143TA
D12: zenerdiode with just color code: red and black

Any ideas where to find specs for these?

It would also be usefull to have a pinout for a hybrid
regulator STK5340. It has eight pins and number one is ground.
In the SMPS-hybrid-FAQ -file the closest is STK5333.

I will appreciate any help.

T: Pekka
Pekka Saari E-mail Pekka.Saari@Helsinki.FI
Gresantie 9 A, Kauniainen, Finland Tel +358-0-5055 812

Reading it now 4-2016 psu does nothing, looks like it is in primairy part...
On Tuesday, February 10, 1998 at 2:00:00 AM UTC-6, Ronald Brent Clements wrote:
Does anyone out there have information on the stall torque (holding torque?)
and max/min slew rate of the Tandon KPM4-001 Stepper. I have scavanged one
of these as a test for a controller I am developing at school, and for my
report I require this information. I have found the connector configuration
on a web page.

Brent "NARF" Clements

Looking for the same information. Also, what was the web page you found with the connector information?
On Wednesday, June 19, 2002 at 5:58:57 AM UTC+8, Paul Taylor wrote:
Hello. Anyone got a .pdf datasheet for the Sharp LM64C35P LCD display?

All I managed to find after an hour of searching is its connector

I'd like to know how it's interface works for a start :)


Paul Taylor

check datasheet here
On 2018/01/06 3:28 AM, wrote:
On Wednesday, June 19, 2002 at 5:58:57 AM UTC+8, Paul Taylor wrote:
Hello. Anyone got a .pdf datasheet for the Sharp LM64C35P LCD display?

All I managed to find after an hour of searching is its connector

I'd like to know how it's interface works for a start :)


Paul Taylor

check datasheet here

I doubt that the OP (Paul Taylor) is still looking - 16 years after

John ;-#)#

(Please post followups or tech inquiries to the USENET newsgroup)
John's Jukes Ltd.
MOVED to #7 - 3979 Marine Way, Burnaby, BC, Canada V5J 5E3
(604)872-5757 (Pinballs, Jukes, Video Games)
"Old pinballers never die, they just flip out."
Op donderdag 28 januari 1999 09:00:00 UTC+1 schreef
Does any one have the rom code listing for the National Semiconductor
Digitalker (MM54104) speech roms. Just purchased (2) sets from Jameco, but
their first set was definitely bad, and with the second set, I'm not
convinced there not a problem with them. Any help would be greatly
appreciated. Thanks--Jerry

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This reply might have taken a while, but beware that the Digitalker ROMs are a bit odd. For SSR1 and 5, CS needs to be high, for SSR2 and 6, CS needs to be low. If you use both, A13 of the MM54104 does this for you.
On Saturday, October 16, 1999 at 3:00:00 AM UTC-4, Paul Johnson wrote:
I'm trying to get a baud rate generator for a 6850 ACIA to drive the
Tx and Rx clock inputs. Can anyone help with information on where to buy
a common part or what to use?

When I was used a 6850 on a homebrew 68000 CPU board I used a 14411 baud rate generator with a 1.8432 MHz crystal. It can generate all the common (and a few not so common) baud rates by setting the state of some pins on the 14411.
On Friday, November 30, 2018 at 2:11:26 AM UTC-5, David Lesher wrote:
Got a sad email today:

It is with sincere regret that we are announcing the final days for HSC in Silicon Valley.

After 54 years we will be closing our doors for the final time on Saturday, January 12, 2019.

We hope you can stop by or visit our website and stock up on high tech goodies one last time.

The deals will be better than ever!
A host is a host from coast to
& no one will talk to a host that's close..........................
Unless the host (that isn't close).........................pob 1433
is busy, hung or dead....................................20915-1433

Major bummer....I was there in the late 80s..made it a stop on my vacation. Being an east-coaster made it difficult to drop in, but I liked and bought stuff from their catalog...sigh...

omg ...a host is a't heard that one since mid a moldy oldie...
David Lesher wrote:
Got a sad email today:

It is with sincere regret that we are announcing the final days for HSC in Silicon Valley.

After 54 years we will be closing our doors for the final time on Saturday, January 12, 2019.

We hope you can stop by or visit our website and stock up on high tech goodies one last time.

The deals will be better than ever!
What will happen to the ducks that used to walk across the street in
the back?
replying to Sharp Guy, Ken Hill wrote:
Hi, I need the control panel if you think it works. My buttons fell off.

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