audio recording on IC -help wanted

T.S.10.05.2008."Lisäydinvoimaloiden rakentamisella ei ole tulevissa Euroopan
ilmastotalkoissamme MITÄÄN merkitystä!"... .. Anteeksi nyt varmaan on
sattunut maamme kivimmanluokan ydinlobbareillemme kirjoitusvirhe..Vaan eikö
mitä, "ei mitään merkitystä!" Turun-Sanoman pääkirjoituksesta vihon
viimeiseksi luulisi löytyvän tuollaista sanomaa. Vasta parisen kuukautta
sitten kun TVO/Posiva YVA-kokouksissa kun olimme saaneet suut silmät täyteen
vakuutuksia, että maahamme on saatava hyvissä ajoin ennen vuoden vaihdetta
käyntiin vähintään kolme, ellei peräti enemmän ydinvoimalahankkeita,
nimenomaan ilmaston talkoitamme varten! Huikeaa muutosta ilmassa, vallan
vallatonta muuten.

Vain muutama päivä sitten maatamme suorastaan järisyttänyt YLE:n gallub kun
esitteli maassamme olevan vähintään 2/3 ydinvastarinnan. Jo sen julkaisu
enteili muutosten jykevyyttä aiemmista 80% ydinmyönnöistä olevan vailla
vertaa. Huikein viesti oli siinä, että tuskin 4% suomalaisista oli edellä
kerrotun TVO/Posivan triplavoimalan takana! On sanomatta selvää, että tätä
taustatuin masinoitua ydinalasajomenttaliteettia on osattu odotella jo vapun
Heiniluoman NATO-vastakommentista asti. Koska NATO-jäsenyyden
viivästymisestä seuraa Pertti Simolan TVO:n YVA 4 kokouslausunnon
alasajoennakointeja. Suomen ydinaikeiten tielle oli jo kasaantunut rajua
vastustusta. Myös EU:n vaatimat 38<50% vuoden 2050 uudisenergtiatavoitteet
osaltaan olivat nakertamassa ydinimpperialismin perussavijalkaa.

KTM Pekkarisen jatkoa gallubista ei tarvinnut kauoja odotella. Ei tullut 3
uutta ydinvoimalahanketta tälle vuodelle, ei edes ensi vuodelle. Hauskasti
ydinvisiot sai yks kaks mitään taustoittamatta 2v aikaviiveet tuosta vaan!
Myrtyneiden ydinherraskaisten shokkia, pälyileviä ja hämmästyneitä,
suorastaan kauhistuneita kommenttejaan siitä, että mites kuitataan
vuosittainen peräti +10% ydinsähkötarpeemme jatkovuosina saa vain silkkaa
torua julkisuuden selkosilta nyt. Tulee eittämättä mieleen, enemmän kuin
paljon on maailmalta täytynyt tulla Suomen megamuutoksen takaamiseksi!
Ilmasto kun oli se viimeinen keppihevonen ydinvoiman suomalaisuuden,
työpaikkojen luonnin, halpuusilluusiuoiden ja jopa Cernin viimevuotisen
polttoainejatkuvuusennakointien kadottua totaaliseen laserjalostuksen 90%
saannin romahdettua 11%. Nyt alkaa selkeästi ydinaavikoitumisen luomat
ionosfäärituhot, Itämerikuolemat kampamaneetteineen mehiläiskatoineen
kaikkineen kasaamaan tulisia hiiliä ydinalasajon kansainväliseen
kiihdyttämiseen. Maailman uraanivarojen loppuiminen energiapositiivisenä ei
jätä myös selittelyille sijaa. Yhtä kaikki ydinalan alasajo ALKOI! Joko
mukana menee vain se, tai sitä käyttävä ihmiskunta on luonnon selkeä ja
kiistaton Einsteinin ennakoima FAKTA!
Jon Slaughter wrote:
"Joerg" <> wrote in message
What's the jelly-bean level shifter du jour, the most popular?

Need to shift three sigs 3.3V to 5V and another three 5V to 3.3V. Stuff us
analog dudes normally don't do. The TXB0104 looks ok, so does the
74LVC4245. But the specs for both are horrible, incomplete at best. Not
much in drive levels mentioned, or just for one direction.

The topper is a comment in the TXB spec, "OE should be tied to GND through
a pulldown resistor; the minimum value of the resistor is determined by
the current-sourcing capability of the driver" That driver is obviously on
the chip. Duh! Of course they also forgot what to do if not needed. Pull
up? Leave open? Who knows. Well, maybe they had a kegger the night before

Here's what seems to qualify as a datasheet these days:

VOH and VOL at 20uA. Microamperes! Couldn't believe it.

Look at the I2C spec, they do this using mosfets and is bidir.
Is that why I2C hangs so often ... ?

<duck and run ...>

Regards, Joerg

"gmail" domain blocked because of excessive spam.
Use another domain or send PM.
On Feb 29, 8:51 am, "MooseFET" <> wrote:
"MooseFET" <> wrote in message

On Feb 29, 1:06 am, "MooseFET" <> wrote:
"Jim Thompson" <> wrote in

On Thu, 28 Feb 2008 18:14:54 -0800, "Joel Koltner"> wrote:

Hi Joerg,

"Joerg" <> wrote in message
But don't you guys use OrCad? I used to, but not anymore.

Yeah, for production stuff we do. I definitely don't *like* that fact,
we're in the (not so uncommon) situation that we have a number of ORCAD
licenses that were purchased years ago so switching requires...

1) Outlay of "new purchase price" for the alternative rather than just
shelling out maintenance every year
2) Conversion of current library parts over to new system
3) Re-training of engineers & techs to use the new system

ORCAD is spendy enough that #1 isn't too big of a problem, and our
still only have hundreds (not thousands) of symbols in them so
there isn't too bad (I wouldn't imagine it'd be more than a month's
but #3 is difficult to get by some people since they're so used to
don't really see its shortcomings, and they're not personally footing
for it. (I think there's often a "bell curve of happiness" associated
mediocre software... new users have problems with everything, regular
undemanding users are happy because they don't stress the tool much so
works OK, whereas advanced/demanding users are unhappy again because
realize that there are so many better options out there).

Sometime this year I'm planning on making a proper (formal)
comparing ORCAD with, e.g., Pulsonix. We'll see what happens...

Heck, is Autotrax still around? That used to be pretty good and I bet
won't be expensive anymore.

Autotrax or AutoTRAX? Wikipedia discusses two of them:


P.S. -- Vaguely related story about software quality: I have a friend
works for a Big Software Company. In general he says that their most
sophisticated users and bug reports come from Europe. They had one guy
U.K. who was constantly filling bug reports with them -- it was almost
how "good" he was at discovering them. At some point it dawned on them
that... hey... this would be a very useful guy to hire! They offered,
accepted, and now he's working here in Oregon. It turns out this
been using the software package in question for longer than anyone
currently on staff at the company (!), and he has an excellent memory,
able to provide in-depth comparisons and contrasts of the package and
been changed and fixed/broken in it for the past decade. Amazing...

Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn't.

I literally buried the PSpice support people in accurate bug

They thanked me profusely and did nothing.

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Rat Brass |
| | 1962 |

America: Land of the Freedom abuser, Because of the Bastards

Are you aware NI(national instrument) software went on sales lately?
indication that you dumass going down... Heehee......Halleluiah. Shame on
you arrogant people.

Yup 13 years old.

Shut up pop, why are you not able to fill in the missing word? Because
you're so dumb and stubborn. You want people to conform to your style.

Hummmm perhaps 12.
I am looking for an AMI S3529 switched-capacitor HP filter. The S3529
and the S3528 LP counterpart were featured in an April '86 QST article
entitled SuperSCAF and Son. I still have the S3528, but seem to have
misplaced the S3529.


Barry Newberger
Hi, all out there...
I'm have just bought an broken FLUKE 8600A bench-multimeter.
When I power it up, just one digit or all 4 digitpoints lit up. And a
relay is buzziring.
I'll checked the voltage inside the unit.
I found that the +15/-15 volts was very low. About +8 and -1.6 volts.
I pull out the big IC, U8, and there I have my voltage back as they
should be.

So I strongly beleave that the 40-pin IC is bad.
It's labeld : MPS7107 and dated 7505.
In a schematic I got for the instrument, it say "Custom CMOS DVM
chip", so it's not a standard component.
Is there someone out there have such a IC in there junk-box, and want
to sell it to me?
Pls send me an email if You got it.

With the very best regards from SWEDEN

Bo-Lennart Karlsson

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Alex Coleman wrote:
I have a cordless phone with rechargeable NiMH cells. The instructions
point out I must wipe clean the ends of the cells and also the contacts.

Is it really likely that "normal" dirt (in other words invisible dirt )
may affect performance?
I use AA NiMH cells in my GPSR and Camera. Whenever I replace cells, I
wipe the contact ends on my pants leg then insert the cells. If I
should forget, I will often get much less out of the batteries. I have
never had a problem with wiped ones.

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EUR:17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 24.5 25 25.5 26 26.5 27 27.5 28 29 30 30.5

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On Mar 1, 1:27 pm, "MooseFET" <> wrote:
"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote in

Eric Smith wrote:

Eeyore wrote:
The NTE992 is probably an LM3900.

Sure, but NTE still sells them, while National Semiconductor doesn't.

  Look at the date codes on the NTE stuff.  It's old stock that may be
gone, any day.

Service to my deamon? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD666 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terribly Ill
Central Florida

Quit following my thread dummy Mikhell.- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -
Power Pole Connectors,Multipole Battery Connector50 amp 2 poles Power
Connectors connectors
SB 50 amp connector (gray, red, black). 50 amps maximum, for #6 gauge
stranded wire. Housing and 2 contacts supplied. 1-7/8" overall length.
Available in Gray, Red, and Black. Gray will be provided if no
preference is given. Each color will mate ONLY with the same color.
Also available for #10/12 AWG wire. 50 Amp Power Pole Connectors:1
Housing+2 Contacts one color mates with the same color only. It is: 50
amp rating, 600 Volts continuous AC or DC operation. UL listed.Made in
China,manufacturer of Ningbo Electric Pneumatic.
SB 175 amp. Multipole Power Connectors,Battery Connectors
We have many ohter available types: XB2 (LAY5)series of pushbutton
switches,XB4(lA158-4)series of pushbutton switches,XB5,lA158-5 series
of pushbutton switches,lA158-4 series of pushbutton switches-XB7.
350 amp. Multipole SB Power poles Connector
SB 350, 350 amp connector (gray, red, black) 350 amps maximum, for 2/0
gauge stranded wire. Housing and 2 contacts supplied. 4-1/4" overall
length. Also available for wire sizes 3/0, 4/0, and 300 MCM.
The replaceable contacts enable easy field service. It ensures
greater ability of conductivity, leting the power to conduct or
transmit heat, electricity sucessfully. 50 amp for small connections
(or sub arrays of large systems) and small power and battery
connections. 175 and 350 amp units for larger batteries and large
arrays,inverter connections. Rated for AC and DC, up to 600 volts. The
50 amp units are often used for solar panel array and subarray
connections for ease of testing, assembly, and maintenance,especially
in commercial and industrial applications. 50 amp units for solar
panel array and subarray connections fortesting, assembly, and
maintenance. The 175 and 350 amp connectors are often used in battery
and/or inverter connection systems. We use these on most of our larger
systems, and nearly all industrial and commercial systems. 350 amp SB
connectors. yellow for usage of 12 volts, red for 24 volts, and blue
for 48 volts. Contacts are soldered or crimped.

SB 350, 350 amp connector (gray, red, black) 350 amps maximum, for 2/0
gauge stranded wire. Housing and 2 contacts supplied. 4-1/4" overall
length. It effectively compresses the contact barrel tightly around
the cable strands so that all of them are pressed tightly against each
other and the inside wall of the contact barrel, doing this requires
that the stripped cable be inserted all the way into the barrel of the
contact, and that the contact point is centered in the crimping tool.

Rated voltage: 600V for SB 50amp,175 amp,350 amp. batter connectors.

Our charging plug connector is for a variety of electric motorcar and
other electrical devices to support safety and guarantee.
Fork handle of SB power pole connectors
Power Products originated the SB (Storage Battery) connector design
to provide high power handling and durability. The SB 2-pole connector
is available in 50, 120, 175, and 350 amp ratings per pole for use to
600 volts continuous AC or DC operation. The SB housing is molded out
of rugged UL94VO rated polycarbonate and, in conjunction with APP's
flat wiping contacts, offers up to 10,000 mating cycles. The
hermaphroditic design of these connectors allows SB connectors to be
mated to each other, which simplifies the bills of material. Contacts
are available individually for a wide range of wires. Mechanical keys
prevents two different voltage coded color housings from mating -
eliminates possibility of mismatching power supplies and electrical
SB housings and contacts may also be purchased separately. This only
shows our most popular items that are commonly used in solar electric

We can order ANY connector type or parts.
There is NO Male or Female connector, any connector will mate with any
other connector of the same amp rating and color. You will need one
connector set for EACH end.

For more information on the care, feeding, and general use of SB and
PP connectors, Pls contact us:
China Ningbo Electric Pneumatic: our Storage Battery power pole
connectors,multi 2-pole battery connectors are for high amperage
connections,also as a high power interconnects and accessory. Usage:
Railway or Mining Industries,Telecom connetor,Datacom connectors,Back-
up Power, and Material Handling Industries,modular systems. SB
(Storage Battery) connector design to provide high power handling and
durability. SB Connectors are with several different amps: - 50 amp,
175 amp, and 350 amp. Different colors mean different usage.
Currently, the red and grey colors are available.It is suitable for AC
or DC up to 600 volts. other sides are
identical,hermaphroditic,neither male,nor female. It is by us-China
manufacturer of battery connector,multipole power connector.
what is AWG ? Pushbutton Switches,XB2(LAY5) Power Pole Battery
Connectors Watt Hour Electricity Meters MCB,MCCB,Circuit Breakers
Voltage Regulater/Stabilizers Thermal,Time,General Relays
Power,Current Transformers Air Source Treatment Units Pneumatic
Cylinders Pneumatic Solenoid Valves Ningbo Electric Pneumatic:
Reliability from Science & Technology Email:
MSN: /,
Tel:+86-13505740443 Fax:+86-574-87722775
All contents Š 2007 Ningbo Electric & Pneumatic Co.,Ltd. All Rights
China exporter,supplier of: XB2 LAY5 Push Button Switches,
Single Phase Prepaid Electric Meters, MCB Mini Circuit Breakers
Manufacturer, 175 Amp Power 2 Pole Connectors, MSQ Current
Transformers, Pneumatic oil lubricators, Air Source Treatment Units,
Air Pressure Regulators,Three-Point F.R.L Combinations, SDA Thin type
Cylinders, MAL series Aluminum Alloy Mini Cylinders, 4V, 3V Series
Solenoid Valve Manufacturer.
"Albert Manfredi" <> wrote in

Sunlight at high noon is considered "cold" lighting, even though the
temperaure of the light is at its highest. It's just semantics.
Semantics? As in the usual current usage meaning 'empty meaning, splitting
hairs'? That's only true if you ignore context. That's what gives it
meaning. No-one in their right mind would consider high noon in the outback
to be 'cold' either literally OR figuratively.
In article <4687503d$0$13997$>, Mr.T wrote:
"James Sweet" <> wrote in message
The only difference between 120V and 240V CFLs is the configuration of the
rectifier and filter capacitor(s) on the input.

Which do fail.

Some are crap and fail quickly, others last years.

Never had one that lasted "years", and I've used dozens.
12-18 months is the best I've had, zero being the worst.
I had plenty last a few thousand actual operating hours, some that get
switched more maybe 2,000-3,000. Most of mine lasted a few years.

Start cycles seems to
have a large effect on life,

Of course, and turning off lights when not in use saves more power than
leaving CFL's on.

the ones that are in dusk till dawn lights
outdoors have lasted me to or beyond their rated life, save for one that
failed in the first couple weeks.

Wow, and how much power can you save by turning them off?
My outdoor lights are solar powered.

Full size fluorescent tubes do last a long time, though the ballast is the
reason for most of this. CFL ballasts are just not robust, they're built
to be disposable.

Not all. I did buy a two part CFL once, and when the tube failed, no
replacements are available.
Was that a Lights of America product? I have noticed a lot of
complaints about them. A few are for making products that require
proprietary bulbs that they since discontinued. More are for
life/reliability issues and for falling short of claimed light output.

If it was not LOA, then chances are the tubes are industry standard ones
with replacements of GE, Philips, and Osram/Sylvania being available.
Look in home centers, hardwares stores, and electrical/lighting supply

Back to standard tubes for me!
The standard ones are superior. CFLs are mainly for retrofitting
incandescent fixtures or for use in small fixtures of size like that of
incandescent fixtures.

- Don Klipstein (
In article <Xns997299E5176A471F3M4@>, Alex Coleman <> wrote:
I have a cordless phone with rechargeable NiMH cells. The instructions
point out I must wipe clean the ends of the cells and also the contacts.

Is it really likely that "normal" dirt (in other words invisible dirt )
may affect performance?

ISTR that an NiMH and a NiCd have an internal reistense of about 0.24
ohm. How much resistence would someone's finger grease have?

Are there other residues which can build up on the battery and and
contacts from normal use? Perhaps from gas vebting from the cells or
just a reacton with the atmosphere.


Is the need to wipe cells & contacts equally applicable to silver oxide
cells? Does it depend on the application
I see problems all the time. Finger grease can improve conduction, at least
tempoarily, until other contaminants cause crorosion. The contact material
on many devices, nickel, is just plain hard to get good conduction, unless
a fair amount of force is present. Cleaning helps get rid of corrosion, and
dry films can build up causing problems. Water or water alcohol combinations
will dissolve most films. Lubrication will help conduction, but can cause
film and dirt collection. Most problems I see are not the batteries, but the
other contacts involved. When batteries start oozing stuff out, severe damage
and corrosion will occur. Gassing could be a minor problem, not sure.
On enclosed batteries, I try to spray or coat something on before insertion.
Light cleaning sprays, like Caig DeOxit will work, and for extreme situations
Vaseline can help. For exposed connections, just wipe with water and alcohol.
I actually like rubbing alcohol, and it contains a light oily base which
should not cause problems.

MooseFET wrote:
"MooseFET" <> wrote in message
On Feb 29, 1:06 am, "MooseFET" <> wrote:
"Jim Thompson" <> wrote in

On Thu, 28 Feb 2008 18:14:54 -0800, "Joel Koltner"> wrote:
Hi Joerg,
"Joerg" <> wrote in message
But don't you guys use OrCad? I used to, but not anymore.
Yeah, for production stuff we do. I definitely don't *like* that fact,
we're in the (not so uncommon) situation that we have a number of ORCAD
licenses that were purchased years ago so switching requires...
1) Outlay of "new purchase price" for the alternative rather than just
shelling out maintenance every year
2) Conversion of current library parts over to new system
3) Re-training of engineers & techs to use the new system
ORCAD is spendy enough that #1 isn't too big of a problem, and our
still only have hundreds (not thousands) of symbols in them so
there isn't too bad (I wouldn't imagine it'd be more than a month's
but #3 is difficult to get by some people since they're so used to
don't really see its shortcomings, and they're not personally footing
for it. (I think there's often a "bell curve of happiness" associated
mediocre software... new users have problems with everything, regular
undemanding users are happy because they don't stress the tool much so
works OK, whereas advanced/demanding users are unhappy again because
realize that there are so many better options out there).
Sometime this year I'm planning on making a proper (formal)
comparing ORCAD with, e.g., Pulsonix. We'll see what happens...
Heck, is Autotrax still around? That used to be pretty good and I bet
won't be expensive anymore.
Autotrax or AutoTRAX? Wikipedia discusses two of them:
P.S. -- Vaguely related story about software quality: I have a friend
works for a Big Software Company. In general he says that their most
sophisticated users and bug reports come from Europe. They had one guy
U.K. who was constantly filling bug reports with them -- it was almost
how "good" he was at discovering them. At some point it dawned on them
that... hey... this would be a very useful guy to hire! They offered,
accepted, and now he's working here in Oregon. It turns out this
been using the software package in question for longer than anyone
currently on staff at the company (!), and he has an excellent memory,
able to provide in-depth comparisons and contrasts of the package and
been changed and fixed/broken in it for the past decade. Amazing...
Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn't.
I literally buried the PSpice support people in accurate bug
They thanked me profusely and did nothing.
...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Rat Brass |
| | 1962 |
America: Land of the Freedom abuser, Because of the Bastards
Are you aware NI(national instrument) software went on sales lately?
indication that you dumass going down... Heehee......Halleluiah. Shame on
you arrogant people.

Yup 13 years old.

Shut up pop, why are you not able to fill in the missing word? Because
you're so dumb and stubborn. You want people to conform to your style.
Not so much our style, more like the "Chicago Manual of Style". A guide
that you could learn much from.
MooseFET wrote:
On Feb 29, 8:51 am, "MooseFET" <> wrote:
"MooseFET" <> wrote in message

On Feb 29, 1:06 am, "MooseFET" <> wrote:
"Jim Thompson" <> wrote in
On Thu, 28 Feb 2008 18:14:54 -0800, "Joel Koltner"> wrote:
Hi Joerg,
"Joerg" <> wrote in message
But don't you guys use OrCad? I used to, but not anymore.
Yeah, for production stuff we do. I definitely don't *like* that fact,
we're in the (not so uncommon) situation that we have a number of ORCAD
licenses that were purchased years ago so switching requires...
1) Outlay of "new purchase price" for the alternative rather than just
shelling out maintenance every year
2) Conversion of current library parts over to new system
3) Re-training of engineers & techs to use the new system
ORCAD is spendy enough that #1 isn't too big of a problem, and our
still only have hundreds (not thousands) of symbols in them so
there isn't too bad (I wouldn't imagine it'd be more than a month's
but #3 is difficult to get by some people since they're so used to
don't really see its shortcomings, and they're not personally footing
for it. (I think there's often a "bell curve of happiness" associated
mediocre software... new users have problems with everything, regular
undemanding users are happy because they don't stress the tool much so
works OK, whereas advanced/demanding users are unhappy again because
realize that there are so many better options out there).
Sometime this year I'm planning on making a proper (formal)
comparing ORCAD with, e.g., Pulsonix. We'll see what happens...
Heck, is Autotrax still around? That used to be pretty good and I bet
won't be expensive anymore.
Autotrax or AutoTRAX? Wikipedia discusses two of them:
P.S. -- Vaguely related story about software quality: I have a friend
works for a Big Software Company. In general he says that their most
sophisticated users and bug reports come from Europe. They had one guy
U.K. who was constantly filling bug reports with them -- it was almost
how "good" he was at discovering them. At some point it dawned on them
that... hey... this would be a very useful guy to hire! They offered,
accepted, and now he's working here in Oregon. It turns out this
been using the software package in question for longer than anyone
currently on staff at the company (!), and he has an excellent memory,
able to provide in-depth comparisons and contrasts of the package and
been changed and fixed/broken in it for the past decade. Amazing...
Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn't.
I literally buried the PSpice support people in accurate bug
They thanked me profusely and did nothing.
...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Rat Brass |
| | 1962 |
America: Land of the Freedom abuser, Because of the Bastards
Are you aware NI(national instrument) software went on sales lately?
indication that you dumass going down... Heehee......Halleluiah. Shame on
you arrogant people.
Yup 13 years old.
Shut up pop, why are you not able to fill in the missing word? Because
you're so dumb and stubborn. You want people to conform to your style.

Hummmm perhaps 12.
Hard to tell with the 7 year old social age.
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"Lostgallifreyan" <> wrote in message
John Doe <jdoe@usenetlove.invalid> wrote in

Don't believe everything you read.

Experience is the best teacher.

In other words, LEDs suck for bright light sources.

However, the hype is good for selling them to fools over the
TV/Internet. Like that one guy selling LED light bulbs on TV (USA). He
doesn't explicitly say that they're bright as a lightbulb, but they
are in a lightbulb package and used in the commercial as if they were
a lightbulb. Some people probably fall for that.

In your infinite wisdom, how do you explain this?

NIST confim the brightness, so you don't have to believe the 'hype', you
only have to ask a few basic technical questions: How efficient is it?
Is there enough light to fit purpose at given cost?

"LED luminaires can only be considered high efficacy if the LED can be
tested (according to UL) to be at least 40 lm/W on the line voltage input
side of any power supply or other device.” Otherwise the fixture is not
considered high efficacy."

Light Type: lm/WW CRI Life (hrs)
Incandescent 17 100 3k
Halogen 20 100 10k
Cree XLamp 7090 XR 48 80 >50k
T12 flourescent 60 75-85 20k
Metal halide 70 70 20k
Cree XLamp 7090 XR-E 70 80 >50k
T8 flourescent 74 75-85 20k
High-pressure sodium 91 22 20k
Low-pressure sodium 120 5 18k

Even if you lose nearly half the light you can still claim high efficiency
to UL standards given the 95% efficient power converters made to run LED
lamps. It would be a poor luminaire that lost that much.

As for actual light output, newer LED's put out 176 lumens or more. That's
still a tad short of what's wanted in many cases, but not by much. 7 to 10
emitters would match a standard 100W incandescent (7 for the 240V type, 10
for the 110V type). Given that the cost of the first CFL's was around Ł26
in the UK, maybe Ł40 in todays money, that puts LED's in a good position,
you can get a lot better device for a lot less than that, even now, and
it's improving fast, a lot faster than the time CFL's took to develop, and
there are probably more ways to cut costs without sacrificing safety.

It would take only a fourfold increase in output from a single emitter at
same cost to make them compete with any other light source for domestic
use, and I think we'll only need to wait a few months for that.

My feelings, too.

"Eeyore" <> wrote in
robb wrote:

that is can i substitute a single phase bridge rectifier BL08
place of a BL02 .....

where BL08 is 800v RRM / 560v RMS
and BL02 is 200v RRM / 140v RMS


Thanks Graham,
upon revisit i suppose my question was incomplete though and i
should have been more clear like...
can i substitute BL08 in BL02 place without
detriment/degradation/function /risk

and is there any functional/operation reason one might *avoid*
sub-ing to the higher V rated BL08 ?
being an amateur i do not understand the possible impact to the
existing circuit or how the design decisiona are made beyond
meeting minimum requirements and cost ?

thanks again for help ,

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