On Fri, 3 Feb 2012 11:21:57 +0000 Mike Tomlinson <mike@jasper.org.uk>
wrote in Message id: <hYNgRxDVN8KPFwz3@jasper.org.uk>:
Stupidity. I never said you did. I only stated that at *we* weren't stupid
enough to put them in our living rooms. If you thought I was implying that
*you* were, perhaps the shoe fits after all.
Anyway, I'm glad to see you've flip-flopped on the issue. Doesn't matter
what the fuck it looks like if it's not out in the open living space.
wrote in Message id: <hYNgRxDVN8KPFwz3@jasper.org.uk>:
Now and again one has to apply the Ruler of Reason to the Knuckles ofIn article <efgni79a50t3ihoaftfoh3m5se9hf94bo6@4ax.com>, JW
none@dev.null> writes
Ah, So *now* it doesn't matter how ugly it is.
Which was my point exactly.
But you're the tit that thought we put them on open view in our living
Stupidity. I never said you did. I only stated that at *we* weren't stupid
enough to put them in our living rooms. If you thought I was implying that
*you* were, perhaps the shoe fits after all.
Anyway, I'm glad to see you've flip-flopped on the issue. Doesn't matter
what the fuck it looks like if it's not out in the open living space.