F Murtz
nospam wrote:
it is unlocked not withstanding all your crap, QED
it is unlocked not withstanding all your crap, QED
In article <dobv2sF17n3U1@mid.individual.net>, Frank Slootweg
this@ddress.is.invalid> wrote:
3. You can't be asked to provide proof of ownership, unless the entity
which is asking can and does provide information which justifies
their suspicion that the item might be stolen.
apple's suspicion was fully justified.
it is unlocked not withstanding all your crap, QED
4. There are no requirements for what must be on a receipt (other than
item, price and date).
a serial number is required, otherwise it doesn't prove anything at all.
5. The killer: The request to unlock was *not* for the device, but for
the *Apple ID*.
the device is tied to the apple id. without the apple id password, the
device is locked.
it is unlocked not withstanding all your crap, QED
The Apple ID had Don's company name in it, so there
was no doubt that the ID was his.
it could easily have been compromised.