On Mon, 12 Jan 2009 23:07:02 -0500, kony <spam@spam.com> wrote:
Perhaps in your little corner of the world you were still using
phenolic substrates too but others had moved on long before. We were
using upwards of a hundred layers (96, IIRC) on system backplanes and
easily eight layers (4P-4S) on plug-in cards well before '80 (the
latter were old hat when I started in '74). I haven't done anyting as
simple as two layers since college projects, and that was limited by
our wierd method (sides were cut individually on a lathe then
DimBulb is certainly AlwaysWrong, but the above is simply bullshit.Come to think of it, there was very little that had more
than 2 layers before '80, so if that is where your supposed
experience comes from, suddenly it all starts to make sense.
Perhaps in your little corner of the world you were still using
phenolic substrates too but others had moved on long before. We were
using upwards of a hundred layers (96, IIRC) on system backplanes and
easily eight layers (4P-4S) on plug-in cards well before '80 (the
latter were old hat when I started in '74). I haven't done anyting as
simple as two layers since college projects, and that was limited by
our wierd method (sides were cut individually on a lathe then