On Mon, 12 Jan 2009 19:24:29 -0800, Archimedes' Lever
<OneBigLever@InfiniteSeries.Org> wrote:
1000th time you wrote something like this, nobody would see
it as anything other than thrashing around in desperation?
<OneBigLever@InfiniteSeries.Org> wrote:
Really?On Mon, 12 Jan 2009 22:08:06 -0500, kony <spam@spam.com> wrote:
On Mon, 12 Jan 2009 18:41:30 -0800, Archimedes' Lever
OneBigLever@InfiniteSeries.Org> wrote:
On Mon, 12 Jan 2009 17:58:03 -0800 (PST), bulegoge@columbus.rr.com wrote:
No you don't. You would be put in prison for assualt if you did.
You wouldn't see it coming, and the only evidence of the event you would
have are your bruises. I would walk in, greeting everyone the next day,
as normal. You would likely not report the places I'd bruise you.
Your word isn't good enough. You need a witness.
Hmm. Threatening physical violence. In past trolls you
attempted to claim there's nothing illegal about your
trolling. Care to take another guess?
I think you need to review the context of the thread you retarded
little motherless bastard.
I have not threatened anyone, you stupid, illiterate fucktard!
Getting defensive are we?Now, run off, and make your wussy boy claims that I broke some law and
see where it gets you, pussy.
Oh? Then why did you bother writing anything???Me declaring what I do to retarded twits "like you", and me saying "I
WILL SMACK so-and-so." are two different things.
At what point did you not grasp that around roughly theNow guess which one of the above I DID write, and which one I never
said at all, you stupid little piece of shit?
Your mother should be jailed as a felon for the crime of not flushing
your retarded ass the moment she shat you out of here retarded ass.
1000th time you wrote something like this, nobody would see
it as anything other than thrashing around in desperation?
You lied previously, you're not even half my age.How's that for off-the-x-axis, you goddamned accusatory fucking punk?!