Adding missing SATA connectors to motherboard

On Mon, 12 Jan 2009 17:58:03 -0800 (PST), wrote:

A good engineer would not make such rash pronouncments before knowing
all the facts.

Like your "based on your comments here..."? As if you knew ANY facts
in this thread.
On Jan 10, 12:06 pm, Archimedes' Lever
<OneBigLe...@InfiniteSeries.Org> wrote:

My personal time is worth a couple hundred bucks an hour, so if I can
buy it cheaper than spending hours upon hours trying to fudge the fucking
thing to existence, I'll be spending the cash, ......

and keeping my personal time for better hobby tasks.
dollar equiv of going to the bathroom : $15

Amount of money to get paid fo an 8 hour shift : $1600

Having personal time for coming on USENET and calling people pussy and
f*&k-heads : PRICELESS!

Can't think of any better hobby or task than that !
On Mon, 12 Jan 2009 17:58:03 -0800 (PST), wrote:

A real engineer would be able to slice his opposition with a surgical
knife. You use a dull hatchet.

You're an idiot. You haven't even seen the technology I work with.
On Mon, 12 Jan 2009 17:58:03 -0800 (PST), wrote:

Only the very best engineers
can have an attitude, in my experience.

Well... Fuck off! How's that, dumbass?

There you go again.. Mr. One dimensional!

You're the one that said 'Only the best engineers can have an
attitude..." Can you really be so retarded that you forgot? I even
quoted it!

Is there any space left past that 2.5 inch thick skull where some brain
matter might be in active use? Grow the fuck up already, Mr pussy boy
assessment twit.
On Mon, 12 Jan 2009 17:58:03 -0800 (PST), wrote:

Great Insult! Try going into the complex plane for a few insults
though - ok?

I ALSO know more about fractals and chaos than you do. I know right
where a little twit like you resides at in the Mandlebrot set.
On Jan 12, 8:36 pm, Archimedes' Lever <OneBigLe...@InfiniteSeries.Org>

I smack holier than thou retards like you around.

No you don't. You would be put in prison for assualt if you did.

My technicians can do very complicated SMD work.

Yeah... you got a whole gang of 'em. Right.
No. Just access to a few very good ones.
I have both laid down more fresh lead as well as reworked more assemblies
than you probably ever will. I was working on electronic assemblies back
in the seventies. You know... before you were even born, punk.

Sounds like you were an assembler before being a technician?

You're an idiot. I'm an engineer, and I also assembled, and still do
in large system integrations. I also worked as a technician. I also
worked as an engineering technician.
A good engineer would not make such rash pronouncments before knowing
all the facts.

I know more about soldering and connections between metals than you
ever will.

I let my technicians worry about good solder joints.

I'd bet that all your technicians know very little about soldering
They are all certified (5 day test once a year) and have some kind of
sticker at their station.

would be harder to find an incompatible SATA header
than an compatible one, and indeed is a 20 minute job if the
board's not already in a fully assembled system.

Now this 'kony' retard is talking about rework and post fit operations
in an *installed system*, and he claims that *I* don't have any

I think you have lots of technician level experience,

I think that you are a retarded pussy that jacks off at the mouth a lot
in Usenet, but would cower irl.
You are such a "One-trick-pony" A real engineer would have a more
creative mind than only being able to come to usenet and deliver one-
dimensional insults.
A real engineer would be able to slice his opposition with a surgical
knife. You use a dull hatchet.

based upon your
comments here.

That is one of your problems. You should give the same credence as one
would during a face to face meeting, not use some other lame standard
because you are in Usenet. You making assessments "based on" a single
post tells a lot about how little you must know.
You can type this with a straight face? You call people f&*k-tards
every other sentence? what a hoot you are!

In our company a technician with an attitudde like
your would not last very long though.

Like I said, fucktard... I smack retarded little asswipes like you
around. I know EXACTLY what stupid shitheads like you are about.
No you don't. You would be in prison for asualt if you did that. And
certainly be out of work.

Only the very best engineers
can have an attitude, in my experience.

Well... Fuck off! How's that, dumbass?

There you go again.. Mr. One dimensional!


pretty cocky for being a technician.

You're pretty stupid for claiming to have a mental age that matches
your numerical age.
Great Insult! Try going into the complex plane for a few insults
though - ok?
On Mon, 12 Jan 2009 17:36:51 -0800, Archimedes' Lever
<OneBigLever@InfiniteSeries.Org> wrote:

On Sun, 11 Jan 2009 08:15:53 -0800 (PST), wrote:

On Jan 11, 10:52 am, Archimedes' Lever
OneBigLe...@InfiniteSeries.Org> wrote:

Multi-layer boards *are* difficult to work with. Try removing through
hole devices on an 0.092" thick PCB.

I let my technicians do that work for me.

I smack holier than thou retards like you around.
What? You don't smack anybody around, you just troll like a
spoiled child. Did it ever occur to you that when you write
something meant for others to read, if nobody has their head
up your ass as far as you do, that the intended effect just
isn't there at all?
On Jan 12, 9:05 pm, Jamie
<> wrote:
Archimedes' Lever wrote:
On Mon, 12 Jan 2009 02:28:38 -0500, kony <> wrote:

Maybe you're just an idiot then, if you've been trying for
so long and still can't do something simple.

  No, YOU are trying.  I have succeeded.  Hell, I have SATA hot swappable
peripheral drives that were easier to implement than the hell you are
putting yourself through.  By the time you are done, you could put an NAS
box on the net, and all your MOBOs suddenly no longer need your stupid

  I sure hope you are not drawing a salary for sitting there with your
thumb up your ass wondering about buying parts to add an SATA port to a

  My god, how retarded can your employer be?!!!  I have farts floating
around the room with more brains than you have.

   Does that mean you have shit for brains ?- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -
You are playing the game on his field. Be more subtle in your
insults. He can't compete with you then.
On Mon, 12 Jan 2009 18:41:30 -0800, Archimedes' Lever
<OneBigLever@InfiniteSeries.Org> wrote:

On Mon, 12 Jan 2009 17:58:03 -0800 (PST), wrote:

No you don't. You would be put in prison for assualt if you did.

You wouldn't see it coming, and the only evidence of the event you would
have are your bruises. I would walk in, greeting everyone the next day,
as normal. You would likely not report the places I'd bruise you.

Your word isn't good enough. You need a witness.
Hmm. Threatening physical violence. In past trolls you
attempted to claim there's nothing illegal about your
trolling. Care to take another guess?
On Mon, 12 Jan 2009 17:43:39 -0800, Archimedes' Lever
<OneBigLever@InfiniteSeries.Org> wrote:

On Mon, 12 Jan 2009 02:28:38 -0500, kony <> wrote:

No they aren't more difficult when the part is as this is,
soldered into plated holes. Exact same procedure. For
that matter, just about anything with solder exposed is no
different on multi-layer boards, though when something is
connected to a power or ground plane it does take a lot more

I was actually being conservative with the prior mention of
it being a 20 minute job. It's a 4 minute job, maybe 10 if
the solder sucker didn't get enough out of the holes on the
first try.

I'll bet you have damaged more boards than you will even ever know.
Funny, I always thought that if it worked that was proof.

are too goddamned stupid to even grasp the tasks you are performing or
the results of 'your version' of those tasks.
The proof is the result, but to get the result you have to
stop pretending your vast knowledge makes things impossibly

I know, for a fact, that you have damaged the plating on several
boards, if your only method is the use of a solder sucker.
You don't seem to know much then.
On Mon, 12 Jan 2009 18:46:14 -0800 (PST), wrote:

On Jan 12, 9:41 pm, Archimedes' Lever <OneBigLe...@InfiniteSeries.Org
On Mon, 12 Jan 2009 17:58:03 -0800 (PST), wrote:
No you don't.  You would be put in prison for assualt if you did.

 You wouldn't see it coming, and the only evidence of the event you would
have are your bruises.  I would walk in, greeting everyone the next day,
as normal.  You would likely not report the places I'd bruise you.

  Your word isn't good enough.  You need a witness.

You were almost getting off the x-axis. But the gravitational pull is
just too great for you to break free of the x-axis (You do remeber x-
axis from junior high math? if not I can explain to you)

You're an idiot. You wouldn't know what escape velocity was if it hit
you in the ass on your way out.
On Mon, 12 Jan 2009 17:50:14 -0800, Archimedes' Lever
<OneBigLever@InfiniteSeries.Org> wrote:

On Mon, 12 Jan 2009 02:28:38 -0500, kony <> wrote:

It's questionable whether your ability at SMD work is as
great as your ego if adding a mere SATA port seems

I think that your lack of grasp of what adding such a port entails
proves it to be more difficult than *you* originally perceived. The fact
that you were too stupid to know that it was more than simply adding the
connector header is quite a tell. Otherwise, you would not have been in
here looking for assistance.
Take your meds, re-read the topic, and perhaps you will then
see I was not the one who came looking for assistance.
Regardless, that is what the forum is for and the curious
part is you are here and not attempting to provide any on
what is a trivial solder job. You entirely missed both
factors required to have the intended result yet want to
claim vast experience somehow overrides the obvious.

Why do people need assistance? Because they get
misinformation from participants like yourself.
On Mon, 12 Jan 2009 18:49:49 -0800 (PST), wrote:

Actually, I think I may have overestimated you. Your insults are more
like a point. OK, maybe a very short line segment. Ha ha.

Seriously, dude, I have never seen such a wannabee for a long time.

ha ha? wanna be? You are like the guy with the 'man step' on the back
of his truck.

Bwuahahahahahaa! I got a dot for ya...
On Mon, 12 Jan 2009 18:55:08 -0800 (PST), wrote:

On Jan 12, 9:51 pm, The Great Attractor> wrote:
On Mon, 12 Jan 2009 17:58:03 -0800 (PST), wrote:

Great Insult!  Try going into the complex plane for a few insults
though - ok?

 I ALSO know more about fractals and chaos than you do.  I know right
where a little twit like you resides at in the Mandlebrot set.

I see you know how to assume multiple identities on USENET. My
estimation of you just went up a notch.

I figured you were too stupid to actually see the connection between the
nym and the last remarks.

You really are too retarded for my time, turkey.
On Mon, 12 Jan 2009 22:05:33 -0500, kony <> wrote:

On Mon, 12 Jan 2009 17:36:51 -0800, Archimedes' Lever
OneBigLever@InfiniteSeries.Org> wrote:

On Sun, 11 Jan 2009 08:15:53 -0800 (PST), wrote:

On Jan 11, 10:52 am, Archimedes' Lever
OneBigLe...@InfiniteSeries.Org> wrote:

Multi-layer boards *are* difficult to work with. Try removing through
hole devices on an 0.092" thick PCB.

I let my technicians do that work for me.

I smack holier than thou retards like you around.

You deaf, fucktard?

You don't smack anybody around,
How the fuck would a little retarded wuss like you know?

you just troll like a
spoiled child.
No. I laugh at retarded twits that cannot figure out what things cost,
and when it is better to BUY what already exists. You are one such twit.
Bwuahahahahahahaha! See? I laughed at you. It must be true.

Did it ever occur to you that when you write
something meant for others to read, if nobody has their head
up your ass as far as you do, that the intended effect just
isn't there at all?
Do you even know how to construct a proper sentence?

Did it ever occur to you that you have been in-the-barrel since you
mouthed off, dumbfuck?
On Mon, 12 Jan 2009 17:55:22 -0800, Archimedes' Lever
<OneBigLever@InfiniteSeries.Org> wrote:

On Mon, 12 Jan 2009 02:28:38 -0500, kony <> wrote:

Maybe you're just an idiot then, if you've been trying for
so long and still can't do something simple.

No, YOU are trying. I have succeeded.
You need to re-read what you wrote then, your grasp of
english seems to need a bit more polish.

Hell, I have SATA hot swappable
peripheral drives that were easier to implement than the hell you are
putting yourself through.
Oh, you mean you bought something as an end-user, and claim
that's knowledge, but you still can't wrap your head around
soldering a mere connector onto a PCB.

It's quite ridiculous. This is a very simple soldering job
that you've blown out of proportion. Ok, you made a mistake
underestimating the ability of people who have held a
soldering iron. That part was not such a big deal but
continuing to insist you are right contrary to common sense?
It's just amazing.

By the time you are done, you could put an NAS
box on the net, and all your MOBOs suddenly no longer need your stupid
Did the OP claim the goal was a NAS box on the net? If not,
you have become terribly confused somewhere. Besides that,
if the chipset supported the addt'l ports, and once the OP
had the needed capacitors, it was a 4 to 10 minute job. If
you can build a NAS and get it on the net in that amount of
time, it's only because it was 90% done already.

I sure hope you are not drawing a salary for sitting there with your
thumb up your ass wondering about buying parts to add an SATA port to a
Actually, many of us do this as a hobby and have spare parts
lying around. It takes about 45 seconds to pull an SATA
port off an old board if one has a hot air gun or even using
crude methods like a pencil torch held at a distance... or
of course, some of us even place orders at electronics
supply houses periodically so adding this to the list is a
fairly routine thing, not worth even mentioning as it's as
common as tying one's shoes in the morning.

My god, how retarded can your employer be?!!! I have farts floating
around the room with more brains than you have.
It's always nice to know exactly what you spend your time
thinking about, but you might consider getting an air
freshener and taking your meds.
On Mon, 12 Jan 2009 22:08:06 -0500, kony <> wrote:

On Mon, 12 Jan 2009 18:41:30 -0800, Archimedes' Lever
OneBigLever@InfiniteSeries.Org> wrote:

On Mon, 12 Jan 2009 17:58:03 -0800 (PST), wrote:

No you don't. You would be put in prison for assualt if you did.

You wouldn't see it coming, and the only evidence of the event you would
have are your bruises. I would walk in, greeting everyone the next day,
as normal. You would likely not report the places I'd bruise you.

Your word isn't good enough. You need a witness.

Hmm. Threatening physical violence. In past trolls you
attempted to claim there's nothing illegal about your
trolling. Care to take another guess?

I think you need to review the context of the thread you retarded
little motherless bastard.

I have not threatened anyone, you stupid, illiterate fucktard!

Now, run off, and make your wussy boy claims that I broke some law and
see where it gets you, pussy.

Me declaring what I do to retarded twits "like you", and me saying "I
WILL SMACK so-and-so." are two different things.

Now guess which one of the above I DID write, and which one I never
said at all, you stupid little piece of shit?

Your mother should be jailed as a felon for the crime of not flushing
your retarded ass the moment she shat you out of here retarded ass.

How's that for off-the-x-axis, you goddamned accusatory fucking punk?!
On Mon, 12 Jan 2009 22:09:24 -0500, kony <> wrote:

Funny, I always thought that if it worked that was proof.

Typical dumbfuck with a soldering iron remark. You crank up the temp
control too, 'eh?

You are one predictable dipshit, boy.
On Mon, 12 Jan 2009 22:09:24 -0500, kony <> wrote:

You don't seem to know much then.

I have decades more experience and knowledge than you do.

Welcome to

