When London is submerged and New York is awash...

Clarence_A wrote...
Jim Thompson wrote ...
Clarence_A wrote:

That's one!

Is that the classic mule joke, that's one, that's two... ?:)

Most appropriate for the intended individual!
WRONG. Try this one out.

Drought's Growing Reach: NCAR Study Points to Global Warming as
Key Factor. "The percentage of Earth's land area stricken by serious
drought more than doubled from the 1970s to the early 2000s, according
to a new analysis by scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric
Research (NCAR)."


NCAR and UCAR, two more organizations you no doubt would like to see
axed, and eliminated, because you prefer to kill the messenger rather
than listen to the message.

- Win
On Tue, 11 Jan 2005 12:54:36 -0000, "Andrew Holme" <andrew@nospam.com>

There was an interesting programme on UK channel 4 television last night,
called "What would Jesus drive?" about Americans' love of their gas-guzzling
automobiles. A typical SUV does 16-19 mpg; Americans drive a lot because
it's a big country; and it only costs the equivalent of GBP 8.50 to fill-up
in the US, whilst it costs GBP 40 in the UK.

It has always been my understanding, that from an energy and pollution
standpoint, more of both is consumed/released in the fabrication of
these articles than they will ever contribute in their operating

Clarence_A wrote...
I have a lot I bought to retire on, it is 263 feet below sea
level. Has been dry for over two thousand years. Don't expect
it to change anytime soon! Of course there are mountains over
2,000 feet high between the valley and the Pacific ocean.
Maybe you bought my Uncle's place. Once you get there, I'd be
interested in examining the mechanisms behind the last flood.

- Win
Winfield Hill wrote...
But why do you conservatives not insist that our government follow
a similar responsible policy? Our cities and towns must keep a
balanced budget, by law. So must our states. Why not the federal
government and our country as a whole (i.e., all of us = balance
of trade)?
Trade deficit reaches record $60B

"The trade deficit has been driving the dollar downward for months
as foreign investors are concerned about the country's ability to
finance the debt. The greenback fell sharply shortly after the
release of Wednesday's news."

- Win
On 12 Jan 2005 19:06:34 -0800, Winfield Hill
<hill_a@t_rowland-dotties-harvard-dot.s-edu> wrote:

Clarence_A wrote...

Your positions are not expressed as opinions but conclusions
which are frequently not even close to reality as I perceive it.

One opinion / conclusion I hold: you are an idiot and a jerk.
Careful there Win, you're "catching up" ;-)

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| http://www.analog-innovations.com | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 00:26:43 GMT, "Clarence_A" <no@No.com> wrote:

All you "Chicken little's" can do is cry doom!
All Clarence can do is excrete dumb.
On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 20:45:46 -0700, Jim Thompson
<thegreatone@example.com> wrote:

One opinion / conclusion I hold: you are an idiot and a jerk.

Careful there Win, you're "catching up" ;-)
Careful Jim, you're an idiot and a jerk too. Ooops, I forgot - you can't
see this.
Spehro Pefhany wrote:

Jest 'cause the joke's old don't mean folks stop telling it.
The grand canyon is quite old, but it's still a pretty good crack.
On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 16:44:34 -0800, "Richard Henry" <rphenry@home.com>

I don't know how much bearing this has on our discussion, but I saw on a TV
show about modern American railroads that a significant portion of rail
traffic today is containers transferring between a ship on one coast to a
ship on the other. It seems that the cheapest method of shipping from China
to Europe (and back, presumably) includes a link across America's rail
Oh, Yeah!

I'm reassured now. I didn't think we did anything in the US anymore.
Huzzah! We have a future.
On 12 Jan 2005 06:09:26 -0800, larwe@larwe.com wrote:

A birth rate of, say, 1.2
per couple isn't good in the long term.
Yeah, that could, like, kill our social security pyramid scheme (sp?
On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 16:18:28 +0000, Paul Burridge
<pb@notthisbit.osiris1.co.uk> wrote:

How about tackling the problem from the other end of the spectrum and
encouraging pensioners to 'quit stinking up the joint' after say 5
years' (max) of (publicly-funded) retirement and telling them their
highest duty is to FOAD and not be a burdon on the state?
Call it the "Clockwork Orange" solution and hire youngsters to prune the
over-ripe fruit.
On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 16:38:17 GMT, "Clarence_A" <no@No.com> wrote:

However if your satisfied with it. Your welcome to it!
When you're (you are) an idiot you should keep YOUR mouth (or in this
case, keyboard) shut.
On Thu, 13 Jan 2005 01:16:14 GMT, "Clarence_A" <no@No.com> wrote:

As usual had noting of value to say!
Since he only attacks the writer and seems to know nothing about
the subject!
As usual, Clarence, when getting into a discussion that is not going to
his plan, resorts to this.

Clarence, you useless toad...

If you don't want to play, don't kick the ball back. Stop your stupid
babbling at the slightest provocation.

"I don't like this game. I'm going to take my ball and go home."

Fucking retarded dweeb!
On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 15:36:59 +0000 (UTC), "Reg Edwards"
<g4fgq.regp@ZZZbtinternet.com> wrote:

90 percent of French electricity is very sensibly produced by clean atomic
Uhuum. That's certainly debatable. Short term gains vs. looooonnngg term
problems. When in doubt, take the quick fix.

and hydro-electric means. They even sell it abroad. The Japanese are
running along the same lines. The Chinese and Indian sub-continent cannot be
far behind in their intentions.
On Thu, 13 Jan 2005 01:46:22 GMT, "Clarence_A" <no@No.com> wrote:

YOU can not say anything credible
ExZACTLTLY what you have proved, over and over, Clarence.
On Thu, 13 Jan 2005 06:13:38 +0000, invalid@example.com wrote:

Here it is:

From: Richard A. deSousa [m1aport@pacbell.net]
Sent: Friday, October 30, 1998 11:24 AM
To: globalwarming@joshua.law.pace.edu
Subject: Nigel Calder's Hypothesis on CO2 and Global
{snip content]


The first I have heard about this. Imagine real info creaping into this

Would be nice. It removes my guilt about driving a big truck and feeding
electricity to my electronics addiction. Bad stuff may still happen but
we can enjoy it while the sun lets us.

The sun giveth and the sun taketh away.
On Thu, 13 Jan 2005 09:25:32 GMT, "Clarence_A" <no@No.com> wrote:

You simply can not fathom anyone holding a different position that
yours, and so turn a blind eye to much of the universe!
Flip the mirror around. (Oh and edit "than" not "that")

I hate it when the pot calls the kettle black. (spelled out for your
slow-brained digestion)
"xray" <notreally@hotmail.invalid> schreef in bericht
On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 20:45:46 -0700, Jim Thompson
thegreatone@example.com> wrote:

One opinion / conclusion I hold: you are an idiot and a jerk.

Careful there Win, you're "catching up" ;-)

Careful Jim, you're an idiot and a jerk too. Ooops, I forgot - you can't
see this.
There is a lot that Jim can't see. Not that he has problems
with his eyes. His in-box is closed and his out-box is full
of shit.

Thanks, Frank.
(remove 'q' and 'invalid' when replying by email)
On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 16:38:17 GMT,
Clarence_A <no@No.com> wrote
in Msg. <ZncFd.1051$8Z1.88@newssvr14.news.prodigy.com>
"Daniel Haude" <haude@kir.physnet.uni-hamburg.de> wrote in message

OK, inconsistency aside, in what way is European health service
"poor over

Simple answer, it is a funds "Limited service"
I'm afraid neither you nor I know what you're talking about.

"Daniel Haude" <haude@kir.physnet.uni-hamburg.de> wrote in message
On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 16:38:17 GMT,
Clarence_A <no@No.com> wrote
in Msg. <ZncFd.1051$8Z1.88@newssvr14.news.prodigy.com

"Daniel Haude" <haude@kir.physnet.uni-hamburg.de> wrote in

OK, inconsistency aside, in what way is European health
"poor over all"?

Simple answer, it is a funds "Limited service"

I'm afraid neither you nor I know what you're talking about.

Try this for a example of the definition.


I agree that there is little chance of agreement, but I do know
what I am talking about, which leaves? You did try to look it up?
Didn't you?

I do not expect to change your mind. I do not care what you
believe about the insurance. But I would like to say I lit a
candle at the end of the tunnel!


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