"Winfield Hill" <hill_a@t_rowland-dotties-harvard-dot.s-edu> wrote
in message news:cs27je01k1v@drn.newsguy.com...
"I" do not spend more than I make, and save 20% or more of my net.
The pattern of the economy of the EU is one of descending into the
trap of committing to "entitlements" without resources to support
the programs.
If you want a Gasoline tax, just write a check to the government,
but do not expect everyone to agree with your twisted thinking!
Yes, there are excesses in government in the US, but as more
people become aware of these problems they will be corrected.
in message news:cs27je01k1v@drn.newsguy.com...
That explains the 30% plus unemployment and rampant welfare costs.Clarence_A wrote...
Jonathan Kirwan wrote...
The EU is now powerful enough, economically, to dictate USA
policy whether we like it or not.
I agree, dealing with a dictatorial and totally irresponsible
government is very difficult. If they decide to "Dictate US
policy" the results will likely spell an end of the EU!
Wrong. They are following strictly-enforced fiscal
we are spending like there's no tomorrow, and with no attention
a disastrously-negative balance of trade. Plus now with GW
no attention to government deficit spending either. Kindly
tell me
what makes you say _they_ are the ones facing disaster?
and wishful thinking? We MUST STOP spending more than we make,
a government, and as a country. And BTW if that means a
tax, sheesh, then let's bring it on!
"I" do not spend more than I make, and save 20% or more of my net.
The pattern of the economy of the EU is one of descending into the
trap of committing to "entitlements" without resources to support
the programs.
If you want a Gasoline tax, just write a check to the government,
but do not expect everyone to agree with your twisted thinking!
Of course I didn't say this, but you didn't read it correctly.The US has a lot going for it, too. But the US will spiral
hard if it imagines it can go it alone.
Do not drink coffee, nor do I have any of your bad habits.I agree, wake up Clarence, and smell the coffee!
Yes, there are excesses in government in the US, but as more
people become aware of these problems they will be corrected.