Jan Panteltje
On a sunny day (Wed, 02 Jun 2004 04:34:41 GMT) it happened "R. Steve Walz"
<rstevew@armory.com> wrote in <40BD59C3.4F19@armory.com>:
are ribbers too? (Many here would agree with you hehe), now that
helps sell Waltz Communism to the medium well of does it not?
Bu tis not that what Hitler did (everubody a home everubody a car
(Volkswagen), but where does the money come from?
Personnaly I think renting out a place can be a decent bussines,
there are also responsibilities and maintenance that you do not have
to worry about if you rent, but definitely have to worry about if
you own a home.
And many younsters simply have no money to buy one.
And may move a lot (jobs).
So there is a market there, what is wrong with it?
Maybe you are getting older and you now are really a true conservatist
republican hehe ;-)
<rstevew@armory.com> wrote in <40BD59C3.4F19@armory.com>:
all sorts of taxes, so in your view the government that does thatYou can't wait to be perfected or totally sure you know, because
that never ever happens, and if it does it will always and quite
invariably be a huge surprise. And you can't wait to fight off
robbers, either, worrying you might be wrong about them, after all,
they didn't wait to find out if THEY were right! It's a matter of
existential exigency. Shoot them through the head and make every
effort to get away with it.
Well, the case if you are attacked, OK.
But your definition of 'robbers' as anyone not being a 'Waltz Commie'
would leave very few alive.
Only robbers are robbers. People who support robbers might be
dangerous, but more likely they are simply confused. People who
were born as naked and ignorant as you are, and who claim to own
YOUR home, are indeed robbers. You inherited that home by right
of your equal common ancestry with them, the same as a sibling
claiming their share of an inheritance. You own the planet in
common and EQUALLY by right of eminent existence, in other words,
just as soon as you are willing to organize and kill for it.
Wait a minute, if you own a home, you have to pay taxes on it here,
are ribbers too? (Many here would agree with you hehe), now that
helps sell Waltz Communism to the medium well of does it not?
Bu tis not that what Hitler did (everubody a home everubody a car
(Volkswagen), but where does the money come from?
Revolution!I think that if you asked most people who rent and have mortgages if
they would rather vote to simply own their home today by ganging
up on the rich and taking them away from them, I think a majority
would go for it.
You are stirring up the masses![]()
Personnaly I think renting out a place can be a decent bussines,
there are also responsibilities and maintenance that you do not have
to worry about if you rent, but definitely have to worry about if
you own a home.
And many younsters simply have no money to buy one.
And may move a lot (jobs).
So there is a market there, what is wrong with it?
to promote private property, that is not the old communism as I know it?Anyone who tried to collect rent or mortgage payment would simply
be killed outright as a robber. No one has the right to enslave
others to them by their accidental wealth, nor even by some fairly
acquired possession. And don't pretend that threat of eviction to
force people to pay monthly tribute the rich is any different than
any other type of criminal threat against another.
You are 'slightly' biased for 'no private possessions' and now you want
Maybe you are getting older and you now are really a true conservatist
republican hehe ;-)
-Steve Walz rstevew@armory.com ftp://ftp.armory.com/pub/user/rstevew
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