Update your XP machine

On Sat, 18 May 2019 06:33:55 +0000 (UTC),
DecadentLinuxUserNumeroUno@decadence.org wrote:

Jeff Liebermann <jeffl@cruzio.com> wrote in

skype only updates on windows 10 machines.

Wrong. I'm on a Win 7 machine right now. Skype was updated
yesterday to Microsloth has discontinued support to
many older products including XP, but Win 7 and 8.1 are still

Mine would not and that was the reason it gave, but that was almost
three years ago when I got my first 4k display. They said they did not
support 4k displays on anything other than win10.

82.93% wrong this time:

"How to connect a 4K screen to a PC"
Windows 7 does support 4K displays, but is not as good
at handling scaling (especially if you have multiple
monitors) as Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.

"Does 4k monitor support work on Windows 7?"
I don't think that Windows 7 "lacks" 4K support - rather,
it doesn't support HiDPI displays and text scaling all
that well, compared to Windows 10.
Scaling on Windows 7 and 10 is awful. 10's scaling is
just marginally less awful.

"How to Configure 4K displays with Windows 7"

Both WQHD (2560 x 1440) and UHD (3840 x 2160) are considered "4K" by
the trade press, but work very differently depending on video card,
drivers, and operating system. Caveat emptor.

Jeff Liebermann jeffl@cruzio.com
150 Felker St #D http://www.LearnByDestroying.com
Santa Cruz CA 95060 http://802.11junk.com
Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558
Jeff Liebermann <jeffl@cruzio.com> wrote in

On Sat, 18 May 2019 06:33:55 +0000 (UTC),
DecadentLinuxUserNumeroUno@decadence.org wrote:

Jeff Liebermann <jeffl@cruzio.com> wrote in

skype only updates on windows 10 machines.

Wrong. I'm on a Win 7 machine right now. Skype was updated
yesterday to Microsloth has discontinued support to
many older products including XP, but Win 7 and 8.1 are still

Mine would not and that was the reason it gave, but that was
three years ago when I got my first 4k display. They said they
did not support 4k displays on anything other than win10.

82.93% wrong this time:

Goddamn you retarded fucks and your wrong percentage baby

YOU, you stupid fuck, thought I was talking about windows 7. I
was talking about SKYPE, so get back on the right topic.

JUST LIKE I STATED, S K Y P E stated that SKYPE was not going to
upgrade the windows 7 version of SKYPE for 4k and that I would have
to upgrade my machine to get skype menus to be correct in windows 7.

That is what MS told me, as MS owns skype.

I do not give a fat flying fuck what ytou are postingf about
windows 7 and 4k displays. Back when I got mine it had issues early
on. Not the display, WINDOWS 7. It worked fine from Linux or
windows 10.

So what I posted to you is that MS WINDOWS told me I had to
upgrade to win 10 to get corrected skype menus and that there would
be no upgrade of the windows 7 version. That was back when they
were pushing everyone to upgrade to windows 10 "free".

Fuck you and whatever stupid shit you post. I know what they told

What works or does not work now I do not give a fat flying fuck

"How to connect a 4K screen to a PC"
Windows 7 does support 4K displays, but is not as good
at handling scaling (especially if you have multiple
monitors) as Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.

I do not need your retardedx links, jackass. My 4k displays ALL
work fine on windows 7 or whatever I put them on you stupid fuck.
The remark I made was about SKYPE and the feedback they gave me.
"Does 4k monitor support work on Windows 7?"

Godamn you are one stupid fuck. I never said that windows 7
didn't support 4k displays, you godmaned illiterate fucktard!

I don't think that Windows 7 "lacks" 4K support - rather,
it doesn't support HiDPI displays and text scaling all
that well, compared to Windows 10.
Scaling on Windows 7 and 10 is awful. 10's scaling is
just marginally less awful.

"How to Configure 4K displays with Windows 7"

Both WQHD (2560 x 1440) and UHD (3840 x 2160) are considered "4K"
by the trade press, but work very differently depending on video
card, drivers, and operating system. Caveat emptor.

4k is very distinct. Trade press is dumbfuck lingo for dipshits
who listen to uneducated stereo store salesmen.

3840x2160 is 4k. WQHD is not. What you or some lame salesman
'consider' doesn't matter.
On Sun, 19 May 2019 01:30:52 +0000 (UTC),
DecadentLinuxUserNumeroUno@decadence.org wrote:

Jeff Liebermann <jeffl@cruzio.com> wrote in

On Sat, 18 May 2019 06:33:55 +0000 (UTC),
DecadentLinuxUserNumeroUno@decadence.org wrote:

Jeff Liebermann <jeffl@cruzio.com> wrote in

skype only updates on windows 10 machines.

Wrong. I'm on a Win 7 machine right now. Skype was updated
yesterday to Microsloth has discontinued support to
many older products including XP, but Win 7 and 8.1 are still

Mine would not and that was the reason it gave, but that was
three years ago when I got my first 4k display. They said they
did not support 4k displays on anything other than win10.

82.93% wrong this time:

Goddamn you retarded fucks and your wrong percentage baby

You're welcome. I could do without the profanity, but if you unable
to express yourself in any other manner, I can tolerate your childish

Incidentally, a baby bull is called a calf. The naming is rather
complicated, but this might help:
They do have one thing in common. They all produce similar feces. I
doubt that improving your anatomical accuracy will improve your
profanity, but it's worth a try.

JUST LIKE I STATED, S K Y P E stated that SKYPE was not going to
upgrade the windows 7 version of SKYPE for 4k and that I would have
to upgrade my machine to get skype menus to be correct in windows 7.

That is what MS told me, as MS owns skype.

My apologies. I had some difficulty with Microsoft indicating that
you would need to upgrade to Windoze 10 in order to use Skype properly
in 4K. The problem was that I could not understand why you believed
Microsoft. It's like asking a salesman how to fix a problem. The
answer is ALWAYS to buy the product they're selling. In case you
haven't noticed, Microsoft is really pushing hard to get users of
previous versions to abandon something that worked quite reliably, and
upgrade to something that doesn't quite work so reliably.

The major purpose of Windoze is to provide a common runtime
environment for all applications. Whether you have a Raspberry Pi
running Windoze 10:
or a game machine with an overkill GPU and 4K display, any program you
run will be visible on the screen within the limits of the driver and
display technologies. The display drivers in the operating system are
there to insure that most everything works[1]. Skype is nothing
special and should run on anything from a small 800x600 display to the
latest 8K displays. So, why would you need an operating system
upgrade in order to run something as simple as a chat program?

I'm rather disappointed that you accepted Microsoft's upgrade pitch
line and didn't bother double checking with a little Google searching.
Same with many of your other "factual" statements. May I again
suggest that you verify your assertions before proclaiming them as

[1] There are some notable exceptions in games, video editing, and
CAD programs where the program writes directly to the video card
hardware or have specialized drivers. For example, ray tracing,
polygon generation, accelerated shading, etc as found in many such
programs require driver support to function correctly and efficiently.

Jeff Liebermann jeffl@cruzio.com
150 Felker St #D http://www.LearnByDestroying.com
Santa Cruz CA 95060 http://802.11junk.com
Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558
Jeff Liebermann <jeffl@cruzio.com> wrote in

Incidentally, a baby bull is called a calf. The naming is rather
complicated, but this might help:

So, you cannot stop your retarded baby BULLSHIT. That is a human
behavior description, dumbfuck, not a "baby bull".

Your behavior is what is bullshit, and its maturity level is that of
a baby.

Still is too, child.

Nice try though, punk.
Jeff Liebermann <jeffl@cruzio.com> wrote in

The major purpose of Windoze is to provide a common runtime
environment for all applications. Whether you have a Raspberry Pi
running Windoze 10:

Really? So that is why NTFS is proprietary? Whodathunk?

You lie. LINUX is as you describe. Windows is only 'a common
runtime environment' if you are buying WINDOWS applications.

Not 'all applications' as you state.

Since you like to nit pik, apparently, so much.

200 file systems evolved out there and they were all open and
users and engineers needing access to them got it. ONLY MICROSOFT
made a proprietary file system which they then refused to give the
access details to.

So you knowing "major purposes" is a joke when you make
declarations like that one.

Same with many of your other "factual" statements. May I again
suggest that you verify your assertions before proclaiming them as

Hey, jefe Jeffay. You need to fuck off and die. Same with many
of your lame claims.
On 16/05/2019 2:04 pm, bitrex wrote:

Malware exploiting the vulnerability will be hitting the 'net in the
next 48 hours

Or disable remote administration.

Why is that enabled by default anyway?

>That is what MS told me, as MS owns skype.

Guess what I don't have. I really do not want to support that motherfucker. They took vaccines to Africa. They need FOOD asshole.

Bill and Belinda, make more starving children and put them on TV to get people to give $19 a month. After "costs" they get five bucks.

Microsoft is a fucking dinosaur, it just hasn't fallen down and started fossilizing yet.

All I have to do is buy a harddrive, I got a laptop for this. But I am 58 and as you get older learning gets harder. If I can have my wifi out in the garage great.

Really at 58 after I abused my body so much, it may be my last summer. I ain't wasting it. Hey you Decadent Linux, I choose not to hate you, understand ? Hate is a choice. And now, sometime this year if you can get here I will cook you up a filet mignon, a spud and a little salad. And I will have beer, and other things.

You know I am not religious at all but that doesn't mean I reject everything they ever said. You know you have called me everything on this forum except a White Man.

The Christian thing comes after. I am not one but they are right about this.. When someone is mean to you be nice to them. I have had this done to me. I mean you cost a guy his JOB and he comes to see you and maybe you are all afraid, then the guy comes and gives you like, your lighter back. I am not a Christian, I reject universal forgiveness. It is up to you to forgive those who have wronged you.

You know DL you are a badass asshole on this forum, but I like that. You don't fuck around or put up with fucking stupidity.

In light of all that, if you think you can make it I got a steak dinner forya, and all outside. And I got good shit, good vape and any about beverage you could ever want up the street, walking distance.

If you can make it let me know when and then email, phone all that. I am not afraid. First of all you got no reason to attack me anyway, until we start talking politics at least. Maybe we should eat the steaks first.

The way I see it you got no reason to hurt me and vice versa. You are a motherfucker and so am I, maybe we can meld this into double motherfucker... If you are going to be around let me know. You can easily get my email off the forum here.

I bet we agree on way more than you think. It is still "Fuck you motherfucker" but still the steak offer stands.
>You're welcome. I could do without the profanity, but if you >unable to express yourself in any other manner, I can tolerate >your childish language..

On this we differ. When we were kids the adults talked as if they are talking, not talking baby talk to us. Discussions. Bad words were used but not with animosity. Like fuck this, or that god damn Daygo or whatever. But we were also taught NOT to us those words in certain company.

People sit there and like "Don't say that in front of the kids". Bullshit, they almost certainly heard it before. We did, just don't talk that way in school n shit.

You know I come from highly intelligent people and actually consider myself a failure. I wasted half of my first childhood, so I had a few more.

This is long enough, I need to go to the store. Really though, I have a different outlook.

For example they got a Rexulti or whatever drug. Anti-depressant supplement when the mind warping drugs you are already on have not produced bliss. Their own commercial says that two out of three people taking anti-depressants still have symptoms. THAT MEAN TWO THIRDS OF THE TIME THEY DO NOT WORK, is that not logical ?

Call me on that. Seriously, the shit only makes school shooters. Suicidal thoughts are almost universal among all of this new drugs. Suicidal thoughts, I tell you what - let me ask you a question.

Can you HONESTLY say you have never ever even contemplated suicide ?

To all: Sorry about getting philosophical but I can feel that i am not long for this world. There is only ONE WAY to fix this world and it is not going to be easy.

Well, sorry bout the hijack. But I think within two years I will be joining Jim Thompson.
>Or disable remote administration.

Mine is. You can't touch anything on my shit.

>Why is that enabled by default anyway?

Because it makes money.

Same deal with law enforcement. They WANT to bust the wrong person, the real criminal on the streets justifies their budget.

Now think about this - and I mean REALLY think about it - who profits from computer virus' ?

Think about things. Even the most intelligent among you don't get all the angles.

This is long enough, some other time.l I got liberals to destroy. (their credibility, it is easy)
On Sunday, May 19, 2019 at 3:21:14 PM UTC-4, jurb...@gmail.com wrote:
Or disable remote administration.

Mine is. You can't touch anything on my shit.

Why is that enabled by default anyway?

Because it makes money.

Same deal with law enforcement. They WANT to bust the wrong person, the real criminal on the streets justifies their budget.

Now think about this - and I mean REALLY think about it - who profits from computer virus' ?

Think about things. Even the most intelligent among you don't get all the angles.

This is long enough, some other time.l I got liberals to destroy. (their credibility, it is easy)

Oh my god! What a psycho! So delusional. The most delusional. Very bad, very, very bad.


Rick C.

--- Get 5,000 miles of free Supercharging
--- Tesla referral code - https://ts.la/richard11209
jurb6006@gmail.com wrote in news:ced08ff7-91e5-4250-93f3-

Bill and Belinda,

They are not with Microsoft any more, you dippy dork.
On Saturday, 18 May 2019 02:19:17 UTC+10, Rick C wrote:
On Friday, May 17, 2019 at 12:27:05 AM UTC-4, Jeff Liebermann wrote:
On Fri, 17 May 2019 13:37:41 +1000, Clifford Heath
no.spam@please.net> wrote:

On 16/5/19 2:04 pm, bitrex wrote:
Malware exploiting the vulnerability will be hitting the 'net in the
next 48 hours

If you've got an XP machine on the Internet, you already have more
malware than you need.

Both my office and home desktops run XP. One of the laptops I drag
around in my car runs Vista. I have had problems, but not with
malware. Malwarebytes and Avast are sufficient to keep the forces of
evil at a distance. What has gone wrong is that some of the software
that I use quite often, will not run or update on XP. Specifically,
Adobe products, Firefox, TurboTacks, Skype, drivers for the latest
printers and hardware, etc. I have no plans to go down with a sinking
ship, and am slowly and painfully migrating the important programs to
various machines running later Windoze mutations.

XP market share is less than 1% and falling:
However Windoze 7 still has 33% market share. It's been about 5 years
since Microsoft stopped admitting that they wrote XP. I might switch
to Windoze 7 and junp ship when it sinks in 5 years.

Windows 10 is really pretty good. I don't know anyone who has any valid complaints about it. Of course saying that will bring all the creepy crawlies out of the wood work. Still, what do you have against it? It seems pretty tameable to me.


Rick C.

- Get 5,000 miles of free Supercharging
- Tesla referral code - https://ts.la/richard11209


On Saturday, 18 May 2019 03:49:54 UTC+10, Jeff Liebermann wrote:


You don't by chance still have a turntable... (I do)

Yes, I do have and ocassionally use a turntable. Sony PS-X60 with a
home made air floatation arm and laser pickup:

Interesting.. care to elaborate (the laser pickup particularly)?

Commercial device? Mechanical tracking?

On Sun, 19 May 2019 18:10:40 -0700 (PDT), Chris <chris.863@live.com>

On Saturday, 18 May 2019 03:49:54 UTC+10, Jeff Liebermann wrote:


You don't by chance still have a turntable... (I do)

Yes, I do have and ocassionally use a turntable. Sony PS-X60 with a
home made air floatation arm and laser pickup:

Interesting.. care to elaborate (the laser pickup particularly)?


>Commercial device? Mechanical tracking?

Prototype from the early 1980's.

Commercial laser turntables are only $15,000.

If you have some CNC machinery, a coherent laser (so it can be
focused), and a microscope, you can probably built a workable laser
tone arm and pickup.

There's also the IRENE system, which builds a 3D picture of the record
groove using cameras, and plays it with needle simulation software:

One problem with laser turntables is that the record grooves need to
be cleaned before playing or the audio will sound like it's playing a
sandpaper disk. With a conventional needle pickup, the needle cleans
the groove from most dust particles. With a laser, the compressed air
levitation pump does a little cleaning, but what one really needs is a
liquid to grab the dust and a vacuum cleaner to remove the liquid and
dust. The good news is that if one does manage to clean your records,
then the sound quality is quite good.


Jeff Liebermann jeffl@cruzio.com
150 Felker St #D http://www.LearnByDestroying.com
Santa Cruz CA 95060 http://802.11junk.com
Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558
jurb6006@gmail.com wrote in news:2c817fc2-0b8a-43c8-b89a-

and laser pickup

I heard they had a ton of problems with those.
The lasers.... Yeah... likely too good at 'seeing' and that
means any inclusions and other elements become artifacts of the
produced signal.

With regular stylus methods, however...

I found that static is the main problem.

I had the wipe and clean and play wet stuff. It works well.

I thought it was about the dirt and the wet added a slight damping
if anything.

So I experimented.

I found that moist breath right in front of the needle abates most
of the hiss and static pops. Imagine that.

So that and the Ortofon cartridge I had at the time would make
even scratched record sound good.

I would wipe them with the juice, and breath on the assembly right
as it passes under the needle. Amazing performance results.
In article <qc0lkk$14ii$1@gioia.aioe.org>,
<DecadentLinuxUserNumeroUno@decadence.org> wrote:

With regular stylus methods, however...

I found that static is the main problem.

Yup. It seems to get you in two different ways - direct static
discharge to the stylus, and the tendency to attract dust particles.

I had the wipe and clean and play wet stuff. It works well.

I thought it was about the dirt and the wet added a slight damping
if anything.

So I experimented.

I found that moist breath right in front of the needle abates most
of the hiss and static pops. Imagine that.

So that and the Ortofon cartridge I had at the time would make
even scratched record sound good.

I would wipe them with the juice, and breath on the assembly right
as it passes under the needle. Amazing performance results.

Something that can work very, very well is a treatment which leaves an
extremely thin (mono-molecular film, I believe) layer of a hydrophilic
surfactant on the surface of the vinyl. It'll hold enough moisture to
keep the surface resistance low, and static just drains away.

One such treatment was developed some decades ago by engineers at the
BBC... it's known as the "BBC peel". It was popularized by Reg
Williamson in Audio Amateur magazine, and Old Colony sold the
materials as a kit for a while. I've tried a home-brewed version and
it works amazingly well.

The formula I've settled on is a modified verison of the
BBC/Williamson recipe. It's based on polyvinyl alcohol powder,
distilled water, some technical-grade isopropyl alcohol, and a small
amount of benzalkonium chloride as an anti-static surfactant. The BBC
used Cyastat or some other commercial anti-static additives, which are
very difficult to purchase in less-than-55-gallon-drum quantities;
bezalkonium chloride is chemically rather similar, easier to acquire,
and seems to be quite compatible with vinyl and similar plastics.

Once mixed up, it's about the consistency of corn syrup. You apply it
to a record (spread it around thinly with a foam brush or card) and
let it dry (takes an hour or so). It turns into a flexible film which
peels easily off of the record, taking dust and dirt with it.

The benzalkonium chloride reduces the surface tension, ensuring that
the goop spreads out nicely and fills the grooves. When you peel off
the film, a very thin layer of the surfactant remains on the
surface... enough to attract humidity and discharge static
electricity, but no more than that.

I ran some tests of this recipe, using records that had been quite
dirty. I first wet-washed them and vacuumed to get most of the gunk
off, and test-played them (and recorded the results). I then used the
"peel" and played and recorded again.

The "peel" reduced the pops, ticks, and overall surface noise by
several dB compared to the results of the wet-washing.
> play wet stuf

From what I've gleaned it is not good to play vinyl wet. When not wet the stylus melts a little bit to "skate" yet still reproduce the waveform. This does make for some wear but playing it wet takes the heat away too fast. Like an ice skate, it melts the ice right under it which then quickly refreeezes.

Stylus design was a "thing" for a while. At one time everything was conical, then we got 4X, and 3X and 2X. (my Audio Technica was a 2X, that means 0.002 X 0.007) and then there were Shibatas. I never had one but if I did I would only use it for transcription. Those things hit a different part of the groove walls. I think just about all of the\m were CD-4 compatible, and that is saying something.

Enough, I have liberals to torture.
On Sunday, May 19, 2019 at 3:21:14 PM UTC-4, jurb...@gmail.com wrote:
Or disable remote administration.

Mine is. You can't touch anything on my shit.

Why is that enabled by default anyway?

Because it makes money.

Same deal with law enforcement. They WANT to bust the wrong person, the real criminal on the streets justifies their budget.

Some of the really bizarre, kooky things you post makes me question
your sanity.

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