RD Sandman
"dechucka" <dechucka1@hotmail.com> wrote in
is different from ours when it comes to politics.
If you are trying find a laundry detergent that removes bloodstains
from clothing......perhaps, the problem is not your detergent...
You need to find a new circle of friends!!!
Sleep well, tonight.....
RD (The Sandman)
Part of the problem in communicating is that your definition of liberal"SaPeIsMa" <SaPeIsMa@HotMail.com> wrote in message
"dechucka" <dechucka1@hotmail.com> wrote in message
"RD Sandman" <rdsandman[spamremove]@comcast.net> wrote in message
"dechucka" <dechucka1@hotmail.com> wrote in
"SaPeIsMa" <SaPeIsMa@HotMail.com> wrote in message
"dechucka" <dechucka1@hotmail.com> wrote in message
Isn't the 2nd amendment all about the militia ;-)
Get back under your rock you stupid troll
it is isn't it
Get back under your rock, you stupid AND ignorant troll.
must suck for an aussie to point out to you what your constitution
However, he is wrong. There is no requirement for militia
membership for
the right to keep and bear arms. Yes, the Second Amendment
addresses the
state militias (the national militia is addressed in ArtI(8)(16))
but what it is is a statement that gives *a* reason for the
protection of that right.
I agree and understand that the courts have taken a very liberal
view of what a militia is
No they have not
yes they have
That's just YOUR ignorant (as usual) interpretation
no that is the courts.
Must suck to have an Aussie telling you about the constitution as you
are to ignorant
is different from ours when it comes to politics.
If you are trying find a laundry detergent that removes bloodstains
from clothing......perhaps, the problem is not your detergent...
You need to find a new circle of friends!!!
Sleep well, tonight.....
RD (The Sandman)