Trevor Tosspot admits he seeks a total ban on the private ow

"Scout" <> wrote in message
"dechucka" <> wrote in message

"RD Sandman" <rdsandman[spamremove]> wrote in message
"dechucka" <> wrote in

"RD Sandman" <rdsandman[spamremove]> wrote in message
"dechucka" <> wrote in

"RD Sandman" <rdsandman[spamremove]> wrote in message
"dechucka" <> wrote in

"RD Sandman" <rdsandman[spamremove]> wrote in message
"dechucka" <> wrote in

"RD Sandman" <rdsandman[spamremove]> wrote in
message news:XnsA053B28F72090hopewell@
"dechucka" <> wrote in

"SaPeIsMa" <> wrote in message

"dechucka" <> wrote in message

"RD Sandman" <rdsandman[spamremove]> wrote in
message news:XnsA0506BFDD5B39hopewell@
"dechucka" <> wrote in

"RD Sandman" <rdsandman[spamremove]> wrote in
message news:XnsA04F938AEA2Bhopewell@
"dechucka" <> wrote in

"RD Sandman" <rdsandman[spamremove]> wrote
in message
"dechucka" <> wrote in

"RD Sandman" <rdsandman[spamremove]> wrote
in message
"dechucka" <> wrote in

"RD Sandman" <rdsandman[spamremove]
wrote in message
"dechucka" <> wrote in

"SaPeIsMa" <> wrote in message

"dechucka" <> wrote in

"SaPeIsMa" <> wrote in

"dechucka" <> wrote in
.. .

"SaPeIsMa" <> wrote in

"dechucka" <> wrote in
au .. .


Dealing with a 5 stupid year old is
easier Which current gun licensing laws
Be SPECIFIC, instead of trying to
weasel with vague

that is specific as one can get

I'll accept that as an admission you don't

as a gun owner I do and those are the laws

e/ su bord le g+

You need a permission to own a paint-ball
gun You need a permit to stage paint-ball
Talk about a nanny state.
Ironic that since gun control was clamped
down post Port Arthur, things have gotten

have they?

Yes they have
* Australia: Readers of the USA Today
newspaper discovered
in 2002 that, "Since Australia's 1996
laws banning most
and making it a crime to use a gun
armed robberies rose by 51%,
unarmed robberies by 37%,
assaults by 24%
and kidnappings by 43%.
While murders fell by 3%,
manslaughter rose by 16%."
Dr. John R. Lott, Jr., "Gun laws don't reduce
USA Today (May 9, 2002).
See also Rhett Watson and Matthew Bayley,
"Gun crime up 40pc since Port Arthur,"
The Daily Telegraph (April 28, 2002).

I'll stop there because that statement is BS

Prove it, false weasel-boi
But remember
If you get punished for keeping a loaded gun
for self defense,
effectively made it illegal to use a gun
by making it IMPOSSIBLE UNLESS you already have a
loaded gun at hand.
In which case the government can come after
you for using that

it is not illegal to use a gun defensively in
Australia, most guns in Aus were not banned post

While that is true, it is illegal in Oz to purchase
or to carry one
the stated purpose of self defense.

correct in all but very limited cases

With a few million citizens, "all but very limited"
doesn't help much.

but not really needed in Aus

Ahhhh, no one is ever murdered or a victim of violent
in OZ? Methinks you are full of shit.

and the consequences of "carry for
protection" laws in the US can be seen by the mess
they are in.

What mess is that?

Interestingly it is very hard to find info on
defensive gun use in the US, one figure put around is
2.5 million per year but the crimes that led to guns
being drawn
seem to be reported to the authorities

You can look at Gary Kleck's study.....that is where
the .25 million number
comes from.
You can look at the NCVS (National Crime Victimization
Study) it comes up with 80,000 to 108,000 per year and
never asks about DGUs. You can also look at the
following surveys:

Field 1976 3,052,717
Burdua 1977 1,414,544
DM1a 1978 2,141,512
DM1b 1978 1,098,409
Hart 1981 1,797,461
Ohio 1982 771,043
Mauser 1990 1,487,342
Gallup 1991 777,153
Gallup 1993 1,621,682
LA Times 1994 3,609,682
Tarrance 1994 764,036

so it isn't really that big a safeguard

Oh, I don't know. I would much rather be part of those
in the surveys above than one of the 10-12,000 who die
street scab with a gun.

Sorry and should add that if these figures are
correct than surely police data would back them up

When even as you suggested, most of these involve no shots
fired or the police? How would the police generate data if
they are not involved?

People are so threatened they draw a gun but don't report it
thus letting crims run free. bizarre argument

Silly dedummy.
Presumes that making a police report automatically results in
an arrest.

strawman arguement. If you report the crime there is a better
chance of an arrest

In some areas that would mean the chances would go from less
than 1% to just over 1%.

a great benefit. I'm more and more believing that DGU figures by
survey are complete and utter BS

You may feel free to believe what you want. As am I. I find my
gun to be of a great benefit and, guess what? It is always there,
it is always ready, I don't need to dial 911 and I don't have to
wait. I have been in situations before and it has never failed me
or failed to show up.

yet you don't report these crimes

The police HAVE failed to show up.

really? but probably a threat by a bear is more a wildlife situation

We sometimes get them in towns. We also sometimes get mountain
lions, coyotes,

nice puppy dogs, we get wild dogs as well


did the nasty piggy thing eat your veggies, my .222 took out the wild
pigs on my place

bobcats, etc..

we have feral cats bigger than that :)

anyhow isn't shooting wildlife in town considered illegal?

I don't live in town.

you're lucky you don't live in Aus because apart from all the snakes
spiders dingoes etc we have these and I live in an area with lots
of gums're afraid of an imaginary animal...
you mean the aus museum was wrong? Oh the shock horror :)

Well, that does fit in with the rest of your paranoia and phobias.

I don't live in town.

you're lucky you don't live in Aus because apart from all the snakes
spiders dingoes etc we have these and I live in an area with
lots of gums

Sounds like it. It seems you are trying to gum me to boredom. ;)
actually gums are quite dangerous 2nd biggest cause of death in RFS members
"RD Sandman" <rdsandman[spamremove]> wrote in message
"dechucka" <> wrote in

"RD Sandman" <rdsandman[spamremove]> wrote in message
"dechucka" <> wrote in

"RD Sandman" <rdsandman[spamremove]> wrote in message
"dechucka" <> wrote in

"RD Sandman" <rdsandman[spamremove]> wrote in message
"dechucka" <> wrote in


Most of the time here it is a waste of time. They have other
things to do and active crimes going on.

Probably is but it may help and does help the cops target

They are already targetting crime. They often don't wish to
get interrupted at that unless the crime you are reporting is
of higher importance. It the incident is over, no one got
hurt, the perps are gone...that isn't very high priority.

so crime prevention isn't important in the Us

If I
was so scared I produced a gun I'd be telling the authority
for the simple reason it may help the community

You have not been in that position and you don't know the
conditions in the US. Let me ask you this about OZ. Assume
you are carrying a firearm for self defense. A couple guys try
to mug you. You scare them off with the gun. Are you going to
call the police? And face questions about why you are carrying
a gun when it is obvious you aren't hunting, you are in a
strange town and carrying a gun in OZ for the purpose of self
defense is illegal. You call the police to report a crime that
most likely be put in the wastebasket....face all those
questions....possibly spend some time in a cell yourself while
the police sort things out and there will be no followup? You
will call the police? I don't think so.

but carrying a gun in the US for self defense isn't illegal so
your argument is null and void

Actually, no, it isn't. In some localities it IS illegal to
carry that gun concealed without a permit and open carry is not
allowed. In some localities, local police simple frown on those
who carry and will hassle them. The scenario I gave you is as
close to that as you twits in OZ can get. I see you don't have
the balls to answer it. That rather makes any further
communication with you moot.

I answered it in term of Aus

But I don't live in OZ and you are arguing US gun politics.

OK IF I was illegally carrying a hand gun and used it to shoot
someone or pulled it out if threatened I wouldn't report it to the
police. however if I was at home and felt so threatened I got my
rifle than I certainly would report it to the police

Most incidents don't occur at home.

Let me tell you a little story. I used to live a small community
about 8 to 10 miles out in the county. I got about 5 or 6 calls one
night from some stranger for someone who didn't live there. It was a
wrong number call, I assume. Anyway, after the fourth or fifth call,
the person was adamant that he had the right number and if I didn't
put the guy on the phone he was going to come out and shoot my ass.
I told him to screw off and hung up. He called back, gave me his
name and stated he was a deputy sheriff He was going to come and get
me if I didn't put this dude on the phone. I told him again there we
not such person at my number. He got abusive and I hung up on him.
He called back and threatened me again. So I hung up again and called
the sheriff's department. Told them what was going on and they said
that they were too busy to come out. They asked me if I thought my
life was in danger. I said, I didn't know, how good a shot was this
asshole? They simply repeated that they were too busy to come out.
I told them to call their deputy on the radio and tell him that if he
came out, his friends could come and bury him. Incident ended. No
followups whatsoever from the sheriff's department and you want to
know why I wouldn't call the cops if I ended an incident without a
shot being fired?

very strange

But the lack of reaction was rather typical in many cases.
very strange, maybe if these strange people were reported to the police when
they are scared off by weapons
"dechucka" <> wrote in

"RD Sandman" <rdsandman[spamremove]> wrote in message
"dechucka" <> wrote in

"RD Sandman" <rdsandman[spamremove]> wrote in message
"dechucka" <> wrote in

"RD Sandman" <rdsandman[spamremove]> wrote in message
"dechucka" <> wrote in

"RD Sandman" <rdsandman[spamremove]> wrote in
message news:XnsA0556C92A5258hopewell@
"dechucka" <> wrote in


Most of the time here it is a waste of time. They have
other things to do and active crimes going on.

Probably is but it may help and does help the cops target

They are already targetting crime. They often don't wish to
get interrupted at that unless the crime you are reporting is
of higher importance. It the incident is over, no one got
hurt, the perps are gone...that isn't very high priority.

so crime prevention isn't important in the Us

If I
was so scared I produced a gun I'd be telling the authority
for the simple reason it may help the community

You have not been in that position and you don't know the
conditions in the US. Let me ask you this about OZ. Assume
you are carrying a firearm for self defense. A couple guys
try to mug you. You scare them off with the gun. Are you
going to call the police? And face questions about why you
are carrying a gun when it is obvious you aren't hunting, you
are in a strange town and carrying a gun in OZ for the
purpose of self defense is illegal. You call the police to
report a crime that most likely be put in the
wastebasket....face all those questions....possibly spend
some time in a cell yourself while the police sort things out
and there will be no followup? You will call the police? I
don't think so.

but carrying a gun in the US for self defense isn't illegal so
your argument is null and void

Actually, no, it isn't. In some localities it IS illegal to
carry that gun concealed without a permit and open carry is not
allowed. In some localities, local police simple frown on those
who carry and will hassle them. The scenario I gave you is as
close to that as you twits in OZ can get. I see you don't have
the balls to answer it. That rather makes any further
communication with you moot.

I answered it in term of Aus

But I don't live in OZ and you are arguing US gun politics.

OK IF I was illegally carrying a hand gun and used it to shoot
someone or pulled it out if threatened I wouldn't report it to the
police. however if I was at home and felt so threatened I got my
rifle than I certainly would report it to the police

Most incidents don't occur at home.

Let me tell you a little story. I used to live a small community
about 8 to 10 miles out in the county. I got about 5 or 6 calls
one night from some stranger for someone who didn't live there. It
was a wrong number call, I assume. Anyway, after the fourth or
fifth call, the person was adamant that he had the right number and
if I didn't put the guy on the phone he was going to come out and
shoot my ass. I told him to screw off and hung up. He called back,
gave me his name and stated he was a deputy sheriff He was going
to come and get me if I didn't put this dude on the phone. I told
him again there we not such person at my number. He got abusive
and I hung up on him. He called back and threatened me again. So I
hung up again and called the sheriff's department. Told them what
was going on and they said that they were too busy to come out.
They asked me if I thought my life was in danger. I said, I didn't
know, how good a shot was this asshole? They simply repeated that
they were too busy to come out. I told them to call their deputy on
the radio and tell him that if he came out, his friends could come
and bury him. Incident ended. No followups whatsoever from the
sheriff's department and you want to know why I wouldn't call the
cops if I ended an incident without a shot being fired?

very strange

But the lack of reaction was rather typical in many cases.

very strange, maybe if these strange people were reported to the
police when they are scared off by weapons
You don't read real well. In this case and in others, the strange people
were the police.


If you are trying find a laundry detergent that removes bloodstains
from clothing......perhaps, the problem is not your detergent...
You need to find a new circle of friends!!!

Sleep well, tonight.....

RD (The Sandman)
On Sun, 20 May 2012 11:11:05 -0500, in talk.politics.guns RD Sandman
<rdsandman[spamremove]> wrote:

You don't read real well. In this case and in others, the strange people
were the police.
Wouldn't a norman police officer be an oxymoron?
"RD Sandman" <rdsandman[spamremove]> wrote in message
"dechucka" <> wrote in

"RD Sandman" <rdsandman[spamremove]> wrote in message
"dechucka" <> wrote in

"RD Sandman" <rdsandman[spamremove]> wrote in message
"dechucka" <> wrote in

"RD Sandman" <rdsandman[spamremove]> wrote in message
"dechucka" <> wrote in

"RD Sandman" <rdsandman[spamremove]> wrote in
message news:XnsA0556C92A5258hopewell@
"dechucka" <> wrote in


Most of the time here it is a waste of time. They have
other things to do and active crimes going on.

Probably is but it may help and does help the cops target

They are already targetting crime. They often don't wish to
get interrupted at that unless the crime you are reporting is
of higher importance. It the incident is over, no one got
hurt, the perps are gone...that isn't very high priority.

so crime prevention isn't important in the Us

If I
was so scared I produced a gun I'd be telling the authority
for the simple reason it may help the community

You have not been in that position and you don't know the
conditions in the US. Let me ask you this about OZ. Assume
you are carrying a firearm for self defense. A couple guys
try to mug you. You scare them off with the gun. Are you
going to call the police? And face questions about why you
are carrying a gun when it is obvious you aren't hunting, you
are in a strange town and carrying a gun in OZ for the
purpose of self defense is illegal. You call the police to
report a crime that most likely be put in the
wastebasket....face all those questions....possibly spend
some time in a cell yourself while the police sort things out
and there will be no followup? You will call the police? I
don't think so.

but carrying a gun in the US for self defense isn't illegal so
your argument is null and void

Actually, no, it isn't. In some localities it IS illegal to
carry that gun concealed without a permit and open carry is not
allowed. In some localities, local police simple frown on those
who carry and will hassle them. The scenario I gave you is as
close to that as you twits in OZ can get. I see you don't have
the balls to answer it. That rather makes any further
communication with you moot.

I answered it in term of Aus

But I don't live in OZ and you are arguing US gun politics.

OK IF I was illegally carrying a hand gun and used it to shoot
someone or pulled it out if threatened I wouldn't report it to the
police. however if I was at home and felt so threatened I got my
rifle than I certainly would report it to the police

Most incidents don't occur at home.

Let me tell you a little story. I used to live a small community
about 8 to 10 miles out in the county. I got about 5 or 6 calls
one night from some stranger for someone who didn't live there. It
was a wrong number call, I assume. Anyway, after the fourth or
fifth call, the person was adamant that he had the right number and
if I didn't put the guy on the phone he was going to come out and
shoot my ass. I told him to screw off and hung up. He called back,
gave me his name and stated he was a deputy sheriff He was going
to come and get me if I didn't put this dude on the phone. I told
him again there we not such person at my number. He got abusive
and I hung up on him. He called back and threatened me again. So I
hung up again and called the sheriff's department. Told them what
was going on and they said that they were too busy to come out.
They asked me if I thought my life was in danger. I said, I didn't
know, how good a shot was this asshole? They simply repeated that
they were too busy to come out. I told them to call their deputy on
the radio and tell him that if he came out, his friends could come
and bury him. Incident ended. No followups whatsoever from the
sheriff's department and you want to know why I wouldn't call the
cops if I ended an incident without a shot being fired?

very strange

But the lack of reaction was rather typical in many cases.

very strange, maybe if these strange people were reported to the
police when they are scared off by weapons
don't you have police integrity commissions over there
"Jubilation T. Cornpone" <> wrote in message
On Sun, 20 May 2012 11:11:05 -0500, in talk.politics.guns RD Sandman
rdsandman[spamremove]> wrote:

You don't read real well. In this case and in others, the strange people
were the police.

Wouldn't a norman police officer be an oxymoron?
what have you got against policemen called norman? or do you hate police
from norman Oaklahoma? :)
Jubilation T. Cornpone <> wrote in

On Sun, 20 May 2012 11:11:05 -0500, in talk.politics.guns RD Sandman
rdsandman[spamremove]> wrote:

You don't read real well. In this case and in others, the strange
people were the police.

Wouldn't a norman police officer be an oxymoron?
With some of them, yes. I have also known some very good and exemplorary


If you are trying find a laundry detergent that removes bloodstains
from clothing......perhaps, the problem is not your detergent...
You need to find a new circle of friends!!!

Sleep well, tonight.....

RD (The Sandman)
"dechucka" <> wrote in news:xvKdnVCCy-

"RD Sandman" <rdsandman[spamremove]> wrote in message
"dechucka" <> wrote in

"RD Sandman" <rdsandman[spamremove]> wrote in message
"dechucka" <> wrote in

"RD Sandman" <rdsandman[spamremove]> wrote in message
"dechucka" <> wrote in

"RD Sandman" <rdsandman[spamremove]> wrote in message
"dechucka" <> wrote in

"RD Sandman" <rdsandman[spamremove]> wrote in
message news:XnsA0556C92A5258hopewell@
"dechucka" <> wrote in


Most of the time here it is a waste of time. They have
other things to do and active crimes going on.

Probably is but it may help and does help the cops target

They are already targetting crime. They often don't wish to
get interrupted at that unless the crime you are reporting
of higher importance. It the incident is over, no one got
hurt, the perps are gone...that isn't very high priority.

so crime prevention isn't important in the Us

If I
was so scared I produced a gun I'd be telling the authority
for the simple reason it may help the community

You have not been in that position and you don't know the
conditions in the US. Let me ask you this about OZ. Assume
you are carrying a firearm for self defense. A couple guys
try to mug you. You scare them off with the gun. Are you
going to call the police? And face questions about why you
are carrying a gun when it is obvious you aren't hunting,
are in a strange town and carrying a gun in OZ for the
purpose of self defense is illegal. You call the police to
report a crime that most likely be put in the
wastebasket....face all those questions....possibly spend
some time in a cell yourself while the police sort things
and there will be no followup? You will call the police? I
don't think so.

but carrying a gun in the US for self defense isn't illegal
your argument is null and void

Actually, no, it isn't. In some localities it IS illegal to
carry that gun concealed without a permit and open carry is
allowed. In some localities, local police simple frown on
who carry and will hassle them. The scenario I gave you is as
close to that as you twits in OZ can get. I see you don't
the balls to answer it. That rather makes any further
communication with you moot.

I answered it in term of Aus

But I don't live in OZ and you are arguing US gun politics.

OK IF I was illegally carrying a hand gun and used it to shoot
someone or pulled it out if threatened I wouldn't report it to
police. however if I was at home and felt so threatened I got my
rifle than I certainly would report it to the police

Most incidents don't occur at home.

Let me tell you a little story. I used to live a small community
about 8 to 10 miles out in the county. I got about 5 or 6 calls
one night from some stranger for someone who didn't live there.
was a wrong number call, I assume. Anyway, after the fourth or
fifth call, the person was adamant that he had the right number
if I didn't put the guy on the phone he was going to come out and
shoot my ass. I told him to screw off and hung up. He called
gave me his name and stated he was a deputy sheriff He was going
to come and get me if I didn't put this dude on the phone. I told
him again there we not such person at my number. He got abusive
and I hung up on him. He called back and threatened me again. So I
hung up again and called the sheriff's department. Told them what
was going on and they said that they were too busy to come out.
They asked me if I thought my life was in danger. I said, I
know, how good a shot was this asshole? They simply repeated that
they were too busy to come out. I told them to call their deputy
the radio and tell him that if he came out, his friends could come
and bury him. Incident ended. No followups whatsoever from the
sheriff's department and you want to know why I wouldn't call the
cops if I ended an incident without a shot being fired?

very strange

But the lack of reaction was rather typical in many cases.

very strange, maybe if these strange people were reported to the
police when they are scared off by weapons

don't you have police integrity commissions over there
Who are you going to report? Anyway, no, we have some community
information officers


If you are trying find a laundry detergent that removes bloodstains
from clothing......perhaps, the problem is not your detergent...
You need to find a new circle of friends!!!

Sleep well, tonight.....

RD (The Sandman)
"RD Sandman" <rdsandman[spamremove]> wrote in message
"dechucka" <> wrote in news:xvKdnVCCy-

"RD Sandman" <rdsandman[spamremove]> wrote in message
"dechucka" <> wrote in

"RD Sandman" <rdsandman[spamremove]> wrote in message
"dechucka" <> wrote in

"RD Sandman" <rdsandman[spamremove]> wrote in message
"dechucka" <> wrote in

"RD Sandman" <rdsandman[spamremove]> wrote in message
"dechucka" <> wrote in

"RD Sandman" <rdsandman[spamremove]> wrote in
message news:XnsA0556C92A5258hopewell@
"dechucka" <> wrote in


Most of the time here it is a waste of time. They have
other things to do and active crimes going on.

Probably is but it may help and does help the cops target

They are already targetting crime. They often don't wish to
get interrupted at that unless the crime you are reporting
of higher importance. It the incident is over, no one got
hurt, the perps are gone...that isn't very high priority.

so crime prevention isn't important in the Us

If I
was so scared I produced a gun I'd be telling the authority
for the simple reason it may help the community

You have not been in that position and you don't know the
conditions in the US. Let me ask you this about OZ. Assume
you are carrying a firearm for self defense. A couple guys
try to mug you. You scare them off with the gun. Are you
going to call the police? And face questions about why you
are carrying a gun when it is obvious you aren't hunting,
are in a strange town and carrying a gun in OZ for the
purpose of self defense is illegal. You call the police to
report a crime that most likely be put in the
wastebasket....face all those questions....possibly spend
some time in a cell yourself while the police sort things
and there will be no followup? You will call the police? I
don't think so.

but carrying a gun in the US for self defense isn't illegal
your argument is null and void

Actually, no, it isn't. In some localities it IS illegal to
carry that gun concealed without a permit and open carry is
allowed. In some localities, local police simple frown on
who carry and will hassle them. The scenario I gave you is as
close to that as you twits in OZ can get. I see you don't
the balls to answer it. That rather makes any further
communication with you moot.

I answered it in term of Aus

But I don't live in OZ and you are arguing US gun politics.

OK IF I was illegally carrying a hand gun and used it to shoot
someone or pulled it out if threatened I wouldn't report it to
police. however if I was at home and felt so threatened I got my
rifle than I certainly would report it to the police

Most incidents don't occur at home.

Let me tell you a little story. I used to live a small community
about 8 to 10 miles out in the county. I got about 5 or 6 calls
one night from some stranger for someone who didn't live there.
was a wrong number call, I assume. Anyway, after the fourth or
fifth call, the person was adamant that he had the right number
if I didn't put the guy on the phone he was going to come out and
shoot my ass. I told him to screw off and hung up. He called
gave me his name and stated he was a deputy sheriff He was going
to come and get me if I didn't put this dude on the phone. I told
him again there we not such person at my number. He got abusive
and I hung up on him. He called back and threatened me again. So I
hung up again and called the sheriff's department. Told them what
was going on and they said that they were too busy to come out.
They asked me if I thought my life was in danger. I said, I
know, how good a shot was this asshole? They simply repeated that
they were too busy to come out. I told them to call their deputy
the radio and tell him that if he came out, his friends could come
and bury him. Incident ended. No followups whatsoever from the
sheriff's department and you want to know why I wouldn't call the
cops if I ended an incident without a shot being fired?

very strange

But the lack of reaction was rather typical in many cases.

very strange, maybe if these strange people were reported to the
police when they are scared off by weapons

don't you have police integrity commissions over there

Who are you going to report? Anyway, no, we have some community
information officers
wondering "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?", there must be someone!

Welcome to

