Tony Hwang
The Daring Dufas wrote:
You mean you turned the radio off? SSID can be hidden or broadcast.
I never heard turning off SSID>
Unify is pretty new models. Another DIY source is Mikrotek which may
cost less.
On 12/21/2013 1:59 AM, Danny D'Amico wrote:
On Mon, 16 Dec 2013 06:53:35 -0700, Tony Hwang wrote:
Do you work fpor Ubiquiti? Nothing new you are doing there.
Naah. I *wish* I worked for Ubiquiti though, as I really like that they
make equipment that is *powerful* and easy to use!
I'm really salivating now over the UniFy access point wifi extender:
A friend and I installed one at a neighbor's house today, and
the WiFi range was FANTASTIC! It went to every single room in the house!
We even turned off the SSID from the Netgear home broadband router,
it was no longer needed, except to be used simply as a wired switch
for the
access point and desktop computer.
You mean you turned the radio off? SSID can be hidden or broadcast.
I never heard turning off SSID>
Unify is pretty new models. Another DIY source is Mikrotek which may
cost less.
I bought these for a customer to connect two buildings because the labor
to run an outdoor aerial cable was more than installing the wireless
link. ^_^