Toshiba TV29C90 problem; Image fades to black...

On Mon, 6 Jun 2011 18:13:13 -0700 (PDT), Emmett BADASS Gulley
<> wrote:

On Jun 6, 7:30 pm, Meat Plow <> wrote:
On Mon, 06 Jun 2011 22:52:11 +0000, Cujo DeSockpuppet wrote:
Emmett BADASS Gulley <> wrote in

In case you didn't know, just about every bit of meat's life is posted
all over usenet and it can be pulled up via the archives.

Stalking noted, convict.

But let's not worry about truth right now.

1. How is that career at Keiser coming along? 2. I hear you're also
going to support yourself doing Krappy-okie gigs. The funny thing is the
way I heard it was that one of the "fat bitches" already has the job.

LOL! think again. beer and ballz sucks ass as does tropical resort.
Did you get kicked out of both already or are you just afraid of that

PLUS a "working" associate of one of those fat bitches has asked me to
be a spy.

BTW, it's funny how i know everything that is going on about one of
those fat bitches and her karaoke gigs.
That is because you are a stalker

it's up to you to guess how i know.
Read above stalker.

and it's not through Facebook or the WEB.
Read above again stalker.

Man, it must really suck to be a pissbum living in a tent.

Emmett Dumbass Gulley is a convicted stalker who threatened children
with death,

LIE #1
You threatened to kill a child in your federal case fucktard. Maybe
you should refresh your memory:

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you choose to respond to it....


emma admits that everyone hated him:

Message-ID: <>
"albatross, you seem to hate me like all the others did back then."

emma threatens to kill me:

Message-ID: <>
"You need to shut the fuck up or i will kill you when i track you down
to put you in jail."

Classic emma at his best:

Message-ID: <>
"Don't post LIES unless you can prove them to be true."

Message-ID: <>
"if you do not release my original email addy to me by monday
morning, i promise you i will have your ass in my hands"
On Mon, 6 Jun 2011 23:30:18 +0000 (UTC), Meat Plow wrote

On Mon, 06 Jun 2011 22:52:11 +0000, Cujo DeSockpuppet wrote:

Emmett BADASS Gulley <> wrote in

In case you didn't know, just about every bit of meat's life is posted
all over usenet and it can be pulled up via the archives.

Stalking noted, convict.

But let's not worry about truth right now.

1. How is that career at Keiser coming along? 2. I hear you're also
going to support yourself doing Krappy-okie gigs. The funny thing is the
way I heard it was that one of the "fat bitches" already has the job.

Man, it must really suck to be a pissbum living in a tent.

Emmett Dumbass Gulley is a convicted stalker who threatened children
with death, was caught and ended up in a federal prison over it.
Who needs to say any more than that?
And William Malone Griffith, II was rejected by his father to run the
family company after his father's death, because daddy knew Willy
would be too stupid to not run it into the ground.

And Willy's own sister won't let him give guitar lessons in her music
store because William Malone Griffith, Jr. likes to touch small
children in inappropriate places.

And his brothers-in-law and nephew won't jam with him because William
Malone Griffith, Jr. can't really play guitar all that well. Besides,
Matthew says Uncle Willy looks like a 'fucking epileptic retard' on

And Willy rides a motorcycle that was conceived, designed and marketed
toward the female segment of the motorcycle-riding population.

And Willy's so broke from having to pitch in to defend the family
company against the 13 currently-pending lawsuits that he can't even
afford a house, so he had to rent 308 10th St. NE, North Canton, OH
from David S. & Joan R. Shaner.

And William M. Griffith, II has been caught using the screen name
'BlancoBear' to search for long-lost relatives. And he's signed up at, a gay porn site, with that same screen name.

And Willy's been outed by yers truly, both his real-life identity and
his sexual persuasion, but he's too stupid to be embarrassed by his
pathetic life.

Oops, sorry, did I say too much? Don't want to upset the 'Apple cart'.

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WHO IS MEATPLOW from Alt.Usenet.Kooks (AUK)?
Message-ID: <>
Message-ID: <>
Message-ID: <>

The obese, abusive, ugly, snaggle-toothed, gay 'bear' biker retard
who likes to surf gay porn sites as 'BlancoBear' while wearing only
assless chaps:

William Malone Griffith, Jr. (aka Milt, aka MeatPlow, aka BlancoBear)
308 10th Street NE
North Canton, OH 44720-2023

Amateur Radio callsign N8NCX
(2 meter, 6 meter)

Photo of MeatPlow in Belden Village Music store:
(Note the guitars in the background, the planet-sized head,
the rotten-Chiclet-teeth, and general look of retardation)

wgriffit at (neo = North East Ohio)
mhywattt at
mhywatt at

MeatPlow admits to being from Ohio:
Message-ID: <pan.2011.>
Message-ID: <pan.2011.>

Oh, William, what would yer family say if they learned yer secrets?
| Pamela L. & Roger R. Werling |
| ( sons Todd, Chris, Keith ) |
| |
| 7704 Bisque Court |
| Fort Wayne, IN 46825-3501 |
| 260-489-6086 |

| Cheryl J. & Jason Humberto E. Rivera |
| ( daughters Christina, Rosalio, Maria ) |
| |
| 5225 Echo Valley St. NW |
| North Canton, OH 44720-9702 |
| Belden Village Music |
| 6787 Wales Ave NW |
| North Canton, OH 44720 |
| |
| 330-497-9292 |
| Rosalio B & Maria I Rivera |
| 444 Wales Rd. NE |
| Massillon, OH 44646-5875 |
| 330-833-4291 |
| PO Box 35093 |
| Canton, OH 44735 |

| Carol L. & Ric A. Campbell |
| ( sons Richard, Christopher, |
| Brandon(†), daughter Erin ) |
| |
| 6794 William Tell Ave NW |
| North Canton, OH 44720-6546 |
| 330-497-7980 |
| 330-499-5107 |
| PO Box 36473 |
| Canton, OH 44735 |

| Christine H. & Shelton M. Vick |
| ( son Matthew ) |
| |
| 3915 Harvard Ave NW |
| Canton, OH 44709-1538 |
| 330-493-5645 |

| Angela C. & Mark Warshefski |
| |
| 11 SE 12th St. |
| Pompano Beach, FL 33060 |
| 954-785-4716 |
| 4760 Echovalley St. NW |
| North Canton, OH 44720-7504 |
| 330-494-5785 |
| 330-942-0584 |

What would yer landlord for 308 10th St. NE,
North Canton, OH say if they learned yer secrets?
| David S. and Joan R. Shaner |
| |
| 2095 Waterbury Dr. |
| Uniontown OH 44312 |
| 330-699-4042 |

What would the employees at yer family's
business say if they learned yer secrets?
| Ohio Kentucky Oil Corporation |
| aka Ohio Oil & Gas Exploration |
| |
| 5112 Portage St. NW |
| Canton, OH 44720-6856 |
| (330) 494-8810 |
| (330) 497-7980 |
| 110 E. Lowry Lane |
| Lexington, KY 40503 |
| (800) BUY 4 OIL |
| (800) 289-4645 |
| (859) 223-5656 |
| (859) 223-5946 |
| (859) 276-0699 (fax) |
| (859) 276-3500 |
| (859) 276-4080 |
| |
| |
| |

MeatPlow's grovelfest of an apology for being a fucktard stauker:
Message-ID: <>

Title: Apology to Charles Novins

The witnesses to this abject, groveling apology:

Angela Griffith = Angela C. Griffith-Warshefski, William Malone
Griffith, Jr.'s sister

Catherine Griffith = William Malone Griffith, Jr.'s mother

Julia M. Griffith = ?

Cheri Griffith = Cheryl J. Griffith-Rivera, William Malone Griffith,
Jr.'s sister

Justin Griffith = ?

Kristy Griffith = Christine H. Griffith-Vick, William Malone Griffith,
Jr.'s sister


Questions yet to be answered:
Who are Julia M. Griffith and Justin Griffith?

Angela C. Griffith-Warshefski came all the way from Pompano Beach,
Florida to witness and sign MeatPlow's apology letter?

Or did William Malone Griffith, Jr. forge the witness signatures,
which would indicate some level of insincerity in the apology?

If William Malone Griffith, Jr. did indeed forge the witness
signatures, is his family cognizant of him using them in this way?

The exit is -.
.---. .-----. |
| | '---. | |
'-. `-----|-' |
| '---'
On Mon, 6 Jun 2011 13:53:52 -0700 (PDT), Emmett Sadass Gulley wrote

On Jun 5, 3:04 am, Alien> wrote:
On Sun, 5 Jun 2011 00:24:27 +0000 (UTC), Meat Plow wrote

On Sat, 04 Jun 2011 12:05:44 -0400,   Sir Gregory Hall, Esq. wrote:

"Alien" <> wrote in message
On Fri, 3 Jun 2011 17:21:00 -0400, Sir Gregory Hall, Esq. wrote

Things must have gone poorly for the hapless stAUKers at the
counterclaim trial. The good barrister must have pulled a white rabbit
out of the proverbial hat and SMACKED them all down or otherwise they
would all be posting here gloating about their latest imagined
victory. Perhaps HJ did not do their bidding as expected? Perhaps the
judge slapped the cabal with
contempt of court charges for pursuing an obviously frivolous action?


Yeah, I was noticing that, too... eerily quiet around here.

Have you seen the new .sig? Come to find out, Willy's sister Cheryl
owns the Belden Village Music store, which is where that picture of him
was taken. So that picture is now bona fide, vetted and confirmed...
Willy really does look that retarded.

Oddly enough, his family hates him so much that daddy Griffith wouldn't
let him run Ohio Kentucky Oil Corporation after his death (daddy was
smart enough to know that Willy was too retarded, and would run the
business into the ground), his sister Cheryl won't let him teach guitar
lessons at Belden Village Music store (because he's got a predilection
for touching young children in inappropriate places), and his
brothers-in-law Jason and Mark and nephew Matthew won't jam with him
onstage (because his guitar playing sucks so bad he drives people away
when he plays). In fact, his whole family has pretty much written him
off as a lost cause, they know he's an all-round epic failure, so they
avoid him.

Even in that picture, taken in his sister's store, you'll notice that
he didn't even bother to take off his jacket or hat. Wouldn't be worth
the effort, since as soon as he walks in the door, he's worn out his
welcome, even with his own family.

MeatPlow's Fiction:
"I own a home, ride a fast motorcycle, had a wife, have two kids, weigh
235 pounds at 6'2" tall, work out everyday, and I am a BADASS."

A smoke and mirrors layer cake, mixed with generous dollops of
bullshit, cooked in an oven heated by nothing but his own hot air, and
frosted with lie upon lie.

MeatPlow's Reality:
"I rent from David and Joan Shaner, the REAL owners of 308 10th St. NE,
North Canton, OH. I have a motorcycle, but it was originally conceived
and marketed toward women. I've never been married, there are no
marriage records, nor are there birth records for my supposed children.
I DO weigh 235 pounds (OK, no I don't, I lied again, I weigh more than
that), but it's all fat, on a 5'10" frame that hasn't worked out for
decades any harder than the exercise I get when jerking off to gay
'bear' porn online, and I am a FATASS."

Sucks to be poor, pathetic William Malone Griffith, Jr. of North
Canton, OH.

If I had to make a choice between a horrible, agonizing death in which
my skin and meat was cut from me in thin strips with a dull fillet
knife, while I was sprayed with a concentrated acid solution; and
spending my life as William Malone Griffith, Jr., I'd gladly go to my
death. Because there ARE worse things than death.

Being William Malone Griffith, II of North Canton, OH is one of those

I cannot find the words to fully express just how pitiful and pathetic
he is.

I agree! Meatus is a pathetic case, indeed. I figured that out BEFORE
you investigated him and found out who he was in real life. I always
assume is one acts like some sort of a deviant in Usenet then one is
probably a deviant in real life, too. He should have taken your advice
and left the group. He sure must be totally addicted to Emmett bashing.
It's like Emmett is his cocaine or something. But, maybe you should back
off a little? I think it's going a bit too far involving all his
relatives. Can they really be held responsible for Meatus's being a
whack job nutcase? They are probably ashamed to even be associated with
him so why punish them any further?

Aw.. birds of a stalking feather flock together :) Let's have some real
proof (IP addresses and such) :)

Hint: stalkers who need to make shit up never win.
And remember Altopia has written in their AUP a policy of disclosing
personal information not covered by 203. Tread carefully. Be well my
little bitch :)

Make shit up? Please tell me what I'm 'making up'? It's all been

The fact that you got caught using the screen name of 'BlancoBear' to
search for relatives (where you gave yer own father's name, birth date
and place, when he died, etc., all coinciding with William Malone
Griffith, Jr.'s father's obituary), and the fact that yer using that
same screen name at, a gay porn site, isn't 'made up'.

The fact that William Malone Griffith, Jr. has two very specific
antennas on his roof, just as MeatPlow described, isn't 'made up'.

The fact that William Malone Griffith, Jr.'s father started an oil
company, hiring his children, just as MeatPlow described isn't 'made

The fact that William Malone Griffith, Jr. had a near-miss with a
giant tornado in April, 2002, exactly as MeatPlow described isn't
'made up'.

The fact that William Malone Griffith, Jr.'s family is heavily into
the music scene (his sister owns a music store, two of his
brothers-in-law play guitar, as does his nephew) isn't 'made up'. In
fact, MeatPlow described how he played guitar, and how one of his
brother-in-laws also played guitar.

It's all online, available for anyone who takes the time to look.

So after all your blabbering it boils down to the old standby lie
"It's in the archives"?
ROFL... You have some wild fantasies... project much?
It's archived. But it's also compiled into easily readable format in
the link in my .sig.

Or did you intentionally NOT read the data in the link in my .sig, and
ascertain for yerself that it's all true, so you could post yer
retardation above with culpable deniability?

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WHO IS MEATPLOW from Alt.Usenet.Kooks (AUK)?
Message-ID: <>

The obese, abusive, ugly, snaggle-toothed, gay 'bear' biker retard
who likes to surf gay porn sites as 'BlancoBear' while wearing only
assless chaps:

William Malone Griffith, Jr. (aka Milt, aka MeatPlow, aka BlancoBear)
308 10th Street NE
North Canton, OH 44720-2023

Amateur Radio callsign N8NCX
(2 meter, 6 meter)

Photo of MeatPlow in Belden Village Music store:
(Note the guitars in the background, the planet-sized head,
the rotten-Chiclet-teeth, and general look of retardation)

wgriffit at (neo = North East Ohio)
mhywattt at
mhywatt at

MeatPlow admits to being from Ohio:
Message-ID: <pan.2011.>
Message-ID: <pan.2011.>

Oh, William, what would yer family say if they learned yer secrets?
| Pamela L. & Roger R. Werling |
| ( sons Todd, Chris, Keith ) |
| |
| 7704 Bisque Court |
| Fort Wayne, IN 46825-3501 |
| 260-489-6086 |

| Cheryl J. & Jason Humberto E. Rivera |
| ( daughters Christina, Rosalio, Maria ) |
| |
| 5225 Echo Valley St. NW |
| North Canton, OH 44720-9702 |
| Belden Village Music |
| 6787 Wales Ave NW |
| North Canton, OH 44720 |
| |
| 330-497-9292 |
| Rosalio B & Maria I Rivera |
| 444 Wales Rd. NE |
| Massillon, OH 44646-5875 |
| 330-833-4291 |
| PO Box 35093 |
| Canton, OH 44735 |

| Carol L. & Ric A. Campbell |
| ( sons Richard, Christopher, |
| Brandon(†), daughter Erin ) |
| |
| 6794 William Tell Ave NW |
| North Canton, OH 44720-6546 |
| 330-497-7980 |
| 330-499-5107 |
| PO Box 36473 |
| Canton, OH 44735 |

| Christine H. & Shelton M. Vick |
| ( son Matthew ) |
| |
| 3915 Harvard Ave NW |
| Canton, OH 44709-1538 |
| 330-493-5645 |

| Angela C. & Mark Warshefski |
| |
| 11 SE 12th St. |
| Pompano Beach, FL 33060 |
| 954-785-4716 |
| 4760 Echovalley St. NW |
| North Canton, OH 44720-7504 |
| 330-494-5785 |
| 330-942-0584 |

What would yer landlord for 308 10th St. NE,
North Canton, OH say if they learned yer secrets?
| David S. and Joan R. Shaner |
| |
| 2095 Waterbury Dr. |
| Uniontown OH 44312 |
| 330-699-4042 |

What would the employees at yer family's
business say if they learned yer secrets?
| Ohio Kentucky Oil Corporation |
| aka Ohio Oil & Gas Exploration |
| |
| 5112 Portage St. NW |
| Canton, OH 44720-6856 |
| (330) 494-8810 |
| (330) 497-7980 |
| 110 E. Lowry Lane |
| Lexington, KY 40503 |
| (800) BUY 4 OIL |
| (800) 289-4645 |
| (859) 223-5656 |
| (859) 223-5946 |
| (859) 276-0699 (fax) |
| (859) 276-3500 |
| (859) 276-4080 |
| |
| |
| |

MeatPlow's grovelfest of an apology for being a fucktard stauker:
Message-ID: <>

Title: Apology to Charles Novins

The witnesses to this abject, groveling apology:

Angela Griffith = Angela C. Griffith-Warshefski, William Malone
Griffith, Jr.'s sister

Catherine Griffith = William Malone Griffith, Jr.'s mother

Julia M. Griffith = ?

Cheri Griffith = Cheryl J. Griffith-Rivera, William Malone Griffith,
Jr.'s sister

Justin Griffith = ?

Kristy Griffith = Christine H. Griffith-Vick, William Malone Griffith,
Jr.'s sister


Questions yet to be answered:
Who are Julia M. Griffith and Justin Griffith?

Angela C. Griffith-Warshefski came all the way from Pompano Beach,
Florida to witness and sign MeatPlow's apology letter?

Or did William Malone Griffith, Jr. forge the witness signatures,
which would indicate some level of insincerity in the apology?

If William Malone Griffith, Jr. did indeed forge the witness
signatures, is his family cognizant of him using them in this way?

The exit is -.
.---. .-----. |
| | '---. | |
'-. `-----|-' |
| '---'
On Wed, 08 Jun 2011 23:50:09 +0000, Meat Plow wrote:

On Mon, 06 Jun 2011 21:38:56 -0400, Albätross wrote:

Emmett Dumbass Gulley is a convicted stalker who threatened children
with death,

LIE #1

You threatened to kill a child in your federal case fucktard. Maybe you
should refresh your memory:

All over getting booted from an IRC chatroom.
Well, he has shown repeatedly that he does have anger management issues
and flies off the handle when crossed/agitated/proven wrong etc.
On Mon, 06 Jun 2011 21:38:56 -0400, Albätross wrote:

Emmett Dumbass Gulley is a convicted stalker who threatened children
with death,

LIE #1

You threatened to kill a child in your federal case fucktard. Maybe you
should refresh your memory:
All over getting booted from an IRC chatroom.

Live Fast Die Young, Leave A Pretty Corpse
On Wed, 8 Jun 2011 18:34:52 -0700 (PDT), Emmett BADASS Gulley
<> wrote:

On Jun 8, 7:50 pm, Meat Plow <> wrote:
On Mon, 06 Jun 2011 21:38:56 -0400, Albätross wrote:
Emmett Dumbass Gulley is a convicted stalker who threatened children
with death,

LIE #1

You threatened to kill a child in your federal case fucktard. Maybe you
should refresh your memory:

All over getting booted from an IRC chatroom.

maybe you should just LEAVE and shut the fuck up
Maybe you should quit fucking crying so much and man up a little
before you turn 40.

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you choose to respond to it....


emma admits that everyone hated him:

Message-ID: <>
"albatross, you seem to hate me like all the others did back then."

emma threatens to kill me:

Message-ID: <>
"You need to shut the fuck up or i will kill you when i track you down
to put you in jail."

Classic emma at his best:

Message-ID: <>
"Don't post LIES unless you can prove them to be true."

Message-ID: <>
"if you do not release my original email addy to me by monday
morning, i promise you i will have your ass in my hands"
On Wed, 8 Jun 2011 18:35:05 -0700 (PDT), Emmett BADASS Gulley
<> wrote:

On Jun 8, 8:22 pm, pandora <> wrote:
On Wed, 08 Jun 2011 23:50:09 +0000, Meat Plow wrote:
On Mon, 06 Jun 2011 21:38:56 -0400, Albätross wrote:

Emmett Dumbass Gulley is a convicted stalker who threatened children
with death,

LIE #1

You threatened to kill a child in your federal case fucktard. Maybe you
should refresh your memory:

All over getting booted from an IRC chatroom.

Well, he has shown repeatedly that he does have anger management issues
and flies off the handle when crossed/agitated/proven wrong etc.  

Maybe you should just suck my dick
Aww look at you soliciting a woman for sexual favors. That can get you
arrested here emma.

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you choose to respond to it....


emma admits that everyone hated him:

Message-ID: <>
"albatross, you seem to hate me like all the others did back then."

emma threatens to kill me:

Message-ID: <>
"You need to shut the fuck up or i will kill you when i track you down
to put you in jail."

Classic emma at his best:

Message-ID: <>
"Don't post LIES unless you can prove them to be true."

Message-ID: <>
"if you do not release my original email addy to me by monday
morning, i promise you i will have your ass in my hands"
On Jun 8, 7:50 pm, Meat Plow <> wrote:
On Mon, 06 Jun 2011 21:38:56 -0400, Albätross wrote:
Emmett Dumbass Gulley is a convicted stalker who threatened children
with death,

LIE #1

You threatened to kill a child in your federal case fucktard. Maybe you
should refresh your memory:

All over getting booted from an IRC chatroom.
maybe you should just LEAVE and shut the fuck up
Live Fast Die Young, Leave A Pretty Corpse
On Jun 8, 8:22 pm, pandora <> wrote:
On Wed, 08 Jun 2011 23:50:09 +0000, Meat Plow wrote:
On Mon, 06 Jun 2011 21:38:56 -0400, Albätross wrote:

Emmett Dumbass Gulley is a convicted stalker who threatened children
with death,

LIE #1

You threatened to kill a child in your federal case fucktard. Maybe you
should refresh your memory:

All over getting booted from an IRC chatroom.

Well, he has shown repeatedly that he does have anger management issues
and flies off the handle when crossed/agitated/proven wrong etc.  
Maybe you should just suck my dick
On Mon, 06 Jun 2011 16:25:31 -0700, Emmett BADASS Gulley wrote:

On Jun 6, 6:52 pm, Cujo DeSockpuppet <> wrote:
Emmett BADASS Gulley <> wrote

In case you didn't know, just about every bit of meat's life is
posted all over usenet and it can be pulled up via the archives.

Stalking noted, convict.

But let's not worry about truth right now.

1. How is that career at Keiser coming along? 2. I hear you're also
going to support yourself doing Krappy-okie gigs. The funny thing is
the way I heard it was that one of the "fat bitches" already has the

Man, it must really JAM to be a GENTLEMAN living in a tent.
Post edit fixed and laughed at:

<Man, it must really suck to be a pissbum living in a tent.>

Live Fast Die Young, Leave A Pretty Corpse
On Wed, 8 Jun 2011 23:50:09 +0000 (UTC), Meat Plow wrote

On Mon, 06 Jun 2011 21:38:56 -0400, Albätross wrote:

Emmett Dumbass Gulley is a convicted stalker who threatened children
with death,

LIE #1

You threatened to kill a child in your federal case fucktard. Maybe you
should refresh your memory:

All over getting booted from an IRC chatroom.
Aw, look, the ObsessoPlow just can't let go. He's dangling from
Emmett's hook, flopping around, mouth gasping for breath. Pretty

Be seeing you. So I was doing a cross-word puzzle, with the hint of
'Up one, over three'. Any ideas? Heh.


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WHO IS MEATPLOW from Alt.Usenet.Kooks (AUK)?
Message-ID: <>
Message-ID: <>
Message-ID: <>

The obese, abusive, ugly, snaggle-toothed, gay 'bear' biker retard
who likes to surf gay porn sites as 'BlancoBear' while wearing only
assless chaps:

William Malone Griffith, Jr. (aka Milt, aka MeatPlow, aka BlancoBear)
308 10th Street NE
North Canton, OH 44720-2023

Amateur Radio callsign N8NCX
(2 meter, 6 meter)

Photo of MeatPlow in Belden Village Music store:
(Note the guitars in the background, the planet-sized head,
the rotten-Chiclet-teeth, and general look of retardation)

wgriffit at (neo = North East Ohio)
mhywattt at
mhywatt at

MeatPlow admits to being from Ohio:
Message-ID: <pan.2011.>
Message-ID: <pan.2011.>

Oh, William, what would yer family say if they learned yer secrets?

| Catherine & Angelo Griffith |
| |
| 4760 Echovalley St. NW |
| North Canton, OH 44720-7504 |
| 330-494-5785 |

| Pamela L. & Roger R. Werling |
| ( sons Todd, Chris, Keith ) |
| |
| 7704 Bisque Court |
| Fort Wayne, IN 46825-3501 |
| 260-489-6086 |

| Cheryl J. & Jason Humberto E. Rivera |
| ( daughters Christina, Rosalio, Maria ) |
| |
| 5225 Echo Valley St. NW |
| North Canton, OH 44720-9702 |
| Belden Village Music |
| 6787 Wales Ave NW |
| North Canton, OH 44720 |
| |
| 330-497-9292 |
| Rosalio B & Maria I Rivera |
| 444 Wales Rd. NE |
| Massillon, OH 44646-5875 |
| 330-833-4291 |
| PO Box 35093 |
| Canton, OH 44735 |

| Carol L. & Ric A. Campbell |
| ( sons Richard, Christopher, |
| Brandon(†), daughter Erin ) |
| |
| 6794 William Tell Ave NW |
| North Canton, OH 44720-6546 |
| 330-497-7980 |
| 330-499-5107 |
| PO Box 36473 |
| Canton, OH 44735 |

| Christine H. & Shelton M. Vick |
| ( son Matthew ) |
| |
| 3915 Harvard Ave NW |
| Canton, OH 44709-1538 |
| 330-493-5645 |

| Angela C. & Mark Warshefski |
| |
| 11 SE 12th St. |
| Pompano Beach, FL 33060 |
| 954-785-4716 |
| 4760 Echovalley St. NW |
| North Canton, OH 44720-7504 |
| 330-942-0584 |

| Eddy Dailey |
| |
| Bergholz Super Mart |
| 861 Washington St. |
| Bergholz, OH 43908 |
| 740-768-1018 |

| Donna L. Dailey |
| |
| 524 5th St |
| Bergholz, OH 43908 |
| 740-768-2416 |
| Bergholz Super Mart |
| 861 Washington St. |
| Bergholz, OH 43908 |
| 740-768-1018 |

| Bill & Joyce Leas |
| ( son Billy ) |
| |
| 243 2nd St |
| Bergholz, OH 43908 |

What would yer landlord for 308 10th St. NE,
North Canton, OH say if they learned yer secrets?
| David S. and Joan R. Shaner |
| |
| 2095 Waterbury Dr. |
| Uniontown OH 44312 |
| 330-699-4042 |

What would the employees at yer family's
business say if they learned yer secrets?
| Ohio Kentucky Oil Corporation |
| aka Ohio Oil & Gas Exploration |
| |
| 5112 Portage St. NW |
| Canton, OH 44720-6856 |
| (330) 494-8810 |
| (330) 497-7980 |
| 110 E. Lowry Lane |
| Lexington, KY 40503 |
| (800) BUY 4 OIL |
| (800) 289-4645 |
| (859) 223-5656 |
| (859) 223-5946 |
| (859) 276-0699 (fax) |
| (859) 276-3500 |
| (859) 276-4080 |
| |
| |
| |

MeatPlow's grovelfest of an apology for being a fucktard stauker:
Message-ID: <>

Title: Apology to Charles Novins

The witnesses to this abject, groveling apology:

Angela Griffith = Angela C. Griffith-Warshefski, William Malone
Griffith, Jr.'s sister

Catherine Griffith = William Malone Griffith, Jr.'s mother

Julia M. Griffith = ?

Cheri Griffith = Cheryl J. Griffith-Rivera, William Malone Griffith,
Jr.'s sister

Justin Griffith = ?

Kristy Griffith = Christine H. Griffith-Vick, William Malone Griffith,
Jr.'s sister


Questions yet to be answered:
Who are Julia M. Griffith and Justin Griffith?

Angela C. Griffith-Warshefski came all the way from Pompano Beach,
Florida to witness and sign MeatPlow's apology letter?

Or did William Malone Griffith, Jr. forge the witness signatures,
which would indicate some level of insincerity in the apology?

If William Malone Griffith, Jr. did indeed forge the witness
signatures, is his family cognizant of him using them in this way?

The exit is -.
.---. .-----. |
| | '---. | |
'-. `-----|-' |
| '---'
On Thu, 9 Jun 2011 02:05:18 +0000 (UTC), Meat Plow wrote

On Mon, 06 Jun 2011 16:25:31 -0700, Emmett BADASS Gulley wrote:

On Jun 6, 6:52 pm, Cujo DeSockpuppet <> wrote:
Emmett BADASS Gulley <> wrote

In case you didn't know, just about every bit of meat's life is
posted all over usenet and it can be pulled up via the archives.

Stalking noted, convict.

But let's not worry about truth right now.

1. How is that career at Keiser coming along? 2. I hear you're also
going to support yourself doing Krappy-okie gigs. The funny thing is
the way I heard it was that one of the "fat bitches" already has the

Man, it must really JAM to be a GENTLEMAN living in a tent.

Post edit fixed and laughed at:

Man, it must really suck to be a pissbum living in a tent.
<Man, it must really suck to be a retard living in North Canton,

Were's that refutation of the evidence in my .sig, Willy? Gonna run
away again?

___ ___ ___ ___
/\ \ /\__\ ___ /\ \ /\__\
/::\ \ /:/ / /\ \ /::\ \ /::| |
/:/\:\ \ /:/ / \:\ \ /:/\:\ \ /:|:| |
/::\~\:\ \ /:/ / /::\__\ /::\~\:\ \ /:/|:| |__
/:/\:\ \:\__\ /:/__/ __/:/\/__/ /:/\:\ \:\__\ /:/ |:| /\__\
\/__\:\/:/ / \:\ \ /\/:/ / \:\~\:\ \/__/ \/__|:|/:/ /
\::/ / \:\ \ \::/__/ \:\ \:\__\ |:/:/ /
/:/ / \:\ \ \:\__\ \:\ \/__/ |::/ /
/:/ / \:\__\ \/__/ \:\__\ /:/ /
\/__/ \/__/ \/__/ \/__/

WHO IS MEATPLOW from Alt.Usenet.Kooks (AUK)?
Message-ID: <>
Message-ID: <>
Message-ID: <>

The obese, abusive, ugly, snaggle-toothed, gay 'bear' biker retard
who likes to surf gay porn sites as 'BlancoBear' while wearing only
assless chaps:

William Malone Griffith, Jr. (aka Milt, aka MeatPlow, aka BlancoBear)
308 10th Street NE
North Canton, OH 44720-2023

Amateur Radio callsign N8NCX
(2 meter, 6 meter)

Photo of MeatPlow in Belden Village Music store:
(Note the guitars in the background, the planet-sized head,
the rotten-Chiclet-teeth, and general look of retardation)

wgriffit at (neo = North East Ohio)
mhywattt at
mhywatt at

MeatPlow admits to being from Ohio:
Message-ID: <pan.2011.>
Message-ID: <pan.2011.>

Oh, William, what would yer family say if they learned yer secrets?

| Catherine & Angelo Griffith |
| |
| 4760 Echovalley St. NW |
| North Canton, OH 44720-7504 |
| 330-494-5785 |

| Pamela L. & Roger R. Werling |
| ( sons Todd, Chris, Keith ) |
| |
| 7704 Bisque Court |
| Fort Wayne, IN 46825-3501 |
| 260-489-6086 |

| Cheryl J. & Jason Humberto E. Rivera |
| ( daughters Christina, Rosalio, Maria ) |
| |
| 5225 Echo Valley St. NW |
| North Canton, OH 44720-9702 |
| Belden Village Music |
| 6787 Wales Ave NW |
| North Canton, OH 44720 |
| |
| 330-497-9292 |
| Rosalio B & Maria I Rivera |
| 444 Wales Rd. NE |
| Massillon, OH 44646-5875 |
| 330-833-4291 |
| PO Box 35093 |
| Canton, OH 44735 |

| Carol L. & Ric A. Campbell |
| ( sons Richard, Christopher, |
| Brandon(†), daughter Erin ) |
| |
| 6794 William Tell Ave NW |
| North Canton, OH 44720-6546 |
| 330-497-7980 |
| 330-499-5107 |
| PO Box 36473 |
| Canton, OH 44735 |

| Christine H. & Shelton M. Vick |
| ( son Matthew ) |
| |
| 3915 Harvard Ave NW |
| Canton, OH 44709-1538 |
| 330-493-5645 |

| Angela C. & Mark Warshefski |
| |
| 11 SE 12th St. |
| Pompano Beach, FL 33060 |
| 954-785-4716 |
| 4760 Echovalley St. NW |
| North Canton, OH 44720-7504 |
| 330-942-0584 |

| Eddy Dailey |
| |
| Bergholz Super Mart |
| 861 Washington St. |
| Bergholz, OH 43908 |
| 740-768-1018 |

| Donna L. Dailey |
| |
| 524 5th St |
| Bergholz, OH 43908 |
| 740-768-2416 |
| Bergholz Super Mart |
| 861 Washington St. |
| Bergholz, OH 43908 |
| 740-768-1018 |

| Bill & Joyce Leas |
| ( son Billy ) |
| |
| 243 2nd St |
| Bergholz, OH 43908 |

What would yer landlord for 308 10th St. NE,
North Canton, OH say if they learned yer secrets?
| David S. and Joan R. Shaner |
| |
| 2095 Waterbury Dr. |
| Uniontown OH 44312 |
| 330-699-4042 |

What would the employees at yer family's
business say if they learned yer secrets?
| Ohio Kentucky Oil Corporation |
| aka Ohio Oil & Gas Exploration |
| |
| 5112 Portage St. NW |
| Canton, OH 44720-6856 |
| (330) 494-8810 |
| (330) 497-7980 |
| 110 E. Lowry Lane |
| Lexington, KY 40503 |
| (800) BUY 4 OIL |
| (800) 289-4645 |
| (859) 223-5656 |
| (859) 223-5946 |
| (859) 276-0699 (fax) |
| (859) 276-3500 |
| (859) 276-4080 |
| |
| |
| |

MeatPlow's grovelfest of an apology for being a fucktard stauker:
Message-ID: <>

Title: Apology to Charles Novins

The witnesses to this abject, groveling apology:

Angela Griffith = Angela C. Griffith-Warshefski, William Malone
Griffith, Jr.'s sister

Catherine Griffith = William Malone Griffith, Jr.'s mother

Julia M. Griffith = ?

Cheri Griffith = Cheryl J. Griffith-Rivera, William Malone Griffith,
Jr.'s sister

Justin Griffith = ?

Kristy Griffith = Christine H. Griffith-Vick, William Malone Griffith,
Jr.'s sister


Questions yet to be answered:
Who are Julia M. Griffith and Justin Griffith?

Angela C. Griffith-Warshefski came all the way from Pompano Beach,
Florida to witness and sign MeatPlow's apology letter?

Or did William Malone Griffith, Jr. forge the witness signatures,
which would indicate some level of insincerity in the apology?

If William Malone Griffith, Jr. did indeed forge the witness
signatures, is his family cognizant of him using them in this way?

The exit is -.
.---. .-----. |
| | '---. | |
'-. `-----|-' |
| '---'
Meat Plow wrote:
On Wed, 08 Jun 2011 18:34:52 -0700, Emmett BADASS Gulley wrote:

On Jun 8, 7:50 pm, Meat Plow <> wrote:
On Mon, 06 Jun 2011 21:38:56 -0400, Albätross wrote:
Emmett Dumbass Gulley is a convicted stalker who threatened
children with death,

LIE #1

You threatened to kill a child in your federal case fucktard. Maybe
you should refresh your memory:

All over getting booted from an IRC chatroom.

maybe you should just LEAVE and shut the fuck up

You first.

he's 56 years old and this is what he does
Meat Plow wrote:
On Wed, 08 Jun 2011 19:22:08 -0500, pandora wrote:

On Wed, 08 Jun 2011 23:50:09 +0000, Meat Plow wrote:

On Mon, 06 Jun 2011 21:38:56 -0400, Albätross wrote:

Emmett Dumbass Gulley is a convicted stalker who threatened
children with death,

LIE #1

You threatened to kill a child in your federal case fucktard. Maybe
you should refresh your memory:

All over getting booted from an IRC chatroom.

Well, he has shown repeatedly that he does have anger management
issues and flies off the handle when crossed/agitated/proven wrong

Can you imagine a little kid getting that wav in an email? At least
one of the OPs in the WWF IRC chat room that received that was was a
minor child.

he's 56 years old and this is what he does
On Wed, 08 Jun 2011 18:34:52 -0700, Emmett BADASS Gulley wrote:

On Jun 8, 7:50 pm, Meat Plow <> wrote:
On Mon, 06 Jun 2011 21:38:56 -0400, Albätross wrote:
Emmett Dumbass Gulley is a convicted stalker who threatened
children with death,

LIE #1

You threatened to kill a child in your federal case fucktard. Maybe
you should refresh your memory:

All over getting booted from an IRC chatroom.

maybe you should just LEAVE and shut the fuck up
You first.

Live Fast Die Young, Leave A Pretty Corpse
On Wed, 08 Jun 2011 19:22:08 -0500, pandora wrote:

On Wed, 08 Jun 2011 23:50:09 +0000, Meat Plow wrote:

On Mon, 06 Jun 2011 21:38:56 -0400, Albätross wrote:

Emmett Dumbass Gulley is a convicted stalker who threatened children
with death,

LIE #1

You threatened to kill a child in your federal case fucktard. Maybe
you should refresh your memory:

All over getting booted from an IRC chatroom.

Well, he has shown repeatedly that he does have anger management issues
and flies off the handle when crossed/agitated/proven wrong etc.
Can you imagine a little kid getting that wav in an email? At least one
of the OPs in the WWF IRC chat room that received that was was a minor

Live Fast Die Young, Leave A Pretty Corpse
§ńühw¤Łf wrote:
Meat Plow <> got on the no fly lits by saying

On Wed, 08 Jun 2011 18:34:52 -0700, Emmett BADASS Gulley wrote:

On Jun 8, 7:50Â pm, Meat Plow <> wrote:
On Mon, 06 Jun 2011 21:38:56 -0400, Albätross wrote:
Emmett Dumbass Gulley is a convicted stalker who threatened
children with death,

LIE #1

You threatened to kill a child in your federal case fucktard.
Maybe you should refresh your memory:

All over getting booted from an IRC chatroom.

maybe you should just LEAVE and shut the fuck up

You first.

dude, who's yer 0bs3s51v3 s7alk3r???

hi grape juice
Meat Plow <> got on the no fly lits by saying

On Wed, 08 Jun 2011 18:34:52 -0700, Emmett BADASS Gulley wrote:

On Jun 8, 7:50 pm, Meat Plow <> wrote:
On Mon, 06 Jun 2011 21:38:56 -0400, Albätross wrote:
Emmett Dumbass Gulley is a convicted stalker who threatened
children with death,

LIE #1

You threatened to kill a child in your federal case fucktard.
Maybe you should refresh your memory:

All over getting booted from an IRC chatroom.

maybe you should just LEAVE and shut the fuck up

You first.

dude, who's yer 0bs3s51v3 s7alk3r???

_____ ____ ____ __ /\_/\ __ _ ______ _____
/ __/ |/ / / / / // // . . \\ \ |\ | / __ \ \ \ __\
_\ \/ / /_/ / _ / \ / \ \| \| \ \_\ \ \__\ _\
/___/_/|_/\____/_//_/ \_@_/ \__|\__|\____/\____\_\
On Fri, 10 Jun 2011 22:51:43 +0000 (UTC), Meat Plow wrote

On Wed, 08 Jun 2011 19:22:08 -0500, pandora wrote:

On Wed, 08 Jun 2011 23:50:09 +0000, Meat Plow wrote:

On Mon, 06 Jun 2011 21:38:56 -0400, Albätross wrote:

Emmett Dumbass Gulley is a convicted stalker who threatened children
with death,

LIE #1

You threatened to kill a child in your federal case fucktard. Maybe
you should refresh your memory:

All over getting booted from an IRC chatroom.

Well, he has shown repeatedly that he does have anger management issues
and flies off the handle when crossed/agitated/proven wrong etc.

Can you imagine a little kid getting that wav in an email? At least one
of the OPs in the WWF IRC chat room that received that was was a minor
Been awful 'busy' lately, right William Malone Griffith, Jr. of North
Canton, OH?

Seems yer not on track to exceed yer record of last month, 480 posts
in one month. No idea why, though. Heh.


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/ /\ / /\ ___ / /\ / /\
/ /::\ / /:/ /__/\ / /::\ / /::|
/ /:/\:\ / /:/ \__\:\ / /:/\:\ / /:|:|
/ /::\ \:\ / /:/ / /::\ / /::\ \:\ / /:/|:|__
/__/:/\:\_\:\ /__/:/ __/ /:/\/ /__/:/\:\ \:\ /__/:/ |:| /\
\__\/ \:\/:/ \ \:\ /__/\/:/ \ \:\ \:\_\/ \__\/ |:|/:/
\__\::/ \ \:\ \ \::/ \ \:\ \:\ | |:/:/
/ /:/ \ \:\ \ \:\ \ \:\_\/ |__|::/
/__/:/ \ \:\ \__\/ \ \:\ /__/:/
\__\/ \__\/ \__\/ \__\/

WHO IS MEATPLOW from Alt.Usenet.Kooks (AUK)?
Message-ID: <>
Message-ID: <>
Message-ID: <>

The obese, abusive, ugly, snaggle-toothed, gay 'bear' biker retard
who likes to surf gay porn sites as 'BlancoBear' while wearing only
assless chaps:

William Malone Griffith, Jr. (aka Milt, aka MeatPlow, aka BlancoBear)
308 10th Street NE
North Canton, OH 44720-2023

Birthdate: Oct 3, 1955

Amateur Radio callsign N8NCX
(2 meter, 6 meter)

Photo of MeatPlow in Belden Village Music store:
(Note the guitars in the background, the planet-sized head,
the rotten-Chiclet-teeth, and general look of retardation)

wgriffit at (neo = North East Ohio)
mhywattt at
mhywatt at

MeatPlow admits to being from Ohio:
Message-ID: <pan.2011.>
Message-ID: <pan.2011.>

MeatPlow's brushes with the law:

Oh, William, what would yer family say if they learned yer secrets?

| Catherine & Angelo Griffith |
| |
| 4760 Echovalley St. NW |
| North Canton, OH 44720-7504 |
| 330-494-5785 |

| Pamela L. & Roger R. Werling |
| ( sons Todd, Chris, Keith ) |
| |
| 7704 Bisque Court |
| Fort Wayne, IN 46825-3501 |
| 260-489-6086 |

| Cheryl J. & Jason Humberto E. Rivera |
| ( daughters Christina, Rosalio, Maria ) |
| |
| 5225 Echo Valley St. NW |
| North Canton, OH 44720-9702 |
| Belden Village Music |
| 6787 Wales Ave NW |
| North Canton, OH 44720 |
| |
| 330-497-9292 |
| Rosalio B & Maria I Rivera |
| 444 Wales Rd. NE |
| Massillon, OH 44646-5875 |
| 330-833-4291 |
| PO Box 35093 |
| Canton, OH 44735 |

| Carol L. & Ric A. Campbell |
| ( sons Richard, Christopher, |
| Brandon(†), daughter Erin ) |
| |
| 6794 William Tell Ave NW |
| North Canton, OH 44720-6546 |
| 330-497-7980 |
| 330-499-5107 |
| PO Box 36473 |
| Canton, OH 44735 |

| Christine H. & Shelton M. Vick |
| ( son Matthew ) |
| |
| 3915 Harvard Ave NW |
| Canton, OH 44709-1538 |
| 330-493-5645 |

| Angela C. & Mark Warshefski |
| |
| 11 SE 12th St. |
| Pompano Beach, FL 33060 |
| 954-785-4716 |
| 4760 Echovalley St. NW |
| North Canton, OH 44720-7504 |
| 330-942-0584 |

| Eddy Dailey |
| |
| Bergholz Super Mart |
| 861 Washington St. |
| Bergholz, OH 43908 |
| 740-768-1018 |

| Donna L. Dailey |
| |
| 524 5th St |
| Bergholz, OH 43908 |
| 740-768-2416 |
| Bergholz Super Mart |
| 861 Washington St. |
| Bergholz, OH 43908 |
| 740-768-1018 |

| Bill & Joyce Leas |
| ( son Billy ) |
| |
| 243 2nd St |
| Bergholz, OH 43908 |

What would yer landlord for 308 10th St. NE,
North Canton, OH say if they learned yer secrets?
| David S. and Joan R. Shaner |
| |
| 2095 Waterbury Dr. |
| Uniontown OH 44312 |
| 330-699-4042 |

What would the employees at yer family's
business say if they learned yer secrets?
| Ohio Kentucky Oil Corporation |
| aka Ohio Oil & Gas Exploration |
| |
| 5112 Portage St. NW |
| Canton, OH 44720-6856 |
| (330) 494-8810 |
| (330) 497-7980 |
| 110 E. Lowry Lane |
| Lexington, KY 40503 |
| (800) BUY 4 OIL |
| (800) 289-4645 |
| (859) 223-5656 |
| (859) 223-5946 |
| (859) 276-0699 (fax) |
| (859) 276-3500 |
| (859) 276-4080 |
| |
| |
| |

MeatPlow's grovelfest of an apology for being a fucktard stauker:
Message-ID: <>

Title: Apology to Charles Novins

The witnesses to this abject, groveling apology:

Angela Griffith = Angela C. Griffith-Warshefski, William Malone
Griffith, Jr.'s sister

Catherine Griffith = William Malone Griffith, Jr.'s mother

Julia M. Griffith = ?

Cheri Griffith = Cheryl J. Griffith-Rivera, William Malone Griffith,
Jr.'s sister

Justin Griffith = ?

Kristy Griffith = Christine H. Griffith-Vick, William Malone Griffith,
Jr.'s sister


Questions yet to be answered:
Who are Julia M. Griffith and Justin Griffith?

Angela C. Griffith-Warshefski came all the way from Pompano Beach,
Florida to witness and sign MeatPlow's apology letter?

Or did William Malone Griffith, Jr. forge the witness signatures,
which would indicate some level of insincerity in the apology?

If William Malone Griffith, Jr. did indeed forge the witness
signatures, is his family cognizant of him using them in this way?

The exit is -.
.---. .-----. |
| | '---. | |
'-. `-----|-' |
| '---'

Welcome to

