Toshiba TV29C90 problem; Image fades to black...

On Nov 27, 8:55 pm, Lisaquing <> wrote:
The ways we can get the power to come on are by tapping or banging on
the front of the TV at the bottom,
I meant PICTURE. "The ways we can get the PICTURE to come on"

Sorry for any confusion.

On Dec 3, 2:44 pm, Monica Pignotti <> wrote:
Announcing just in time for the holidays: The Reverend Dennis Doll
with chain attached.

Please explain. Someone says you invented a "Pigno-o-Meter" and it is
defamatory, so much so that you demand removals of the "announcement"
from various blogs.

Yet, you say, probably satirically, that this doll exists.

What's the difference. NONE.

You lie about this doll. Maybe this "lie" could be dismissed in the
spirit of satire.

However, given your previous actions, this cannot be called anything
but hypocrisy.

FSU is well rid of your teaching. They would be prudent to take steps
to ensure that you never return to the classroom.

Eventually, Bruce Thyer will see that you are a complete fraud and
find another co-author.
On Dec 3, 11:07 am, didacticderivative <>
On Dec 3, 2:44 pm, Monica Pignotti <> wrote:

Announcing just in time for the holidays: The Reverend Dennis Doll
with chain attached.


Please explain. Someone says you invented a "Pigno-o-Meter" and it is
defamatory, so much so that you demand removals of the "announcement"
from various blogs.

Yet, you say, probably satirically, that this doll exists.

What's the difference. NONE.

You lie about this doll. Maybe this "lie" could be dismissed in the
spirit of satire.

However, given your previous actions, this cannot be called anything
but hypocrisy.

FSU is well rid of your teaching. They would be prudent to take steps
to ensure that you never return to the classroom.

Eventually, Bruce Thyer will see that you are a complete fraud and
find another co-author.
I didn't say it exists -- I said it was as real as the Reverend Dennis
Doll, which is an obvious satire and does not exist. Thanks for
showing us all you have no sense of humor.

And no, your repeated attempts to get me in trouble at FSU have failed
On Dec 3, 11:07 am, didacticderivative <>
On Dec 3, 2:44 pm, Monica Pignotti <> wrote:

Announcing just in time for the holidays: The Reverend Dennis Doll
with chain attached.


Please explain. Someone says you invented a "Pigno-o-Meter" and it is
defamatory, so much so that you demand removals of the "announcement"
from various blogs.

Yet, you say, probably satirically, that this doll exists.

What's the difference. NONE.

The difference is I have not used the individual's full real name in
this satire. You used my real name and it comes up on Google searches
on my name. That's a very big difference and that's what protects
satire. If you use the person's real name, then it is defamatory. I
made up names. That is how real satire is done.
Results 1 - 6 for Monica Pignotti: Liar and Hypocrite Jesus christ.
15 seconds)

Stripping the Gurus.
1976) • Monica Pignotti (1989), My Nine Lives in Scientology • Bent
Corydon and .
“How do I know I'm not the reincarnation of Jesus Christ? .
STRIPPING THE GURUS “You're a hypocrite, a liar, and a prostitute,”
Andrew .
of the former “Little Flower,” see Monica Furlong's [1987] Thérčse of


[PDF] Stripping the Gurus: Sex, Violence, Abuse and EnlightenmentFile
Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
Monica Pignotti (1989), My Nine Lives in Scientology. • Bent Corydon
and L.
Ron Hubbard, Jr.
(1998), .
“How do I know I'm not the reincarnation of Jesus Christ?” .
“You're a hypocrite, a liar, and a prostitute,” Andrew said [to .


Stripping the Gurus“How do I know I'm not the reincarnation of Jesus
Christ? .
STRIPPING THE GURUS “You're a hypocrite, a liar, and a prostitute,”
Andrew said [to .
Monica Pignotti (1989) then opined, after spending half a decade in
Scientology: .


Full text of "The cyclopedia of practical quotations : [English .
LORENZO PIGNOTTI The Mouse Turne<! Hermit.
The mouse that always trusts to one .
I know him a notorious liar, Think him a great way fool, solely a
coward .
in this canting world though the cant of hypocrites may be the worst
the .
Jesus Christ is risen to-day, Our triumphant holy day ; Who did
once .


ISO-8859-1 "abitur" "googol" "sie" & 'christ' 'du' 'em .
ISO-8859-1 "abitur" "googol" "sie" & 'christ' 'du' 'em ( ($) (, (-
off) .
hypocrite hypocrite's hypocrites hypocritic hypocritical
hypocritically .
liaotung liaoyang liapis liar liar's liard liars lias liase liason
liaw lib .
pignatelli pignatello pignone pignotti pignut pigo pigott pigowak
pigpen .


CARTOLINA - VACANZABarone Antonio Negri Fisciano - Gaiano Monica Negri
Garcia Valcarcel, Jesus (Director de la obra) La pobreza en Espana y
sus causas.


On Dec 3, 8:16 am, Monica Pignotti <pigno.
net> wrote:
On Dec 3, 11:07 am, didacticderivative <didacticderivat.
wrote:> On Dec 3, 2:44 pm, Monica Pignotti <pigno.
net> wrote:
Announcing just in time for the holidays: The Reverend Dennis Doll
with chain attached.


Please explain.
Someone says you invented a "Pigno-o-Meter" and it is
defamatory, so much so that you demand removals of the "announcement"
from various blogs.

Yet, you say, probably satirically, that this doll exists.

What's the difference.

The difference is I have not used the individual's full real name in
this satire.
You used my real name and it comes up on Google searches
on my name.
That's a very big difference and that's what protects
If you use the person's real name, then it is defamatory.
made up names.
That is how real satire is done.

M. Michael Musatov
(real name)
You're all from that scientology group, aren't you?

Pro or con, you're all a bunch of neurotic cowardly retards.
"XODDI" <> wrote in message
You're all from that scientology group, aren't you?

Pro or con, you're all a bunch of neurotic cowardly retards.
whatever this has to do with is beyond me. Maybe their
little scientology spaceship with ol' L.Ron will come pick them up soon and
we'll hear the last of this crapola.

So, don't go away mad. JUST GO AWAY.
"Virginia Tadrzynski" <> wrote in message
"XODDI" <> wrote in message
You're all from that scientology group, aren't you?

Pro or con, you're all a bunch of neurotic cowardly retards.

whatever this has to do with is beyond me. Maybe their
little scientology spaceship with ol' L.Ron will come pick them up soon
and we'll hear the last of this crapola.

So, don't go away mad. JUST GO AWAY.
I don't know why this was crossposted to your lovely group but I'm going to
post something just to clue you in as you obviously need it.

Alt.religion.scientology is a CRITICAL (of Scientology) forum. And if you'd
have done your homework, you'd have known that.

"XODDI" <> wrote in message
You're all from that scientology group, aren't you?

Pro or con, you're all a bunch of neurotic cowardly retards.
Oh, yeah, *that* makes sense. No matter what the stance is, everyone's a
neurotic cowardly retard. Riiiiight.

"Sir Studly Spanksalot OBE" <> wrote in message
On Dec 4, 9:05 pm, "Voltaire's Child" <>
"XODDI" <> wrote in message

You're all from that scientology group, aren't you?

Pro or con, you're all a bunch of neurotic cowardly retards.

Oh, yeah, *that* makes sense. No matter what the stance is, everyone's a
neurotic cowardly retard. Riiiiight.

My little newsgroup gets shitloads of xposts from a.r.s. weekly.

So far my supposition has proven to be right. Your xpost included.

All of you, scienofag and anti-scienofag, are nasty little shits and
have nothing of value to communicate to your betters.
I'll let you know if I actually *find* anyone who's my "better"(s) on the
internet. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be someone who makes blanket
statements about people he/she/it does not know.

And with that, I'm leaving the conversation.

On Dec 4, 9:05 pm, "Voltaire's Child" <>
"XODDI" <> wrote in message

You're all from that scientology group, aren't you?

Pro or con, you're all a bunch of neurotic cowardly retards.

Oh, yeah, *that* makes sense. No matter what the stance is, everyone's a
neurotic cowardly retard. Riiiiight.
My little newsgroup gets shitloads of xposts from a.r.s. weekly.

So far my supposition has proven to be right. Your xpost included.

All of you, scienofag and anti-scienofag, are nasty little shits and
have nothing of value to communicate to your betters.
On Fri, 4 Dec 2009 18:20:12 -0800 (PST), Sir Studly Spanksalot OBE
<> wrote:

On Dec 4, 9:05 pm, "Voltaire's Child" <
"XODDI" <> wrote in message

You're all from that scientology group, aren't you?

Pro or con, you're all a bunch of neurotic cowardly retards.

Oh, yeah, *that* makes sense. No matter what the stance is, everyone's a
neurotic cowardly retard. Riiiiight.

My little newsgroup gets shitloads of xposts from a.r.s. weekly.

So far my supposition has proven to be right. Your xpost included.

All of you, scienofag and anti-scienofag, are nasty little shits and
have nothing of value to communicate to your betters.
Your mother and I are very disappointed in you.
Get a clue: Everyone who starts or posts to these threads are part of
the problem.


On Sat, 5 Dec 2009 09:00:58 -0800 (PST), Tigger
<> wrote:

Get a clue: Everyone who starts or posts to these threads are part of
the problem.



ya think?

or don't ewe, sheep fuckee!
I picked up a Monster A IP FM-CH 250 iCarPlay Wireless 250 FM Transmitter
for iPodŽ & iPhone from the local electronics store

I was hoping I could plug just the USB cable part of the 12v-auto-USB
charger into a nearby computer and transmit the iPod songs within 30 feet
of the Nutone Intercom IM 4006 into the FM radio.

But, for some reason, the Monster wireless FM transmitter doesn't get
received on the Nutone IM.4006 so I'll likely return it as a failure.

I'm not sure why this didn't work but maybe I was too far from the

Where is the Nutone antenna anyway?
Donna DeLong wrote:
I picked up a Monster A IP FM-CH 250 iCarPlay Wireless 250 FM Transmitter
for iPodŽ & iPhone from the local electronics store

I was hoping I could plug just the USB cable part of the 12v-auto-USB
charger into a nearby computer and transmit the iPod songs within 30 feet
of the Nutone Intercom IM 4006 into the FM radio.

But, for some reason, the Monster wireless FM transmitter doesn't get
received on the Nutone IM.4006 so I'll likely return it as a failure.

I'm not sure why this didn't work but maybe I was too far from the

Where is the Nutone antenna anyway?
It could be capacitively coupled to the house wiring.


I'm not sure why this didn't work but maybe I was too far from the
Where is the Nutone antenna anyway?
It could be quite far away from the intercom itself. Some of those
units had a central control unit that was put in an attic or basement.

On Mon, 28 Dec 2009 09:36:34 -0800 (PST), DerbyDad03 wrote:

Is there a way to use this adaptor without the iPod just dangling down?
Maybe this will help...
I was hoping to get some help for an accessory that actually worked but I
guess there are only one or two people out there who actually have a NuTone
iPod setup (I guess it's too expensive for most who post).

In the end, this $300 "iPod™ iCast Wireless Solution" from NuTone that was
emailed to me looks like it might have to be the best we can collectively
come up with on this newsgroup.

The only problem is that the literature doesn't say whether it works with
the Nutone IM 4006 or not. So, I'm still looking about.
On Dec 28, 10:00 pm, Donna DeLong <> wrote:
On Mon, 28 Dec 2009 09:36:34 -0800 (PST), DerbyDad03 wrote:
Is there a way to use this adaptor without the iPod just dangling down?
Maybe this will help...

I was hoping to get some help for an accessory that actually worked but I
guess there are only one or two people out there who actually have a NuTone
iPod setup (I guess it's too expensive for most who post).

In the end, this $300 "iPod™ iCast Wireless Solution" from NuTone that was
emailed to me looks like it might have to be the best we can collectively
come up with on this newsgroup.

The only problem is that the literature doesn't say whether it works with
the Nutone IM 4006 or not. So, I'm still looking about.
re:' ...there are only one or two people out there who actually have a
iPod setup (I guess it's too expensive for most who post). "

Why would you guess that?

I would guess that it's simply not something that "most who post" have
a desire for.

Your guess implies that if "most who post" had the money, "most who
post" would go buy one.

I'd guess that money is not the reason that "most who post" don't have
DerbyDad03 wrote:
On Dec 28, 10:00 pm, Donna DeLong <> wrote:
On Mon, 28 Dec 2009 09:36:34 -0800 (PST), DerbyDad03 wrote:
Is there a way to use this adaptor without the iPod just dangling down?
Maybe this will help...

I was hoping to get some help for an accessory that actually worked but I
guess there are only one or two people out there who actually have a NuTone
iPod setup (I guess it's too expensive for most who post).

In the end, this $300 "iPod™ iCast Wireless Solution" from NuTone that was
emailed to me looks like it might have to be the best we can collectively
come up with on this newsgroup.

The only problem is that the literature doesn't say whether it works with
the Nutone IM 4006 or not. So, I'm still looking about.

re:' ...there are only one or two people out there who actually have a
iPod setup (I guess it's too expensive for most who post). "

Why would you guess that?

I would guess that it's simply not something that "most who post" have
a desire for.

Your guess implies that if "most who post" had the money, "most who
post" would go buy one.

I'd guess that money is not the reason that "most who post" don't have

I used to repair Nutone equipment, and have no desire to own anything
they sell.

Greed is the root of all eBay.

Welcome to

