u1061771156 <u1061771156@csi.com> wrote in message
possible. The problem may become harder as it is currently not possible to
put the deck into a "cassette loaded" state. Have you a picture of the
mechanism in the ejected state. Thanks very much.
Thanks for the reply. I think a diagram would be excellent if that'sIn article <3f564693$0$23667$65c69314@mercury.nildram.net>, Graeme wrote:
I've got an old VCR that I thought I'd like to get working, but I think I
need to know the following. On the underside of the drive mechanism there
a 4-pin connector which connects between some sort of rotary encoder and
main circuit board. The transport is currently in the eject state and I
to know what the default setting for the encoder is (I've been just a
stupid and removed this without noting how it was aligned). There is an
arrow on the encoder's plastic disc but nothing obvious to line it up
on its housing. Any help or pointers would be great. Thanks.
Sounds like a 'K' deck machine.
Newer mode switches have a line marked on the stator. Apparently some
ones didn't!
With the deck upside-down, cassette slot towards you (so the loading
motor is towards you and on your left), the triangle on the mode switch
rotor should be at a "2 o'clock" position when the rest of the mechanism
is in the correct position (all alignment marks on other gears line up).
I think for this deck alignment is done in the "cassette loaded" state.
If you're still stumped I have a diagram which I could scan for you.
possible. The problem may become harder as it is currently not possible to
put the deck into a "cassette loaded" state. Have you a picture of the
mechanism in the ejected state. Thanks very much.