In article <1i75b.1646$P51.5015@amstwist00>, Zak@spam.invalid says...
from ben franklin's kite, ever thought of designing a lightning rod out
of some poor schmuck's plumbing. nowdays, of course, they're running
plastic water hose out of plastic manifolds at the entry.
as long as i'm not showering on a ground rod, i'm ok.
jumpered to the neutral bus. trust me, that's good practice, thus the
old house wiring is always suspect.
towns with delta systems powering old neighborhoods where the houses are
totally rigged up messes... scary.
you can be an out of town landlord with crap everything.
the govt has programs to help bring wiring up to code under different
housing programs. i like that.
and then there's polarized plugs... even on some old lamps.Jim Thompson wrote:
When we returned she told us that, when using our shower, it sometimes
felt like an electrical shock.
A little metering revealed 15VAC between the shower head and the
In Arizona "ground" is established by bonding water pipes to incoming
neutral (but not the sewer piping).
Around here (Netherlands) ground and neutral are totally different
things. Consumers are not supposed to be interested in which of the plug
pins is neutral; could even be 2 x 115 volts in some places.
ring ground for housing. that's a new one on me. of all crackheadedThe installer is supposed to know what is hot - that's the side the
light switch goes on.
Still goes wrongs sometimes: last case making the paper was a 'ring
ground' connecting different houses to a single ground pen someplace -
which had failed.
i forgot to wire in the toilet paper holder. will i fry?Then there's folks putting a srew from the lamp fixture below into a
shower drain, causing leak, wetness, and leakage. Not good.
OTOH all metal objects in bathroom space need to be wired together in a
way that is easy to inspect - at least for newly built homes.
i'd have never, since age of maybe 6 when i understood electric shockConnecting ground to water is also not allowed for new buidings.
from ben franklin's kite, ever thought of designing a lightning rod out
of some poor schmuck's plumbing. nowdays, of course, they're running
plastic water hose out of plastic manifolds at the entry.
as long as i'm not showering on a ground rod, i'm ok.
in USA a new load center box's earth/safety bus is bonded to the rod andA
separate ground pin in the earth, wired to a separate net in the home,
is what it should be. Never connected to neutral.
Where do people connect neutral to ground by design?
jumpered to the neutral bus. trust me, that's good practice, thus the
old house wiring is always suspect.
towns with delta systems powering old neighborhoods where the houses are
totally rigged up messes... scary.
you can be an out of town landlord with crap everything.
the govt has programs to help bring wiring up to code under different
housing programs. i like that.