Alan Kennedy
Follow up to this thread.
Managed to get the rear door for the NVEX1B and spent an enjoyable(!!)
4 hours fitting it tonight - amazed that the whole thing actually
worked at the end of the evening. To remove the old door and fit a new
one required major disassmembly including 8 or so ribbon cables (I
hate those things!) and removing 2 circuit boards, and disconnecting
the lens and control units and all casing parts.
Nothing like the satisfaction of not having to pay for a professional
Mike - if you didn't manage to get yours repaired yet, I can post more
details of how to remove the retaining screws.
Managed to get the rear door for the NVEX1B and spent an enjoyable(!!)
4 hours fitting it tonight - amazed that the whole thing actually
worked at the end of the evening. To remove the old door and fit a new
one required major disassmembly including 8 or so ribbon cables (I
hate those things!) and removing 2 circuit boards, and disconnecting
the lens and control units and all casing parts.
Nothing like the satisfaction of not having to pay for a professional
Mike - if you didn't manage to get yours repaired yet, I can post more
details of how to remove the retaining screws.
Sorry I can't help with this but I have a similar problem with a
broken power/function switch - who did you obtain the part from and
what is the part number? I have been told that to fix the switch the
whole rear panel must be replaced!
On Fri, 14 May 2004 20:43:00 +0100, "Binky" <binky@binkymail.com
I need to replace the rear flap door of this unit. I have the replacement
part, I have moved all the necessary components from the old to the new one,
but cannot find how to access the screws retaining the hinge pins. I have
had all the sections apart from all sides but still cannot seem to gain
access. 2 of the PCB's pull out of mounting sockets but the main one is
still in the way. There doesn't appear to be an obvious route in via the
tape chassis either. I have the technicians exploded parts diagram.
Any help appreciated.
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