"gothika" wrote to "All" (15 Jul 03 06:47:23)
--- on the topic of "detecting phone taps?"
If it is the government it doesn't need a tap! They can/do record your
conversations right off the phone company's computer using a court order
(or not!). If you have a tap (Pvt.I.) it implies the information is
transmitted elsewhere and a "sniffer" will find the radio emissions.
However, the tap is more likely to be at the junction box down the
street or up on the pole where no b&e is required. Good luck.
go> From: gothika <gothika@earthlink.net>
go> I need to run a sweep on my phone lines to detect a tap.
go> What is available in the retail market these days for doing that?
go> Or is it possible to build something homebrew, say something like a
go> wheatstone bridge for measuring field resistances?(Know that's how it
go> was done years ago.)
go> The tap is going to be a physical one somewhere on the residential
go> side of the line as I've had the phone company out to check
go> connections and everything is clean on the feedin side.
go> The patch in is going to be somewhere in the walls or under the house.
go> Any info would be greatly appreciated.
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--- on the topic of "detecting phone taps?"
If it is the government it doesn't need a tap! They can/do record your
conversations right off the phone company's computer using a court order
(or not!). If you have a tap (Pvt.I.) it implies the information is
transmitted elsewhere and a "sniffer" will find the radio emissions.
However, the tap is more likely to be at the junction box down the
street or up on the pole where no b&e is required. Good luck.
go> From: gothika <gothika@earthlink.net>
go> I need to run a sweep on my phone lines to detect a tap.
go> What is available in the retail market these days for doing that?
go> Or is it possible to build something homebrew, say something like a
go> wheatstone bridge for measuring field resistances?(Know that's how it
go> was done years ago.)
go> The tap is going to be a physical one somewhere on the residential
go> side of the line as I've had the phone company out to check
go> connections and everything is clean on the feedin side.
go> The patch in is going to be somewhere in the walls or under the house.
go> Any info would be greatly appreciated.
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