Toshiba TV29C90 problem; Image fades to black...

"Syl" <> wrote in message news:gbdkji$v4m$
John Byrns wrote:
In article <gbd7k6$7ec$>, Syl <> wrote:

Franc Zabkar a écrit :
On Tue, 23 Sep 2008 18:24:47 -0400, "hifi-tek"> put finger to keyboard and composed:

I'd say that 8112 is a YYWW date code.
It is a YYMM date code.
Then how do you account for the "32" in "235-8532K"?
It IS YYWW (that is year and week)
so....235-8532 means 1985, 32nd week. That is why the K is there...

I agree that it is YYWW, but I don't understand what you are saying the
is that the "K" is there? Why is the "K" there?

weeK, to avoid any possible confusion to the date format used.


I have two that have the code 235-6039H. Looks like the 39th weeH of 1960.
In article <>, Andre Majorel <> wrote:
On 2008-09-24, Arfa Daily <> wrote:
"Andre Majorel" <> wrote in message

Think I might as well increase the load until the transformer
becomes "too hot"...
Increasing load and watching voltage droop is much more effective and safe,
but burning it out is another method.

I didn't even read where the transformer came from, but it doesn't matter.

If you do that, it might be the only time that you do, as it
may well have a thermal fuse embedded in the primary winding,
which will likely fail. Open circuit. Forever ...

Oh. My "too hot" threshold is probably at least 20°C below the
manufacturer's, though. <g

What exactly is the issue with knowing the rating of this
transformer ?

Partly desire to learn what rules of thumb might exist, partly
that I'm going to reuse the transformer to power a few dual
supply circuits and want to know how much I can count on.

Apparently, it is working, as you are able to measure
voltages. Worst case, you could just measure the primary
current with it running the tuner. If it's a 'typical' little
red transformer that is normally to be found in such items,

It does have red adhesive tape around the windings.

then just multiply the power consumption calculated from
measuring the input current, by about 1.5 to get a ballpark
figure for the transformer rating. When I say "ballpark", I
actually mean in the same county, but maybe not the same town

"Andre Majorel" <> wrote in message
On 2008-09-24, Arfa Daily <> wrote:
"Andre Majorel" <> wrote in message

Think I might as well increase the load until the transformer
becomes "too hot"...

If you do that, it might be the only time that you do, as it
may well have a thermal fuse embedded in the primary winding,
which will likely fail. Open circuit. Forever ...

Oh. My "too hot" threshold is probably at least 20°C below the
manufacturer's, though. <g

By the time that transformer has got hot enough on the outside for you to be
getting worried, the windings in which the thermal fuse is buried, if indeed
it has one, will have reached the temperature necessary to open it. They are
quite delicate and it doesn't take much overload to twat them. I base this
assertion on 35 years of mending kit with them in.

What exactly is the issue with knowing the rating of this
transformer ?

Partly desire to learn what rules of thumb might exist, partly
that I'm going to reuse the transformer to power a few dual
supply circuits and want to know how much I can count on.

In the case of these little consumer-item transformers, rule of thumb is
about all you can count on. They are just about adequate for the job they
do, with everything working normally, which is all that the equipment
manufacturers need them to do. They are not too bothered about exact voltage
outputs or voltage sag, as they are invariably followed by 'good enough'
electronic regulation on the rails being produced from them. In the case of
your tuner, the current demand by the circuitry, will be pretty steady once
the processor has booted and all the filter caps have charged. If you want
to know what the transformer is good for, you could measure the current
drain on one of the secondaries with it running the tuner, and then add
another 30 to 50 %. I would be surprised if you couldn't draw an extra 80mA
or so from each winding, without serious sag problems. That's quite a few op
amps ...

Apparently, it is working, as you are able to measure
voltages. Worst case, you could just measure the primary
current with it running the tuner. If it's a 'typical' little
red transformer that is normally to be found in such items,

It does have red adhesive tape around the windings.

Ha! Knew it would ... d;~}

then just multiply the power consumption calculated from
measuring the input current, by about 1.5 to get a ballpark
figure for the transformer rating. When I say "ballpark", I
actually mean in the same county, but maybe not the same town


André Majorel <URL:
"Je regrette le Concorde. Au moins il vous amenait directement ŕ
l'hôtel." -- Cyrano
In article <gbdkji$v4m$>, Syl <> wrote:

John Byrns wrote:
In article <gbd7k6$7ec$>, Syl <> wrote:

Franc Zabkar a écrit :
On Tue, 23 Sep 2008 18:24:47 -0400, "hifi-tek"> put finger to keyboard and composed:

I'd say that 8112 is a YYWW date code.
It is a YYMM date code.
Then how do you account for the "32" in "235-8532K"?
It IS YYWW (that is year and week)
so....235-8532 means 1985, 32nd week. That is why the K is there...

I agree that it is YYWW, but I don't understand what you are saying the
is that the "K" is there? Why is the "K" there?

weeK, to avoid any possible confusion to the date format used.
That's where I figured you were headed with the "K", but typically the YYWW date
code, as used on semiconductors for example, is used without a format indicator,
in fact IIRC some versions of the YYWW date code scramble the digits in one way
or another to obscure their meaning.

I wonder if the "K" might not have another meaning, such as a code to indicate
which of several factories the device was produced in? If that is the case, the
fact that "K" is the last letter in "week" might just be a coincidence.


John Byrns

Surf my web pages at,
In article <>, Mike WB2MEP <> wrote:
I need the following parts for a Mits. HS-U410 VCR. All these parts
are NLA from Mitsubishi, and this model is probably too new (1996) for
any aftermarket parts to have been made for it. If anyone has any of
these parts laying around, I'd be glad to take them off your hands.

522B057030 Idler assembly

Dou you need the idler assembly or just the rubber tire?

Basically go here, enter the parts needed in the partsfinder form , and the
guys WILL email you back if they have these parts available. I have never had
them not email me promptly with answers.

<> wrote in message
If you know where I can get a hold of one, I would greatly appreciate
the information.

Thanks in advance.

<> wrote in message
If you know where I can get a hold of one, I would greatly appreciate
the information.

Thanks in advance.
In John Byrns <> wrote:
I wonder if the "K" might not have another meaning, such as a code to indicate
which of several factories the device was produced in? If that is the case, the
fact that "K" is the last letter in "week" might just be a coincidence.
I'm pretty sure it is a coincidence. I have only ever seen such indication
on some Philips equipment where the letters KW (kalenderweek,
kalenderwoche) are printed in front of a 3 or 4 digit code. Every single
other piece of equipment I ever saw with such a code only has letters with
another meaning in front of or after the date code.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Maarten Bakker.
Mike WB2MEP wrote:
I need the following parts for a Mits. HS-U410 VCR. All these parts
are NLA from Mitsubishi, and this model is probably too new (1996) for
any aftermarket parts to have been made for it. If anyone has any of
these parts laying around, I'd be glad to take them off your hands.

522B057030 Idler assembly

439D039010 or 439P031010 Mode switch - I believe these may be
interchangeable - the 2nd number is listed for the HS-U410(C) Canadian
model. I don't know why the Canadian version would use a different
mode switch than the U.S. version.

752C160020 or 0030 Cassette door. The tab that lifts the door when
ejecting the tape is broken off and missing.

Remove the cassette lid and then you won't need the tab part. You'll never
find the replacement unless you find another machine just like it.

You can try to disassemble the mode switch and clean it. Or you can try to
poke a hole in the case and squirt some cleaner in there. Don't poke too far
or you'll put a hole in the internal pc board.

Good luck.
David Farber
David Farber's Service Center
L.A., CA
"whit3rd" <> wrote in message
On Sep 21, 6:19 pm, wrote:
Stacey Chuffo wrote:

"jim evans" <> wrote in message
I have a 4 year old Sony CRT TV. Recently it began having lines
across the top of the screen

Not V hold. An earlier poster said bad caps in the Vertical output
stage. I concur as I replace caps for this problem frequently. If you
searched our maintenance log the keyword is 'foldover. The vertical
retrace simply hasn't finished before the next frame begins.

Yes, that's very likely the problem. A second (similar) symptom,
that the description might also match, is failure to blank during
retrace (this usually means the screen HV control needs readjusting).
The blanking failure usually gives diagonal lines all the way
up the screen, but they're closer together near the top and will
be most bothersome there.

It's the boost cap, usually 100uf at 35 volts.

Mark Z.
In article
Too_Many_Tools <> wrote:
I am looking to buy a couple dozen 400mA NiCads...where do you
recommend for a source and for how much?
You need to define the case style needed as the capacity isn't defined by

*I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.

Dave Plowman London SW
To e-mail, change noise into sound.
"Dave Plowman (News)" <> wrote in message
In article>,
Too_Many_Tools <> wrote:
I am looking to buy a couple dozen 400mA NiCads...where do you
recommend for a source and for how much?

You need to define the case style needed as the capacity isn't defined by

Also needs to define which country the OP lives in.

Start by checking Thomas Distributing.

By the way, 400mAh (not 400mA) is a low capacity for a modern nicad.
JW <none@dev.null> wrote in message

Does anybody know of a suitable replacement for the optical rotary
encoders that were used on older Agilent/HP 65XX and 66XX power supplies?
These were phased out on the newer generation supplies which use
mechanical types. Agilent no longer has any stock, and advises me to
replace the entire front panel PCB at a cost of $631.00.

I believe that the encoders are part #0960-0822. I have no documentation
on them. Pictures can be seen here:


'scuse my ignorance but where are rotary encoders used in power supplies ?
dialling up voltages ? so can replace with something else only functionally
the same ?

Diverse Devices, Southampton, England
electronic hints and repair briefs , schematics/manuals list on
"JR North" <> wrote in message
You can tell if the data is there by the tape counter. If the counter
stops during play at the point where the video ends-it's gone.
As long as nothing is happening 'mechanically' to the tape path from that
point on the tape, onwards.

"graham" <> wrote in message
I needed a service manual today for my very old car radio-cassette.
The only place I could find that listed the model was
"Remember, your manual is just a click away, since we deliver it within
minutes of your purchase!" the site says.

Just the ticket! Or it would be except that it's now 11 hours since my
purchase and I've heard nothing, and no responses to my email queries.
Buyer beware!
rgds all,
Get your refund from PayPal.
No, it doesn't record the images on the light-sensitive sensor -- it records
them on a memory device.

Otherwise, really fascinating stuff. More, please.

"Shopping India" <> wrote in message
A digital camera is a camera that takes still or video photographs,
digitally by recording images on a light-sensitive sensor. Aiptex,
Canon, Casio, Fuji, Fujifilm, Kodak, Nikon, Olympus, Panasonic,
Pentax, Polaroid, Samsung, Sanyo, Sony, Strings, Wespro, Yashica are
the major digital camera manufacturers in India. To know more visit:
"Gary L. Woodruff" <> wrote in message
Howdy, I have a Sony STR-DE525 that faults to protector mode when turned
on. I have located a2 blown output transistors and a burnt resistor
(R527). I have a print and have verified the two large caps or good. I
would greatly appreciate any tips as to other components to check before
ordering replacement parts. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.

thanks, Gary
Don't have the schem handy, so the resistor number doesn't work for me right

Generally speaking, you are good to just replace the outputs, check /
replace resistors associated with the bases of the outputs, that is 4.7
ohms, 10 ohms, 180 ohms, whatever. Also the white emitter resistor, usually
..22 ohms at 5 watts dual package. Also check the bias transistor mounted
against or under the heatsink, and other small transistors in the general
area. 2SA988's for example.

Mark Z.
In article <>, "William Sommerwerck" <> wrote:
No, it doesn't record the images on the light-sensitive sensor -- it records
them on a memory device.
The sensor does record light for a time. Thast why there is intrgration times, and
taking space pics demand long integration times to add photons.


Otherwise, really fascinating stuff. More, please.

"Shopping India" <> wrote in message
A digital camera is a camera that takes still or video photographs,
digitally by recording images on a light-sensitive sensor. Aiptex,
Canon, Casio, Fuji, Fujifilm, Kodak, Nikon, Olympus, Panasonic,
Pentax, Polaroid, Samsung, Sanyo, Sony, Strings, Wespro, Yashica are
the major digital camera manufacturers in India. To know more visit:
In article <>, Mike WB2MEP <> wrote:
On Sep 24, 12:52=A0pm, (GMAN) wrote:
In article <ae2f6078-f037-48f7-b321-dbac24736...@y38g2000hsy.googlegroups=>, Mike WB2MEP <> wrote:

I need the following parts for a Mits. HS-U410 VCR. =A0All these parts
are NLA from Mitsubishi, and this model is probably too new (1996) for
any aftermarket parts to have been made for it. =A0If anyone has any of
these parts laying around, I'd be glad to take them off your hands.

522B057030 Idler assembly

Dou you need the idler assembly or just the rubber tire?

Basically go here, enter the parts needed in the partsfinder form , and t=
guys WILL email you back if they have these parts available. I have never=
them not email me promptly with answers.

Been there. done that...

That's where I got the belts from for this VCR.
The idler in this VCR does't have a rubber tire like the older
models. It's a pretty complex gear/clutch assembly that also does the
gear-ratio change for FF/REW. If you look at their description, the
rubber maintenance kit only includes the belts and pinch roller. The
pinch roller was in great condition, so I only originally ordered the
belt kit .

I've been ordering from Studio Sound for years. I tried parts finder
before posting here, and he e-mailed be back within 2-3 hours, saying
he couldn't supply any of those parts and that Mits has discontinued
90% of their VCR parts. Unfortunately, Mits didn't sell parts thru any
of the big distributors in the US, so there wouldn't be any old stock
around. It's too bad Studio Sound didn't get the VCR boneyard when he
bought out a few years ago. I figured someone may
have these parts on a shelf in their shop somewhere.
I was able to get a lower cylinder assembly for my own VCR from
someone on this NG a few years ago,
so I figured I'd try it again...

Ill go out to my shed this weekend and see if i have one of those. I have over
20 Mitsubishi vcr's and i will see if i have one.

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