Arfa Daily
"Tim Phipps" <news@timphipps.co.invalid> wrote in message
when it is not accessible. It wasn't yesterday afternoon for a couple of
hours. I was beginning to think that something had screwed up on my machine,
but 'net access was ok, and the mail server was properly accessible. News
server access just suddenly returned ( I had a news post pending in the
outbox, and my machine will try to send it every 5 mins until it gets
success). I can't remember ever having had similar issues with the original
NTL server, which I had been on for many years since NTL were first cabling
up the country. The problems only seem to have been occuring since they
"migrated" I think was the word, to the 'new and better' Virgin Media binary
news server. Is this the same sort of issues that you have been experiencing
Seems a bit better now Tim, although there still seems to be periods of timeMeat Plow wrote:
Do you remember looking at the 4-63 volt, 3300uf caps in your 700D? I
replaced the banana jack on mine and those 4 caps looked like the tops
were puffed. I pulled the top off one and there is a convexed steel cap
over the actual can under the heat shrink that makes these look domed.
they appear also to run pretty warm discoloring the white glue used to
bond them to the pcb. The amp works fine otherwise and I've never had any
problems with it. It was formerly used to power A/V sub-woofers and had
been left on continuously for a couple years. Next trip to the
shop will probably yield a new set just for my piece of mind.
I was beginning to think my posts were not making it out there until I saw
your reply (Arfa was right about the Virgin Media news server being
when it is not accessible. It wasn't yesterday afternoon for a couple of
hours. I was beginning to think that something had screwed up on my machine,
but 'net access was ok, and the mail server was properly accessible. News
server access just suddenly returned ( I had a news post pending in the
outbox, and my machine will try to send it every 5 mins until it gets
success). I can't remember ever having had similar issues with the original
NTL server, which I had been on for many years since NTL were first cabling
up the country. The problems only seem to have been occuring since they
"migrated" I think was the word, to the 'new and better' Virgin Media binary
news server. Is this the same sort of issues that you have been experiencing