Toshiba TV29C90 problem; Image fades to black...

James Sweet wrote:

"Tanya" <> wrote in message

hi and thanks
if there's a surge in one house (same fuseBox) does it hit all outlets
(assuming there are no surge protectors) or is it possible for it to
damage things from only 1 outlet?
(assuming the equipment is the same per outlet)

Power surges can enter through power, phone, cable, antenna, or any other
lines into the house. Sometimes equipment will be damaged, sometimes not, it
depends on too many things to predict. Surge protectors can help to some
extent but they're largely useless, your best bet is to unplug expensive
equipment during storms and outages.
thank you for replying
NSM wrote:

"Tanya" <> wrote in message
| NSM wrote:
| > "Tanya" <> wrote in message
| >
| > | hi,
| > | are power surges more likely to occur following a power outage (right
| > | when the power is restored)?
| > Yes. Always a good idea to turn everything off except a light.
| > | or do they occur randomly
| > Yes, depending on where you live.
| > N
| thanks for the reply...
| if one lives in an area where surges are common randomly can one assume
| pretty certainly that following an outage there will be a power surge?

It's much more likely than not. I've seen them bounce the voltage up very
high before they get it all stabilised. If you don't want to lose the item,
turn it off.

N (Electrician)
thank you for the reply
Download from Sony section here


On 12 Dec 2004 14:12:29 -0800, "Catmacey" <> wrote:

Cheers Wayne,

I think I might have a go at replacing that IC.
Any ideas about where to source the schematics for this chassis?
I'll google for the IC. :eek:)


FYI I got a CXA2043Q from $32 which I thought
wasn't too bad. At that price I thought I may as well get one and see
what happens when I swap it out.

Even if it doesn't work I'm still in no worse a position. Well apart
from having spent $32 for now reason.

On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 01:26:25 GMT, Buster <> wrote:

There is usually a capacitor on one of the boards that holds a charge
long enough to change batteries.
That's what I figured. The strange thing is that it remembers some of the
settings, but not all of them. The other strange thing is that if started losing
them (the settings) after I did a firmware upgrade...

It might still be under waranty, so I will probably let the experts look at it.
I'm not as sharp as I used to be. :-(

Chris Pollard

CG Internet café, Tagum City, Philippines
I'm trying to get into the password protected service menu of my Nokia

By holding in the menu wheel when powering up, then pressing it, I get
the "Service Password" screen.

To bring closure to a query from several years ago (and get the answer
on record at google), the answer is: 7711
BillG. wrote:

I'm also proposing that I make a presentation to the CSCCCC on use
Google as the currently much preferred tool for finding almost

Google to point to much more about Google, which cannot be done in a
written piece. Sorry, Jack and Bill
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Bill G:
I am glad that you, like so many other do-it-yourselfers, found google
and the newsgroup helpful in the successful
repair of your stove igniter.
Some burning questions I have are:
Who is Harry ?
Who or what is CSCCCC ?
Who are Jack and Bill ? (the ones you said "sorry" to)
Unless you have a fair amount of experience repairing these specific chassis
it may be better to just off it and spend your time elseware. They can be
quite a challenge even with the appropriate tools and service liteature.
"biojoe" <> wrote in message
I have the same problem. Its an RCA mm52100 Screen TV 52". Bought in 2002.
I'm trying to repair it or just sell it for $100....let someone else fix
it and make some cash.
On Sat, 11 Dec 2004 21:49:22 -0600 Jim Adney <>

In the meantime, does anyone need a set of brand new replacement muff
pads for their Pro-4AAs? I'll be glad to forward them to you for the
same $5 they cost me.
Thanks, I've already had 2 people respond.

Jim Adney
Madison, WI 53711 USA
Jerry G.,

Yeah, I don't imagine finding a replacement battery will be too tough.

I figured I'd try to solicit information before I open the beast up on
the chance that someone else has owned one of these machines and has
words to the wise that would save me some trouble or time. I think
opening up a piece of equipment without any foreknowledge can lead to
"davexnet02" <davexnetzerotwo@hooya!.com> wrote in message
I'm trying to diagnose a fault that just developed,
I get sound, and I can feel/here the static electricy
that's generated on the screen when it's turned on.
The screen remains black.

I took the back off the TV and I can see that all
of the neck filamants are unlit.

Please advise. This is a 1992 Sony 27 inch XBR
(kv27-xbr35) Thanks for any assistance.

Dry joint, heater supply off the line ouput transformer?

Yes, these are DELTA II DT-AC lenses.

Repost when you get back if you want them. I'll be reasonable.

BTW, need anything for the 1022 ? I got a 1020 that's getting thinner and

Let me know here and I'll open my email to you.

One more note about the battery ("GP 1270 F2") I removed from the UPS.

The approximate dimensions are:
2 and 1/2 inches wide
5 and 7/8 inches long
3 and 5/8 inches high (not including top terminals)
3 and 7/8 inches high (including top terminals)
On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 11:07:24 -0600 "jakdedert" <>

Email Koss. They 'might' have some, as they did with my Pro-4AAA's which
were not listed on their site.
Thanks, I've done that and am now hoping for a reply.

Jim Adney
Madison, WI 53711 USA
Here's a link! Rono.
On Wed, 15 Dec 2004 04:16:15 GMT, Alan Harriman <>

On Tue, 14 Dec 2004 18:47:23 GMT, davexnet02
davexnetzerotwo@hooya!.com> wrote:

I'm trying to diagnose a fault that just developed,
I get sound, and I can feel/here the static electricy
that's generated on the screen when it's turned on.
The screen remains black.

If the red LED flashes, the set may be in IK blanking. Try turning the
screen control up slightly. If the picture comes in, it *could*
indicate a weak CRT. However, we had a Sony KV27EX25 in the shop today
that had no raster. Turning up the screen restored the pix, which is
often associated with a weak picture tube. But the CRT on this set
checked good. Further checking showed a low screen (G2) voltage. We
found an open 1 meg resistor on the CRT board in series with the
screen control. Replacing the resistor restored an excellent picture.

Alan Harriman
Hi Alan, never seen a flashing LED on this set.
Was that implemented in the 1992 models?

I had suspicions about a weak CRT prior to this failure.
The grey scale was off (too blue) and it was satrting to wash out.

As I mentioned, the CRT filaments are not lit at all.
I'll check the CRT board to see if anything shows up there.
As I mentioned, the CRT filaments are not lit at all.
I'll check the CRT board to see if anything shows up there.
If the filiments are not lit, you have no HV.
"RonKZ650" <ronkz650@aol.comnospam> wrote in message
As I mentioned, the CRT filaments are not lit at all.
I'll check the CRT board to see if anything shows up there.

If the filiments are not lit, you have no HV.
Not necessarily. Could just be an open on the filament line from the FBT.
Could be an open filament.

Thanks for the reply William. I forgot to mention that I did check the
battery. It was only putting out a third of a volt compared to the 3.6
it should. Not wanting to spend $15 on a new battery I pulled the
battery out of my cell phone, soldered a couple of leads to it and
connected connected it to the terminals (whatever works). Unfortunately
it didn't help. It still only blinks for a half second or so the first
time I hit the power button.

"Wolfgang F. Gärber" <> wrote in

Dear Da-man,

I´m working for these guys (....)
As far as I know - there are specially dongled Service CD´s available
for authorized Philips service centers (stores).
I have (had) good experiences with almost any other brand - contacting
local distributors correctly.
It works very well on small distributors - best is to visit such a
personally - ask for copies of schematics - and if they disagree -
start discussing
about their policy - and frigthen them by blameing them at all your
"consumer" friends.
I have very good experience with Sony, very competent telephone
support . (even if you are a private person) - I could order service
manual on the phone - as well
as ordering drive belt for 25 year old quadrophonic tape recorders.

I also disagree with a service policy that is restricted to authorized
stores - and doesn´t
support interested private persons. (I think this is some kind of
fundamental right ;- )))

If you can mail me the 12NC (12 digit number identification code on
the device or the pcb -
I can look if I can hel you ...


"Da-man" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
I was given a Phillips unit to look at, and wanting to have some
service info - I wrote to the Phillips company from their website. No
reply. I was explicit on the model. While I probably could repair it
without info, I prefer to have the info.

Has anyone else had luck in contacting them?

This isn't the first time I've had trouble contacting any
manufacturer. I think it is pretty low of them to not even reply -
even if no info is available, once they've pocketed their profits.
The last manufacturer, I told off in a 3rd e-mail after the first two
went unanswered - about the same thing I just said - profits and no
service. That got a response as to how to proceed with service. Maybe
we all ought to start showing our
with these companies who run with the money.

I really must wonder why a company has a "contact us" button on their
website, when they know full well they'll never answer any e-mails.
Yes, they may get quite a few, but come - on..... What IS customer
service "supposed" to expect?
A day at the beach? Some companies who do care about customer service
have you fill out surveys as to how well they did. That gets to be a
pain in
ass too, but at least they show they care.

I'll post the model number later in the day - when I get a chance to
the unit (its not here in front of me), maybe someone has a lead on
some information I can make use of.

As a side note... I know Howard Sams is still in business, but how
doing with more recent TVs, Stereos, or whatever they're covering?
ARE they covering now days? OR just selling copies of info from days
gone by?

I think that the companies stopped giving out repair info on their TVs
due to the fact that if you are not qualified to work on their equipment,
they tell you how to troubleshoot and you open up the back and get ZINGED
by capacative discharge or anode voltage, the fact that THEY gave YOU the
info can put liability dircetly in their lap, and they ain't gonna do it.
Besides, it can take away from a technicians livelihood as well. Look at
the automotive industry...can you even find the spark plugs on a modern
car these days?

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