Toshiba TV29C90 problem; Image fades to black...

Homer J Simpson wrote:
"Bob Parker" <> wrote in message
news:45288546$0$8418$ wrote:

"Play with The Future, Today."

I wonder what kind of trojans & spyware it loads onto the PC of anyone
naive enough about Nigerian criminal gangs to download and run the zip

Still looks like foil beanie stuff.

I didn't look that far into it. I can't remember ever seeing
anything Nigerian which wasn't a criminal scam, so I've got a suspicious
mind. :)

How do,

On Sun, 08 Oct 2006 14:57:22 +1000, Bob Parker wrote:

I wonder what kind of trojans & spyware it loads onto the PC of
anyone naive enough about Nigerian criminal gangs to download and run
the zip file?
None, I downloaded the file on a Linux system & ran an AVG for Linux scan
on it. Scan results below ;-)

AVG7 Anti-Virus command line scanner
Copyright (c) 2006 GRISOFT, s.r.o.
Program version 7.1.28, engine 386
Virus Database: Version 268.13.1/466 2006-10-07
License type is FREE.

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Test start Sun Oct 8 19:42:54 2006

Elapsed time 59sec.
Scanned files : 115
Infected files : 0
Errors : 0
Reported files : 115


Lexington, Kentucky U.S.A. wrote:

Nothing that makes any sense. The only mistake is delaying your

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
Michael A. Terrell wrote: wrote:

Nothing that makes any sense. The only mistake is delaying your
It was probably aborted rather than delayed - when they went in they
would have found that there were no frontal lobes to amputate. The OP
has obviously adapted to the condition by transfering processing to the
other end of the spine.

Bill Sloman, Nijmegen
Michael A. Terrell wrote: wrote:

Nothing that makes any sense. The only mistake is delaying your
It was probably aborted rather than delayed - when they went in they
would have found that there were no frontal lobes to amputate. The OP
has obviously adapted to the condition by transfering processing to the
other end of the spine.

Bill Sloman, Nijmegen
On Wed, 4 Oct 2006 23:06:54 +0300, "hghg" <jhjh> wrote:

Does anybody know what transistor is Q07? Its badly burned and there is only
numbers ...422 left. (Its not BF422)


Perhaps you should contact Audio Pro (Sweden) direct.

The only info on their website on the B1.39 is a couple of pdf's
describing the (now obsolete) subwoofer. They may direct you to one of
their service agents.
In article <>, says...

Just can't get rid of those retrace lines. They look abnormal when
you use the 16:9 or underscan modes.

Anyone ever run across anything like this ?
It's off the bench, The 'retrace' lines were indeed, as pointed out,
supposed to be there.

There was a slight mis-communication on exactly where the 'retrace'
lines were occurring on the display. Initially they were showing up
on the display due to the 'foldover' issue (caps fixed this). I saw
the foldover in the 4:3 mode and they pointed at the 'lines' and said
there weren't there, now they are, make 'em go away. Ha...

Did the basic alignment on the monitor, tweaked the centering with
a couple of different 'live' signals, let my friend look at it and
go through all the modes on it and he's happy.

I appreciate all the assistance with this issue.

Whatta ya know, USNET groups do still have some use left in them.

airi-- wrote:
Hi All,

I ran an electronics repair business for 20 years and am now working at
a hospital. I recently acquired a 1993 25" Sanyo DS25250. It works fine
except i cannot figure out how to get the thing in the customer menu to
adjust color, brightness, contrast, etc. Only thing i can adjust by
using the setup button is TV/AV and Time Set.

Another 19" Sanyo of similar age,you adjust by hitting setup and then
down volume buttom and go through the menu's. But the 25" won't work
like this. The buttons are arranged and labeled the same on both tv's.

The buttons at the bottom of the tv are setup - ch dwn - ch up - vol
down -vol up.

I dont have the customer manual or remote. I do have a universal remote
by sanyo and i cannot get it to go to this menu either.

Is it something dumb i'm missing, or do i need the original remote with
an obscure setup type button, or does it have a defect? :<)

Its usable as it is and has a nice picture but sure would be nice to be
able to adjust the contrast, etc.


You probably need the remote, that's the case with quite a few TVs and I
see no evidence of it changing. Fortunataly any $10 universal should do
it, unlike my apparently obscure Sony XBR which I can't find a remote
with the PiP off button.
<> wrote in message
I have my high definition box hookup up to my 42" plasma tv with a hdmi
cord. My kenwood reciever only has a slot for a fiber optic cable. I
have both of them hooked up at the same time. When I want to listen to
the tv over the Kenwood surround sound I just turn the speakers off on
the tv, but since the hdmi cord transmits sound and both the hdmi and
fiber optic was plugged to the high def. cable box, I was wondering if
this might cause a problem or possibly take away sound quality from one
or the other?.
I don't think so, it's digital.

Bart Bervoets
"tech2353" <> wrote in message
I also would like to find a copy of the instruction manual. I e-mailed
radio shack but unit was discontinued in 1971 and is no longer
available from them. so?
I'm not interested in giving away or selling a defective VCR. I want
to fix this one.
<> wrote in message

I'm not interested in giving away or selling a defective VCR. I want
to fix this one.
Getting a free one is easier but if you insist:
On Mon, 9 Oct 2006 20:10:02 +0100, markkd
<> wrote:

I wish to replace an old Sunvic room thermostat controlling the coal
fired central heating system. I have purchased a SUNVIC TLX 9201
thermostat. The existing wires are red, yellow, blue & yellow/green.
The new thermostat has 4 connection points.(ie: they are numbered
1,2,3,4) Could someone please guide me as to where these wires should
be placed-cheers!
How are the terminals on the old thermostat labelled?

How are the terminals defined in the documentation for the new

Some older thermostats actually had words (or at least abbreviations)
to indicate the purpose of each terminal.
"markkd" <> wrote in message
I wish to replace an old Sunvic room thermostat controlling the coal
fired central heating system. I have purchased a SUNVIC TLX 9201
thermostat. The existing wires are red, yellow, blue & yellow/green.
The new thermostat has 4 connection points.(ie: they are numbered
1,2,3,4) Could someone please guide me as to where these wires should
be placed-cheers!
In the UK? Do you know what the wires do? ha escrito:

It eats tapes only sometimes, usually when I stop it. Problem is, that
it doesn't have a rubber idler or any belts. so where should I be

I'd replace it, but I can't buy one with a digital tuner until next
year and I'd hate to buy a new one only to throw it away early next
please post the make and model number if you expect useful repair tips.
there are thousands of vcrs out there , each one with different chassis

usually, if there is no belt and the unit loops the tape on eject ,
then the mode switch needs cleaning or replacing or in the case of many
sonys, the half load arm is stiff due to old grease.

anyway, get back to us with the info and we'll take it from there.
regards, B.
burgerj ha escrito:

I got this unit from a friend. When I first started it I played one
side of a record and then turned it over to play the other side. When
I pushed the Start button it whines like it is trying to start and then
shuts off. Can't get it to work no matter what. I put it away for 6
months and decided to try it again. I plugged it in and played one
side of an album again and then it quit working just like before. The
original owner said he had this problem once and pushed some buttons to
get it to work again, but can't remember what that sequence was. I
don't know -- I'm lost. Help!

ideally take the unit to a repair shop, as a tech should be able to
solve this. especially if it's a nice unit and worth keeping (which
many linear tracking units are, they were often expensive models) .
If you're feeling adventurous, pen the unit up aND SEE IF YOU CAN SPOT
whoops- sorry 'bout that, I'm not shouting, caps lock key got

hope this helps, B.,
Mike wrote:

Set will not power up. Has 162V on primary of switching transformer.
Nothing on secondary. No shorts evident in secondary.

Thanks for your help. Mike.

change out the buffer q 507 i belive and the zenor d 507 and the opto
look for puffed caps in the deflection board , what happens is the
buffer leaks and sends the b + up to 200 plus, on a 127 line caops
don;t like that. wrote:

The 6.3 amp fuse was open. I replaced it with a 4.0 amp just for test
purposes. The degaussing coils happened to be unplugged at the time so
that I could get the chassis out for inspection and the set came on
fine. I then plugged the coils in and tried it. There was a loud hum
from the coils and the fuse lit up and opened. It seems that I recall a
certain series of set that had a problem with the degauss thermistors.
Can't remember if it was Panasonic or someone else's though. I haven't
got a 6.3 amp fuse but I'm pretty sure judging by the way the 4.0 amp
lit up the 6.3 would probably not last either. Is anyone familiar with
this problem who can possibly elaborate on it further? Thanks for any
help. Lenny Stein, Barlen Electronics.
The L&R of degauss coils is too low to have much effect, so the problem
must be the series thermistor. If its your own set, leaving the coils
unplugged is a pretty simple solution in most cases.

On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 13:18:46 -0700, Has

The 6.3 amp fuse was open. I replaced it with a 4.0 amp just for test
purposes. The degaussing coils happened to be unplugged at the time so
that I could get the chassis out for inspection and the set came on fine.
I then plugged the coils in and tried it. There was a loud hum from the
coils and the fuse lit up and opened. It seems that I recall a certain
series of set that had a problem with the degauss thermistors. Can't
remember if it was Panasonic or someone else's though. I haven't got a 6.3
amp fuse but I'm pretty sure judging by the way the 4.0 amp lit up the 6.3
would probably not last either. Is anyone familiar with this problem who
can possibly elaborate on it further? Thanks for any help. Lenny Stein,
Barlen Electronics.
Remove the thermistor, plug the coil back in, replace the fuse and see
what happens.

Pierre Salinger Memorial Hook, Line & Sinker, June 2004


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