Toshiba TV29C90 problem; Image fades to black...

Rich Grise writes:

I've heard him called a "brilliant opportunist", which, AFAIU,
means, "being in the right place at the right time and being
conscious/sober enough at the time to spot the goose that's laying
the golden egg".
Many successful people owe their success in some measure to simple
luck, but the suggestion that their success is _entirely_ due to luck
is almost always an extreme exaggeration, as it is here.

Transpose mxsmanic and gmail to reach me by e-mail.
Rich Grise writes:

Anyway, at the time Intel came out with the 8088, everyone with half a
brain or more wondered, "If they're segmenting memory to get an effective
20-bit address, with two overlapping 16-bit address registers, why didn't
they just multiplex it to 32 x 16 right on the spot, and not worry about
"segmentation," but start right out with flat memory? There's really
no excuse for making a processor as crippled as an 8088, other than that
everybody already had an 8080, and all of the peripherals were 8 bits,
and the bus was 8 bits at the time; but why not just for the time being,
ignore the unused 8 bits on the 16-bit bus, go ahead and have 16-bit wide
memory on-board, and so on?
Engineers always make mistakes with addressing; there is probably no
other aspect of computer engineering that is as consistently the
source of serious design errors as addressing. Yes, the engineers
could have planned ahead ... but they never do.

Transpose mxsmanic and gmail to reach me by e-mail.
John Doe wrote:
"Michael A. Terrell" <mike.terrell> wrote:

John Doe wrote:

I would be very impressed if (in reality) you never had a
question appropriate for the homebuilt PC group.

I have repaired computers for 23 years. I teach free classes on
computer repair and how to build your own. I have worked with
embedded controllers, both custom design and PC-104 format. Some
of my computer work is in orbit aboard the ISS. Now that I am a
100% non service connected disabled veteran I have started a
program to collect and repair computers which are given to
disabled veterans who can't afford to purchase on on their
disability pension. I repair some motherboards and other computer
circuit boards, monitors and printers. I owned a used computer
business for a few years before I went back to electronics
manufacturing of communications equipment.

Maybe you should write an autobiography, elsewhere.

Do you have any idea how much bandwidth is available to the ISS,

The ISS has a 20 MHZ bandwidth KU-Band data link to and from the

Do you know who built the equipment, and where? Also, if they had
waited about a year to order the equipment they would have had the
option for 40 Mhz bandwidth. Unfortunatly, that equipment line was
dropped when our company was bought and shut down to get our newest
design. That receiver uses a variant of the MC68020 with a custom
realtime OS.

See if you can focus all that bandwidth on the current topic.

or what equipment they use? I worked on the KU band equipment used
for data and private video link to the ISS.

That suggests you are all knowing about picking parts for,
assembling, booting, and configuring a personal computer (and maybe
every other subject you discuss), but only in your head.

Whatever you want to believe, but my test stamp is on a number of
circuit boards in the custom 700 series reciever aboard the ISS.

Been there, Done that, I've got my DD214 to prove it.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
David Maynard wrote:
Gary H wrote:

David Maynard wrote:


This is obviously going nowhere. You have your opinion, I have mine.
Hmmm, strange huh? Just like two nations. :)

As with them, discussions are sometimes useless.

It is true that discussions usually go no where when one, or both,
simply throw 'opinions' around. That's why I provide the logic and
reasoning, so it isn't 'just an opinion'.

That, of course, doesn't work either if one clings to 'opinions'
regardless of logic or reasoning.

Sir, you supply *nothing* to these discussions except the same
old tired rhetoric, time after time, post after post. You
"seem" as though you don't live in the real world at all. All
you ever offer the other side of a discussion are your points of
view while trying to the discredit the other party with
accusations of paranoia, flawed logic, being a whiner,
irrational, conspiracy buff and so on and so on.
You take a totally off-hand discussion of views, on a given
subject, and turn it into a personal thing where you try to
discredit a point of view with personal slurs. Then you have
the audacity to say?

*When attempting to work with someone else it's never 'all' one
or the other and that you seem to think so is likely one of the

I didn't say that and I don't even believe that.
I would think *that* would likely be *your* major problem though
because, as I see it, some of the things I said were "spot-on"
and some of the things you said were "spot-on". However, you
have indicated clearly, on more than one occasion, that you
believe you were *absolutely correct* and I was *absolutely

Man, you have no idea what debate or discussion is. I *could*
play your game.
I could be saying I think you're nothing but a goddam troll who
doesn't have a life who spends his time in the NGs looking for
arguments and trying to impress people with the thickness of his
black book of useless information. But I won't.
I could also say, I believe you're a condescending lecturer type
filled with a sense of wonder at what you perceive to be *your*
wealth of accumulated knowledge and wisdom. But I won't.

Anyone, including me, can play that stupidly useless "personal
card" as well. Useless because, as I said somewhere far back in
these bullshit meanderings, I don't know you, I don't know
anything about you, not what your life is and sure as hell not
what your knowledge base or acquired level of wisdom is. So,
how can I, in good conscience, make personal remarks and/or
observations about you without, "logically" (a word you like to
use a lot) having those facts. I can't.

One thing I am sure of though and that is the fact that you're
one of the nastiest assholes I've ever been unfortunate enough
to come across. Further communication between us is definitely
*not* in the cards.

Have a good "Holiday season"
"Gary H" <> wrote in message
David Maynard wrote:
Gary H wrote:

David Maynard wrote:


This is obviously going nowhere. You have your opinion, I have mine.
Hmmm, strange huh? Just like two nations. :)

As with them, discussions are sometimes useless.

It is true that discussions usually go no where when one, or both, simply
throw 'opinions' around. That's why I provide the logic and reasoning, so
it isn't 'just an opinion'.

That, of course, doesn't work either if one clings to 'opinions'
regardless of logic or reasoning.

Sir, you supply *nothing* to these discussions except the same old tired
rhetoric, time after time, post after post. You "seem" as though you
don't live in the real world at all. All you ever offer the other side of
a discussion are your points of view while trying to the discredit the
other party with accusations of paranoia, flawed logic, being a whiner,
irrational, conspiracy buff and so on and so on.
You take a totally off-hand discussion of views, on a given subject, and
turn it into a personal thing where you try to discredit a point of view
with personal slurs. Then you have the audacity to say?

*When attempting to work with someone else it's never 'all' one or the
other and that you seem to think so is likely one of the problems.*

I didn't say that and I don't even believe that.
I would think *that* would likely be *your* major problem though because,
as I see it, some of the things I said were "spot-on" and some of the
things you said were "spot-on". However, you have indicated clearly, on
more than one occasion, that you believe you were *absolutely correct*
and I was *absolutely incorrect*.

Man, you have no idea what debate or discussion is. I *could* play your
I could be saying I think you're nothing but a goddam troll who doesn't
have a life who spends his time in the NGs looking for arguments and
trying to impress people with the thickness of his black book of useless
information. But I won't.
I could also say, I believe you're a condescending lecturer type filled
with a sense of wonder at what you perceive to be *your* wealth of
accumulated knowledge and wisdom. But I won't.

Anyone, including me, can play that stupidly useless "personal card" as
well. Useless because, as I said somewhere far back in these bullshit
meanderings, I don't know you, I don't know anything about you, not what
your life is and sure as hell not what your knowledge base or acquired
level of wisdom is. So, how can I, in good conscience, make personal
remarks and/or observations about you without, "logically" (a word you
like to use a lot) having those facts. I can't.

One thing I am sure of though and that is the fact that you're one of the
nastiest assholes I've ever been unfortunate enough to come across.
Further communication between us is definitely *not* in the cards.

Have a good "Holiday season"
And "Merry Christmas" to you Gary. When talking pipelines in and
through Canada, you have to take into consideration that your economy needs
to continue to be the largest oil supplier to the US. Many people don't know
that you ARE the largest importer of oil we currently have. US companies DO
purchase your oil, but by no means OWN it. Your producers do. Any pipeline
from Alaska or anywhere is a positive for your economy by giving another
conduit for shipping your petroleum to the US or to ports to export
You may disagree with David but your insults about him could not be
further from the truth. It is you that just cannot stand to have someone
that doesn't agree with you. You have this built-in hate for large
corporations like Microsoft and oil companies that no one is going to change
and you can only respond to others with insults and unsubstantiated "facts".
You seem unable to accept that there are a lot of positives and not just
negatives in respect to these companies being successful.

Ed Medlin wrote:


And "Merry Christmas" to you Gary.
You will note that I said "Have a good holiday season" That is
because I am not Christian and I do not celebrate "Christmas".
But, thank you anyway. :)

When talking pipelines in and
through Canada, you have to take into consideration that your economy needs
to continue to be the largest oil supplier to the US. Many people don't know
that you ARE the largest importer of oil we currently have.
I'm sure you mean Canada is the largest exporter of petroleum
products to the US. And, hopefully we will continue to be.
Only however, if environmental and native concerns are properly
considered and protected.
That's my belief, not necessarily the way it will be. If it's
not? Then I have the right to express my concerns without being
labeled paranoid and a conspiracy buff.

US companies DO
purchase your oil, but by no means OWN it. Your producers do. Any pipeline
from Alaska or anywhere is a positive for your economy by giving another
conduit for shipping your petroleum to the US or to ports to export
Please read the full thread. When discussing the Alaska Gas
Pipeline, the discussion revolved around environmental concerns,
not dollars and the economy.

You may disagree with David but your insults about him could not be
further from the truth. It is you that just cannot stand to have someone
that doesn't agree with you.
My "insults" were rhetorical comments showing that I didn't have
the right to insult. Please observe context when reading the
material. My command of English may not be the best but I give
it my best shot.

My "nastiest asshole" comment *was* a genuine remark.

You have this built-in hate for large
corporations like Microsoft and oil companies that no one is going to change
and you can only respond to others with insults and unsubstantiated "facts".
You seem unable to accept that there are a lot of positives and not just
negatives in respect to these companies being successful.
I have no hate for anything or anyone, built-in or otherwise.
But, I do feel there is something wrong in the system and if
folks think that sounds paranoid, then so be it. It's called an
honest opinion based on observation (subjective I think they
call it), not a fact, unsubstantiated or otherwise and it
certainly is not paranoia.


"Michael A. Terrell" <mike.terrell> wrote:

Message-ID: <43A28487.93FD30DA
From: "Michael A. Terrell" <mike.terrell
Reply-To: mike.terrell
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.78 [en]C-CCK-MCD (Win98; U)
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MIME-Version: 1.0
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.basics,,alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt
Subject: Re: The truth about OS/2!!!
References: <0V4af.577$bU3.177499> <u88im195941fm8f4tbl8cjq9tnib11prvi> <ZZednQ-gsM6eoPTeRVn-pg> <4398E636.DF76BAC7> <ajuhp1t8tteh81n9jke52ldstpd9bpojgs> <dtmjp1p7vuo5l07pj7bb9bcbprftqua2m5> <d4lmf.11503$tQ7.8070 fe04.lga> <439A09AE.C187A86> <mmlkp1po49fb15vc309ov7n5f03t4tni2b> <439A6E3A.F857771A> <pan.2005.> <439BA98E.E354C897> <04vnp15gka4d7ffi3gp9ehofgfr9jpj31i> <439C67B4.FF564383> <mUZmf.4530$ES.4450 fe05.lga> <439C9417.12D570A8> <yB0nf.553$PQ3.98759> <fdinf.15$It6.5 fe02.lga> <439E6988.73EBEF85> <Xns972B7618CDE98follydom> <439F8FDC.9FC91077> <Xns972BE7AA63B17follydom
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2005 09:10:44 GMT
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Xref: sci.electronics.basics:230207 alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt:452840

John Doe wrote:

"Michael A. Terrell" <mike.terrell> wrote:

John Doe wrote:

I would be very impressed if (in reality) you never had a
question appropriate for the homebuilt PC group.

I have repaired computers for 23 years. I teach free classes on
computer repair and how to build your own. I have worked with
embedded controllers, both custom design and PC-104 format. Some
of my computer work is in orbit aboard the ISS. Now that I am a
100% non service connected disabled veteran I have started a
program to collect and repair computers which are given to
disabled veterans who can't afford to purchase on on their
disability pension. I repair some motherboards and other computer
circuit boards, monitors and printers. I owned a used computer
business for a few years before I went back to electronics
manufacturing of communications equipment.

Maybe you should write an autobiography, elsewhere.

Do you have any idea how much bandwidth is available to the ISS,

The ISS has a 20 MHZ bandwidth KU-Band data link to and from the

Do you know who built the equipment, and where? Also, if they had
waited about a year to order the equipment they would have had the
option for 40 Mhz bandwidth. Unfortunatly, that equipment line was
dropped when our company was bought and shut down to get our newest
design. That receiver uses a variant of the MC68020 with a custom
realtime OS.

See if you can focus all that bandwidth on the current topic.

or what equipment they use? I worked on the KU band equipment used
for data and private video link to the ISS.

That suggests you are all knowing about picking parts for,
assembling, booting, and configuring a personal computer (and maybe
every other subject you discuss), but only in your head.

Whatever you want to believe, but my test stamp is on a number of
circuit boards in the custom 700 series reciever aboard the ISS.

Been there, Done that, I've got my DD214 to prove it.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
On Fri, 16 Dec 2005 00:29:02 +0000, John Doe wrote:

Rich Grise <eatmyshorts> wrote:

Wonder what Uncle Billy's paying for a blow job these days? ;-P

You can get more attention with that troll in a politics group.
You're right, I shouldn't have posted that crap to s.e.basics.

My apologies.

Damn. I thought I was THE troll. Are these trophies
awarded by the Bank of Nigeria? If so, I have not yet
received fax instructions where to send my $1000 to cover
trophy shipping charges.

How many have been awarded Troll of the Year by John Doe?
Just wondering how large the stadium will be to hold all this
year's recipients.

John Doe wrote:

"Michael A. Terrell" <mike.terrell> wrote:
Whatever you want to believe, but my test stamp is on a
number of circuit boards in the custom 700 series reciever
aboard the ISS.
John Doe wrote:

So, you finally admit it? Great! That's the first step towards

Been there, Done that, I've got my DD214 to prove it.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
On 2005-12-16, Ed Medlin <> wrote:

When talking pipelines in and
through Canada, you have to take into consideration that your economy needs
to continue to be the largest oil supplier to the US.
sounds something like like putting all one's eggs in one basket.

anyone who needs the USA to do anything is relying on something that is
beyond their control.

Many people don't know
that you ARE the largest importer of oil we currently have. US companies DO
purchase your oil, but by no means OWN it. Your producers do. Any pipeline
from Alaska or anywhere is a positive for your economy by giving another
conduit for shipping your petroleum to the US or to ports to export
only if it passes through a convenient location in Canada (like an oilfield)
_and_ has excess capacity available. or maybe the canadian government could
tax the stuff as it flows across the border ?

aeiltd wrote:
Dear Sir

We need urgently a complete electrical & electronic drawings for
Parajust AC variable frequency drive, produced by Parametrics (a unit
of ASEA USA), in order to fix one of our failure unit.

The model is Parajust-GX PJ-GX42-AMP No. G04200A00

We appreciate your great effort to send us this drawings by email.

Thanks in advance

Aron Meron-Michowski
try Wont the manufacturer help?

Gary H wrote:

David Maynard wrote:

Gary H wrote:

David Maynard wrote:


This is obviously going nowhere. You have your opinion, I have
mine. Hmmm, strange huh? Just like two nations. :)

As with them, discussions are sometimes useless.

It is true that discussions usually go no where when one, or both,
simply throw 'opinions' around. That's why I provide the logic and
reasoning, so it isn't 'just an opinion'.

That, of course, doesn't work either if one clings to 'opinions'
regardless of logic or reasoning.
If I didn't know better I'd have been tempted to imagine your post was some
sort of joke, but I suppose not.

Sir, you supply *nothing* to these discussions except the same old tired
rhetoric, time after time, post after post.
As opposed to your diverse and multivariate contributions of greed, greed,
and greed plus, of course the highly innovative and intellectually
simulating variation GREED, greed, and greed, or greed, GREED, and greed,
as the universal explanations of just about everything.

It would seem that your idea of supplying 'something' is only if it
conforms to your arguments of greed, greed, or GREED, one or the other.

You "seem" as though you
don't live in the real world at all. All you ever offer the other side
of a discussion are your points of view
All I can say is you have a strange notion of what constitutes a "point of
view" and, as but one example, I point to my explanation that price
generally goes down as a result of "profit taking" and of the mechanism
why, that supply increases as the profit takers attempt to sell. That is
not a "point of view." It's an observable phenomenon.

However, opposing 'points of view' is often what a 'discussion' is about
and the value of it is how well one supports their position.

while trying to the discredit
the other party with accusations of paranoia, flawed logic, being a
whiner, irrational, conspiracy buff and so on and so on.
You take a totally off-hand discussion of views, on a given subject, and
turn it into a personal thing where you try to discredit a point of
view with personal slurs. Then you have the audacity to say?

*When attempting to work with someone else it's never 'all' one or the
other and that you seem to think so is likely one of the problems.*

I didn't say that and I don't even believe that.
I would think *that* would likely be *your* major problem though
because, as I see it, some of the things I said were "spot-on" and some
of the things you said were "spot-on". However, you have indicated
clearly, on more than one occasion, that you believe you were
*absolutely correct* and I was *absolutely incorrect*.
A beautiful example of taking a perfectly good quote out of context and
misrepresenting it. You might want to consider politics where some treasure
that sort of thing, although, IMO there's too much of it already.

The discussion there was Canada/U.S. oil company negotiations and your
comment "Of course we decide everything in this case, It's still our
country." I presumed you believed it.

Now, I don't know of anything that could be even remotely called
'negotiation' when one side, or the other, takes the position they're going
to "decide everything" and that is what my reply you quote addressed.

The reason I mentioned you is, first, it was your opinion and, second, I
presume Canada is still some form of representative government where the
opinions of the people have at least a modicum of influence so 'it matters'.

Thank you for the sometimes "spot on" bone. I'd have never guessed from
your text.

Man, you have no idea what debate or discussion is.
It would be unwise to place a bet on that.

I *could* play your
I could be saying I think you're nothing but a goddam troll who doesn't
have a life who spends his time in the NGs looking for arguments and
trying to impress people with the thickness of his black book of useless
information. But I won't.
I could also say, I believe you're a condescending lecturer type filled
with a sense of wonder at what you perceive to be *your* wealth of
accumulated knowledge and wisdom. But I won't.

Anyone, including me, can play that stupidly useless "personal card" as
well. Useless because, as I said somewhere far back in these bullshit
meanderings, I don't know you, I don't know anything about you, not
what your life is and sure as hell not what your knowledge base or
acquired level of wisdom is. So, how can I, in good conscience, make
personal remarks and/or observations about you without, "logically" (a
word you like to use a lot) having those facts. I can't.
A wonderful speech that, unfortunately, does not comport with experience as
exemplified by your opening salvo in the 'John Doe' exchange saying nothing
of fact or substance on the topic but simply that my remarks were "naive"
and I'd learn better after being "bitten on the ass a few times." And in
various other tirades you've accused me of 'wanting to kiss ass', being
'another amateur psychologist', "Stupid a**hole", unable to read or
understand, and other less than laudatory "personal remarks," none of which
addressed any part of the topic then at hand either.

Your halo needs adjusting.

I must say, though, that your new "I could... but won't" method of personal
attack is much more clever than the old direct outburst style.

One thing I am sure of though and that is the fact that you're one of
the nastiest assholes I've ever been unfortunate enough to come across.
Further communication between us is definitely *not* in the cards.
If I'm the "nastiest" you've run across then you've had a very sheltered
internet experience, indeed.

Have a good "Holiday season"
In all sincerity, you too.
I need the 3128 138 21421 Transformer
please let me know how i can get this and how much you are asking for

User Wrote:
Date In Part Number Model
2004-04-26 a1300550a Sony
Description: Sony Signal PCB

2004-04-26 UE08952 HITACHI

2004-04-07 jt23804 HItachi
Description: Hitachi signal pcb

2004-04-07 JT23053 Hitachi
Description: Hitachi Deflection PCB PWB ASSY

2004-04-07 tztnp01mmsb Panasonic
Description: Panasonic pc board

2004-04-07 313503711721 Philips
Description: Panel

2004-03-31 txfcrt14fser Panasonic
Description: crt

2004-03-10 aa26-00069a Samsung

2004-03-10 aa26-00187a Samsung

2004-02-04 312813821421 Philips
Description: xfmr pwrsl

2004-01-06 313503710171 philips
Description: large signal board

2004-01-06 310432820983 philips
Description: ssb board

2003-12-27 JT20491 R HITACHI
Description: CHASSIS

2003-12-27 251C210010 MITS VS45609
Description: CRT RED

2003-12-27 251C216080 MITS WS55411
Description: CRT GREEN

2003-12-27 A1300634A SONY

2003-12-27 9-01690 ZENITH
Description: MODULE

2003-12-27 9-01473 R ZENITH
Description: MODULE

2003-12-27 A1316399A SONY
Description: POWER PCB

2003-12-27 483521977707 PHILIPS

2003-12-27 483521977752 PHILIPS

2003-12-27 313912723131 PHILIPS
Description: MAIN PCB

2003-12-27 A1300391A SONY
Description: PCB

2003-12-27 483531067029 PHILIPS
Description: CRT

2003-12-27 UE09064 HITACHI
Description: RED CRT

2003-12-27 251C212070 MITSUBISHI
Description: CRT TUBE

2003-12-27 A1299243A SONY
Description: PCB

2003-12-27 23008176 TOSHIBA
Description: CRT

2003-12-27 251C212080 MITSUBISHI
Description: GREEN CRT TUBE

2003-12-27 251C212030 MITSUBISHI
Description: CRT BLUE

2003-12-27 873357425 SONY
Description: CRT BLUE

2003-12-27 9-1407-01 R ZENITH
Description: PCB

On Tue, 13 Jul 2004 01:28:56 GMT, wrote:

If you don't see what you're looking for, please send a request in on
the request page. We have 1000's more manuals not online yet.
Reasonable prices, American owned and operated.
Also willing to trade.
Want to Fix Something?
Although it seems he was posting to email, I think he just
needed to vent to some sympathetic ears here with people
who might understand. Kinda one way therapy.

"jakdedert" <> wrote in message
You stomped down the stairs after I committed the sin of interrupting you.

You marched into the kitchen and yelled that 'We don't have time to go to
the store! We have to clean this house! We don't have time before we
leave. We're going to eat at 4:00. Get yourself a bowl of cereal. You're
just trying to get out of the meeting. You're afraid to talk to Colleen.
You're just trying to duck Margrite.'

All this without a cross word coming out of my mouth.

Then you said that maybe I should leave. I didn't want to. I just wanted
to eat and get our afternoon in gear--whatever it entailed. You repeated
many of the above accusations and suggested again that maybe I shouldn't
be there.

When I tried to leave, you took it to a physical level.

All of the above happened with Becca present...much of it with Colleen

None of it did I expect.

Your 'apology' was not given with nearly the same amount of
fact none that I could discern.
BrianV Wrote:
Wanted: JVC GF-500
I have a fully operation JVC GF-500 camera with manual and case. Are
you still interested in buying one? Please contact me at

When Don Bowey said that he had constipation, he said that you sucked
the shit right out of his asshole and he said he wants to thank you for
XM stinks like runny piece of dog shit. Get Sirius. The content on XM
can't hold a candle to Sirius's.

Welcome to

