JR North
jakdedert obviously doesn't have much experience with women. If he did,
this episode would not be noteworthy at all.
Home Page: http://www.seanet.com/~jasonrnorth
this episode would not be noteworthy at all.
You stomped down the stairs after I committed the sin of interrupting you.
You marched into the kitchen and yelled that 'We don't have time to go
to the store! We have to clean this house! We don't have time before
we leave. We're going to eat at 4:00. Get yourself a bowl of cereal.
You're just trying to get out of the meeting. You're afraid to talk to
Colleen. You're just trying to duck Margrite.'
All this without a cross word coming out of my mouth.
Then you said that maybe I should leave. I didn't want to. I just
wanted to eat and get our afternoon in gear--whatever it entailed. You
repeated many of the above accusations and suggested again that maybe I
shouldn't be there.
When I tried to leave, you took it to a physical level.
All of the above happened with Becca present...much of it with Colleen
None of it did I expect.
Your 'apology' was not given with nearly the same amount of emotion...in
fact none that I could discern.
Home Page: http://www.seanet.com/~jasonrnorth