Toshiba TV29C90 problem; Image fades to black...

"NSM" <> wrote in message news:yxD6d.3218$Du2.1695@edtnps89...
"Harry Hotspur" <> wrote in message
| thanks for the info although I've no idea what a
| Acme rocket or a road runner is so I'll pass on
| that.
| Isn't a road runner some kind of fast working
| street girl?it would be here in the UK especially
| in SOHO. Thanks
I used to love that show when I was little, seems like most of the cartoons
for kids these days are pretty lame.
"kofi Mpengya" <> wrote in message
I have an IBM machine but the language in the BIOS is not in English.
Is there any way I can change it to English?
Download the english version of the BIOS for that machine and flash it, just
make sure you get the right one or you can kill the machine.
"James Sweet" <> wrote in message

| I've had it work once and suggested it to someone else who also had it
| once, it's certainly not a cure all, but for last resorts it's not a bad
| thing to try.

Supposedly it sometimes works for stillborn babies as well - alternating
from hot to cold water. Go figure!

"James Sweet" <> wrote in message
| "NSM" <> wrote in message

| I used to love that show when I was little, seems like most of the
| for kids these days are pretty lame.

Like many cartoons of that vintage, these were produced for adults. What I
like particularly are the old B&W cartoons of the Betty Boop vintage. Some
of them are so outrageously surreal you wonder what the artists were
smoking - or drinking!

"CL" <chasNOSPAMsleeSPAM@comcastNOSPAM.SPAMcom> wrote in message
| I have a Mitsubishi CS-2611R TV that has a low audio hum and the top
| quarter of the picture "breathes". I suspect that it has one or more bad
| electrolytics in the filter for the rectified line voltage....

Assuming it has a SMPS that hardly seems likely. Perhaps the SMPS has bad

Some older JVC's would have this problem due to a loose grounding screw
underneath the mechanism. It would trigger a tape sensor because the ground
was lifted.

Mark Z.

Please reply only to Group. I regret this is necessary. Viruses and spam
have rendered my regular e-mail address useless.

"Viatcheslav Riabov" <> wrote in message
Good day, everyone!
I am working on VCR JVC HR-A33U.
Upon powering up it attempts to load a non-existing tape.
When real tape is injected, the machine works more or less
properly. But when tape needs to be ejected, VCR spits it out
and then re-loads it back. Mode switch and alignments were checked
and appear to be in order. (Cleaned and re-assembled more than once,
with all check points observed. There is no problem with that).
This machine loads tapes off capstan motor (not off loading motor)
and I can not figure out how the inserted tape is sensed, what triggers
the capstan motor to start to spin in order to pull the tape in.
Any advice is appreciated.

"Jan" <> wrote in message
Thanks Mark.
Do you know someone who can repaired and for what costs?
I think you need to find someone good with Sony's of this type. My shop has
a guy who can fix these, usually anyway, but I'm not sure how he would feel
about a mail-in. Normally we take the board back out to the customers' house
and re-install etc.

Mark Z.
The relevant references would be any polar electrolytics with location
numbers starting with "C". Check them all for ESR and electrolyte leakage.
Also look for dried brown glue on the circuit board and clean it all off.

Leonard Caillouet

"CL" <chasNOSPAMsleeSPAM@comcastNOSPAM.SPAMcom> wrote in message
I have a Mitsubishi CS-2611R TV that has a low audio hum and the top
quarter of the picture "breathes". I suspect that it has one or more bad
electrolytics in the filter for the rectified line voltage. Since I
don't have a schematic, can anyone help me with the relevant reference
designators? I don't have the original remote, but the TV does not seem
to respond to a remote that I use with a Mitsubishi CK-2588R. Can anyone
confirm if these two TV have the same remote code? TIA.
Subject: Re: Service Manuals PDFs for Test Equipment available
From: (Thomas P. Gootee)
Date: 9/30/2004 2:34 PM Central Daylight Time
Message-id: <
No harm, no foul.

"James Peverill" <> wrote in message
| Any tips on this would be greaty appreciated as I'm a bit stumped.
| My Viewsonic P815 monitor works great, but it has an annoying buzzing
| noise. Great picture. The noise seems to be coming from a small board
| attached on the top of the tube....
| If anyone has a tip or two I'd be grateful. This is a killer monitor,
| but I can't stand the buzzing...

Could this be a relay on the board? If so, it may be an easy fix.

Well hidden! Have to move the tray out to see it. By jove, you're
right! This fixed it. The wheel was 2 notches from that 2 circular
marks. I think this should be the original position.

Working great, Thanks!
You're welcome. Glad to have been able to help. Enjoy! - Reinhart
"Ross Herbert" <> wrote in message

| What federal or state regulation is there which says that McDonalds
| must heat their water to LESS than 100 deg C?.....

Why is it that the coffee AND the water in the washrooms is always scalding
hot but the burger is never hot enough unless you take it home and nuke it?

"Sagus" <> wrote in message
I need schematic diagram for a 1412sl Packard Bell Monitor, any help
would be apreciated


First you need to figure out who made the monitor, Packard Bell is just a
junk computer manufacture who slaps their name on whatever monitor they
could get at the cheapest price that week. What's wrong with the monitor? If
the problem is severe enough to require a schematic I would just recycle the
thing, the 1412 is a tiny 14" monitor isn't it?
"Jason D." <> wrote in message
On 30 Sep 2004 02:48:01 GMT, (LASERandDVDfan)

Check the tilt adjustment gear. It is a white gear located on the
part of the traverse assembly. You'll have to take off the top cover of
drive, of course.

Well hidden! Have to move the tray out to see it. By jove, you're
right! This fixed it. The wheel was 2 notches from that 2 circular
marks. I think this should be the original position.

Working great, Thanks!



Always nice to hear of a success.
"James Peverill" <> wrote in message
Any tips on this would be greaty appreciated as I'm a bit stumped.

My Viewsonic P815 monitor works great, but it has an annoying buzzing
noise. Great picture. The noise seems to be coming from a small board
attached on the top of the tube. (has tons of small wires leading
arouund the tube attached to about 20 wire wrap posts on this board,
compensation board?) I poked around with a stick and touching this
board causes a change in the buzz but doesn't quiet it, it even seems to
get a bit louder. I can't seem to localize it within that board using a
hose. I'm a but stumped... I figured I would poke around with a stick
and when I hit something that made it quieter, I'd put a little hot glue
on it.

If anyone has a tip or two I'd be grateful. This is a killer monitor,
but I can't stand the buzzing...

Thanks in advance!

Is that the junction board on the deflection yoke? If the yoke is noisy a
dribble of glue might help.
"Jim Bancroft" <> wrote in message
I have a 13 GB Western Digital IDE hard drive, manufactured
in 2000.
Last week I noticed a clicking sound when starting up the PC,
and it turns out it's the hard drive, which is still recognized
by the motherboard (most of the time), but isn't bootable....the
drive clicks, I hear it spinning, then about 20 seconds later it
clicks again and spins once more ( by that I mean the rapid
clicka-clicka-clicka of a healthy drive), almost like it's a car
trying to warm up. It never boots however.
I recently suffered similar problems with the system I am on now, HD
clicking intermittently.

I found that the HD power connector was the problem, and swapped it for
one of the unused ones. No problems since then.
I have also seen a CD drive suffer the same poor connections problem in
another system, causing it to intermittently fail.
On Thu, 30 Sep 2004 23:07:04 GMT, "Fred"
<> wrote:

I would sure appreciate hearing from someone who had this problem and FIXED
Assuming new batteries don't work, cleaning contacts don't work, and a
reset of the camera don't work, there isn't much you can do without a
service manual and cracking the case open.

As someone mentioned before, it's a LOT cheaper and easier to have
robots build these things, than to train monkeys to work on them.

PS you should have bought the C-2100UZ.
Look in the yellow pages, find the local TV servicers, call them and ask if:

1) they are a Sony ASC
2) they are familiar with this chassis and have had the Sony training on it
3) they repair many of them
4) they will discuss likely costs up front


"Jan" <> wrote in message
But where can I find someone like that?
Some rf modules have bad contact or solder inside under the shield, mostly
the handset, some can be fixed resolding these ,but some are ic around
designed and are not fix suitable.

"Sidney" <> escribió en el mensaje
Uniden 2.4 Ghz cordless phone model:TRU346A,year:2001 when pressing
talk you don't get a dial tone and the unit shuts off again according
to customer.Customer called Uniden and they told him a common failure
was the RF circuit,I am waiting for the battery to charge up so in the
mean time anyone have any common repair tips for this unit?.
Thanks in advance.

Dartmouth,Nova Scotia

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