Terry Given
Rob wrote:
globally distributed public forum, and that anything libelous he writes
is likely to exist, if not forever then at least for a very long time.
eventually he's going to annoy someone who is happy to waste a bit of
money on lawyers
you'd think a towering intellect like Phil would realise that this is aAn interesting news article maybe.
"The dark side of the blogosphere was revealed by a libel action brought by
Michael Keith-Smith, a former Conservative party member who stood for Ukip
in Portsmouth North at the last election. He said he was moved to sue after
a woman with whom he was debating the merits of military action in Iraq
began a campaign of name-calling that started by describing him as "lard
brain" and culminated in falsely labelling him a "Nazi", a "racist bigot"
and a "nonce"."
Yeah, I know kill-filing fixes most of the problem!
globally distributed public forum, and that anything libelous he writes
is likely to exist, if not forever then at least for a very long time.
eventually he's going to annoy someone who is happy to waste a bit of
money on lawyers