Terry Given
Phil Allison wrote:
first, lets un-snip what I posted:
"double insulation pretty much means 2 sets of insulation, so that when
one fails there is still one left"
AS/NZS3000:2000 Wiring Rules states:
1.4.26 Class II equipment -
Equipment in which protection against electric shock does not rely on
basic insulation only, but in which additional safety precautions such
as double insulation or reinforced insulation are provided, there being
no provision for protective earthing or reliance upon installation
1.4.57 Insulation System
One, or a combination of, the following:
(a) Basic Insulation - the insulation applied to live parts, to provide
basic protection against electric shock
(b) Supplementary Insulation - an independant insulation applied in
addition to basic insulation in order to ensure protection against
electric shock in the event of a failure of the Basic Insulation
(c) Double Insulation - insulation comprising both Basic Insulation and
Supplementary Insulation
In other words, exactly what I said.
with lids basically, and a bit more creepage/clearance. they still wind
them with magnet wire; I've yet to see a consumer xfmr wound with
Furukawa Tex-E or any other form of triple-insulated wire....
and toroids are not that cheap to wind c.f. an e-core bobbin, especially
the little ones (and the big ones)
ROTFLMAO! You are demonstrably wrong, viz.:"The Pinball Wizard of Nelson "
a major advantage of class 2 is that its cheaper.
** Bullshit it is.
The specs for the AC supply transformer alone are way beyond that for
class 1.
double insulation pretty much means 2 sets of insulation,
** Absolute bullshit.
so that when one fails there is still one left.
** Absolute bullshit.
first, lets un-snip what I posted:
"double insulation pretty much means 2 sets of insulation, so that when
one fails there is still one left"
AS/NZS3000:2000 Wiring Rules states:
1.4.26 Class II equipment -
Equipment in which protection against electric shock does not rely on
basic insulation only, but in which additional safety precautions such
as double insulation or reinforced insulation are provided, there being
no provision for protective earthing or reliance upon installation
1.4.57 Insulation System
One, or a combination of, the following:
(a) Basic Insulation - the insulation applied to live parts, to provide
basic protection against electric shock
(b) Supplementary Insulation - an independant insulation applied in
addition to basic insulation in order to ensure protection against
electric shock in the event of a failure of the Basic Insulation
(c) Double Insulation - insulation comprising both Basic Insulation and
Supplementary Insulation
In other words, exactly what I said.
pah. look at those sorts of xfmrs, its not very complex. split bobbinsyes the xfmr is a bit more expensive,
** Much more - the cheapest construction methods are outlawed.
with lids basically, and a bit more creepage/clearance. they still wind
them with magnet wire; I've yet to see a consumer xfmr wound with
Furukawa Tex-E or any other form of triple-insulated wire....
on what basis?The popular and cheap toroidal is basically outlawed.
and toroids are not that cheap to wind c.f. an e-core bobbin, especially
the little ones (and the big ones)
Cheersbut a whole bunch of other stuff gets cheaper.
** Absolute bullshit.
look inside a hair
** The subject is DVD players and the like - fuckhead.
The design rules for every part of the AC side are way tougher.
not really,
** Get stuffed - Kiwi LIAR !!
....... Phil