Tingles from DVD players

Phil Allison wrote:
"The Pinball Wizard of Nelson "

a major advantage of class 2 is that its cheaper.

** Bullshit it is.

The specs for the AC supply transformer alone are way beyond that for
class 1.

double insulation pretty much means 2 sets of insulation,

** Absolute bullshit.

so that when one fails there is still one left.

** Absolute bullshit.
ROTFLMAO! You are demonstrably wrong, viz.:

first, lets un-snip what I posted:

"double insulation pretty much means 2 sets of insulation, so that when
one fails there is still one left"

AS/NZS3000:2000 Wiring Rules states:

1.4.26 Class II equipment -
Equipment in which protection against electric shock does not rely on
basic insulation only, but in which additional safety precautions such
as double insulation or reinforced insulation are provided, there being
no provision for protective earthing or reliance upon installation

1.4.57 Insulation System
One, or a combination of, the following:
(a) Basic Insulation - the insulation applied to live parts, to provide
basic protection against electric shock
(b) Supplementary Insulation - an independant insulation applied in
addition to basic insulation in order to ensure protection against
electric shock in the event of a failure of the Basic Insulation
(c) Double Insulation - insulation comprising both Basic Insulation and
Supplementary Insulation

In other words, exactly what I said.


yes the xfmr is a bit more expensive,

** Much more - the cheapest construction methods are outlawed.
pah. look at those sorts of xfmrs, its not very complex. split bobbins
with lids basically, and a bit more creepage/clearance. they still wind
them with magnet wire; I've yet to see a consumer xfmr wound with
Furukawa Tex-E or any other form of triple-insulated wire....

The popular and cheap toroidal is basically outlawed.
on what basis?

and toroids are not that cheap to wind c.f. an e-core bobbin, especially
the little ones (and the big ones)

but a whole bunch of other stuff gets cheaper.

** Absolute bullshit.

look inside a hair

** The subject is DVD players and the like - fuckhead.

The design rules for every part of the AC side are way tougher.

not really,

** Get stuffed - Kiwi LIAR !!

....... Phil
On Wed, 22 Mar 2006 12:35:28 +1100, "Phil Allison"
<philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote:

"Chris Jones"
Phil Allison wrote:

4. There is a PROHIBITION on interconnecting class 1 and class 2

I am surprised by (4)

** Have you never seen the words " Double Insulated - Do Not Earth " on
the back of a class 2 item ??

Pretty clear isn't it?
I've just checked all the double insulated items in my home and NONE
of them carry a warning such as you describe. It would be useful to
know how general such a warning is. I suggest everyone reading this
thread check their equipment and report back their findings. My
equipment includes items from NEC, Philips, Sony, Teac, Mitsubishi,
Sanyo & Microsoft.


Equipment makers are not liable for what users may WRONGLY do when
interconnecting items of gear - so just ignore the issue.

The matter is very much an *X rated topic * in the home entertainment
electronics industry.
So where does the "PROHIBITION" come from?
Previously you said such interconnection was prohibited, now you're
saying to ignore the issue??

I don't have the necessary
knowledge of the standards to refute what you say, but it does surprise

** Imagine a hi-fi system with every item in it class 2 - so there is no AC
ground to the metalwork.

Next, an item is added to the system, ie a nice old valve tuner just bought
from Ebay but with no AC plug.

Next, the user inadvertently wires up the new plug wrongly with active and
earth reversed and makes all the connections.

The hi-fi system will still work just as before ( but not the tuner) but
with ALL the metalwork, connecting leads and even the loud speakers now
LIVE !!!

In countries with 240 volt AC power, this is a FATAL accident scenario
If this danger was significant then the use of Class 2 equipment is
inherently unsafe because it would be relying on user action to make
it safe, the user action being to not interconnect with other commonly
available items. As you say above, "Equipment makers are not liable
for what users may WRONGLY do.....", but regulators are always
interested in such things. They seem relaxed about the situation.

Remove sharp objects to get a valid e-mail address
Phil Allison wrote:

"Chris Jones"

** Do you constantly move the goalposts at sporting events too ?

.......... Phil
I don't consider posting to usenet to be a competition, though you are free
to consider it whatever you want. I just like to learn stuff.

Phil Allison wrote:

"Chris Jones"
Phil Allison wrote:

4. There is a PROHIBITION on interconnecting class 1 and class 2

I am surprised by (4)

** Have you never seen the words " Double Insulated - Do Not Earth " on
the back of a class 2 item ??

Pretty clear isn't it?

since many hi-fi amplifiers (at least older ones) do
have an earthed case, for better or for worse. It is not made very clear
to the average user that connecting the amplifier to a typical (class 2)
player would be prohibited,

** It is not prohibited by criminal law - so no police officer will
arrest you for doing it.

But it is an * unsafe practice* that could be considered as " serious
negligence " by a court if a person were injured or killed.

for example I haven't seen such a warning in
the instruction manual of a CD player.

** " Double Insulated - Do Not Earth " on the back of the player is a
*stronger warning* that anything printed in a user manual that likely
gets lost with the packaging.

Equipment makers are not liable for what users may WRONGLY do when
interconnecting items of gear - so just ignore the issue.

The matter is very much an *X rated topic * in the home entertainment
electronics industry.

I don't have the necessary
knowledge of the standards to refute what you say, but it does surprise

** Imagine a hi-fi system with every item in it class 2 - so there is no
AC ground to the metalwork.

Next, an item is added to the system, ie a nice old valve tuner just
bought from Ebay but with no AC plug.

Next, the user inadvertently wires up the new plug wrongly with active and
earth reversed and makes all the connections.

The hi-fi system will still work just as before ( but not the tuner) but
with ALL the metalwork, connecting leads and even the loud speakers now
LIVE !!!

In countries with 240 volt AC power, this is a FATAL accident scenario
Ok, I can see that wiring the plug of the class 1 device wrongly has made
the class 1 device as well as the class 2 device dangerous to touch. I
think that the user was pretty much asking for a jolt whether or not the
class 2 device was connected (or even existed at all), but in principle I
see why the manufacturer of the class 2 device would not want the two
devices interconnected, so the user gets electrocuted whilst touching the
device made by someone else, that would be cheaper in court....

The root cause of the problem is of course having someone who thinks they
can wire a plug but cannot. The problem is they might not be the one to
get killed, it'll be the neighbour's kid or something like that.


One of the BIGGEST user safety advantages of class 2 construction is that
no matter how WRONGLY the AC plug is wired & no matter what is wrong with
the AC outlet, you cannot get active onto the earth of the gear.
Thanks, that's the first "class 2 is safer" argument that makes sense to me.
In the context of incompetent and/or amateur electricians, no ELCB, and no
regular testing of power socket wiring and portable appliance testing, I
can see that advantage of class 2. Those conditions are probably fairly
common too.

"Chris Jones"
** Do you constantly move the goalposts at sporting events too ?

I don't consider posting to usenet to be a competition,

** Then why keep moving the goal posts like is is one you cannot bear to
loose ??

I just like to learn stuff.

** If you mean that, then why make it impossible for anyone to answer you ?

......... Phil
"Malcolm Moore"
"Phil Allison"

** Have you never seen the words " Double Insulated - Do Not Earth " on
the back of a class 2 item ??

Pretty clear isn't it?

I've just checked all the double insulated items in my home and NONE
of them carry a warning such as you describe.

** The warning notice is not compulsory.

Only the use of the "double square" symbol or the words "Double Insulated"

The matter is very much an *X rated topic * in the home entertainment
electronics industry.

So where does the "PROHIBITION" come from?

** The fact that a class 2 appliance must not be earthed.

Previously you said such interconnection was prohibited, now you're
saying to ignore the issue??

** Huh ???

What madman's logic is this ?

What the hell do you think "X -rated " means ???

** Imagine a hi-fi system with every item in it class 2 - so there is no
ground to the metalwork.

Next, an item is added to the system, ie a nice old valve tuner just
from Ebay but with no AC plug.

Next, the user inadvertently wires up the new plug wrongly with active and
earth reversed and makes all the connections.

The hi-fi system will still work just as before ( but not the tuner) but
with ALL the metalwork, connecting leads and even the loud speakers now
LIVE !!!

In countries with 240 volt AC power, this is a FATAL accident scenario

If this danger was significant then the use of Class 2 equipment is
inherently unsafe because it would be relying on user action to make
it safe, the user action being to not interconnect with other commonly
available items.

** Absolute drivel.

Class 2 construction appliances are inherently much safer than class 1

What users do that COMPROMISES that additional safety is beyond the control
of makers or authorities.

As you say above, "Equipment makers are not liable
for what users may WRONGLY do.....", but regulators are always
interested in such things. They seem relaxed about the situation.

** SFA they can do about it.

The issue is one of legal liability on the part of someone who elects to
earth a class 2 item.

......... Phil
"Chris Jones"
In countries with 240 volt AC power, this is a FATAL accident scenario

Ok, I can see that wiring the plug of the class 1 device wrongly has made
the class 1 device as well as the class 2 device dangerous to touch.

** Not just one device, but an entire hi-fi system INCLUDING the damn
speakers !!!

think that the user was pretty much asking for a jolt whether or not the
class 2 device was connected (or even existed at all),

** A third party could be the one electrocuted - maybe a small child.

but in principle I
see why the manufacturer of the class 2 device would not want the two
devices interconnected, so the user gets electrocuted whilst touching the
device made by someone else, that would be cheaper in court....

** The makers of the class 2 devices are not liable in such a case.

Their items are not permitted to be connected to the earth system of

The root cause of the problem is of course having someone who thinks they
can wire a plug but cannot.

** Millions of them around.

Heaps of places sell 3 pin plugs to the public.

The problem is they might not be the one to
get killed, it'll be the neighbour's kid or something like that.

** The punishment for mis-wiring a plug ought not be the death of anyone.


One of the BIGGEST user safety advantages of class 2 construction is
no matter how WRONGLY the AC plug is wired & no matter what is wrong with
the AC outlet, you cannot get active onto the earth of the gear.

Thanks, that's the first "class 2 is safer" argument that makes sense to
In the context of incompetent and/or amateur electricians, no ELCB, and no
regular testing of power socket wiring and portable appliance testing, I
can see that advantage of class 2. Those conditions are probably fairly
common too.

** The most common cause of electrocution in the home is ( or was until
recently) incorrectly wired plugs and extension leads.

The worst electrocution trap in where BOTH miswired but BOTH work OK unless
the two meet up.

1. The extension lead has active and neutral wires reversed, earth is
wired OK ( most consider this to be harmless).

2. The appliance has earth and neutral wires reversed, active is on the
correct pin ( appliance works fine in normal outlet).

When appliance "2" meets lead " 1" ?????

Death to a toddler.

........ Phil
David, not to be confused with the other Davids. wrote:
I might as well add my $0.02 worth here too.

"Russ_Verdon" <verdonsATtpgi.com.au> wrote in message

Hi, I just did a round of "kerbside shopping" and picked up 2x Digitor DVD
players from the same place. They both work. The only thing I can think is
that they give you a small shock between their chassis and power earth. I
can only surmise that the owner thought they were faulty and ditched them as
a result. I have picked up another DVD player in similar circunstances,
going, but tingling.

This is a well known and allowed for condition in safety standards. It is
to as "touch current" and was previosuly referred to as leakage current. The
limit for touch current in Class 2 devices is 0.25 mA and this lies within the
perception range for some people. Touch current is likely due to the current
through small value capacitors connected between the chassis and the primary
power circuits. This is usually for ESD (electro-static discharge)
compatibility in
the case of audio/video equipment.

Is there any rule that stops you earthing these devices, given that the
connection via the signal leads to an earthed amp etc would probably
do this anyway?

There is no rule in the safety or wiring standards that prevents you from
doing so, but introducing an earth is not a good idea since it may cause
unintended earth loop currents to flow through other circuits. This can lead
to humm and noise, etc.

Do the manufacturers expect all devices to be turned off so that customers
don't experience shocks when changing leads around? If chassis earthing
elminates this issue, then it would be a nice feature and customer friendly
to do so. I guess the amount of copper / star washer etc saved per unit for
them outweighs thoughts for the customer.
Any comments?


Among other reasons, it also has to do with cost, but not as you might imagine.
By floating the chassis there is no need to use audio baluns or isolating
transformers in the input and output interconnection stages to remove
extraneous circulating supply currents or to provide electrical safety.

I read some of the other replies and would also like to add the following.

1. There is no prohibition on interconection of Class 1 and Class 2 equipment.
The only safety related condition is that any earthing required for safety of
Class 1 device is maintained at the desired level. Which is 1.6 times the
current of an inherent protective device (eg. internal fusing).

2. Equipment that was marked "Do Not Earth" was often done so because the
internal circuitry was "live" and separated from accessible conductive parts by
double/reinforced insulation. Earthing the internal circuitry would be
hazardous in this case.

More commonly the "do not earth" instruction is for when the equipment is
supplied to countries that do not have the MEN (TNC-S) mains supply wiring
scheme. In those countries there is a separate earthing terminal or bonding
on the equipment chassis, and more often than not, no mains plug is supplied on
the cord. Equipment that is to be earthed has a plug added, and the chassis
bonded to
earth at the time of installation. For floating chassis devices the do not
earth instruction
is to specifically draw attention to not to bond to earth.

3. For small A/V and ITE, making Class 2 equipment costs almost the same as
Class 1
by "almost" do you mean slightly more or slightly less? I suspect less.

Class 1 is of benefit in high power appliances like toasters,
ovens, etc.
mostly because the requirements for double- or reinforced-insulation
become difficult, if not impossible.

4. Class 2 construction does not mean double insulation. Double insulation
may be a
type of Class 2 construction but reinforced insulation is now more common.

5. Someone mentioned triple insulated wire is not common. It is now very
I was referring to 50/60Hz transformers, although did not specifically
say so. Its the bees knees for smps transformers.

are you aware of any triple-insulated foils?

being the preferred method to construct very small footprint concentric wound
transformers in smal SMPSUs. The majority of mobile phone power supplies I
have examined (say, since 2000) use triple insulated wire as the secondary
This way the static screen and the primary can be conductively coupled, doing
with the additional layers of insulation that would otherwise be needed.
and it avoids all that creepage, allowing lower leakage designs.

Most of the above can be found in AS/NZS 60065 and/or AS/NZS 60950-1
Phil Allison wrote:
"David, not to be confused with the other Davids."

Is there any rule that stops you earthing these devices, given that the
connection via the signal leads to an earthed amp etc would probably
do this anyway?

There is no rule in the safety or wiring standards that prevents you from
doing so,

** Of course there is !!

A Class 2 appliance must not be earthed or it ceases to be one.

I read some of the other replies and would also like to add the following.

1. There is no prohibition on interconection of Class 1 and Class 2

** There is.

A Class 2 appliance must not be earthed.
the prohibition on earthing class 2 appliances does not relate to
consumers plugging them into class 1 appliances, but to technical
personnel adding 3-pin plugs/wires.

as long as nobody fiddles with the mains connection, one is free to
earth as many inputs/outputs as one wishes.

Of course hooking the jacket of your video out RCA connector to, say,
Phase would be a fairly dangerous thing to do, but then so is poking a
knife into a toaster while its operating.

The only safety related condition is that any earthing required for safety
the Class 1 device is maintained at the desired level. Which is 1.6 times
rated current of an inherent protective device (eg. internal fusing).

** You are just making this crazy drivel up.

The earthing requirements for a class 1 appliance relate to the copper cross
section of the earth wire used, ie must not be not less than 1 sq mm. (

2. Equipment that was marked "Do Not Earth" was often done so because the
internal circuitry was "live" and separated from accessible conductive
parts by
double/reinforced insulation. Earthing the internal circuitry would be
potentially hazardous in this case.

** Plenty of class 2 items are labelled "Do Not Earth" where no such thing

( snip more irrelevant drivel )

4. Class 2 construction does not mean double insulation.

** Correct - but the names have become synonyms as far as categorising an
appliance is concerned.

....... Phil
There is no rule in the safety or wiring standards that prevents you from
doing so,

** Of course there is !!

A Class 2 appliance must not be earthed or it ceases to be one.
You are correct for a transformer based power supply device such as a
plug-pack, but this is not necessarily the case for other products. The
deliniation between Class 1 and Class 2 is becoming very grey. Whereas AS3108
and AS/NZS61558-1 say any transformer that has an earth terminal must be
classified as Class 1 other standards do not.

Definition and references below from AS/NZS60950-1, since I happen to be using
it at the moment. Note the use of earthing is not prohibited, just that the
safety strategy of the design must not rely on the protective earth. This
standard might/is be used for a switch mode PSU plug-pack.

"COPYRIGHT" CLASS II EQUIPMENT: Equipment in which protection against electric
shock does not
rely on BASIC INSULATION only,but in which additional safety precautions,such
INSULATION or REINFORCED INSULATION are provided,there being no reliance on

There have been many changes since the old AS3108 and AS3100 type standards
existed as the sole point of reference. None of those standards took into
account EMC filtering or stray currents due to SMPSU, etc. With the more
modern standards you can certainly use Class 2 construction, with functional
(not protective) earthing. Note, connecting an earth does not automatically
make it Class 1 in this standard.

If you want to split hairs on the issue over the Class 2 box-in-box marking,
perhaps I should of said before to scatch off the symbol. It is then
functionally earthed Class 2 construction. It can only be truly Class 1 if the
earthing is protective. There is no marking to define these products (yet).
The mis-wiring of plugs etc is not a factor taken into consideration.

Here is a reference from the same standard:

2.6.2 Functional earthing
If FUNCTIONAL EARTHING of accessible or other conductive parts is necessary,all
of the
following apply to the FUNCTIONAL EARTHING circuit:
- the FUNCTIONAL EARTHING circuit shall be separated from parts at HAZARDOUS
in the equipment by either:
.. a protectively earthed screen or another protectively earthed conductive
separated from parts at HAZARDOUS VOLTAGES by at least BASIC INSULATION and
- it is permitted to connect the FUNCTIONAL EARTHING circuit to a protective
earth terminal

<snip a lot of stuff that isn't relevant to the argument>

The only safety related condition is that any earthing required for safety
the Class 1 device is maintained at the desired level. Which is 1.6 times
rated current of an inherent protective device (eg. internal fusing).

** You are just making this crazy drivel up.

The earthing requirements for a class 1 appliance relate to the copper cross
section of the earth wire used, ie must not be not less than 1 sq mm. (
1.0 sq mm for 10A cords up to 2 metres long and 1.5 sq mm for 10A cords longer
than 2 metres.

I did make a mistake with the multiplication factor, it is 1.5 and not 1.6
times. I am not making it up - sometimes I think it would be easier to
understand if I did. For functional earthing there is no size requirement
other than that needed for it to do the intended job. For protective earthing
and bonding you can provide the minimum conductor sizes in the standard (1.0 or
1.5 sq mm), or use the minimum size conductor that meets the following:

"COPYRIGHT" Size of protective bonding conductors
PROTECTIVE BONDING CONDUCTORS shall comply with one of the following:
- the minimum conductor sizes in table 3B (see 3.2.5);or
- the requirements of and also,if the current rating of the circuit is
more than
16 A,with the minimum conductor sizes in table 2D;or
-for components only,be not smaller than the conductors supplying power to the
The current rating of the circuit used in table 2D and in the test of
depends on the
provision and location of overcurrent protective devices and shall be taken as
the smaller of
a)or b)as follows.
a)The rating of an overcurrent protective device specified in the equipment
instructions to be installed in the building installation wiring to protect the
b)The rating of an overcurrent protective device in the equipment that protects
the circuit
or part required to be earthed.
For PLUGGABLE EQUIPMENT TYPE A and if neither a)nor b)is applicable,the current
rating of
the circuit shall be taken as the RATED CURRENT of the equipment or 16
A,whichever is

So (b) takes into account the rating of protective device that protects the
circuit or part that needs to be protectively earthed. If a part that could
fail to earth is protected by a 1A fuse then the protective conducter is sized
to pass the following test, otherwise a great many PCB tracks that carry earth
within a small SMPSU would be disallowed.

If a series connected mains socket or device is protected by a (say) 5A fuse
the intermediate bonding conductors to the equipment mounted socket outlet
could be reduced in size accordingly. Fifteen years ago you couldn't do this,
but you can now.

This is the test for bonding conductors.
The test current,duration of the test and test results are as follows:
- if the current rating of the circuit under test is 16 A or less, the test
current is 1,5 times the
current rating of the circuit under test, the current is applied for 60 s and
the resistance of
the PROTECTIVE BONDING CONDUCTOR , calculated from the voltage drop,shall not
0,1 ?;

There are many cases where AS3100 or AS3108 say a specific thing cannot be done
but a more modern product specific standard may allow it, and AS/NZS3000 is no
longer a prescriptive standard with regard to anything on the equipment side of
the supply interface.

The damn standards change so often it costs us thousands of dollars a year to
keep up to date.
"David, the pedantic FUCKWIT one.
There is no rule in the safety or wiring standards that prevents you
doing so,

** Of course there is !!

A Class 2 appliance must not be earthed or it ceases to be one.

Definition and references below from AS/NZS60950-1, since I happen to be
it at the moment. Note the use of earthing is not prohibited, just that
safety strategy of the design must not rely on the protective earth.

** " No reliance " = NO connection to the AC supply earth system.


AS/NZ standards are for engineers and installers to heed.

The issue here relates to *ordinary consumers* !!!

Consumers are neither aware of nor need to follow published standards.

The law of **negligence** certainly applies to them though.

** You are just making this crazy drivel up.

The earthing requirements for a class 1 appliance relate to the copper
section of the earth wire used, ie must not be not less than 1 sq mm. (

1.0 sq mm for 10A cords up to 2 metres long and 1.5 sq mm for 10A cords
than 2 metres.

** Blah, blah, blah - same as I said.

Piss off - you damn IDIOT.

....... Phil
David, not to be confused with the other Davids. wrote:
are you aware of any triple-insulated foils?

I haven't seen any (yet) that aren't of wrapped and folded insulation lay-up.

The mandrel test for flexibility and adherence would pretty much exclude the
use of other than round cross-sections in order to pass the 6 kV dielectric
strength test (based on my experience to date, the edge of the foil would
damage the layer(s) of extruded or spiral wrpped insulation).

Now I have said this, I will probably see one tomorrow :)

High current devices using foil windings usually have very bulky concentric
windings, since the insulation layup for each layer is sometimes as thick or
thicker than the foil. Must be a right bugger to make them to even
semi-precise tolerances.
Hi David,

I have used pre-fabricated kapton-wrapped foils, with IIRC 25um of
Kapton. These were incompletely wrapped - the insulation came in some
6mm on either side, thereby accomplishing the necessary creepages. I
used TIW for the primary. AIUI the trick with mfg these foils is to
treat the edges.... on a similar note, I built a 120A forward converter
(I forget Vout) for electroplating at Uni, and made the foil myself -
with scissors. I wrapped it with fiberglass tape, and man did the shitty
edges cause me grief. I had no real idea of what I was doing though, and
it took a long time to realise the secondary was shorted, and why. yay
for CMC though; despite being hand built on veroboard, no fires.

good stuff on the standards. There's not much point replying to Phil,
he's wrong and being abusive because you proved it quite conclusively.

"Terry Given"


" David, the pedantic FUCKWIT one."

good stuff on the standards.

** Yawn - none of it had ANY relevance at all.

There's not much point replying to Phil, he's wrong and being abusive
because you proved it quite conclusively.


AS/NZ standards are ONLY for engineers, manufacturers and installers to
heed !!

The potential shock hazard issue with class 2 and class items mixed in a
home entertainment system is all about what *ordinary consumers* do - at
home !!

Ordinary consumers are NOT aware of nor need to consider published standards

The laws of **negligence** certainly applies to them though.

Shame they does not apply to ANONYMOUS idiots posting dangerous CRAPOLOGY !

......... Phil
"Terry Given" <my_name@ieee.org> wrote in message
Phil Allison wrote:
Of course hooking the jacket of your video out RCA connector to, say,
Phase would be a fairly dangerous thing to do, but then so is poking a
knife into a toaster while its operating.
Well, you'd think Toaster Boi would know about that one. :p
"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote in message
"David, the pedantic FUCKWIT one.
Shouldn't that read "David.......... won" ?

Phil lost....

There is no rule in the safety or wiring standards that prevents you
doing so,

** Of course there is !!

A Class 2 appliance must not be earthed or it ceases to be one.

Definition and references below from AS/NZS60950-1, since I happen to be
it at the moment. Note the use of earthing is not prohibited, just that
safety strategy of the design must not rely on the protective earth.

** " No reliance " = NO connection to the AC supply earth system.


AS/NZ standards are for engineers and installers to heed.

The issue here relates to *ordinary consumers* !!!

Consumers are neither aware of nor need to follow published standards.

The law of **negligence** certainly applies to them though.

** You are just making this crazy drivel up.

The earthing requirements for a class 1 appliance relate to the copper
section of the earth wire used, ie must not be not less than 1 sq mm.

1.0 sq mm for 10A cords up to 2 metres long and 1.5 sq mm for 10A cords
than 2 metres.

** Blah, blah, blah - same as I said.

Piss off - you damn IDIOT.

...... Phil
If anyone wants to avoid all the agro here you're welcome over on Oz
Hi-Fi & HT :-


..........a moderated forum that allows the posting of graphics, circuit
diagrams etc and avoids that flame wars that are destroying so many
If anyone wants to avoid all the agro here you're welcome over on Oz
Hi-Fi & HT :- http://forum.aushifi.com/

..........a moderated forum that allows the posting of graphics, circuit

diagrams etc and avoids that flame wars that are destroying so many

** Beware !!!!

The above halfwit is a female impersonator from northern Tasmania

Goes by the handle "Ayn Marx ".

Might as well be Groucho Marx !!!

If anyone wants to avoid all the agro here you're welcome over on Oz
Hi-Fi & HT :-

** ROTFL !!

A very recently set up chat room for fuckwit audiophools, moderated by
control freaks & psychopaths !!

Go for it dudes ......

........ Phil
An interesting news article maybe.

"The dark side of the blogosphere was revealed by a libel action brought by
Michael Keith-Smith, a former Conservative party member who stood for Ukip
in Portsmouth North at the last election. He said he was moved to sue after
a woman with whom he was debating the merits of military action in Iraq
began a campaign of name-calling that started by describing him as "lard
brain" and culminated in falsely labelling him a "Nazi", a "racist bigot"
and a "nonce"."


Yeah, I know kill-filing fixes most of the problem!
Nice try Toaster Boi, but your OT reply only goes to demonstrate just how
much you have managed to loose the plot.
Face it, you lost the debate entirely due to your incompetence and pig
headedness, so you feel your only recourse is to try to shift the spotlight
off of your pitifulness in a vain attempt of distraction. Too bad Toaster
Boi - you lost again. :)

"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote in message
"Alan Rutlidge" = The Rutmaniac Arse Bandit

See: http://www.advantra.net/contact_us.htm

The Rutmaniac Arse Bandit has **NEVER** told us how much money
that Thai pal he " imported " into Perth ripped off from his credit card
and bank accounts.

He has refused, over and over, to say why he never reported the crime his
Thai boy lover committed to his Bank or to the WA police.

** This post of his on " rec.travel asia " from Oct 11, 1997 explains the


" WARNING - Tourism dangers for Gay Tourists in Thailand

In my case I was coerced into sponsoring a Thai into Australia. I was
lead down the garden path into a false sense of security about my
relationship with this person. His aim was clearly to get me to purswade
the Australian Embassy to grant him a visa. Once here I didn't exist
he drained my bank account and ran my credit card into overdraft.

Alan Rutlidge (Perth Western Australia) "

----------------------------- ------------------------------------

** The 1997 date pretty much co-incidences with the enactment of
Section 50 BA of the Commonwealth Crimes Act.

This is the law that finally made engaging in or promoting under age
sex tourism a criminal offence - max penalty 17 years in jail.


The legal age of consent for gay males in WA in 1997 was 21 years old.

Come on - Arse Bandit - we all need to know if you were being


I do not care how many of your vile, criminal colleagues you organise
to intimidate me.

It only makes you look so very much WORSE !!!

........ Phil

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