The reality of driving an EV cross-country...

On 06/10/2022 08:52 AM, bitrex wrote:
On 6/9/2022 11:05 PM, rbowman wrote:
On 06/09/2022 02:36 AM, Don Y wrote:
On 6/8/2022 12:05 PM, Tom Del Rosso wrote:
bitrex wrote:

They took a modern fast-charging EV along a route that didn\'t have the
infrastructure to support it, and discover...there wasn\'t the
infrastructure to support it. News?

When everybody has an EV and there isn\'t enough grid power to charge
them will that be news to you?

I\'m sure glad there\'s never a shortage (real OR artificial) of petroleum
products (/cf/ Arab Oil Embargo) that might cause rationing or other
measures to control (limit) demand!

And on even days you can buy 5 gallons of gas... Been there, done
that, and lived through the inflation when Nixon\'s wage and price
controls unraveled. Jimmy really should have stuck to peanuts rather
than buying that pig in a poke.

Even Nixon was smart enough to initiate wage & price controls when he
figured inflation was getting bad enough to hurt his re-election
chances. \"Communist\" Biden doesn\'t seem interested, though.

\"In late July, 1971, Nixon reiterated his adamant opposition to wage and
price controls calling them a scheme to socialize America. Yet, less
than a month later, in a stunning reversal, he imposed the first and
only peacetime wage and price controls in U.S. history.\"

I guess it\'s true what they say, only Nixon could go to China.

Yeah, Nixon instituted wage and price controls and left the office in
disgrace. Jimmy Carter was the poor son of a bitch who got the blame
when Nixon\'s chickens came home to roost. There may be a lesson from
when Carter fired everybody and appointed Volcker. Inflation didn\'t go
away. Some would argue Reagan\'s voodoo economics saved the day and
Volcker was part of the problem; others argue Volcker saved Reagan
despite himself.

it is true Clueless Joe doesn\'t have a plan other than crossing his
fingers and blaming everyone but Joe Biden. Today\'s report wasn\'t promising.
On 6/10/2022 6:17 PM, rbowman wrote:
On 06/10/2022 08:45 AM, Don Y wrote:
On 6/10/2022 7:23 AM, rbowman wrote:
On 06/10/2022 07:48 AM, bitrex wrote:

The authors seem a bit more qualified than the person writing for the

Every car is the greatest thing since sliced bread. When advertising
revenues pay the light bill you\'re not going to piss in anybody\'s

One of the local rags publishes a \"Best of\" edition: \"Best taco shop\",
barber\", \"Best ...\". They make a big deal of it, encouraging the readers
to VOTE for *their* favorites in each of these categories.

Same here. About the only rag I trusted was Motorcycle Consumer News. They were
completely subscriber supported with no ads. The only possible leverage was
they couldn\'t afford to buy the motorcycles they tested so used the ones
provided to the press. That never seemed to hold them back from criticism.
Unfortunately they suddenly went out of business in 2020. After the January
issue they mailed the subscribers and said that was the last one. If you wanted
they would try to refund the unused subscription portion. If any of the writers
knew the ax was falling they gave no indication.

Apparently the ferret fanciers were sol too. I knew MCN was published by BowTie
Press and assumed BowTie referred to Chevrolet not a bow tie wearing pet lover
with some weird link to motorcycles.

There are thousands (?) of different magazines published (speaking just of the
US market). I suspect you could find one on any subject, regardless of how
exotic/narrow. Most of them are underwritten by ads. And, most of them are

The moral being to think thrice before accepting anything you read
(who\'s axe is being ground, here? how are they trying to manipulate my
opinions?) especially if it is remotely tied to merchandise of some type.

Money spent on ads is money NOT spent on product quality/innovation.
And, you (as potential customer) end u0p paying for those ads.
On 6/10/2022 5:57 PM, rbowman wrote:
On 06/10/2022 08:35 AM, Don Y wrote:
On 6/10/2022 7:20 AM, rbowman wrote:
On 06/10/2022 07:58 AM, Don Y wrote:

What portion of the population do you want to exclude from having the
ability to drive (to work, etc.)? The folks who clean pools, do
landscaping, work in restaurants, etc. tend to drive \"cheap\" cars,
likely because they can\'t afford (the payments!) on a $15K vehicle.

Considering the market for used tires and batteries I don\'t think the
pool cleaners have a lot of disposable income. Obama\'s Cash for
Clunkers drove up the price of used cars but no problem; it was for
the kids.

I suspect many \"middle class\" households are similarly pressed when
it comes to car payments. (The idea of buying a car \"on time\" is
anathema to me).

I think the last one I bought like that was an \'80 Camaro. $99 down and 0%
financing through GMAC. The price was right and it fleshed out my credit history.

It is amusing dealing with car salesmen. They\'re hard wired to discuss
financing and keep starting the spiel even after you\'ve told them you\'re going
to write a check.

It\'s gotta be a shitty way to make a living; (I guess ANY type of
salesman would fall in that category) knowing your goal is to try to screw
the customer out of as much money as possible.

We\'ve been looking at furniture for the past few days (SWMBO wants a new
chair \"to eat popcorn in\"). I\'m stunned when I hear the salesmen
bragging about having been at that job for 23 years, 15 years, etc.
Christ, you\'d think they\'d have grown tired of it 22 and 14 years

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