F Murtz
felix wrote:
That is part of if it works, the system has to be viable and reliable.
Probably the best renewable power system we have is hydro, but one of
the problems here is whether the greens manage to block dams because of
the lesser one eyed 3 legged newt or some such animal.
Only at considerable cost with your carbon tax, mining tax,extremely
high power costs
On Wednesday, 15 Feb 2017 12:35 PM, F Murtz wrote:
Trevor Wilson wrote:
On 14/02/2017 8:50 PM, F Murtz wrote:
Trevor Wilson wrote:
On 14/02/2017 12:24 PM, Xeno wrote:
On 14/02/2017 11:59 AM, Trevor Wilson wrote:
On 14/02/2017 11:53 AM, F Murtz wrote:
Clifford Heath wrote:
On 13/02/17 13:44, Je�us wrote:
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 12:09:38 +1100, Petzl <petzlx@gmail.com
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 11:24:48 +1100, JeĂus <j@j.net> wrote:
On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 10:00:01 +1100, Petzl <petzlx@gmail.com
Repairs to Basslink cable were happenining and the hydro dams
getting loow. But the survived
That Basslink cable is one of the dumbest ideas ever.
speaking, I'd like to see it chopped up into a thousand pieces
forgotten about. Tasmania would be, on the whole, far better
without it.
Well tasmania needs 100Mw generator without it.
Latest tech Wind Generation could do this?
Tasmania is perfectly capable of generating more power than it
with just hydro and wind alone,
That was true before they had a ten-year drought.
It was all the fault of the liberalsand AGW that the
liberals and
non greens caused
**Idiot. AGW has caused the drought in Tasmania. A fault in the
cable caused the other part of the problem. It could be said that,
perhaps, Tasmania should consider another back-up system, should
problems occur again.
Wind generators on the west coast would be the most likely source.
west coast is the most consistently windy part of the state due to
Roaring Forties which blast onto the coast there. I used to work
on the
west coast of Tasmania some 4 decades ago and the most consistent
features of life there was the incessant rain and the equally
wind. They measure rainfall over there in metres.
**That would be unacceptable to Murtz. He has a pathological and
irrational hatred of any form of renewable energy system.
More Unprovable crap from the omniscient Trevor I have never said any
such thing.
**Lying cunt. Many times over many threads, you have expressed your
hatred of the Greens and renewable energy. You have consistently
expressed your banal view that coal and nukes are fine and that AGW does
not exist. You seem to forget that the crap you write is available for
all to see.
Just put up your evidence that I hate renewable energy then we will
see who is the lying c***
Renewable energy is good if it works,
but what about the cost
That is part of if it works, the system has to be viable and reliable.
Probably the best renewable power system we have is hydro, but one of
the problems here is whether the greens manage to block dams because of
the lesser one eyed 3 legged newt or some such animal.
my problem is with it when it is a waste of time or does not work
efficiently,Coal is fine as a stop gap till the bugs are worked out in
I have a view that reliance on renewables to the exclusion of
any other methods when it is obvious that the current state of
energy generation is not enough except in some rare situations is
**Only because your kind continues to to support coal-fired power.
Australia could easily transition to fully renewable energy within a
couple of decades.
Only at considerable cost with your carbon tax, mining tax,extremely
high power costs
Renewable energy generation is definitely something to aim for but I
pointing out where it is not working because it is not up to the point
yet and needs not so green assistance till such time,which SA has not
allowed for.
**And again: The SA problems began when YOUR mates in the Lieberal Party
of SA sold off electricity assets to private industry. Do you understand
and acknowledge that?
I will acknowledge that the power has been sold off everywhere bit by
bit when I would rather it not