Trevor Wilson
On 11/02/2017 12:49 PM, F Murtz wrote:
**I was referring to the unreliable part.
Trevor Wilson
Trevor Wilson wrote:
On 10/02/2017 7:44 PM, F Murtz wrote:
Je�us wrote:
On Fri, 10 Feb 2017 17:23:24 +1100, F Murtz <haggisz@hotmail.com
Je?us wrote:
On Fri, 10 Feb 2017 14:57:51 +1100, F Murtz <haggisz@hotmail.com
Je?us wrote:
On Thu, 9 Feb 2017 21:52:04 +1100, F Murtz <haggisz@hotmail.com
This SA green power supply works well does not it?
Where does the 'SA Greenies' or 'green' fit into the picture?
The greenies have made a system that relies on wind power etc, have
down a coal fired generator and rely on other states for backup
and if
the wind does not blow or they have a storm that damages things
setup does not work well.
So, who are these 'greenies' you speak of?
The south Australian government is inclined to greenie views and is
attempting to run their power supply along green lines and it is not
working so far.
You sure they're not commies too?
No, just inclined to green views,so far it has cost SA the most
expensive and unreliable power system in Aus .
**Far from it. That honour belongs to Tasmania.
Tasmania is not the most expensive SA is
**I was referring to the unreliable part.
Trevor Wilson