F Murtz
I have just recieved an email from bigpond giving detailed instructions
on how to connect to bigpond ng so it appears that the stories on its
demise are exagerated. I would post the email but it has an instruction
not to repost.
I still can not recieve it but that is probably a problem between
seamonkey, my modem and bigpond server,I think it needs my password but
I can not figure a way to make it ask for it.
on how to connect to bigpond ng so it appears that the stories on its
demise are exagerated. I would post the email but it has an instruction
not to repost.
I still can not recieve it but that is probably a problem between
seamonkey, my modem and bigpond server,I think it needs my password but
I can not figure a way to make it ask for it.