PRC as a amplifier in GPS question.

"Joe Peterson" <> writes:

This is 'old fashioned' technology
So is 25 KV AC electrification these days. It's interesting to read some
anecdotal notes coming out of the PPP train section in RailCorp which
suggests they're considering abandoning the use of AC traction simply
because the size/weight of the inverter packs needed but I suspect it's just
an initial engineering assessment and not a final concept that's been
utilised in the design that was presented to tenderers before the contract
for the first half of the PPP project was awarded to EDI.

Hopefully there will be plenty more info about how the design for the trains
progresses as time goes on.


Craig Dewick - HO-Scale Railway Modeller and Professional Train Manager -- Galleries, Forums, Links, Data, etc.! Email me at -- RailCorp Train Crew Council:
Oz Rail Safety List:
On Tue, 02 Jan 2007 06:30:25 +0000, C.Dewick wrote:

"Joe Peterson" <> writes:

It's interesting to read some
anecdotal notes coming out of the PPP train section in RailCorp which
suggests they're considering abandoning the use of AC traction simply
because the size/weight of the inverter packs needed
Which is the most stupid comment i've seen for a long time. The modern
VVVF inverter packs are now so small and light that the building of small
profile metro train sets with a single motored axle on EACH CAR is
feasible. And it's not just the inverter packs, the actual 3 phase
induction motors used are significantly lighter than series-wound DC
motors for the same power output.

The French and Italian double deck EMU's unlike ours, have a large
equipment rooms behind the driver that has much of the electrical
equipment, there is basically no vestibule behind the driver. The latest
designs using VVVF drives have done away with this room as the modern
equipment takes up less space and they can now fit it in the small roof

Hopefully there will be plenty more info about how the design for the
trains progresses as time goes on.
If the above comment is any example of the process, we're doomed. :)
snipped worthless rant

and of course any comment is likely to drag along some name calling of
the maggots & blow flies levels !

However these Antipodeans Australian typical Turdcads are most
interesting to observe in their reactions to something completely
unexpected & unknown to them, which is a complete lack of interest for
their rants and furies !

I am not amused at all !

Simply pathetic & pitiful, and a clear indication of the myxoedemateux
syndrome, or in other word water in the brain ! A not so painful
condition in the early stage, but still very unbearable for close
relations of the patient ! Most probably induced by over drinking and
uncontrolled use of psychedelic drugs.

With kindest regards to all down there

Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
Exploration Geologist & Offshore Consultant
Mobile +33 650 171 464

Australia Mining Pioneer
Founder of the True Geology
kind forward from another thread in reply to some anonymous antipodean
turdcad named Sunny

Sunny, Anglesea' dog and ASIO's mole is losing his nerve becoming
completely abusive ... and losing control of himself and probably of
his sphincters as well !

The degenerate turdcad & filthy toad of Sunny is so taken aback by the
realisation of Sir Turcaud's promise regarding the Divine Drudging
Drought that the Anglesea 's pet is losing both apetite & sleep in
considering not only the DDD direct impact but as well the immense
colateral damages induced. ... also of course the superior alofness of
such Hereditary Knight, completely impervious indeed to the animal 's
barking, has for result to make it mad & foaming at the mouth (
besides doing in his pants as said due to nervous uncontrolled rage at
being flogged so effectively )

Does anyone by the way got any idea regarding what the DDD real cost to
Australia ... my estimate is approx 100 billions a year from the time I
required it after the publication of the Golden Rule by Australian
Prospectors Union ' President. Further still, thanks to the Mining
Criminals backed by notorious Political Criminals & the Australian
Convict Rabble at large ( definitive turdcads indeed ) defiance of Our
Celtic God Chastiment for their Collective Crimes, the DDD will be
reported sine die and at least right up the end of 2007 ! ... unless of
course of a change of heart of the Antipodean turdcads aka toads !

Anyway, not to worry indeed, the DDD will go ahead as planned and today
I have requested 60°C from the Sun control tower ( to top the previous
the 50°C or 120°F required previously ) to make sure the air
conditionners in the toadland become unable to cope ... and all hence
even in caves get the 120°C which is so good to make people ponder
deeply about their Collective Crimes & the definitive fact that Crime
doss not pay !

Also the positive side of it all is that my astonishing discoveries
regarding immediate relief in brain tumour case in matter of hours and
total cure of any cancer in 5 days flat will not published for the
world to benefit from it ( as well applying to AIDS, m..sclerosis,
Pott, Parkinson, Bright, etc diseases ! It is important indeed that
such terrific invention of a superior mind never reach australia to
benefit the turdcad Toads, since as all well know ther would not be a
single word of thanks in return, so pernicious & downright vicious the
Antipodeans toads aka turdcads are. The Australian turdcads are indeed
noted for their complete lack of moral standards and hence of any
gratitude nor ability of recognition of the good made to them !!!! SAD

With my kindest regards to the superior people of the Holy Land of
Scotland as well as to my New Zealand friends
( I will never forget indeed that my Commercial pilot instructor was
New Zealand greatest & finest flier Mr Beauchamp-Legg to name that
great man )

Note by the way here and by order it's raining everyday ... and exactly
the right amount and in proper manner i.e. in light sustained showers
lasting no more than 2 hour at the time, so I can get out without
getting wet. Honour to Our Almighty Celtic God

Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
Exploration Geologist & Offshore Consultant
Mobile +33 650 171 464

Australia Mining Pioneer
Founder of the True Geology
Big LN a écrit :
G'day Sir Jean Paul.
I read your link
and I was inspired. I thought "here's a story I can turn into film". A
story about
a strapping young man, fresh out of the French Foreign Legion, who
went walkabout
in the big Aussie outback, found a rich mineral deposit, and was
scewed over by
the big boys. I thought 'throw in a love interest' and the underlying
nature of underdodg
versus power would have EVERY Aussie on YOUR side. I've subsequently
read a few
more of your posts and thoguht " What the fuck? Is this guy a retard
?" What concerns
me is not your Harold Holt theories (I grew up within cooee of Cheviot
Beach and think,
yeah, something sus may have happened there). No mate, it's a post I
read about Byant
that concerns me. Having met that retard in a pub in Melbourne about
15 -20years ago, I'll
never forget his eyes. Looked like a he was on something but he was
"normal". His eyes
were glazed and I had to call over my 6 foot 4 mate to get rid of him.
A few years later
when I saw his mong head in the press I was fuckin' disgusted. The
same beady
eyes. I admit I have't read why you think he was framed and I never
will. That
prick was a loony and knowing people affected by that massacre I have
no time
for the retard or any theories saying he was framed. That said, I
still think there's a
film to be made about your life in the Pillbara. There's just one
problem. I make films
about actual events. (Yes, this is not my real name. In IMDB you'll be
turning pages).
What I mean, dude, is that my films are marked "True Story" not "Based
on actual
events" (which means 'made-up'). So my point is, Sir Jean, I deal in
facts. And your
posts about Australia's drought, Bryant etc. would not sit well with
the public if I were
to make a true and accurate film about you. However, there is a way we
can proceed,
If you were able to demostrate to me that you were of sound mind
(let's say your
newsgroup postings over the next few years were that of a sane man.
Humble and non
retardent) then I could make a film about you (and the underdog theme
would propel
you to greater heights than any Royal Commission). So here's the deal
Sir Jean.
Post like a humble man. Stop supporting criminals. Basically become a
good dude.
I'm an ill man at present getting treatment overseas. But if I'm not
around, I've left
instructions about "our" film and also to only proceed if you tame it
dowm a bit (a lot
actually). So the choice is yours. A film about your life (we'll
obviusly have a bit in there
that says '10 years later' to bypass your Usenet ravings) or continue
to be a bitter and
twisted individual that no-one gives a shit about. Not really a hard
choice. eh? OK
dude, let's just see how your posts flow from this point forward then
we'll talk more
when the time is right. Take care, Sir Jean.



My reply concerining your film offer at the end of this note

kind forward of reply to Lady Carole of Australia as seen in another
************************************************************************************* a écrit :

You missed one Sunny ... its "phoneys" not "foneys".

Well done, dear Lady Carole !

Anglesea's dog, Sunny does not even know to spell his own language.
The beastly thing does not further the difference between lies & truth
since Anglesea, his clueless master, does not know it either.

Regarding the dudes' claims regarding what they know of my Great Sandy
Desert different mineral deposits discoveries, the Telfer now deposits
was rightly seen by myself as Primary Gossans deposits of the Mount Isa
type with then copper & gold occurrences ... extending at the time over
2400 square km, and in relation indeed with the other two major
deposits found in the GSD which were Nifty (Cu) & Kintyre (U)
The greatest Mining companies of the time were contacted by myself on a
trust basis to assay and then take option on the show and in that order
Newmont, De Beers / Anglo American and BHP/ WMC. I took two parties to
the GSD with enough to peg 100 claims, but for those Mining Criminals
with my 1% free carried interest I was the figure which was out of
place in their equations ! Indeed as I learnt it years later Newmont
(Newcrest now ) WMC ( BHP now) and Anglo American (De Beers) were in a
joint Kalgoorlie venture !

I collected by working from day to dawn alone in the GSD over some 12
000 square miles some 200 pounds of Gossans samples from the main
deposits to those Mining Criminals for appraisal and my offer in trust
of 1st option then. Anglo brought back about 600 kg in some 10 000
samples ( the Anglo party was 7 geologists & Corporate Mining
Prospector strong indeed + my goodself ) as for the WMC party which on
top of it discovered Nifty ( I can vouch for that since I lead them by
the hand to do so ) they brought back approx 400 kg back to
Kalgoorlie. So about one ton of Gossans were to be appraised by the
Mining Criminals joint venture top petrologist Dr John Borner of
Kalgoorlie who indeed "discovered" in my samples the occurrence of
great amount of microscopic gold. Hence all the claims following since
indeed a justification was to be found for the huge GSD find and
Thomson, Searls, Koehn, Borner and finally Dr Turd Tyrwhitt, general
Manager of Newmont assumed that honour in turn !!! + all the prestige,
money going along with it and upon which Turd Tyrwhitt built all his
career as most fine Mining Hero of Australia ! Of course the Political
manure of the West Australia Parliament were aware of the Wheeling &
Dealings all that time but were watered underneath at the tune of
Millions by the Mining Criminals . Look at Mansaros, Court, Lawrence,
Gallop and Carpenter's origin of fortune and you find easily the common

Note Dr Atkinson of CRA found their Uranium & Thorium deposit for
sure, when I pointed it precisely on a map of the Rudall

I believe the fine book of President Sheppard of the Australian
Prospectors Union give the details of the rest. A book incidentally
which I have not read and I will never read indeed since it would again
break my heart, and for which I wave all interest back to brave
President Sheppard ) It went like that, the Mining Criminals engaged
two other rotten like them Mining Companies Narla & Day Dawn as
smokescreen to go and peg claims on the major Telfer Mine deposit which
later Newmont lodge through a bogus deal paying 15 000 $ while Narla
report indicates 800 000 $ spent on exploring the Telfer show.... then
Narla & Day Dawn directors scuttled their companies making of the
Mining Criminals the legal owners of 2400 square miles large Telfer
Mine show and believed then the filthy Sons of Bitch & Mining Criminals
indeed they would get away with it !

This was without counting on the Superior Intelligence and Stamina of
someone who could in the searing heat of the Great Sandy Desert loaded
at time like a mule cover 80 km of ground. I pierce the whole Mining
Criminals 's intents and finally brought all the elements of the puzzle
together and at this point in time got the unexpected support of former
Narla Corporate Prospector Bert Rutherford who gave me the original
Koehn report, and also got the support of the Hon Tom T.D Evans
Kalgoorlie MP & shadow Attorney General who thanks to his private
connections to the CIB learn of the 2 millions ( now it would amount to
20 millions ) paid underhand to the Narla & Day Dawn directors to
scuttle their own companies and defraud their own shareholders ! ...
then all those interventions in the WA Parliament and the consecutive
demand for a ROYAL INQUIRY from the Court Dynasty of Corruption and
the following pledge by the ALP that such Royal Inquiry would be
conducted as soon as they be returned to power !
You know the rest !

Of course what I got in return for providing such immense richness to
such intense depraved & debased country Australia was NOT A CENT AND
NOT A THANKS at all but on the contrary insults, innuendos, rebuff etc
BUT nothing at all can break the will of an Australia Mining Pioneer of
my class indeed !

At this point in time I want nothing but only your country to pay for
his Collective Crimes Since the 1 000 Billions Great Sandy Desert
Swindle is not an isolated case indeed ! You have the Prime Minister
Harold Holt 's Murder to atone for, as well as the Port Arthur
Holocaust or mass murder of 35 & maiming of a 100 more by the very
Government in charge of Australia & Tasmanian affairs now + of course
the condemnation of any innocent man Martin Bryant to life sentence !


Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
Exploration Geologist & Offshore Consultant
Mobile +33 650 171 464

Australia Mining Pioneer
Founder of the True Geology

I am not interested in any deal at all with Australians & I am unable
further to meet any
jpturcaud wrote:
Big LN a écrit :
G'day Sir Jean Paul.

I read your link> I am not interested in any deal at all with Australians & I am unable
further to meet any

No wonder French academia described you as "a sad embarrassment to all
of France
The positive thing of it besides the Rooney Show which has been found
only twice up to now & not again by the antipodean turdcads* &
australian toads indeed are those other discoveries of mine like that
famous cure of brain tumour in 5 days with disappearance of symptoms &
pains within a few hours ... Of course it works as well with all Cancer
& AIDS and all those of good cash funds of the Deezeeze Industry( DI )
! The original sender of that post, as you will note, is going overseas
to get some magical cure in the hand of other like australian quacks
and we know that in australia recently some genius ( in fact one of the
valets of the DI ) invented some Cancer Vak-Sign ... a chap named
Professor Parker if I remember correctly that worlthless information
appearing in The AUSTRALIAN recently, and of which the australian
turdcads at large and especially the australian Mass Merdias are so
proud !

"Take Cancer Vak-Sign With Confidence" from the good Doktorzzz , you
the Sci000ce trusting fools ... as for me, I keep my amazing discovery
to the grave, since nothing would worse that to know that your kind is
benefiting again from my dedication to understand, and particular way
of piercing the foundations of our world & the synthesis relation of
all things ! Indeed if such was outed anywhere in the world, it would
find its way very quickly to benefit antipodean those Mining,
Political + their likewise devoted supporters, as well as the
employees, heirs & descent of such !!!!
... and of course in application of the australian 1st law of
thermodynamic i.e. GRAB & RUN, there would NOT be in return THE LEAST
manifestation of gratitude nor recognition !!! SUCH AUSTRALIAN FILTH IS

By the way Dr Turd Tyrwhitt should have picked it up the 3 other shows
beside Telfer by simply peering out of his great discovery plane and so
MSc Fart Thomson thanks to his 'hunch' ( so easy to do) and indeed all
the other Great Sandy Desert Mining Heroes of all that antipodean
convict rabble at large .... indeed should have done so as the others
5 Official Mining Pioneers of the WA Whorehouse ( Searls, Koehn,
Borner,Barr & Atkinson) !!! As it is they found only what was brought
precisely to them filth by Sir Turcaud, and only that ! i.e clearly
only one show at the time!

I am led to believe that the Mining Criminals of Newmont , Newcrest &
BHP, as well as their Political backers of the WA Parliament ( aka
Whorehouse indeed ) have waved aside for the moment their original
intent to build the 7 statues on the tradition initiated for Hannans in
Kalgoorlie ! I am so sad about zat ! .... anyway this goes to show
again the extent of the gratitude & recognition of those Antipodeans
turdcads & toads for their Official and over one full generation
cherished Mining Heroes ! What a lot of awful mean cunts are those
debased & degenerate morons of australians indeed , unable to throw
around some of their worthless honourzzz & medals of alleged merit to
those begging gogologist frauds & lying-thieves !

Fucken Hell what wrong with that Criminal antipodean rabble unable
indeed to valorise the best liars & thieves amongst themselves, to set
such as marvellous models to follow for the new rising criminals
generation ! I am truly taken aback by such demonstration of evident
immorality from the australia greedy beasts of prey and indeed piss
boozers & carrion feeders to boost !!! Of course the medal of merit
have a price and so have the statues !

..... any objection from the West Australia & Federal Whorehouse or from
the Mining Criminals or from the Antipodean Convict Rabble !!!! Please
let me know either way !

On a brighter note, I am pleased to observe the wonderful progress of
the Divine Drudging Drought, and the stern application then of Our
Almighty & Beloved Celtic God 's strict & just enforcement of the
Eternal Laws of Justice visiting the Crimes to the 3rd generation and
punishing Collective Crimes by the most appropriate Collective
Chastiments Honour to Our Celtic God

With kind but sorry regards

Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
Exploration Geologist & Offshore Consultant
Mobile +33 650 171 464

Australia Mining Pioneer
Founder of the True Geology
On Jan 18, 7:29 am, "Rudolf" <> wrote:
I was talking to some chinese people and theye all were saying that stuff
made in China for China is pretty good quality, comparing to exports. Why?
Apparently, because consumers all over the world demand "cheap stuff", not
"quality stuff".

An interesting experience I had some time back -- I needed a small
philips-head scredriver. I used to do a lot of video cameras and those "made
in china" scredrivers that you can buy everywhere for a few dollars did not
last more than 1-2 cameras. So, I wanted to get a good quality one and was
prepared to pay for it. I COULD NOT FIND one that was not made in China!!!

It tok me about 2 weeks to find a supplier here who had German made ones.
Cost me about $15 for a single scredriver and I still use it.

Snap-on tools, have excellent screwdrivers (they mostly service motor
mechanics, and make weekly visits to them in most areas) and all the
other tools of theirs I have used are first-rate, but be prepared to
pay the big $$$ for them !

Haymans and farnell also stock pretty good screwdrivers too.

Whats does it tell me? It is the consumers who drive the quality down.

Yo can buy a TV now for $199. After warranty is gne, it will be thrown away
and then what? You will go and get another one for $199. Why not to spend
$400 in the first place and get a unit that will last for years?

Just my 2.2c, (inc. 10% GST)
"PeterD" <> wrote in message
On Tue, 06 Feb 2007 23:20:28 +1100, lynx <> wrote:

Any comment appreciated re this subject.

I contacted Uniden, one of the largest manufacturers of DECT cordless
phones, and they informed me that the output of their phones is
typically 80mw, which they consider to be quite safe. Interestingly
cordless phone manufacturers do not state the output of their phones in
the specifications.

... snip...

Stowe School, the Buckinghamshire public school, also removed part of
its wireless network after a teacher became ill. Michael Bevington, a
classics teacher for 28 years at the school, said that he had such a
violent reaction to the network that he was too ill to teach.

"I felt a steadily widening range of unpleasant effects whenever I was
in the classroom," he said. "First came a thick headache, then pains
throughout the body, sudden flushes, pressure behind the eyes, sudden
skin pains and burning sensations, along with bouts of nausea. Over the
weekend, away from the classroom, I felt completely normal."

quoted from:


see also:

Those two non-scientific references tell the story--there is (AFAIK)
no evidence that this is a problem. As to the 'teacher' story, it's
easy to see what the *real* story is... <g> A teaching 'classics' for
28 years you have to believe he's a very computer oriented person who
wanted computers in his classroom! (NOT!)
Here's a test to show how insignificant the radiation from a DECT or even
cell phone can be.

Get a large bowl of cold spaghetti (about the size of a human brain) and
whack it in the microwave oven for 5 minutes at high power.

Once done, dig into the middle of the spaghetti and you will find it is
cold, or at least much colder than the surrrounding spag.

That spaghetti has been bombarded by 850 watts of 2.4GHz RF and it still
didn't penetrate 7 or 8 centimeters deep into the spaghetti.

Now you can do the calculation to work out how much 1 watt, that's 1/850th
of the microwave power, will penetrate into the human brain with an 8mm
thick skull covering the grey matter.

HeadRush wrote:

"PeterD" <> wrote in message

On Tue, 06 Feb 2007 23:20:28 +1100, lynx <> wrote:

Any comment appreciated re this subject.

I contacted Uniden, one of the largest manufacturers of DECT cordless
phones, and they informed me that the output of their phones is
typically 80mw, which they consider to be quite safe. Interestingly
cordless phone manufacturers do not state the output of their phones in
the specifications.

... snip...

Stowe School, the Buckinghamshire public school, also removed part of
its wireless network after a teacher became ill. Michael Bevington, a
classics teacher for 28 years at the school, said that he had such a
violent reaction to the network that he was too ill to teach.

"I felt a steadily widening range of unpleasant effects whenever I was
in the classroom," he said. "First came a thick headache, then pains
throughout the body, sudden flushes, pressure behind the eyes, sudden
skin pains and burning sensations, along with bouts of nausea. Over the
weekend, away from the classroom, I felt completely normal."

quoted from:


see also:

Those two non-scientific references tell the story--there is (AFAIK)
no evidence that this is a problem. As to the 'teacher' story, it's
easy to see what the *real* story is... <g> A teaching 'classics' for
28 years you have to believe he's a very computer oriented person who
wanted computers in his classroom! (NOT!)

Here's a test to show how insignificant the radiation from a DECT or even
cell phone can be.

Get a large bowl of cold spaghetti (about the size of a human brain) and
whack it in the microwave oven for 5 minutes at high power.

Once done, dig into the middle of the spaghetti and you will find it is
cold, or at least much colder than the surrrounding spag.

That spaghetti has been bombarded by 850 watts of 2.4GHz RF and it still
didn't penetrate 7 or 8 centimeters deep into the spaghetti.

Now you can do the calculation to work out how much 1 watt, that's 1/850th
of the microwave power, will penetrate into the human brain with an 8mm
thick skull covering the grey matter.

Does it actually need to penetrate the skull to do harm, or just the
skin? But there was a case in the US where a woman real estate agent who
used her mobile continually for her job developed a brain tumour, and
sued Motorola. In the court case evidence was presented that the site of
the tumour was directly opposite where the phone antenna was positioned
when using it. And the other aspect of course is that phones (especially
mobiles) are used frequently and repetitiously, and the experts are
suggesting that it may take in excess of a decade for any effects to
begin to appear.



'It's called PMT because 'mad cow disease' is already taken'
I was a great sceptic about RF impacts at very low power levels until
I discovered a report commissioned by the UK National Radiation
Protection Board in 1999, which resulted in a substantial review of
the scientific literature in this area. The interest at that time was
mobile phones, not DECT phones.

The full report is available here: This
appears to be a very well researched and credible report.

The finding is that there are no established harmful effects at this
point, but there are biological effects of RF at low levels, well
below those causing heating, that may have unknown effects. A
precautionary approach was recommended regarding exposure standards.

Here are a few snippets from the report:

"CONCLUSION There is evidence that RF fields can affect membrane
proteins and can change
the movement of ions across membranes. Some of these effects seem to
occur in cells only at
temperatures well below normal body temperature or with RF intensities
that cause significant
heating. However, some evidence suggests that RF radiation at levels
produced by mobile phones
might influence ion channels and other membrane proteins of neurons in
the brain under normal
conditions. This might cause subtle changes in cell function, but the
significance of such effects
for human health is uncertain. Moreover, these effects have not been
independently confirmed,
which is important given the frequent lack of reproducibility of RF
biological effects."

"CONCLUSION Although the weight of evidence suggests that RF exposure
at average levels, too
low to cause significant heating, does increase the release of calcium
from brain tissue, there are
contradictory results. The suggestion that these effects occur
specifically with fields that are
amplitude modulated at extremely low frequencies is intriguing but
difficult to interpret. Further,
this finding is of no obvious relevance to mobile phone technology,
where the amplitude
modulation within the critical frequency band is very small (see
paragraph 4.13). If such effects
occur as a result of exposure to mobile phones, their implications for
cell function are unclear
and no obvious health risk has been suggested. Nevertheless, as a
precautionary measure,
amplitude modulation around 16 Hz should be avoided, if possible, in
future developments in
signal coding."

It still seems unlikely that mobile phones are going to have health
effects, but the finding of biological effects at low RF levels leaves
a residual concern.

Happy reading.

"lynx" <> wrote in message
HeadRush wrote:

"PeterD" <> wrote in message

On Tue, 06 Feb 2007 23:20:28 +1100, lynx <> wrote:

Any comment appreciated re this subject.

I contacted Uniden, one of the largest manufacturers of DECT cordless
phones, and they informed me that the output of their phones is
typically 80mw, which they consider to be quite safe. Interestingly
cordless phone manufacturers do not state the output of their phones in
the specifications.

... snip...

Stowe School, the Buckinghamshire public school, also removed part of
its wireless network after a teacher became ill. Michael Bevington, a
classics teacher for 28 years at the school, said that he had such a
violent reaction to the network that he was too ill to teach.

"I felt a steadily widening range of unpleasant effects whenever I was
in the classroom," he said. "First came a thick headache, then pains
throughout the body, sudden flushes, pressure behind the eyes, sudden
skin pains and burning sensations, along with bouts of nausea. Over the
weekend, away from the classroom, I felt completely normal."

quoted from:


see also:

Those two non-scientific references tell the story--there is (AFAIK)
no evidence that this is a problem. As to the 'teacher' story, it's
easy to see what the *real* story is... <g> A teaching 'classics' for
28 years you have to believe he's a very computer oriented person who
wanted computers in his classroom! (NOT!)

Here's a test to show how insignificant the radiation from a DECT or even
cell phone can be.

Get a large bowl of cold spaghetti (about the size of a human brain) and
whack it in the microwave oven for 5 minutes at high power.

Once done, dig into the middle of the spaghetti and you will find it is
cold, or at least much colder than the surrrounding spag.

That spaghetti has been bombarded by 850 watts of 2.4GHz RF and it still
didn't penetrate 7 or 8 centimeters deep into the spaghetti.

Now you can do the calculation to work out how much 1 watt, that's
of the microwave power, will penetrate into the human brain with an 8mm
thick skull covering the grey matter.


Does it actually need to penetrate the skull to do harm, or just the skin?
Take it this way, for the RF to penetrate the skull, you would feel heat
first. Microwave RF does not discriminate between brain cells and skin
cells. It hits the skin cells first. The molecules of water and fat in those
cells will absorb the alternating radio waves and heat up. For the
microwaves to penetrate your skull, the RF energy would have to be at such a
level that you would feel pain first. If you are feeling pain or any other
symptoms when using a cordless phone, I would say it is a psychosomatic
response to your concerns.

But there was a case in the US where a woman real estate agent who used
her mobile continually for her job developed a brain tumour, and sued
Motorola. In the court case evidence was presented that the site of the
tumour was directly opposite where the phone antenna was positioned when
using it. And the other aspect of course is that phones (especially
mobiles) are used frequently and repetitiously, and the experts are
suggesting that it may take in excess of a decade for any effects to begin
to appear.
Microwave RF is basically light - it's either on or off, so it can't have a
cumulative affect. Can you provide a link to the case above case. If it
happened in the US, I would treat it with a bit of suspicion.

FYI, I have been using handheld cell phones since 1989, bought the first
PAMTS Walkabout MK2 hand held and have used various handheld units since. I
make lengthy phone calls with the phone to my ear. I don't seem to have any
side effects and rarely get head aches.

lynx <> wrote:
HeadRush wrote:

"PeterD" <> wrote in message

On Tue, 06 Feb 2007 23:20:28 +1100, lynx <> wrote:

Any comment appreciated re this subject.

I contacted Uniden, one of the largest manufacturers of DECT
cordless phones, and they informed me that the output of their
phones is typically 80mw, which they consider to be quite safe.
Interestingly cordless phone manufacturers do not state the output
of their phones in the specifications.

... snip...

Stowe School, the Buckinghamshire public school, also removed part
of its wireless network after a teacher became ill. Michael
Bevington, a classics teacher for 28 years at the school, said
that he had such a violent reaction to the network that he was too
ill to teach. "I felt a steadily widening range of unpleasant effects whenever I
was in the classroom," he said. "First came a thick headache, then
pains throughout the body, sudden flushes, pressure behind the
eyes, sudden skin pains and burning sensations, along with bouts
of nausea. Over the weekend, away from the classroom, I felt
completely normal." quoted from:


see also:

Those two non-scientific references tell the story--there is (AFAIK)
no evidence that this is a problem. As to the 'teacher' story, it's
easy to see what the *real* story is... <g> A teaching 'classics'
for 28 years you have to believe he's a very computer oriented
person who wanted computers in his classroom! (NOT!)

Here's a test to show how insignificant the radiation from a DECT or
even cell phone can be.

Get a large bowl of cold spaghetti (about the size of a human brain)
and whack it in the microwave oven for 5 minutes at high power.

Once done, dig into the middle of the spaghetti and you will find it
is cold, or at least much colder than the surrrounding spag.

That spaghetti has been bombarded by 850 watts of 2.4GHz RF and it
still didn't penetrate 7 or 8 centimeters deep into the spaghetti.

Now you can do the calculation to work out how much 1 watt, that's
1/850th of the microwave power, will penetrate into the human brain
with an 8mm thick skull covering the grey matter.

Does it actually need to penetrate the skull to do harm, or just the skin?
Even someone as stupid as you should have noticed that headaches aint skin aches.

But there was a case in the US where a woman real estate agent
who used her mobile continually for her job developed a brain tumour,
And plenty got brain tumours before mobiles were even invented.

and sued Motorola. In the court case evidence was presented that the site of the tumour was
directly opposite where the phone antenna was positioned when using it.
Yawn. There's always going to be some brain tumours in any particular area.

And the other aspect of course is that phones (especially mobiles) are used frequently and
repetitiously, and the experts are suggesting that it may take in excess of a decade for any
effects to begin to appear.
How odd that we havent seen an increase in the brain tumour
rate even tho mobiles have been used for longer than that.
"Michael" <> wrote in message
has been. When switching it off, the headache effect and light
diminishes almost immediately. (There are other effects that

Rubbish, its just your psychologic condition
In your "well researched" opinion.
Fact is that WDECT phones operate at much the same frequency as microwave
ovens, and DO emit radiation an inch or two from the brain.
I for one get headaches when I use one for more than a few minutes, but
unfortunately they don't stop when I switch it off. However I'm sure not
everyone is necessarily affected in the same way. I do doubt there is any
problem just having one on standby in the same room though.

"PeterD" <> wrote in message
No, it's likely people believing things that are not based on any
evidence what so ever.
Yes, just like asbestos, everything is safe until proven otherwise?
Shame about the people who die in the meantime I guess.
Brain tumours do seem to be on the increase though, we just don't have a
*proven* cause yet.

"PeterD" <> wrote in message
I'm surprised that no one caught on the OP's comment that with the
phone near his head he felt considerable RF heating! There is a simple
matter of physics involved--you can't get more energy out than you put
in. The amount of power to 'heat his head' to the extent he indicates
(causing physical discomfort and a three day headache) would require
many watts of power, perhaps 50 to 100 watts (realize that over 50%
would be lost since it is radiated omnidirectionally.)
To totally fry his brain maybe.
(I guess yours is just not very sensitive. :)

"HeadRush" <( . )( . )@(_!_).com> wrote in message
Take it this way, for the RF to penetrate the skull, you would feel heat
first. Microwave RF does not discriminate between brain cells and skin
cells. It hits the skin cells first. The molecules of water and fat in
cells will absorb the alternating radio waves and heat up. For the
microwaves to penetrate your skull, the RF energy would have to be at such
level that you would feel pain first.
You are assuming *your* brain is no more sensitive than your skin.
That may not be the case for others.

Besides, your brain has a much higher moisture content than your skin, or

"Trevor Wilson" <> wrote in message
**Two anecdotal stories do not constitute a properly designed study.
Very true, we had to wait decades for proof of asbestosis etc.

I sure
hope you don't use a cellular 'phone. Their power output can be
higher than any DECT 'phone.
Obviously you don't realise the significance of the frequencies used in each


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