PRC as a amplifier in GPS question.

"Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud" <> wrote in message
... in despite of it all, I am trying to save 500 000 of you Bastards
certain death !




So after the 28th when nothing happens,
Will you Fuck off and stop posting your crap around these Groups?
"Allan" <> wrote in message
"Mme Jean Turd" <> wrote the usual shite

So after the 28th when nothing happens,
Will you Fuck off and stop posting your crap around these Groups?

Sadly, no. He'll tell us he spared us for some unexplained reason, and
therefore we have one last chance. Until the medication wears low again,
then he's off and running.

.... but just remain where you are as you wish, and know that all good
people are already leaving.

Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
True Geologist
Founder of the True Geology

Australia Mining Pioneer
Discoverer and Legal Owner of Telfer, Nifty & Kintyre Mines
The Great Sandy Desert of Australia

* The "Golden Rule" or true story of the Discovery of the Telfer Mine
Author Bob Sheppard President of the APLA (Australian Prospectors' Union) ,

* As well as Dr Don Findlay's Geological Site

~~ Ignorance Is The Cosmic Sin, The One Never Forgiven ! ~~

"Allan" <> a écrit dans le message de news:
So after the 28th when nothing happens,
Will you Fuck off and stop posting your crap around these Groups?
news <> wrote in message


I had a quick look at the Software. 16F84 & 88 not listed. Poor translation
to English a bit of a worry

I was after advice on ones people have actually used & can recommend on that
basis, not only because they have a vested interest in the product.


"budgie" <> wrote in message
You say the temp drops 92->85 (say) when the relay pulls in. If this is
result of the pull-in itself, as distinct from what the relay drives (i.e.
it is
related to a volt-drop issue etc) then the temp itself hasn't dropped
That's true, the temp has stayed the same.

- only
your reading has - and you need to have that masked with enough hysteresis
offset that "drop" plus an operating hysteresis.
The problem then is that big hysteresis will get in the way if the temp
really does drop from 92 to 85, I really need a more accurate measurement.

On Mon, 26 Dec 2005 07:21:24 -0500, "Arny Krueger" <>

"paul packer" <> wrote in message
On Sun, 25 Dec 2005 06:42:49 -0500, "Arny Krueger"> wrote:

I have about 15 different pairs of headphones and
earphones. I mostly listen to the HD580s Iistening at
home for pleasure) Sony MDR 7506 (editing) Futuresonics
IEM (portable digital player) and Shure E-3 (portable
CD/MP3 player).

The 580s are a good phone, but I found them a little dull
and boring.

There are a lot of people who think that for listening, they are exactly
right. If not, one can throw in a little eq - that is if you have some eq at
your disposal. Ever since we got the digital console at church, we've been
pulling eq out of service.
Isn't it better if things don't need eq? After all, you're adding
another component with its own measure of distortion.

The 595 has the same or greater neutrality, a
better soundstage and is more lively--also much easier to

That would be your personal opinon, which is of course yours to cherish. As
far as the easier to drive thing goes, 580s have a nice combination of
sensitivity and high impedance, and have to be the easiest headphones to
drive of the over a dozen that I have.
But not easier than the 580, which I owned. The 595 is much easier to
drive, and that's the old 120 ohm version. Senn have now switched to
50 ohms.

I'm assuming you're very familiar with the 595.
OOh look !!!

Surfs up !!!

another great day on OZ, with no earthquakes in sight
My reply to yours, Mr Doug Wheller, follows your own post.
No need to reply by the way, since the Catastrophe announced is going to
take place, and the most I could do, I have done.
Hence I am leaving all ng for a while

"Doug Weller" <> a écrit dans le message de
On Mon, 26 Dec 2005 12:56:30 -0800, in sci.archaeology, Tom McDonald

Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud wrote:


... the rest belongs to me and as well as the cures of Cancer, Brain
Tumours, AIDS etc resolved in 5 days flat, my finding of the True
Geology &
Quakes anticipation will not be shared since the common point in present
Australia is grabbing and running away without the least sentiment of
Gratitude nor Recognition .... and I will not shift from the position
the Mining Criminals are sent to the Gallows, and the Howard & Gallop
Political Criminals flogged to death by the Queen 's Executioner !!!

... and I am sorry to say that the rest of Humanity is paying and will
paying for the Crimes of a few hardened Mining & Political Australian
Criminals ... and their Australian supporters ... as well as the whole
Australian Administration supporting such !


If this is true, and you do have cures serious illness that kill
many millions each year, AND you are withholding them because of
your beef with 'a few...Australian Criminals,' I have to conclude
that you are a far greater criminal than those you accuse.

I personally don't think you have the cures you mention; but
that's neither here nor there. I think you believe you do.

For that reason, I can not imagine the level of pettiness, spite
and self-pity you must allow to fester in your soul to be willing
to kill millions, if you are right, just to spit in the eye of
people you think harmed you.

I think he's insane -- if not, he is as evil as you can get.

Doug Weller --
Doug & Helen's Dogs
A Director and Moderator of The Hall of Ma'at
Doug's Archaeology Site:
Dear Mr Weller,

In this comments of yours, you are demonstrating the extent of your
immorality. Indeed they are Canons of Eternal Laws, and parting of Eternal
Justice set once for all, and accordnng to which people must pay for their
crimes !
There is NO Immunity,
NO Impunity,
NO Forgetting,
NO Forgiving according tu such Divine & Cosmic standards ....

It is true that as much as Geology, ¨Physics; Meteorology, Economy etc ...
and in that case Medicine is concerned what seem completely hermetic,
obtuse, hidden etc has in fact simple and most elegant solutions. Say
Tetanos in the last phase ... cure in 1 second flat, Polio in 2 days, and
Down Syndrome though within a long period which the duration of youth growth
but leading to complete cure indeed by the 3rd puberty. ( no cured known
now) Of course Cancer, Brain tumour, AIDS, Bright, Osteoporosis, Artritism
....and of course the easiet of them all Arterosclerosis leading to
Thrombosis and heart & brain strokes are dementially easy to cure !!! 5
days flat for the 3 named ahead ! Impossible ? ....Oh yes, impossible for
you and the Quacks ' Industry ... as well for the Australian Mining &
Political Criminals ... and the whole of Australia indeed ... a whole nation
standing in support the Criminals I have named before Newmont, Newcrest &
BHP !!! I have a confidence for you, dear Sir, one who knows is better than
a million who it has been in term of finding Mineral deposits
.... and so it is in term of finding other things as well ! If I was gving
out the other big shows I have disocvered in Australia ( like Rooney which I
found again ) do you think there would be some surprise ? No ! They would
say, although they know I have re-found and they have not been able to
re-find it again in 35 years " IT'S SO EVIDENT " ... and no gratitude nor
recognition of course .... and with my outstanding medical cures it would be
the same .... exactly the same ! ... and although people are dying like
flies out of that, some other Thirwhitt, Thomson, Searls, Koehn, Borner,
Barr, or Atkinson would thief it and take credit for it " IT WAS SO EASY TO
.... so just find then !

As well there is an easy way to curb the strenght of Ccyclones & Tornadoes
.....and an easy way to check the Toad and Termites plagues in Australia
....which I have found of course ... and very efficient & cheap too !
.... so just find it then !

.... but none of those things will be handed out to Mining Criminals,
Politicals Criminals and a whole nation which has supported such and support
such indeed since 35 years UNLESS THERE IS A CHANGE OF HEART

There are as well 3, easy to implement systems, to anticipate Quakes, and
the easiest although the one which gives only 3 hours warning, I have handed
out to Australia recently ! ... in anticipation of the Great Sydney Quake
likely to wipe out of existence some 500 000 Australians within a week now

Would you care to know how many replied and said Thank you Sir Turcaud for
that gift
Would you care to know how many thanks me for the huge Great Sandy Desert
Discoveries amounting to 250 Billions USD now for Telfer Mine alone ... and
potentially for the whole Paterson Range Mineral fields to over 1 000
Billions USD over the next 25 years ?
Two (2) persons alive now i.e. President Sheppard of the Australian
Prospectors 'Union and Dr Don Findlay who is in fact a Scottish Gentleman;
previous to those two gentlemen were late Attorney General Evans (Irish)
and Corporate Mining Prospector Berth Rutherford ( Scot) ... so when you
make the count only ONE Australian thank me for the Great Sandy Desert
Discoveries and this Bob Sheppard .....all the others took advantage of it
or insulted me in the most vicious fashion as recently Western Australia
Premier Geoff Gallop !

Given the circumstances and considering too that so many years have elapsed
during which Australian Mining Criminals, Political Criminals and the rest
of that obvious Criminal Country, have behave indeed in the most callous
fashion, It is appropriate that according to my standards, NOTHING should
be done which could benefit such people ... and handing out my discoveries
to the rest of Humanity would in no time reach that dastarly country indeed
It would please to the most to know that the dastarly bastards' relatives or
descent of those Australian Criminal Mining, Political, Administration,
who have done their utmost to destroy my life and indeed push me to the
gutter, should be at that very time suffering hell, while the immediate
cures I have discovered through a very parculiar way at looking at things,
could save in no time those men, women or children .... relatives or related
to Sir Corrupt Court, Court Junior, Mansaros, Burke, Parker, Dowding,
Lawrence, Gallop, Howard, Frazer, Hawke ... and Leroy, Malozemoff, Murdy,
Etheridge, Palmer or to that rabble working in the Great Sandy Desert at
the present time for that Mining Manure ....from whom I never got a single
word of thanks ever in 35 years time !!!

YEP, the wheel of fate has turned, and may be in 35 years time, if an
immediate solution to that situation could be found now, I would hand out
those other discoveries ... of great interest indeed !
..... but don't worry Mr Doug Wheller, those beats of prey and hard-as-nail
Australian Criminals will prefer to see their dear ones dying under their
very eyes .... rather than letting go of their bounty !
I know that shit well indeed !!!

Further, I am sure the Olde 17th century Scottish Druid, who composed that
prayer down below, would certainly approve my most honourable stand !


Great Celtic God, The Unique, The Unnamed, The Blessed One and Creator of
all !
Teach us to love our friends as best as we can with honour,
and hate our enemies and pursue them with our revenge until they pay or ask
for mercy !
Please curse them just as we do, and support our just anger !

Give us strength to uphold at all time the Blessed Celtic Sword of Justice,
and never falter in the Respect of our Duty & Obedience to the Sacred
Cosmic Laws !!!!



.... by the way there is a well a way to alleviate Earthquakes ... but I
suppose not many people know it ! .... and to implement the system takes a
few years !

Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
True Geologist
Founder of the True Geology

Australia Mining Pioneer
Discoverer and Legal Owner of Telfer, Nifty & Kintyre Mines
The Great Sandy Desert of Australia

* The "Golden Rule" or true story of the Discovery of the Telfer Mine
Author Bob Sheppard President of the APLA (Australian Prospectors' Union) ,

* As well as Dr Don Findlay's Geological Site

~~ Ignorance Is The Cosmic Sin, The One Never Forgiven ! ~~
On 27/12/05 14:09, Unlucky uttered the following...

Does anyone know what is the RRP of the iriver h10 5gb, and where they
are available the cheapest ?????? Have tried too many stores.
I usually use Static Ice ( to find prices on
computer gear and other electronic gadgets.

Lowest price for that model is $299. I think RRP is about $375.

Remove NOSPAM to reply.
LIFE: A sexually transmitted disease with a 100% mortality rate.
"Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud" <> wrote in message


Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
True Geologist
Founder of the True Geology

Dear Jean-Paul Turcaud,

I have been trying call you for several days to keep you up to date
regarding our partnership as per our agreement at our last meeting.

As the partnership contract was not ratified, I hereby inform you that I
will not be proceeding with the said partnership contract. In other words my
business with you 'Sir' has ended. Formal correspondence will be forwarded
to you via courier.

On the upside, I have just received returned signed contracts regarding some
business deals I have put together - in my sole name.

I have in my sole name signed contracts for THE GREAT SYDNEY QUAKE:

- a $US250 million dollar movie contract
- an $US100 million contract for international televised rights
- a $US10 million contract for publishing rights in the form of a 2 series
book release
- an $US2 million contract for all publishing rights for New Idea and
Women's Weekly (with pics)

Sorry you will not be sharing in the huge amount of money I have
received from the above business deals.

Sounds like Telfer all over again for you old son.

Bad luck 'mate' and better luck next time.

BTW - thanks for the info re the quake

Yours Sincerely

Your Friend

Ima Rich
dont be surprised, HP sockets are getting rare on pc cd-roms usually
doesnt matter these days cause the tele usually only gets used as the
display or monitor with audio routed throgh a hifi vcr or amp. stereo
teles still have ph sockets.
Brian Goldsmith wrote:
"Poxy" wrote

You'd need to implement a 1-wire bus,

***** Earth return of course!!!DC or AC?

Brian Goldsmith
Prehaps I should have said "1-Wire Bus TM" - a well known and well-defined
product with a wealth of information available for those who'd prefer to
learn and understand. I'd kindly suggest you follow the link I provided if
you're interested in that "learning and understanding" thing I mentioned.
I'd use Norton Ghost. It enables you to copy from one HDD to another.

"Foley U. Matthews" <pteybiesla@biegeponed.ceom> wrote in message
On Stardate Thu, 18 Oct 2001 20:45:56 +0800, "Ben Aylett"> applied digits to the keyboard and routed the
information from some kind of brain (presumably), thusly:

Umm.. I don't know guys..

From my experience, xcopy only worked up until the end of WFW (3.11). When
we went to 95 and beyond, I found that this didn't work as the long file
names were not properly transferred (unless you used the lfnback util on
cd) AND any security info (esp. WinNt) was also missed..

Get your hands onto the following as I have found them to work.

Ghost (even the pre-norton version works)
Powerquest Drive Copy (slow and cumbersome but has a few extra features)
Laplink 5.0 (Seriously, it works! Even Novell Volumes!)

And a better (free) solution..
If you are dealing with Win2000, you can install the second drive as a
and then use disk administrator (courtesy MS) to mirror the drive!. Leave
run for an hour or so (until disk activity slows down) and there you have
it.. A second hard drive ready to drop into another PC. You may have to
break the mirror first - maybe..

Anyway's hope this helps.

"TonyL" <> wrote in message
Try this, always works for me.
XCOPY32 /h /i /c /k /e /r /y, copies every single file from one drive
the other and boots up as normal.
hope this helps
"skozzy" <> wrote in message
Use ghost or the dos based command XCOPY.

XCOPY is apart of windows is won't cost anything.

"Kendrick" <> wrote in message

Is there any program out there that I can use to copy the entire
contents of my win98/2000 based hard drive onto another drive,
so as I can have an emergency backup drive ready to go
and/or for the prupose of upgrading to a larger drive.
IE: so that the full windows installation will work first go without
problems etc ? It must be possible.

re-installing everything is a bloody nightmare as you would

Foley U. Matthews. there | I believe in : Paying NO voluntary taxes,
are no e's in my true email | Lotteries, Gambling... The Executive
Visit the Ellen Foley Info | is to blame!... and perhaps, Love (is/can
be) | "Fully expecting to be Hurt!"
"Kendrick" <> wrote in message

Is there any program out there that I can use to copy the entire
contents of my win98/2000 based hard drive onto another drive,
so as I can have an emergency backup drive ready to go
and/or for the prupose of upgrading to a larger drive.
IE: so that the full windows installation will work first go without problems etc ? It must be possible.
re-installing everything is a bloody nightmare as you would
if not having NTFS partitions, check at the end of a site:
Seasons Greetings & Regards , SPAJKY ÂŽ
mail addr. @ my site @
more than 3y - "Tualatin OC-ed / BX-Slot1 / inaudible setup!"
Unlucky wrote:
Ken Taylor wrote:

"Unlucky" <> wrote in message

I had a Centrx 51cm television its picture tube blew under one year, so
they replaced it with a brand new one. Great, but now have just realised
that it hasn't got an headphone jack socket at the front like the old
one. Went to The Goode Guys and they said no Centrex tv's had headphone
sockets, this puzzled me so I checked the original book and it has a
picture of the socket. Can anyone shed anymore light on this am I just
seeing things and going senile or what.

Do you actually use the headphone socket? If so, maybe you could look
at one
of the wireless sender units, which would be more portable for you

I like their methodology though - when faced with the facts, ignore them,
deny them, question you.... :)



Yes we do use the headphone socket, as a member of the family is quite
deaf and needs them so as not to have the tv blaring at all hours of the
day and night.
There are products for the hearing-impaired which do exactly this
function, using either the headphone socket or AV outputs (audio only,
of course!) to send tot he listener via FM radio, with a nice little
receiver and headphones for them to wear. Much more convenient than a
trailing lead. My MIL uses one and is quite happy with it (she's made a
habit lately of pretending to be listening to a conversation while
actually listening to one of the music stations off the Sky box!).


"paul packer" <> wrote in message
On Tue, 27 Dec 2005 17:26:15 -0500, "Arny Krueger"> wrote:

The 595 has the same or greater neutrality, a
better soundstage and is more lively--also much easier
to drive.

That would be your personal opinon, which is of course
yours to cherish. As far as the easier to drive thing
goes, 580s have a nice combination of sensitivity and
high impedance, and have to be the easiest headphones
to drive of the over a dozen that I have.

But not easier than the 580, which I owned.

The 580 is so easy to drive I can't see that as a
criteria to judge it by.

You're totally at odds with received wisdom here, Arnie.
Check the search engines on any headphone site (say,
Head-Fi) and you'll find the 580 is one of those phones
considered to definitely need a dedicated HP amp, the 595
Head Fi is a forum, IOW its the blind leading the blind.

And this accords with my own experience. Where I
would have had the volume at 10.30 with the 580, I rarely
have it beyond 9.15 with the 595. Or perhaps you have a
different way of measuring sensitivity?
Asa long as the phones are more than loud enough with the volume knob CCW of
clipping, why should anybody care?
"pedro" <> wrote in message
two bob wrote:
Well I don't know your circumstances, but you need to consider two
things at least. Firstly.. what your situation would be if Labor had
remained in power. And secondly.. It's a global market and workplace
these days. We need to compete with Asian countries where there is
cheap labour. We can't keep on trying to maintain a standard of living
that we can't support. Something has to give. Howard is trying to
that it's not jobs that go. He aint perfect, and he aint doing
everything right, but he has the best interests of Australia and
Australians at heart.

Yes, but only *rich* Australians. (particularly Liberal campaign
Those at the bottom of the pile can go die in the gutter it seems whilst
working for nothing.

Consumers don't purchase Australian made products now, what few there
are of them. Ninety percent or so of purchasers buy on price alone.
Of course, those not at the mega dollar salary end of the job market have no

aim of reducing the cost of production of Aussie products, is to make
them more competitive with imports.
No, we would still import manufactured goods from larger volume producers
like China, even if local wages were zero!
(only for the navvies of course, the CEO's would still get multi mega buck
salaries, as would politicians)

You need to clarify what are the thresholds for a good and bad 12v signal
and weather you need hysteresis.

"Michael C" <> wrote in message
I'd like to detect whether a line has 12V on it or not and read that into
my micro. The 12V will be quite dirty (from a car). I was thinking of just
using a transisitor, feeding the 12V into the base (via a resisitor) and
using the collector to gnd the micro pin. Will this be enough isolation or
should I use an opto isolator?

"Jasen Betts" <> wrote in message
that'd work, getting it to treat 8V as "not 12V" could be tricky,
if that's not an issue that's probably the easiest way to isolate
a single input.
That's fine, I just need to detect if the ignition is on or off. If it's 6V
or above then it can be considered on, if it's below that my boards not
going to run anyway :)

Just to be clear, you think it will provide enough isolation using a
transisitor? And just using a resistor from the ignition to the transistor
would be ok?

Thanks for the reply,
"Mr.T" <MrT@home> wrote in message
"Arny Krueger" <> wrote in message
The 595 is much easier to drive, and that's the old
120 ohm version. Senn have now switched to 50 ohms.

You seem to have an odd idea of what constitutes easy to
drive, Paul. Usually high impedances are easier to drive
than low impedances, all other things being equal.

Which they never are unfortunately.
Yes, there are some high impedance headphones that are tough to drive
because they need so much voltage.

In fact with portable equipment the maximum output
voltage levels are quite often too low to properly drive
high impedance phones IME.
Agreed. Too much of this stuff runs off of just 1.5 volts. 3 volts is
better, and 5 volts covers a lot of territory.

Not that I am unhappy at all with my Senn 580's. I have
other phones more suitable for portable use, and others
still for live monitoring etc.
I use IEMs for portable use, and less costly stuff that I sacrifice at the
altar of live sound.

Welcome to

