On Aug 15, 5:47 am, Sylvia Else <syl...@not.at.this.address> wrote:
thing, right?
to be very effective marketing, and still no profit. Exponential
growth should have long since taken this over the tipping point, and
created a huge profit margin while still allowing plenty for new ads.
At the very best, someone is scamming Graham. More likely, this is
all a delusion.
But you *can* increase your net liability, and that's almost the sameOn 15/08/2012 9:00 PM, Graham Cooper wrote:
On Aug 14, 10:34 am, Sylvia Else <syl...@not.at.this.address> wrote:
On 14/08/2012 2:29 AM, BruceS wrote:
On Aug 13, 2:23 am, Sylvia Else <syl...@not.at.this.address> wrote:
On 13/08/2012 6:18 PM, herc.of.z...@gmail.com wrote:
On Monday, August 13, 2012 6:11:36 PM UTC+10, Sylvia Else wrote:
On 13/08/2012 5:30 PM, Graham Cooper wrote:
On Aug 13, 4:31 pm, Sylvia Else <syl...@not.at.this.address> wrote:
On 12/08/2012 6:36 PM, Sylvia Else wrote:
On 12/08/2012 5:50 PM, Graham Cooper wrote:
Would have been more productive than giving it to Australian Skeptics.
Your commission is
Sun 2012-08-05 TOTAL: $2288
Mon 2012-08-06 TOTAL: $1391
Tue 2012-08-07 TOTAL: $2104
Wed 2012-08-08 TOTAL: $2240
Thu 2012-08-09 TOTAL: $2176
Fri 2012-08-10 TOTAL: $1664
Sat 2012-08-11 TOTAL: $2362
7 DAY TOTAL: $14229
Thank you!
Is it in your bank account?
Not yet, I take it.
Closed World Assumption.
I have over 100 bank wires from STREAMATE,com
So why was none of that in the bank account you showed the agent when
trying to rent a property not so long ago?
I put profits back into advertising.
They're not profits if you spend them on advertising.
Indeed. This is starting to sound like money laundering, if there's
anything there at all. Do you have laws concerning taking advantage
of a person at risk?
Nothing specific. It's either fraud or it's not. It's difficult for the
law to protect people from themselves without getting in the way of
people's freedom to transact such lawful business as they see fit.
You guys are idiots, you don't know anything about business.
Most businesses borrow money to increase their capital to be
You can't increase your capital by borrowing money.
thing, right?
Yes, $2000/week 2 years ago, with all revenue going to what's supposedIt's ok to say have a roof over your head, save this, buy stocks and
pay your bills.
But that is NOT how to run a business!
Low barrier to entry. No intellectual property. Returns are
proportional to your labour.
I run an OLIGOPOLY. Like Toyota, Colgate, Nike...
You have to leverage your assets to be as productive as possible.
There's 100 sharks will gladly take your advertising spot if you can't
pay the bill!
If Coca Cola measured it's success by how in the black they were when
they started out they would never have afforded their first television
Unbelievable! This was nearly 2 years ago when I was on $2000 per
week, and you splice out the oddest of facets of information and
ignore all the next supporting facts on top of that and cascade your
misinterpretations further into accusations of fraud. Truly,
remarkably, conniving of you both.
We come back to the same problem - for all your claims of large income
and impending wealth, you still have nothing to show for it.
to be very effective marketing, and still no profit. Exponential
growth should have long since taken this over the tipping point, and
created a huge profit margin while still allowing plenty for new ads.
At the very best, someone is scamming Graham. More likely, this is
all a delusion.