atec7 7
Chris Diesel wrote:
"John-Melb" <mcnamara_john@hotmail.com> wrote in message
Actually Chris, Trevor has some mates over on aus.electronics.
They consider him a "long standing and highly valued poster", or
something like that.
They also don't have a problem with Trevor posting his anti-gun and
anti-gun owner word vomit in their little corner of Usenet, but appear
to get very upset when any alternative viewpoint appears.
Perhaps they are concerned about receiving abusive and threatening posts
from him, as I did? I would imagine that the threat of 'assault', even via
the usernet, is a real concern to most reasonable people.
If and when he does make threats act upon it and have him charged
He's some of what he said to me,
"Understand? Or shall we begin discussing your wife's mental illness? Up to
you. Start acting like a reasonable human or act like a fuckwit." or
"I tolerate a fair bit of abuse, before I hit back. Make no mistake: When I
hit back, I hit back hard. You acted like a fuckwit. I treated you as you
deserve to be treated."
Clearly, they are not comments made be "a reasonable human".